Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 7: , The mermaid deviated and knocked down the goal-reached!

The mermaid deviated and knocked down the goal-reached!

The night is getting dark, and the wind and sand in the early spring are like a shy girl, beginning to show that kind of cautious but bold color.

Idiots are walking on this road of feasting and bustling. This road is a shortcut to the park.

Born as a mouse that grew up in the trash, the idiot certainly knew what he was going to do next. After thinking about it, he stopped at a crossroads. After a while, someone came forward, lowered his voice, and said--

"Brother, don't you decorate it? (Black word: do you need goods?

After the idiot was silent for a while, he returned: "Angel's kiss? (A kind of drug, mostly used to ** women.

"Hey, friends who know the goods. Yes, but the price requires this number."

The idiot gave up decisively for the price that the trafficker fingered. Because now he is not going to **** the ignorant girl, but to mate with the proactive *senior sister. After seeing that the idiot had no interest, the dealer chuckled and left. When I left, I still mumbled. If it were the old Bucks Empire, someone would definitely come to buy it, but now the situation is different, and no one will pay for it.

However, idiots are not simply going empty-handed. After leaving ***, he still bought a bunch of flowers and walked towards the lake park.

The park at night is still very quiet and mysterious.

This quiet and mysterious nature is still the best place for couples to choose a date.

At this time, the willow on the moon. In the grass, on the trunk, behind the rocks. There are situations where lovers are talking, bickering, or engaging in in-depth communication. Who said that human beings do not have an accurate delivery date? In this situation, there are bursts of fragrance floating in the air. Isn't it the issue?

The footsteps of idiots are neither fast nor slow.

He walked all the way along the edge of the lake to the place where he met with Deviation yesterday. From a distance, I saw a figure wearing a cloak and sitting on a bench near the lake, looking restless.

The idiot took a breath, stepped forward, and sat down on the bench. He handed the flowers to the other side and looked at her.

The eyes under the cloak looked at the delicate and beautiful flowers in front of him. She slowly pulled down her cloak, revealing her silver hair. Afterwards, she took off the mask on her face, revealing the extremely weak-looking face, and held the flowers.

The deviated gaze is still a little dazed, not very clever. Her face also maintained a relatively stable emotion, without any shyness or excitement. It felt like she didn't seem to post it for the first time. On the contrary, he is a veteran who has had several posting periods?

However, it didn't take long before the deviated body began to tremble. Her face began to flush again, and her breathing began to become more and more rapid.

Seeing this, the idiot stretched out his hand, took her deviated shoulder, and helped her up.

"I agree. Tonight, I will be your man."

The legs under the cloak of deviance were tightly joined together, enduring something intensely. After hearing the words of the idiot, a little smile finally appeared on her crimson face. But maybe it was a relationship that was too sensitive for her body, she couldn't even say a word. She also loosened her hand holding the flower. Among the flying petals, her hands stretched under the cloak to cover her ****.

"Thank you……"

The deviance finally made a sound, and she was a bit difficult to thank, and continued to endure the physical pain. Seeing this, the idiot hugged her shoulders tighter and started to take steps.

"Go, I have opened the room."

The idiot took out the key of the house card in his arms and said. But what surprised him was that he couldn't move even one step after he deviated. She raised her head, and the silver pupils were filled with splashes, reflecting the sky full of stars.


right here?

Idiot look around. Hmm...on the lawn, behind the tree trunk, in other words...fighting?

"Here you will catch a cold. I will call a car and go to the hotel."

Idiots don't want to leave themselves defenseless in the wild. In his opinion, relaxing in these places where there are no walls is simply asking others to kill yourself. Therefore, he still insisted on going to the hotel.

"Do not……"

However, deviation is a verbal refusal.

The girl's body was trembling, and some liquid had flowed down her thighs. She tremblingly stretched out her little finger, and said stubbornly: "Promise... promise..."

The idiot looked at this little finger...cough, after he sighed, he also stretched out his little finger and hooked her.

"Really, are you sure here. On the grass?"

She opened her mouth apart, as if she wanted to talk, but her body had become very sensitive and she couldn't speak at all. Seeing this, the idiot was not polite. He stretched out his hand and gently untied the cloak on Deviance, removing the heaviest defense on her body.

Under the cloak, the skin that was as smooth as moonlight was immediately exposed.

Qiqi didn't wear a lot of clothes. Her upper body is only wearing a silver bikini, and her lower body... is a short skirt. However, judging from the constant water flowing down the inside of the exposed legs... She probably didn't wear underwear either.

