Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 17: , The bun is synonymous with innocence, cuteness and purity

Bun ran to open the door, and the young guy outside glanced at the little girl in front of him, with a smirk on his face, and nodded at the idiot.

"These guests, do you need to enjoy the special service of our shop? The volcanic mud produced in our shop can be exquisite. You can travel and have fun. Do you make some pottery yourself as a souvenir?"

After hearing these words, Little Bread shook his head and closed the door. But the young man stretched out his hand first to block the door, with a pair of piercing eyes on the idiot, deviated, and Walnut three people, and they smiled very diligently.

Walnut shook her head and waved her hands again and again, but she was about to say no, but the idiot on the side stopped her in good time and looked at the boy. Not for anything else, it was because Xiao Bian turned his head at this moment, smiled at himself, and raised his thumb.

"Ah, that's it. Okay, let's go have fun."

"Huh? Idiot, we are not here to play"

"Play, nothing. I agree."

After getting to the back, even the deviation also saw something, nodded in agreement. With the consent of the two of them, Walnut had no choice but to frown, followed the idiot and deviant, and followed the boy to the pottery room.

After arranging the idiot and others in the pottery room, the boy immediately retired. He secretly closed the door and sneered at the man and the woman. Afterwards, he tiptoed towards the idiot and others' room. In his hand, he was holding a spare key that he had prepared long ago.


This little guy seems to have made a mistake. That is, he really cared too much about the three adults, one man, two women, and he thought that after solving them, everything was done.

But is everything really done? Did this little guy think about why four people came in, but now only three people go to play pottery?

"Hey, a bunch of fools. Being a **** has a price."

The young man sneaked into the idiot and others' room, locked the door, and began to fumble for the idiot and others' travel bag. It didn't take long before he found the travel bags of three people in the living room, smiled, and walked up.

As a veteran, the young man moves very quickly. He started working with both hands at the same time, quickly picking up the luggage, and rummaged in it. It didn't take long for him to dig out the walnut purse from the bag. After weighing it, he put it on the table and continued searching.

This search process does not exceed five minutes. Soon, Idiot, Qiqi and Walnut's three travel bags were opened, and the contents were all poured out. The young man lifted the empty travel bag, looked inside, and then took a notepad that was turned out from the bag and began to look through it quickly. After finishing this, he shrugged and started to pack things up again.

"Cut, come out to travel, with only this little money."

After the boy finished packing the package, he weighed the walnut purse. With a disdainful expression on the corner of his mouth, he opened it, and randomly took out two Suras from it and stuffed it into his pocket. Then, he closed the purse and put it in the package.


Suddenly, the young man realized that his feet could not take a step. He looked down, and saw that the wooden floor under his feet was obviously turned into a quagmire for unknown reasons?

His body began to fall slowly, as if he was about to be swallowed up by the entire quagmire. The young man was in a hurry. He quickly bent down and wanted to support the ground with his hands and pull up his feet. Involuntarily fell into the mud. Scared that he quickly raised his upper body. In this way, the place below his waist is completely plunged into the quagmire, unable to move.

For help?

No, you can’t ask for help. Once you ask for help, the fact that you ran in to steal something will be discovered

The sweat on the boy's forehead kept rolling down, he panicked and struggled hard. But the harder he struggles, his lower limit speed gets faster and faster. Finally, the quagmire submerged his chest and reached his throat. Except for a head, all parts of his body were buried in the quagmire.

" help"

Despair and death finally made this young man make his last cry for help. With fear on his face, his neck leaned back vigorously, keeping his nose and mouth exposed. Maybe God really heard his cry for help. At the last moment, these quagmire finally stopped sinking, and except for the face, all the body parts of this boy were submerged under the floor.

A foot, a girl's foot, is small, thin, lifted up, and gently stepped on the boy's forehead.

This little foot wearing only a pair of socks kept turning on the boy's forehead, seeming to enjoy the comfortable touch brought by the human flesh floor under his feet. However, for the boy, he is really terrified now. He opened his eyes and looked up along the girl’s legs, only to realize that what appeared before him was a beautiful girl in boxer briefs with pink hair and emerald green pupils. Now she was facing him. Showed that kind of unkind smile.

"you you……"

The chest was squeezed by the solidified floor, making the little boy unable to expand his chest freely to breathe. He reluctantly maintained the air he was inhaling, hovering on the edge of suffocation, and what he said was naturally unclear.

The beautiful little girl continued to step on his forehead with her foot. Then, her little feet began to step on the other parts of the face. From the eyes to the nose to the face, the little girl seems to be trying to experience how to use this human foot massager to achieve the greatest pleasure of "stomping". Under such constant stepping, the little boy's expression began to slowly change. The panic from the beginning slowly turned into a red heartbeat, and breathing became even more rapid.


Finally, the girl seemed to notice the change in the boy's expression. She moved her foot away, squatted down, and stared at the boy for a while. Afterwards, he raised the sign without hesitation and inserted it in front of the boy.

"Bread? It's great, you didn't have any trouble"

At this time, the door opened, and Walnut, who heard the news, rushed in first. After she saw the little bread, she stepped forward and took the little girl and rubbed it in her arms lovingly. Then, he stared at the little boy stuck in the floor with a watchful look.

