Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 15: , Unknowingly dangerous

Walnut did not ask questions, she readily agreed to the deviant counterparts, walked to the gate of the city with idiots, deviated, and bread, and talked to the knight guarding the gate. When the knight guarding the gate saw the princess, and saw that Walnut took out of his arms an official document with the royal seal of Mudu, he immediately ordered the release, released the group of four, and headed to the desert outside.

The bright moon is sky, and the moonlight is much clearer than yesterday.

The temperature in the desert and wind-blown sand in February can hardly be the same. After passing through the long and narrow tunnel, a wave of ice immediately began to invade the skin of the four of them. Fortunately, the four of them were prepared, immediately put on thick sweaters, got on the camel, and rushed to the edge of the desert.

The four of them walked in a hurry. Originally, there was only one camel in the desert cart. But Walnut saw that it was too slow to go on like this, so he simply hung all the four camels of the four people on the cart. As a result, the speed immediately increased a lot. Walnut almost waved his whip, rushing all the way.

"I'm going on my way tonight, trying to reach the edge of the dead desert before dawn. Sleep, and I will call you during the day."

Due to its own characteristics, walnuts are of course very good at night. But the three of Deviant, Bread and Idiot need to adjust their time. Now that Walnut said so, they did not object, leaning in the cart to sleep. The idiot and the bun are wrapped in a blanket and leaning against the car wall. The deviation was lying on the side of a huge box, until the idiot and Little Bread completely closed their eyes, then she slowly closed their eyes.

All night, speechless.

In the early morning of the next day, when the first ray of sunlight rose from the end of the horizon, Walnut immediately got into the sand cart, pulled up the curtains completely, and enjoyed the darkness here. The idiot woke up, got out of the car and manipulated the camels to slow them down. Until this time, these people have time to carefully discuss what is happening now.

"Sister Walnut~~~ Where are we going? 》

Inside the dark carriage, the bun held up the sign. Of course, Walnut can't be seen, but Deviance snapped his fingers at the right time, and a ball of fire immediately appeared in the air, acting as a light.

Walnut glanced at the deviance over there, looking at the little bread in front of him, thinking about the idiot outside. The heart that has always been hanging seems to finally have some relief. She hugged the bun suddenly and smiled: "Bun~~~~ great, I think there are still beautiful things in the world when I see you~~~ It’s been a long time since I saw you, do you miss my sister?"

Little Bread smiled, raised a placard, and expressed his miss for walnuts.

"Sister Walnut, what happened? You ran out in such a hurry. Moreover, the situation in the wind blowing sand doesn't look right? It doesn't look like a state of preparation, but a state of defense? 》

Mentioning this, the barely supported smiles on Walnut's face finally disappeared. She laughed dryly, shrugged, and touched Little Bread's head, and said, "It's really good to be able to detect these things. Little Bread, it seems that you have really learned a lot by your side. "

"Yes, in addition to the scum attribute, bread has completely inherited the fine tradition of Ba Ba~~~"

Bun proudly patted his **** and smiled.

"...Princess, what is it?"

She also woke up and sat on her big wooden box and asked.

"Um... well, I can't hide this from you. And I want your help, but I have to say it completely. Bread, and..."


"Well, deviance, and the idiot outside, especially you, I don't allow you to pretend that you haven't heard anything anymore, you must listen to me well, understand?"

The idiot took the reins of the camel and drove the sand cart forward with expressionless expression.

"Actually... the night before yesterday, something terrible happened in our royal family. My nephew and niece, that is, my brother's daughter, Apricot Badula Frihus, who is now Princess Stag. And the heir to the first throne of the Bucks, Prince Kim Frihus, last night..."

"Within the divine grace, he was taken away. Now, his whereabouts are unknown."

As soon as the news came out, the idiot's hand holding the rein could not help but get abducted. That... the vanity demon who has inherited the power of the devil, Kyung... will she be taken away?

Xiao Bread was obviously also shocked by the news. She opened her mouth wide and her eyes widened, obviously unable to accept the news. But the deviance over there raised his head slightly at the moment, and his silver eyes flickered a little, and he didn't show such surprise as a small bread.

"apricot? Apricot? 》

"Yes, my niece, Xiao Xing, was taken away."

