Demon King Dad

Chapter 135: , The whisper before the rainstorm

July 22, afternoon

Inside the hotel.

Keritzer appeared absent-minded, holding his spear, walking around in the small room, very excited.

His restlessness naturally aroused the dissatisfaction of the man in the same room with him. Because it is time for a nap, a good nap can ensure that they maintain a clear mind and sharp sense during the time they need in the summer.

Fool, straighten up his upper body from the bed, looking at Krezer walking around. The dissatisfaction that came out of the pale pupils was obvious.

"Oh, in this respect, it is really rare for you to be able to make your expression clear."

Krezer knew he was wrong, so he made a joke on purpose. Unfortunately, the fool could not appreciate his joke.

"Tomorrow, the rescue operation will be executed. I want you to keep your strength and spirit."

Keritzer scratched the back of his head, sweating, and smiled: "That's really a pity, I really can't keep myself calm now.... Well, idiot, I ask for a leave, can you? You see, just like yesterday, you let me out and I will come back tonight."

"No way."

The fool saw Keritzer's mental state, and there were not many people and things that could make him so flustered in the wind and sand. Just think about who the person he cares about and what state that person is in now can be imagined.

To be honest, the idiot was not worried about Krezer's skill. His only concern is that his reckless exposure may bring many variables to his plan. This is all he doesn't want to see.

Keritzer also knew the reason why the gods did not allow him to go out. But even if he knew what was right and what was wrong, he still couldn't calm his mood. After a long time of raising funds, he finally gritted his teeth, holding his spear and opened the window leading to the balcony, and rushed out.

"Sorry, God knows. This mission...I quit. If there is any punishment later, I will not say a word, and I will accept it willingly."

After all, the troubled soldier did not heed the fool's persuasion, but jumped directly from the balcony and rushed towards the territory of the Norius family.

And the idiot, after staring at the open window for a while, got up in silence, unfolded the map that had marked many places and routes, picked up the pen, and started thinking again.

"Shenzhi, what are you doing?"

The disturbed painter pushed open the door, she asked, looking at the fool who was staring at the map inside.

"Make a backup plan."

The young man with pale eyes answered silently, taking out the king from the chessboard on the side and placing it on the prison.


Eh...Don't be can't be okay

The red-haired youth rushed to the territory of the Norius family like a whirlwind. After deceiving the soldier who was guarding the gate, he got in with familiarity and turned around and came to the creeper villa. Several of him jumped up to the roof and landed gently on the tiles. Afterwards, he pulled out the black cloth that he had prepared long ago from his arms and put it on his body, forming the same color as the tiles, and lay down motionless.

A voice came from the room below... Is it Campa? So those two little girls really brought Campa? Great, great

Keritzer cried with joy. He squeezed his fist secretly, and he was relieved.

"Mr. Principal, Sister An... Sister An, she..."


"Don't worry, let me see... To be honest, the situation is serious."

With a word from Campa, Keriza, who had already settled down a bit, suddenly clenched his fists. He held his heart involuntarily, and an unnecessarily pain began to spread in this heart.

"According to the original estimate, this girl should not live to be fifteen years old. However, she has persisted until now with her perseverance, which can be said to be a miracle. However, the miracle cannot always continue. Time is coming."

Kerrize on the top of the building was holding onto the tiles, and the "pain" in his heart made the tiles in his hands crushed into pieces. He gritted his teeth and swallowed his saliva, his pupils that had been red were now even more red.

You quack...what are you talking about? How could the dark time come? I also suffer from heart disease... and it’s a miracle that she lived through fifteen like my sister, isn’t it? I am also five years older than my sister, so even if I have a heart attack and died, she should still have five years to survive. Why should I say that she is going to die?

If possible, Corey really wanted to jump off, grabbing Campa's collar and roaring aside. He did not have the nearly perfect calmness like Shenzhi, and it took too long to suppress the impulse in his heart.

He endured...

Gritting his teeth and enduring desperately.

The sun shines directly in, causing more heat to condense in this small piece of black cloth. The heat... almost makes people collapse.

"Well...whatever way...continue to continue your life?...Little Bread, this request is too much."

"There is no creature that will never die in this world. Anyone will die. As I said earlier, it is a miracle to live in desolation... Well, any... method..."

"Well, although the possibility of achieving it is very low, it is not without a method."

