Demon King Dad

Chapter 126: , Even the first lock

126, Chain Three

Lilo's condition is not normal. The crazy laugh made the members of the Norius family around him suddenly feel an inexplicable fear. Liluo's mother glanced at the Duke for a while, couldn't bear it anymore, and immediately clenched her fist and stepped forward...

"Li Luo, good daughter, mom is here, hurry up... Mom, be here with you..."

Lilo suddenly turned her head and stared at her mother. In this short moment, the attention shifted, the two women behind Liluo had already rushed forward. One of them was holding a fist sword and thrusting behind Liluo without hesitation. The other was the young master who opened his hands and was about to retake them at the moment Liluo was assassinated.

But Lilu didn't seem to notice this. She still stared at her mother vigilantly, anger burning in her red eyes. Her mother, looking at the sword that is about to pierce her daughter's body, although her face still remains tense, she secretly breathed out in her heart...

(Human kid, don't you want to save people?... Hehe, interesting, let's keep watching.)


The fist sword pierced Li Luo's back.

But what came out was a loud noise like hitting metal

The woman who attacked was stunned for a moment, staring blankly at the weapon in her hand, and was stunned for a while.

"That's the special gang body of the wrath fighter, get out of it."

Mrs. Big reminded loudly, but it was still a step too late. Lilo felt a pain in her back and immediately noticed that she had been conspired. She yelled, then turned around and grabbed the wrist of the woman with swordsman, and dragged her in front of her. The assassinated woman was frightened, but before she could make a cry for help, Liluo's raised right fist had fallen like a huge thunder, directly hitting the woman's chest.

Come on-pounce-

After the sound of broken bones, there was the sound of internal organs bursting.

The fist with heavy power penetrated the woman's chest completely with just one click.

The splashing blood stained Liluo's clothes and splashed on her face. The red spots eroded her red eyes, which were originally flame-like and slightly orange, and dyed them red...

"Mom... you didn't remind me, did you?"

Standing up, squeezing the blood-stained fist, Liluo's eyes slowly turned towards her mother.

"You obviously saw that I was about to be killed... and you still haven't reminded me... are you...?"

"No... kid... not like this..."

"All liars are liars, and it turns out that they are true... All are true. This is the essence of this family. This is the curse of my last name. I will never believe any of you anymore... I only believe in me. Sister An, I only believe in the life of Sister An. If you dare to fight against Sister An... then all of you... are my enemies."

Duke Norius finally couldn't stand it anymore. His only son was stepped on the soles of the feet by the crazy girl to see. The woman with the strength of refining the heart was beaten by just one punch, her son. How could that bloated body be able to hold a punch? Seeing his son's trembling body looking at the blood in front of him, he finally couldn't hold on any longer and waved his hand--

"Kill her"


With an order, all the soldiers around immediately showed their swords. In the mansion of the Norius family, betrayal is absolutely not allowed. Since this girl is showing betrayal now, no matter what the reason is, no matter she is only eleven years old, the only end is Road--


"Drink, Liluo yelled, fists each other, and burst into a loud noise. Facing a female soldier who was about to rush in front of her, she did not respond, but instead slammed the female soldier with her fist directly at the young master at her feet. Taking advantage of this panic, Liluo's fist arrived without hesitation, and directly hit the opponent's stomach.

The gun warrior with a long spear arrived from behind, and the sharp spear head aimed directly at Liluo’s vest. The huge force pierced her heart. Although it could not penetrate, the severe pain still made Liluo’s pupils dilate. With a grunt in his throat, he turned back and grabbed the spear head, pulled it over, and stamped his fist on the opponent's breastplate again, spitting blood upside down.

This completely non-equal battle continued. With her own body and the strange power that could destroy everything, Li Luo could not be defeated in a short period of time using the young master as a human shield. The female fighters were scrupulous about the young master, and naturally they were unable to exert all their strength. Suddenly, it seemed that Lilu was fighting against everyone by himself

The idiot hiding in the dark watched the battle, thinking about it. He wondered whether his current attack to save people was the right choice? This choice is correct for the ending 9998 times that has been repeated... Error, wait a minute

Lilo here is fighting... but if so... if this battle is ongoing...

Suddenly, a thought flashed through the idiot's mind. This thought prompted him to turn around immediately, abandon Lilo, rushed directly into the villa, and ran to the second floor.