"Don't be afraid, it's very simple."

The idiot stretched out his hands and placed them on Qi Lina's shoulders that were as smooth as fat, but with a touch, the eccentric body couldn't help but tremble.

There was a sweet scent on her body. Smelling the scent, the idiot only felt that her sanity seemed a little confused, and all the vigilance that should have been maintained, now she did not feel that they were all left behind by him. The girl under his hands, his head slowly lowered...

And deviated, after seeing the idiot's face sticking to him, his hands were slowly raised, and from behind, he slowly hugged the idiot's back...

The faces of two people... are approaching each other...

(Um...Human kid, maybe you think I’m troublesome and disturb you and your senior sister’s next happy life. I won’t say anything about the reproduction of the elves, but for the reproduction of the mermaid... I always feel a little bit What's wrong?)

The head of the idiot is lowered and lower...Almost, it is about to touch her deviant nose and the small mouth under her nose...

(As far as I know, the way of mermaid reproduction seems not so romantic. But...Unfortunately, I didn't pay much attention to the birth of this race, but I think as their husbands, they should be far from as good as I imagined. It is directly proportional to their beauty, and the hardship of their men should also be proportional to it.)

Betrayed, opened that little mouth, and jumped over the shoulder of the idiot. Afterwards, this little mouth bit the idiot's shoulder without hesitation. Before the idiot resisted, she turned around and jumped into the lake with the idiot in her arms. A second later, a silver fish tail patted lightly on the surface of the water, and then...there were no more ripples on the surface.

Water, endless water

The water poured frantically into the idiot's nose and mouth, into his lungs and stomach. In an emergency situation, the idiot quickly held his breath, and at the same time stretched out his hand to push and hug his deviance tightly in his arms

However, it is unbelievable that the deviating power in the water can be such a big idiot to be held tightly by her, and she can only feel that she is rushing under the water in a blink of an eye, and the surrounding environment has become It was pitch black, and he couldn't see his fingers. If this continues, he will die of suffocation sooner or later

The deviated mouth still bites the idiot's shoulder tightly, and will not let go. She hugged him around in this invisible lake, and the speed made the idiot more and more painful...

Will die, absolutely...will die

Finally, the idiot stopped keeping his hands. He held down his deviant shoulders with all his strength, and finally retreated with force. At this moment, his deviant hands were finally released. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the idiot immediately went up to the surface of the water.

But how can people be more flexible than fish in the water?

The idiot hadn't swam a few meters before, the mermaid that was freed immediately ejected, and once again rushed to the idiot's back, she opened her mouth again, bit the idiot's shoulder, and wrapped her hands tightly around him. And that fishtail is also tightly wrapped around the legs of the idiot, making him unable to move even

With hands and feet tied up, the idiot finally realized what is called a knife on the head and what is called the weakest woman. As long as he spreads his legs, he can kill the strongest man. His body is now completely entangled, and he can't move anything at all. Ding little bit. Under such circumstances, he could only open his eyes wide, looking up at the dark top of Na, unable to even say a word, slowly, slowly...

Being deviated, brought into the coldest and darkest abyss...


Biting the idiot's deviance, suddenly opened his mouth.

In the dark lake, her vision will not be affected. The mermaid sensed the stiffness of the man in her arms and quickly released his body and swam to the front of the idiot.


This is incredible. The idiot's eyes are wide now, but the focus has been completely lost in the pupils. Surprised, he hurriedly dragged the idiot's waist and took him to the lake for just a few seconds. The idiot's body finally turned again. Floated out of the lake and reappeared under the moonlight


Seeing that the idiot stopped moving, Li Li immediately became nervous. She shook the idiot's body desperately, but the idiot still had her eyes open and could not move. She put the idiot on the water in a rush, and then turned over in the water and lifted the big silver fish tail. , Pat directly on the idiot's chest

There was a loud bang.

The huge lake was even blasted by a layer of big waves. The violent explosion made the lovers who were still intimacy scared to diarrhea prematurely, cramps and cramps, and stopped their movements by coincidence.

However, this shot finally worked. The exhaust gas in the idiot's chest was oppressed and was immediately photographed. He began to breathe again, his whole being floating on the water, panicking that he almost died.


Deviated, swimming around by the side of the idiot, seemed to be trying to explain something. But seeing the idiot panting so hard, she finally stopped talking, but waited.

After taking a few breaths, the idiot turned around and swam to the shore. The deviation is in the water near the shore, looking at the idiot with some worry.