"You bad boy, how can you do something like stealing?"

The boy saw Walnut's teaching-scented face, snorted, closed his eyes and became stubborn. In response, Xiao Bread snapped his fingers with a smile, and the floor that had stopped moving began to fall again. This time, the little boy screamed again in fear.

The idiot came over and looked at the little guy condescendingly. After the bread made the floor stop falling again, the expression on the boy's face finally gave up completely. He looked at the idiot nervously, with his mouth wide open, trying to maintain his breathing.

Walnut was worried at the beginning that Bun would deal with the tall man alone, so after seeing Bun's safety again, he naturally put all his heart on her. However, now that the bun is safe and sound, but after the boy's situation is precarious, he can't help but shook his head. She took Little Bread by the hand and said in a discussing tone: "Bread, can you let him out? It would be too pitiful."

"He is a pervert, I can't let the pervert stepped on by me, this pervert actually laughs~~~"

Bun raised the sign and shook his head with a firm expression.

Walnut frowned. After a stalemate for a while, she still hoped that the bun could be released. Little Bread looked at the idiot. After seeing that the idiot had no objections, he finally snapped his fingers and let the boy's body slowly float from the floor.

Finally escaped, the boy was relieved. He looked at his undamaged body and started to breathe. But don't worry, even though Xiao Bread promised to let him go, he didn't promise to let him completely out of his control. After the boy's knees were exposed to the ground, he stopped rising.

"Bread, what did he stole."

The idiot said coldly.

After thinking about it for a while, Bun shook his head and raised a sign—

"This guy is a habitual offender. He dug up all of our things to find valuable things, and after seeing that there was nothing, he stole a few Suras. I probably thought that we would not find out if we only took such a small amount. 》

Walnut couldn't bear to see the brand. She walked over and squatted in front of the boy, looked at his rebellious face, and said, "Little dd, stealing is bad behavior. This is a crime, do you know? Be an upright and kind person, and you should not steal anymore."

The young man snorted, wiped his nose very tightly, and said: "If you want to kill, kill, I'm not a good guy with a snort."

"Hehe, silly beep."

No need to swear by the young man, Xiao Bread has now raised his finger and shook it before his eyes. The little guy saw Xiao Bread's hand, the gas on his face immediately disappeared, turning into panic.

"You, who brought it."

Idiots know that such children rarely steal independently. Since this shop is used as a base, someone must take care of him behind him. It may be a store, or some rogue or other person.

"Hmph, tell you you don’t be surprised. My dad, but the whole street is owned by my dad. For your good, I advise you to let me go now. Otherwise, wait for my dad to take care of it. Every one of you will be peeled and deboned, and you will know what it is like to suffer."

The idiot pinched his chin and seemed to start thinking. At this time, Mi Li, who had been silent next to him, walked up, looked at the little boy, for a long time, and said, "Balance, you, father?"

"Yeah, why, are you afraid? You know? Don't you let me go?"

The idiot saw the deviation and knew it, and asked aloud in the noise of this young man. And deviance is also telling what he knows.

The president of the Freedom Eye Business Association, Mad Dragon Balance, is one of the best in this boiling water town. He is not so much a shrewd businessman, but he is actually a terrifying gang leader.

As a triad, this person has almost half the control of the shops in this town through various tough methods. Although he has not been formally appointed, he is almost equivalent to a consul.

Because he was born as a businessman, this man has good management skills and forced several previous mayors to resign through various methods. However, since he did not say anything to be independent, the taxes are being paid properly. For the empire, since you have the ability to take care of this town and will not pose any threat to the empire’s finances, let you continue to be a nameless but real mayor here. However, since he relied on the power of the underworld to control this town from beginning to end, no matter whether it was the previous stag empire or the current dark deer empire, it was impossible to give him a clear mayor status. Right.

"Hey, yes, how about my dad is such a character? Are you afraid? If you are afraid, don't you let me go?"

"Pervert, you feel so sick"

Little Bread raised the sign and looked at the young man with a contemptuous look. The young man looked at the beautiful face of Little Bread and hesitated for a while. After that, he raised his fist fiercely and shouted: "Hey, let go, do I hear it? Otherwise, all of you will be caught by me. My dad is a big deal, but you are an exception, stinky girl, I want you to be my wife, and then I will take care of you for the humiliation you just humiliated me."

To this kind of roar of the young man, Xiao Bread was not angry, nor furious. She just smiled, then snapped her fingers. Two mud pillars stretched out on the floor immediately, grabbed his hands, and leaned his body back. Then, Bun took a glass of water from the corner of the room, squatted beside the guy with his neck back, smiling, and poured the water into his upturned nostrils.

"Wow... forgive me, sorry for letting go, my eldest lady wow...cough cough cough... don't do it"

Little Bread smiled like a flower, her pure smile and untainted pupils looked so simple, like a lotus flower out of silt but not stained, and like a crystal clear blue sea. After a glass of water was poured, she went on to get a glass of water, and then poured it again. During the whole process, her face kept the little girl's unique smile.

"Alright, alright, forgive him, he will die."

Finally, Walnut interceded, and Bun stopped. The young man struggled out of the waterboarding, breathing heavily. The pride just now has been completely disappeared, and only a poor gasp is left. V

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