Liluo and An are sisters and have a good relationship. That being the case, there is no reason why Lilo would not come down for such an exaggerated battle here. At the very least, she should also call out in the window to stop.

But until now there is no voice from her, which means...

With a bang, the idiot opened the door. The next moment, by the door, his face was already pale, and the gloom of the air like a gossamer immediately fell into the arms of the idiot. The idiot clenched his brows, stretched out his hand and took a deep breath...

Very weak.

She was clutching her chest, now it hurts so much that she can't even sweat.

The idiot immediately picked up Anji and put her back on the bed. Afterwards, he took the green medicine bottle, poured out the pills in it, crushed it with his hands, and opened his mouth to put it in. Then, the idiot poured some hot water into her mouth, patted her back, so that she could drink it smoothly.

Faintly dark slowly opened her eyes, her complexion had not recovered, her fingers were still cold. At the moment, she was just looking at the idiot, breathing quickly. The idiot is holding her as if he is holding a doll without bones

"I............ will die............ will not."

The idiot squeezed her hand, without hesitation, decisively.

"Lilu is okay, you rest assured, she is okay."

She smirked, maybe because she felt relieved, she lay on the bed and slowly closed her eyes.

To be honest, the idiot doesn't know whether the situation is good or bad. Because Liluo's killing sound can still be heard from outside the window, but even such a loud sound can't be heard by the dark now, it is conceivable...

(Human kid, I really don’t understand you. Since you are so worried about this woman, don’t you just give her eternal life?)

An Mie sneered twice, persuading in the mind of an idiot——

(Curse her, let her live forever with an immortal body. Just like that human princess, now, isn't it also very happy to live, happy?)

The idiot held Duan's hand until her hand was warm again. Although her face was still pale, she still had a little blood after all. At this moment, the idiot was finally relieved, and the miracle of getting up with walnuts may not be reproduced. )

(Huh? What did you say?)

(She survived. But this does not mean that anyone can bear the consequences of a cursed body.)

(Cut, is this you defending me? The more power you use, the more you are afraid that I will devour your soul?)

The idiot stared coldly at the blood-colored pupil on his right arm, tacitly.

(Heh, whatever you want~~~ Anyway, one day, I will swallow you completely. We will wait slowly, for that day...hehe.)

(I look forward to it.)

Dim Mi closed his eyes, idiot, and breathed a sigh of relief again at this moment.

He knew that that day was not too far away. Today is July 23rd. If you follow the normal history, tomorrow...the day after tomorrow at the latest, you will be completely swallowed by this sword. Of course... after the bread died.

This time... it must be changed.

To change the future that has been reincarnated 99999 times...

Absolutely... absolutely not...

Suddenly, there was a violent crash from outside, followed by Lilo's scream.

The idiot looked at the gloom on the bed and rushed to the window. I saw that Liluo had left the young master and was crushed to the ground by four male soldiers. There were nearly ten weapons sticking to her small back, including guns and swords, but all of them could only hurt the fur, could not penetrate her body, causing severe injuries to her.

"Abominable rage. Oh, my poor boy..."

Duke Norius took a bite of Lilo over there, and quickly opened his hands to embrace his crying son. He glanced at Liluo again. At this moment, a woman holding a long sword has leaped high, holding the long sword in her hand, aiming at her back and inserting it fiercely.


The loud noise happened again. The long sword snapped when it touched Lilo's back. Except for leaving a wound on her back, she still couldn't kill Liluo.

"You... hypocritical duke hahaha, can't you kill me, am I? You can't kill me. I have the ability... I'm not the one that you can kill so easily, hahahaha—"

Although Lilo was hurt, she still looked good. She stared at the eyes that had been stained with blood, and roared loudly. When the young master saw her roaring, he immediately hid in the Duke's arms in fright. The Duke was also very angry at the moment, and snorted: "Is that the weapon of anger? I want to see, when will your girl be angry enough to come, take a few wet cloth pieces, and her strength Big, invulnerable, I don’t believe if she can continue to live without breathing smoothly.”

The others agreed and immediately went to get the cloth pieces. Seeing this, Maria, who had been hiding in the dark, immediately panicked. You know, Liluo is An’s best sister. If something happens to Liluo... An’s body will definitely not be able to support it.

"Please wait, Lord Duke"

Maria finally ran out of the hiding place. Surrounded by the family members, she knelt before the Duke with a clatter and knocked her head.