"I, orgasm, excited, so forget, dive, you, can't."

The idiots just exhale and inhale. After seeing the idiot and the lower body completely in the water, the lovers left one after another and started their fun again except for admiring that the girl was not afraid of the cold.

The idiot stared at the deviation for a long time before saying, "It's really hard to mate with you."

Shaking his head deviatedly, his dumb face was full of apology. She lowered her head, and after a moment of silence, she raised her head again, looking at the idiot **** with a very worried look.

"You can still shoot, can you?"

Still have to do? "

"Don't worry. This time, I'm gentle. And, it's hard work, it won't."

He smiled deviatedly, turned around, and dived into the water again, leaving the idiot alone to adjust his breathing. After about five minutes, the mermaid swam back. She held something very carefully in her hands and handed it to the idiot.

The idiot looked at these bright red balls, each of which was the size of a grape, and seemed to be a little puzzled with a soft halo like a pearl. However, the deviation seemed very happy. She pointed her chin to the little **** in her hand, looked at the middle of the idiot's legs, and said--

"We, fuck. Now."

right now? "

"Yeah. Bulldozer, you, **** you."

In an instant, the idiot's eyes became cold.

However, the deviation seemed to be unaware, and he continued to look at the small ball in his palm, and said with great cherishment——

"Put,-beep-liquid, sprinkle, mine, egg, on. In this way, we, mate, succeed."

The idiot's eyes have become completely cold at this moment. He continued to stare at the girl, feeling the need to make himself hear more clearly.

"What...what do you mean."

She looked up deviatedly, and after seeing the idiot's cold eyes, she didn't seem to understand it herself. But soon she understood, so a fierce man plunged into the water, and after a while, she resurfaced with a shell in her arms. The shell opened, there was nothing else in it, only a book.

"Fish Breeding Guide"

And ecstatically opened the first page and pointed to the line written on it——

"As far as we know, most fish are fertilized by in vitro fertilization. The so-called in vitro fertilization is that the female fish lays eggs first, and then the male fish sprinkles their own eggs on these eggs. , So as to complete the fertilization. Most of the fish are released in spring, and the more common is from February to April. The two-month period of insemination."

Idiot finished reading.

But after reading it, Deviation once again picked up the red balls, raised the dull hair on the top of his head, and said, "My, the egg."

Then, pointing to the third leg of the idiot: "Yours, **. So..."

"Fuck the pipe. Sprinkle it on."

With a deviant expression serious, he held the small ball in his hand to the idiot, narrating this fact...


The idiot's eyes were cold and his expression was calm.

But in his mind, Dim Mie was already laughing forward and backward. If it has a hand, it must beat the ground, if it has a belly, it must roll on the spot.

(Hahahaha laughed me to death... I was laughed to death, yes, yes, she is a fish, she is a fish, how can you imagine piston movement with a fish? For fish, this way is normal. , Isn't it? Hahahaha——)

(I know now, why those hidden girls are so casual. I also said that any man can do this. Indeed, any man can do because for this little mermaid, man The role of is just to lick the tube here, and then sprinkle — beep — liquid on the cuties that she discharges. For this kind of mating method, the human body will feel that there is nothing? Hahahaha )

"Junior brother, take control."

The deviant expression was very serious, and she passed the red **** in her hands to the idiot again. The look of expectation... really doesn't need to say anything.

Just now, you swam around in the water holding me because at that time... Are you ovulating...? "

The idiot said coldly.

After thinking about the deviation, he lowered his head apologetically. She caressed the little **** in her hands lovingly, and said: "I, every day, will give birth. I can bear it, can't help it. Just now, I was excited, swim faster, think, quickly end.

So, I was almost drowned by you just because you vented and climaxed...? "

Junior brother, sorry... "

"Who told you that you gave birth like this?"

Asked so harshly by an idiot, the deviation is a bit like a child who has done something wrong, withdrawing his hand. Seeing that these eggs were a little dry, she put them in the water to moisten them, stroked them lightly, and said--

"A week ago, I started and gave birth. I, elves, mermaid, mixed blood. No, ordinary, human."

"I, I don't know, myself. I don't know what to do. Human beings don't know what I am. I am depressed."

"Behind, I, the, I know."

As she said, she held up the "Fish Breeding Guide" with a simple smile on her face——

"I, pregnant, giving birth. Books, saying, reproduction, yes, nature. I, reproduction, I need it, man. Come on, fuck, give,-beep-liquid."

"Bulldozer, push the tube. Come on, push the tube." A

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