Kerrize on the roof was startled, his almost burning heart immediately calmed down

"What is needed now is to move this girl to a place with fresh air. For this villa... to be honest, the environment is far worse than the best tree-lined villa area in the Norius Territory. Up."

"In addition, there is a need to increase the number of attendants. The maid alone is definitely not enough. She needs a long period of care for 24 hours. She needs a quiet and comfortable environment for slow recuperation. In addition, what I opened here is A list of food supplements and medicinal supplements. These diets can play a certain role. Then, this prescription should be added to any water she usually uses. Whether it is drinking, bathing, wiping her face, or washing hands. These medicinal materials must be added. "

"Finally, I used this ointment to gently massage her heart eight times a day. That's why I need to take care of her around the clock. You can't get angry, you can't get involved, and you can't even talk to her a little harder. Only satisfaction With all these requirements, it is possible for her to survive. Can it be done?"

Keritzer gritted his teeth, squeezed his fists, and muttered in his heart: I can do it... I will definitely do it. I will watch the gloom day and night until she can live.

Keritzer's determination is solemn. But the reality is so cruel. Because within a few minutes, the worried voice of the maid named Maria came from below.

"Principal Campa... these... these precious medicinal materials... If you really want to do this, the cost will be an astronomical figure... Moreover, there are these extremely delicate care... eight times a day, too. It’s every three hours. If it’s a week or two, I’ll grit my teeth and I’ll be able to stick to it. But if things go on like this, it will definitely need to increase the number of maids. But..."

"I have said everything. I only propose treatments. I can't control other things. I have no right to interfere with the conflicts and disputes within your family. Moreover, the treatment plan I listed is the most appropriate treatment. It’s impossible to change."

"So... Then, Principal Campa, regarding the cost of diagnosis and treatment..."

"I am a principal, not a doctor. Forget the medical expenses. If there are no problems, please allow me to leave."

"Then I will give you..."

Keritzer gritted his teeth and held his breath, watching Campa and Maria come out of the villa, get into the carriage, and leave. Those words of Maria just now made the hope that had been ignited in his heart once again replaced by colic.

"……………………I am going to beg the duke uncle for his daughter's affairs, the duke uncle will definitely be willing to spend money"

Hearing Liluo’s voice, Keritzer was stunned.

The Duke of Norius...

He lowered his head, the memory in his mind went back to the past... back to the snowy winter.

In that winter, I was forced to leave here and become an orphan. And all the reasons... are because of my own heart...

After a while, that little Liluo ran out of the villa. In addition, the little girl named Bread also rushed out at the same moment, got into the carriage together, and rushed to the Ducal Palace. Keritzer secretly took a look at the black cloth, and after a little thought, he quietly went downstairs and sneaked to the window.

Inside the window, the maid kept tears. She took out the purse from her pocket, weighed it, and looked at the prescription in her hand very depressed. But soon, she began to sob.

It's because she didn't want the sleepy Dean to notice that she was crying, she left the room and went downstairs. But Keritzer grasped this opportunity, secretly opened the window and sneaked in.


The elder brother stood by the sister's bed, just like the scene ten years ago. Looking at the pale face on the bed, Keruize covered his heart, and the colic... struck again.

Picking up the prescription on the side, the herbs and ingredients on it were expensive, far beyond his imagination. He is just a fighter now, not a rich man. It is impossible for your own organization to spend so much money out of thin air for your sister. What's more, this should have been handled by the Norius family...

Because he was holding a spear all the year round, his callous hands were slowly stretched out to the **** the bed.

This hand gently touched my sister's face, feeling the paleness and weakness in it.

He felt the girl's faint breathing, and gently held up the cold fingers in his hand, placed it in front of his lips, and kissed.

There are flowers that have just bloomed in the vase next to the bed, but can this young girl’s body be like this flower, continuing to maintain the life that has lasted 22 years?

This is not a miracle... the miracle has not happened yet...

I am your guiding stone. As long as I am still alive, you should live for another five years... right?

Girl... We are connected by blood... So, what I can do... You should be able to do it... Live... OK? Live...

Ah... cruel and ruthless angel... if you really exist... I am here to pray to you...

Please bring down your miracle... Please have mercy on my sister who has not enjoyed life...

If can take my life at any time...but her...

Save my only sister... please...

Angel, are you listening?

Will this man's prayer be passed on to the ruthless angel?

He was crying.

