Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 24: , Killing Night

24. The Night of Killing

"I bother"

The wounded man raised his head and spit on Ballance. Ballance couldn't avoid it, and that fat face was directly stained with **** saliva. Seeing this fat face slowly turning cold in front of his own eyes, the man suddenly burst into laughter——

"Hahahaha, tell you... Dreaming makes us betray our companions? Hahahaha... Dreaming hahahahaha"

In response, the hooligans around were excited. They all lifted up to kill. But at this critical moment, the underworld boss stretched out his hand very readily and stopped his men. He turned around, sat back in his seat, and stared at the man coldly.

"I know that many people fled when we were fighting just now, and I believe that now they are all looking at you in secret and watching you. You refuse to say, I admire you, and admire you. But well... …"

After that, Ballance snapped his fingers. Seeing this snapping finger, the boy rushed out and rushed into a shop next to him. After a while, he took a short knife in his hand and walked out with a woman holding a baby in his arms. With a strong push, the woman was pushed down beside the man.

"Dad, since this guy is so stubborn, let's start with this woman and child, right?"

"Hahaha, he deserves to be my good son. That's right."

After receiving Ballance's approval, the young man immediately raised the short knife in his hand, and without looking at it, he struck the woman's calf directly. The sudden tingling made the woman exclaim, and the child in her hand began to cry loudly.

"Hey, don’t tell me? To tell you the truth, I don’t mind killing people. And I tell you the truth, what kind of rabbits, wild dogs, wild cats I like to dissect the most. Anyway, I can find almost everything They will be dismembered to pieces and enjoy the process. Let me see...well, is your little girl cute? I have never dissected a person before. This is a great experiment, right?"

The young man showed fierce eyes and snatched the baby girl from the woman's arms. He tore open the chest of the little baby girl, and kept making gestures with the blood-stained knife in his hand. The corner of his eyes showed greed and excitement.

Everything in front of you is seen in the eyes of Bread and Walnut. These triad behavior breads have been seen many times with idiots, so they have a little immunity. But for Walnut, especially for Walnut, who has a strong sense of justice, her heart is filled with righteous indignation, her hands squeezed tightly.

Little Bread noticed the change in walnut, and couldn't help but worry. She was worried that the eldest princess would suddenly rush out to save people. This is not a joke, because she would definitely do it if it were walnuts.

Indeed, if this kind of situation is born in a story or a novel, the person who saves people will definitely win. In other words, when Walnut is halfway through the rescue, the idiot will fall from the sky and solve all problems.

However, this is not a novel. This is reality.

In the real reality, the pronoun for saving lives without self-diagnosis is "seeking death."

In the real reality, there will not be any passing powerhouse suddenly rescue everyone. There will be no accidents to let these arrested people escape.

The reality is cruel and indifferent, and if you can't see this cruel and indifferent person, there is only one end--


"...... Don't worry, bread..."

Walnut gritted his teeth and squeezed his fists.

"I... followed that idiot... so many times from birth to death... Although I don't know how to martial arts, I don't know how to fight, and I'm also very stupid, and often get into trouble..."

"But after so many times, I also know what I should do now...what is right and what is wrong..."

"Don't worry... I won't rush out. Even if these three people are really killed in front of my eyes... I won't rush out... I... definitely won't..."

Weak tears flowed into the clenched teeth.

Walnut forcibly calmed down the tremor in his heart, silently lowered his head.

After seeing that Walnut said this, Xiao Bao felt regretful, but finally heaved a sigh of relief, stretched out his hand, and gently held Walnut's hand. Walnut nodded, and in turn took the small bread into his arms, allowing this warm little body to drive away the weakness in his heart and be redeemed.

Outside, the woman held her stabbed calf and kept screaming in pain. She rolled on the ground, holding her feet, crying, and begging for mercy. But how could her begging for mercy touch these triads? Even that little guy was holding the little girl in his arms at the moment, the cruel smile on his mouth was beyond words.

"Say it? If you don't say it, I'll just plug it in? Ah, let me see. Such a cute little girl, she will definitely be a big beauty in the future. It just died, it's a pity~~~"

The young man gestured to the knife in his hand, and gestured to the crying little girl. This little baby girl seems to be malnourished, and her body is very thin. You can even see the ribs through the undulating chest. How could such a weak body be able to withstand this sharp knife?

However, despite this, the woman still did not answer. She just hugged her injured calf and kept crying pain. But from beginning to end, she never betrayed her friend.

"If you have enough to kill, kill Lao Tzu and frown. You are not a good guy. But, you villain, if you want to know anything about Joshua from my mouth, then tell you, you are dreaming. "

"That's it. It seems that you are all ready. Forget it, Constantine, let's do it. Before, you've been doing internships and practicing in your head. This time, you really did the killing."

When the young man heard his father say this, he turned his head and bowed to Ballance. Later, a more evil smile burst out from the corner of his mouth. He opened his eyes wide, held the child, and walked forward step by step with the sharp knife in his hand, and came to the man.

"I will not die... My life will be as bright as the sun and the moon. I am loyal to my cause. The fire of my life will become a kind of fire, spreading to everyone’s hearts, and let everyone stand up to create this Action for a better world"

"I dedicate your great goddess"

Constantine, who was smiling evilly, raised the dagger and plunged it directly into the man's forehead.

