Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 19: , The pain under sin

"Hurry up and hide otherwise...otherwise they will send more people"

The idiot glanced at the three hooligans, and the current situation was indeed beyond consideration. He quickly rushed into an alley on the side of the road with the braided young man pulling the little bread. After turning around in the lane, they confirmed that there were no chasing soldiers behind, and they finally stopped.


The fast running made this braided young man's injury worse. After confirming that he was finally safe for the time being, he clutched his shoulders and slowly squatted down against the wall. Seeing this, Bun immediately tore off his shoulders, raised his hand, and started treatment.

The injury on the arm of the braided youth is not serious, and the artery has not been cut. But there was a lot of bleeding and the wound was very long. The torn muscles looked a little scary. It seems that the injury is far more serious than expected.

He gritted his teeth, the sweat on his forehead kept rolling off. However, under the treatment of Xiao Bian, his breathing finally slowly became smooth, and the pain on his face disappeared a lot.

"Thanks...thank you. I didn't expect this girl to have such a good ability..."

The young man with braids raised his head with a gratitude smile on his face. Little Bread smiled, shook his head, and continued to help him treat the wound.

"It's... I'm sorry to have caused you so much trouble. My name is Joshua Lucy Reid and I am a mechanical engineer. May I ask if you are..."

"......You don't need to know my name."

"Yes... is it?"

The braided youth looked a little embarrassed in the face of the idiot's indifference. At this time, Xiao Bread finally finished treating his shoulder, except for itching, the wound no longer hurts. The young man with braids wrapped his wound that was no longer bleeding with a piece of cloth, and bowed at the idiot, thanking him.

"Well, sir. I'm really sorry to involve you in my affairs. I advise you, if nothing happens, please leave this town immediately."

The idiot was silent, but Little Bread was strange. She held up the sign and asked why.

"Why...ah...hehe, as for why, you should have seen it just now? Little girl."

The braided young man who claimed to be Joshua stretched out his uninjured hand, touched Bun's hair lightly, and said: "The president of the Eye of Freedom Business Association, that fat man, Fat Long Ballance. As this little The local snake in the town, he rejects anyone who resists him, and also rejects anyone who doesn’t obey him. Maybe it’s because I’ve just arrived in this town for half a year. I don’t understand the rules, so I offend him in many places... …"

Idiot clasped his hands and listened. In fact, he was worried that he couldn't get the information from the president of the business association. Since this person is willing to provide it, that would be great.

Joshua clenched his fists, his face looked very angry. He gritted his teeth, shook his head and said, "I am an inventor who knows a little engineering. I came to this town to find a job so that I can give full play to my strengths. I even made a girlfriend here. , Silken... one of the most beautiful angels in the world. I even thought that I would stay in this small town for the rest of my life..."

"But, I never expected that fat dragon was such a vicious person."

"I worked in his store, and at first I was only responsible for simple sales. But one day, my work was appreciated by the foreman. When he agreed to join me in the design project, I only knew what our store was. What are you selling"

"It's really hard to tell. It's a restraint device, with a bed, a chair, and other big props and props of all kinds. As for the purpose... Sir, if I say these props are used in the ji courtyard, And if it is specially used to deal with those girls who refuse to obey, or are sent to jail for torture, you can understand it?"

The idiot nodded after thinking about it.

"In the beginning, I also told myself to be patient. After all, it is not easy to work these years. But it didn't take long before things became completely unexpected."

"Once, I took an order and went to match the goods with a little gangster leader, and told them how to use those items. I told myself that I needed to be numb, so I pretended to be very calm and made some dolls to tell them How should the rascal use those props. But...I didn't think about..."

Having said that, Joshua's fists were clenched again, and his eye circles began to turn red and tears fell.

"They...the beasts actually laughed at me, and they just put my doll aside. They... They even used a knife to force me... Use some of the prisoners they grabbed as a test item... I want to use it myself. Those props, give them..."