"My Lord Duke, please open the internet to Miss Liluo...Miss Liluo, she is just confused for a while...Please open the internet...Don't kill her"

The Duke clutched his son and said bitterly: "Don't kill? You maid, did you see it too? What did she do just now?"

"I know... I saw them all..."

"Since you know, you still have to plead for her?"

As soon as Maria's eyes rolled, she immediately thought about her, and said, "Yes, although Miss Liluo did lose control just now, Lord Duke, please consider that Miss Liluo is only eleven years old. A year-old child can survive under the full encirclement of the Lord Duke. What does this mean?"

The Duke raised his head and hummed: "You mean, I'm useless?"

"It's not because Miss Liluo is very strong... She, Miss Liluo, driven by a very strong rage, is invulnerable and powerful, even if it is Dylau Goodsey who was hailed as a genius at this age. There is no such strength, no... Looking at the entire sad continent, children who have reached the strength of refining the mind at the age of only eleven, as far as I know, apart from the current Princess Apricot, there is only Miss Li Luo."

After listening to Maria's words, everyone nodded their heads. Even the Duke of Norius was silent for a moment. After thinking about it, he did not raise any objections.


"I am willing to take care of Miss Li Luo"

Maria knocked her head again and said loudly—

"I will try to persuade Miss Liluo so that she can re-recognize the glory represented by the surname Norius. I believe that the current Miss Liluo is only a moment of inability to think about it. If she can do it, I believe that in time, she will definitely become one. A warrior more powerful than Dylau Goodsey, please imagine the Duke, if one day our two families are facing each other, we can only send Miss Lilo to defeat the Lord Duke, even if it is not defeated, but just a fight. If there is a tie, it is also a great honor"

For the current Duke of Norius, any persuasion is useless. Only by speaking with Gudsay, a mortal enemy of the Norius family, can the Duke be moved.

Sure enough, the Duke began to imagine future battles in his mind... Yes, even if it was just a tie. No, even if it is just to make the Goodsey family known as the strongest person, at a young age, a girl who is a teenager younger than him, suffers a little loss... that would be considered a face for myself. .

"Well, in that case..."

The Duke of Norius patted his son in his arms and slowly said——

"This girl will be taken care of by you. But from today onwards, you and she will both live in death row. As for the dark...I will send another maid to take care of it."

After that, the Duke turned his head, looked at Lilo who was still glaring at him over there, snorted, turned his head and left.

After all, the commotion ended safely.

Liluo was sent to death row. Although in prison, it was better than death. In this way, even after telling An, she should be able to relax more or less...

So, the choice this time is correct?

Soon, the idiot began to perceive the consequences of this incident.

Yes, the choice I made in this incident was to go back and take care of An. Now, An has survived, and on the other hand, Liluo also saved her life. Instead, Maria’s imprisonment.

When Maria goes to jail, there is no one to take care of. Therefore, the Duke sent a new maid, and there were still three.

Among these three maids, one person will always be by An's side at any time. Thinking about it this way, it seems to have increased the manpower to take care of her, but on the other hand, the connection between the idiot and the dark is completely cut off.

From the time the three maids arrived, he never had a suitable opportunity to meet this one who was likely to die within two days...

If... means if.

If I had covered my face and told Maria to go back and see Anan, and then rushed out to save Liluo and leave... Is it possible to prevent Maria from being transferred from Anan's side, and I can continue to be upright Go and visit her brightly? Now think about it...Is this choice at that the most correct way to do it?

The idiot raised his head and looked at the window of the room where An was in the setting sun.

The real situation now is that Anan does have more people to take care of. With more care, she will naturally have more chances to survive. Before that fateful July 25th... she should be able to live better...

The idiot picked up the backpack and glanced at the window last. Now there are more servants here, and he can no longer stay here. So... let's find a more remote place to live. Fortunately, the Norius family has a large territory, and it is not very difficult to find a forest in this territory that can live for two days without being discovered. It didn't take long for the idiot to find a hidden spot in a bamboo forest about fifteen minutes away from An's villa, and set up camp again and settled down...

Tonight, it will rain...

The sky was so dark that people were breathless.

The idiot hid in his tent, took out Xing Li's letter in his arms and looked at it.

It's a pity... the sky is getting dark again. Even if it is opened, I can’t see the content...

Forget it, let's see it tomorrow. I hope tomorrow morning...

Rain, can it stop X

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