The sharp knives rubbed the bones, making a hissing sound, and blood overflowed from it and poured all over the floor.

Constantine kept stirring the man's forehead with a knife, until the man disappeared even the last tremor, and then slowly pulled out the short knife that was covered with some creamy liquid. He looked at the man at his feet who had stopped moving, and the smile on his face even worsened with this smile. He turned his head directly and stared at the woman.

"No... wait a minute... don't kill me... I don't know anything. I really don't know anything. I just follow them. I don't know what they do. Please... don't kill me, don't... don't Kill me--"

The woman panicked. Suddenly, she turned around and was about to run away from Constantine. When she saw it, she rushed up, raised the short knife in her hand and plunged it straight into her back, reaching the heart. The woman's eyes turned slightly and fell to the ground. , No longer move.

In an instant, the two lives ended. Walnut closed her eyes and held the bread in her arms, shaking. Little Bread was also holding Walnut's hand. He didn't dare to speak, nor did he dared to speak. He could only watch everything that was born outside, using these eyes to record any detail without letting go.

At this moment, Constantine was facing the bun. Judging from Bread's eyes, the corner of the boy's mouth was still smiling. He slowly raised the short knife that had been stained with the blood of two people, and stretched it to the little baby girl in his arms... After a moment...

The crying of the baby girl stopped.

"Ah, it's a pity. I didn't catch that guy again this time."

Ballance picked up the cocoa tea and took a sip. A little annoyance appeared on the chubby face. In response, Constantine shook the blood-stained knife in his hand and walked towards his father, the expression on his face returning to solemnity.

"Dad, don't worry. I believe it will not be long before we will be able to catch that bastard."

"Hmm... I hope so. Son, what are you going to do with this thing?"

Ballance pointed to the baby girl in Constantine's arms. In this regard, Constantine smiled and said, "Didn't I just say it? Take it back for anatomy."

"That's it... don't make it all over again. Let those who clean up for you also think about it."

"Relax, Dad. Didn't I just clean up the last few times?"

"Okay. So be it, let's go back. Go."

Following Ballance's order, the surrounding gangsters immediately followed Ballance and withdrew back to their base area, leaving only a few people responsible for handling the corpses and taking care of the aftermath.

The bread and walnuts kept hiding in the dark, and only after the people had processed all the corpses did they escape from the hiding place.

The walnut pulled the small bread, and the small bread also pulled the walnuts. The two girls looked at the blood stains on the floor that had just been washed away with some fear, and glanced at each other. Afterwards, Xiao Bian immediately pressed the lightning switch, and the two of them stood up together, and fled to the Three Cup Hotel.

After they escaped, a black shadow slowly appeared on a platform on the roof.

"Ah, it's a pity, I didn't catch the opportunity and killed him."

Zelens pulled the black cloak on his body, and shook his head helplessly. He looked at the blood stains still remaining on the ground, and once again aimed at the direction where Ballance and others had left.

"This task... It's still a bit difficult for me to do it alone... Well, don't worry, Zelens Scarlett. You are the best assassin in the world, don't worry. Prey...There is always One day you will be defensive. You have to believe in yourself and you will succeed."

After struggling for a while, the hunter in the dark tightened the cloak on his head again, shrank, and reintegrated into the darkness...


This is the case in a small town controlled by the underworld. Even if such a big thing happened last night, nothing has changed when he wakes up.

The seller, the stall, and the shouting.

Everyone here knows that what happened last night was not the first time, nor will it be the last. However, as long as you can feel at ease and do not violate the rules set by the guild leader of the Eye of Freedom, then you are destined to not be there in those night scenes. You can continue to do business here, pimp, and gamble, no one will take care of you.

Walnut, who experienced everything last night, is now speaking loudly to the idiot.

Just before dawn, the idiot woke up, and while she was still awake, she told all the things of last night and expressed her powerless pain to the man she was most dependent on.

The idiot listened very carefully. He held a small water tank in his arms with some water plants and four crystal clear eggs in it, and he listened to walnuts with a serious face.

The situation last night was really miserable. On several occasions, Walnut was sobbing and speechless. At this time, the idiot will ask the bun next to him about some details. The little bread is also very faithful to express everything he sees to the idiot. After listening, the idiot nodded, clutching his forehead, lost in thought.

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

After opening the door, carrying a box, Joshua Lucileid with a tired face appeared in front of everyone.

Bread let Joshua in, and then immediately closed the door. Joshua also seemed to lose his soul, sitting across from the idiot, looking at him. The idiot didn't speak, but instead poured a glass of water and placed it in front of him.

"Last night...some like-minded people...were killed."

It took a long time before Joshua reluctantly said these words.

The idiot nodded, showing that he knew.

"You...know it?...hehe...what a powerful intelligence network..."

Joshua looked weak, and did not ask how this idiot knew what was not even published in the newspaper. He just silently took out a map from his arms and placed it on the table.

"This is the map of President Ballance's house. If there are no mistakes, my design drawings and mechanical knife should be placed in this treasure house. I have researched that it is the shift time at 12 o'clock every night, next to this wall. There happens to be a big tree. As long as you jump in from here, you can use the shortest distance to reach the treasure house. And there are no enemies along the way. It can be said that it is the best route."

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