Joshua's voice choked for a while, and his speech stopped for a while, and it was not until a long time passed before he continued to speak.

"That night... I lost sleep... Silken told me that if I want to continue to live here, I must accept these. Because these are all'rules'. But I don't understand how this can happen. The rules? Why can this town tolerate this happening?"

"I wrote a report to that fat man, Ballance, and told me what I saw and heard, hoping that he could take care of it. But...what I never expected was that my letter was not only sinking into the sea, but there was no news. After a while, I even received some death threats to stop me from being nosy."

"I can't stand it... so I refused to design those cruel props anymore. But as a result, I was quickly expelled. Because I knew too much, I was even put under house arrest. I was dissatisfied and thought it was wrong. , So I called out loudly in front of Ballance’s house, urging everyone in this town to unite and fight against the evil spirits in this town. I believe that as long as we work together, we will be able to defile this piece of land. The atmosphere is swept away, and the light of this town is ushered in again"

This passionate young man squeezed his fist and waved in mid-air. His face is full of justice, his eyes are unwavering, and he is full of faith.

"In order to complete the resistance, I started to give full play to my strengths. In addition to conducting publicity activities outside during the day, I also design in my own residence at night. Because Balance has many masters, if you want to make ordinary The people of Japan must have powerful weapons to fight against these masters. Therefore, I worked hard to design, think, and improve all the items I had seen before. Finally, I designed something that even felt terrifying to myself A kind of killing weapon. A mechanical knife that can judge the attack distance and attack time by itself. It can enable a person with martial arts skills, or even those who do not understand martial arts, to be assisted by mechanical technology in an instant and become a powerful fighter."

"I am very happy. After making one by myself, the effect is very remarkable. But at this time, my disaster is coming."

Joshua's voice slowly dropped, he shook his head, sighed, and said--

"My incitement to the people finally made Ballance dissatisfied. He copied my residence and beat me violently, telling me to obediently not make any noises if I don't want to die. I can bear all this... But the worst part is that my design drawings and the automatic mechanical knife fell into Ballance's hands after the home ransack."

"Friend... can you imagine what it means for a villain to hold a powerful weapon in his hand? Maybe this kind of weapon capable of self-judgment to evade and attack is nothing to a powerful warrior, but to ordinary people and low For level warriors, it is simply a nightmare existence"

"When I was copying my house, Ballance was only interested in the mechanical knife and didn't care much. But I knew that once he understood the power contained in this weapon, he would definitely not let me go. So, I immediately ran away and hid. As expected, less than an hour after I ran away, someone surrounded my house and started to ransack the house again."

"I can't be caught by Ballance, this technique is not used in the hands of the devil. But in order to force me out, Ballance even kidnapped Silk Weaving, and just yesterday, in front of everyone... ...Hang her to death..."

Joshua wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes and shook his head. The surrounding air also solidified for a while, and the bun lowered his head, a bit sentimental.

"I know... That's what Ballance wanted to force me out. I endured... I kept enduring... It's a pity, I'm not a warrior, I'm just a little engineer, a science student ...For the death of Silk Weaving, I was completely ineffective like a scumbag... I hate myself unable to act... But I also hate the villain, Ballance even more."

The idiot has been silent after hearing it now. But at this moment, he suddenly spoke: "What do you want."

Joshua raised his head, faced the idiot with red eyes and tears, and gave a wry smile: "I can't fight him. At least...I hope to destroy my design and the weapon I made. But I am not Martial artist, I don’t have the ability to sneak in and destroy those things. Just now, I was even accidentally spotted and then hunted down. Now, I was saved by you..."

The young man smiled bitterly, but tears couldn't stop rolling from the corner of his eyes. Maybe, he thought it was too embarrassing to cry in front of a big man, so he kept wiping the corners of his eyes with his sleeves. But no matter how you wipe it, the tears still flow down, and you can't finish it anyway...V

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