A big man who thought he would never cry again in his life, now holding his sister's hand against his forehead, crying helplessly.

Excellent strength, so what?

In this world, many things are not something you can do if you have a strong combat power.

It's like now, even though he has become so strong after so many years, even if he is now confident that he can completely step on the man who drove him away, he still can't change anything...

Nothing...cannot change...

The blood-red wings slowly stretched out behind the man.

With weeping, these wings flapped slowly, and pieces of red feathers fell.

Without any change, these wings just flap like this, because the owner of these wings is not an angel in charge of life, but a fighting angel...

Therefore, they can only fan slowly like this, trying their best to drive away the sadness in his heart...




The request was rejected.

No, it should be said that the two little girls had never seen Duke Norius at all.

No matter how vigorously they scream at the door of the Duke’s mansion, and no matter how nervous they describe their ill condition, they are greeted by indifferent guards, and the phrase "The Duke is not here now, please come again next time." Answer.

"I'm going back. Tomorrow, I will bring Ba Ba. 》

Little Bread held up the sign very regrettably and talked. Lilo was in a trance now, as if she didn't understand why Duke Norius was so reluctant to see herself. Looking at her condition, Bread was a little worried. So, she stepped forward and took his hand and smiled.


Suddenly, Bread pulled Lillola close to her arms and hugged her. She smiled and touched the hair on Liluo's head and patted her on the back. Lilo, who was in a trance, looked a little more normal under this hug, forced a laugh and nodded.

"Tomorrow... come early. I'm afraid..."


The two little girls separated, and Lilo wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes. The pain in my heart seems to have finally disappeared at this moment. After that, Lilo sent the bread to the carriage and said goodbye.

The bread also waved his hands, smiled, and left.

Lilo turned her head and looked at the dark room, her smile diminishing. She went in again and looked at An, before leaving the villa and heading towards her home. And completely quiet and desolate, finally came to this villa, covering it...

When the two little girls left with disappointment in this way, Keritzer, who was sitting on the roof, never concealed himself.

He sat under the three waning moons, his eyes filled with anger, looking at the direction of the Duke's Mansion.


Do not.

Because this is the result already expected. Now, the feelings revealed in those eyes are no longer disappointed, instead, only the anger and hatred that are gradually brewing.

In fact, he had lost the so-called affection and feeling for this family more than ten years ago. The reason why this so-called home is still in his memory is only his sister.

Useless it?

Because it is useless waste, so just throw it aside and let it fend for itself, right?

Only useful people are qualified to live. Other than that, none of them are qualified to live... right?

Duke Norius...You are too deceiving.

With anger, Keritzer left the villa. He opened the package he was carrying, took out the lock robe that symbolized his identity, and put it on him.

Although the organization has clearly stated that the lock robe can only be put on in front of people who know their identity. Before the key organization can act with integrity, no one can put on the cloak that symbolizes identity when performing special actions. .

But now, this person is clothed.

Pull up the cloak, let the night wind blow up the corners of the cloak. He stood under the waning moon, his scarlet pupils quietly gazing at this duchy territory that had no lingering for a long time.


He, jump off.

After that, his figure pulled out a shadow in the night and rushed towards the ducal palace.

Berserker Krezer, he had already spared it.

Didn't this duke think he was great? So, if you let the people here know that you, who were regarded as **** by them, can now wear a lock robe that is enough to command key members anywhere in the world and become one of the most prominent ten locks in the organization. At the first moment, when they knew that their current strength, under the cultivation of the organization, could make everyone here stunned...

Do they dare to despise the darkness?

Kerrize ran wildly on the unpopulated streets.

The pulled lock robe whizzed in the wind, making a rattling sound. When he arrived at the main lodging area, his footsteps stopped because of an accident.

Is that... Lilo Norius' room?

Kerrize looked up and looked at the luxurious room next to him. From the hidden window on the third floor, there was the yelling voice of Little Liluo. Keritzer thought for a while, put away the spear, pulled the window, and opened it slightly. After hearing Lilo's roar at her parents, he finally let go, opened the window, and stepped in.

"who are you?"

Liluo looked at the man in the cloak that appeared in front of her, his black shadow reflected on the wall, like a ghost...

"You don't care who I am. I just ask you if you want to help your sister."

"My sister?"


Kerrize lowered his head, and under the cloth covered by the cloak, what appeared in front of Lilo was a pair of blood-red pupils...V

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