"So what now? 》

"Don't worry, Little Bread. Although my niece was taken away, it does not mean that she has no whereabouts. In fact, this happened very suddenly, and it happened at a very clever point in time."

Walnut squeezed his fist and waved in the air, and said angrily: "Principal Campa came to the palace the night before and met my brother. When returning to the divine grace, principal Campa inspected a little as usual. As a result, He found something unusual on the windows of the dormitory where my nephew and niece were, and immediately went inside to check. As a result, he found some traces of fighting. So Principal Campa turned back to the palace again and told my brother the news."

"You should know that too? I have become a night owl now. So when I was walking in the castle early in the morning yesterday, I happened to ran into Principal Campa who was talking about this to my brother. My brother was shocked. I scolded Headmaster Campa and said he was incompetent."

"I admit that Principal Campa does have some responsibility in this matter, but my brother doesn't need to be so ugly, right? What's even more annoying is that Dai Lao is still fanning the flames, persuading publicly, but secretly Principal Pa ridiculed his lack of self-confidence, and the victimized Principal Campa voluntarily asked to put himself in the cell and waited for his death.

As soon as Campa was locked up, the worries on Little Bread's face seemed thicker. The idiot outside also stopped the car completely at this moment, let the camels advance slowly, got back into the car, and listened.

"So, later." the idiot asked.

Walnut snorted and said, "Later? Later, that Dai Lao began to speak up. He said that it was only a few hours ago that my brother made the decision to attack the Dark Deer Empire. A few hours later, Xinghe Jin was kidnapped. If it's a coincidence, it would be too coincidental, isn't it? Moreover, according to Xiao Xing's combat effectiveness once shown. The person who is capable of abducting them must be a super master. Such a master cannot be due to personal reasons. When kidnapping two children, there must be a hard enough backstage behind."

The idiot pinched his chin, lowered his head and thought. After thinking for a while, he suddenly raised his head and said, "That's it, I understand."

"Huh? You understand? Tell me."

"The princess and the prince were taken abducted as soon as His Majesty Mudu issued a battle order. It can be seen that there must be a **** in the palace. I don't care who the **** is. After abducting the prince and princess, it must be used to threaten your majesty. "

"However, the stag empire today does not have too many things that can be threatened. Think about it this way, if you have a prince and a princess in your hand, there is only one reason for your Majesty to shake, and that is to threaten your Majesty and prevent him from Carry out an aggressive war against the Dark Deer Empire. Then according to this theory, the person who ordered to do this must undoubtedly be the King of the Dark Deer Empire, Evil Fire? Frihus."

Walnut nodded and said, "That's right, Dai Lao said the same. But my brother believed that Dai Lao also said that Brother Xie Huo wanted to stabilize the stag by holding his nephew and niece, so that he would not As for dealing with external disturbances, we have to be struggling to deal with the internal disturbances of the Bucks Empire. But, do you know what the guy Dai Lao said? He actually told my brother not to be so surrendered, he must show the spirit of a king. What is the spirit of a king? Regardless of the life and death of your children, is it the spirit of a king to start this war? It's just a joke."

Walnut clenched his fists angrily, gritted his teeth, with a look of resentment. At this time, the bun held up a sign——

"But, what does this have to do with Sister Walnut? What does it have to do with where we are now? 》

Walnut breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Ah, you see, I am confused. Let me speak slowly."

"I was sleepy to death during the day and went to sleep at will. But after Jin and Xing were taken away, my brother was almost crazy all day yesterday. Investigating desperately, I vowed to find out who did these things. . When I woke up, my brother finally got a very important clue."

"On the night Xing and Jin were taken away, Dai Lao suddenly reported a message that a stalker followed one of his sisters that night. From his sister’s mouth, he learned that the stalker was not A good man, but a thief named Zelens Scarlet. This thief is not only a dirty assassin, but also the leader of a thieves’ guild. He has superb skills, deceives and abducts, murders and arson, and does all evil. I know, after investigation, this man actually had several homicides, and he was a transboundary assassin, with records of assassinations everywhere. It is such a sacred grace that a dangerous element appeared the night before. What?"

At first hearing the name, Idiot and Little Bread shook suddenly, and the two looked at each other without speaking. V

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