Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 27: , The moon in the mirror

"Ah, brother kidnapper, of course I will be faster. Next, I count the coins. This is simple. Just line up. So, we seem to have time to talk."


"Then, brother kidnapper, you kidnapped my dad. But I believe that no one can risk his life for nothing. I can see that brother, you are a person of great status. Yes. What prompted you to run into our treasure house?"


The idiot was silent for a while. He watched Constantine put coins there, one, one. After that, he nodded slowly and opened his mouth—

"I used to be a prince of a kingdom."

"Oh? Your Royal Highness?"

"My parents are kings, but they were persecuted in a court coup. My father was killed, and my mother worked so hard to take me out."

"Well, what a poor life experience... Brother."

"…………The hard life of civilians is not suitable for me. I am a prince, so I can't work at sunrise and rest at sunset like those civilians. I should have good food and enjoy being served by everyone a feeling of."

"Um~~~ I can tell. You like aristocratic life very much."

Because of the conversation, Constantine's hand counting money couldn't help but slowly stop. In Joshua’s cursing, the idiot didn’t seem to notice his time-delaying behavior, but continued to say--

"I, not only a nobleman, but also a king."

"I should go hunting while I am resting, and enjoy the life of spending a fortune. I shouldn't be wearing such a shameful costume and confronting you low-level people here. You know, I like hunting, the feeling of rounding up prey, it's actually very good."

Constantine saluted the idiot and said, "'s really a pity, my majesty. Actually, if it's just hunting, I'm also interested. Do you know? I like to dissect my prey and watch The pink internal organs exposed in them, I will feel excited"

"Ah, yeah... However, I am a little different from you. I like the hunting process that is hovering on the edge of danger."

"Oh? How to say?"

"Before I hunted all beasts. Do you know beasts?"

"I know, beasts, even monsters. Powerful creatures."

"Sometimes, when you walk alone on the street, the monsters lurking in the middle of the grass will suddenly rush out to attack you. You and the monsters are actually acting as hunters and prey for each other. Before the real result appears. , Any party may change from the role of hunter to prey."

"Hahaha, brother kidnapper, your description is really interesting. So... now that you have this money, will you still go hunting?"


"Oh? Really profligate~~~"

"Some prey prefer to act in groups. Even when we have manpower, the prey is sometimes quite cunning and will never expose the leader of this group of monsters. But if you don’t kill the leader for a day , Those beasts are very likely to continue to follow us, taking advantage of us hunters to relax our vigilance, and deliver a fatal blow."

Constantine drew the dagger from his arms, tried repeatedly in his palm, smiling and not speaking.

"The kidnapper...oh no, brother prince. You are really familiar with hunting. You must be a terrific hunter?"

"Do not."

The idiot raised his head and looked at the boy in front of him who hadn't fully grown tall, and said coldly--

"In the face of a dangerous monster, you must treat yourself as a prey, not a hunter, any second before you attack. It's like now... I am a prey."

"Hahahaha, yes, you are the prey"

Constantine wiped the knife on his boots, smiled evilly at the corners of his mouth again, and shouted--

"I like your analogy very much. I believe that my father will also appreciate our analogy. So, let's continue to count the money. I believe that everything will be resolved in ten or twenty minutes."

The young child turned around and inserted the short knife in his hand directly into the suitcase with money. It is also at this moment...


Finally, a hooligan who was usually taken care of by Ballance could no longer hold his breath. Taking advantage of the moment when the idiot was talking to Constantine, he suddenly jumped from the side to the idiot and noticed the attack. The idiot hurriedly moved the dagger and opened the long sword in the rogue's hand, but it was only this moment...

"Protect the boss"

With the cry of the hooligan, these hooligans finally couldn't hold it anymore. After seeing this scene happen, Constantine suddenly pulled out his short knife from the suitcase, looked panicked, and rushed towards the idiot.

"Stop it all..."



A gunshot sounded at this critical moment.

The news was like a thundering bullet that almost burned the air, and rushed towards the idiot and Ballance in front of him

Without further ado, the idiot immediately stopped Balance behind him, and Dimming instantly turned into a long sword form, directly swinging the sword to face the light of destruction.


The force of the force bullet, which contains all the energy of the force stone, is too heavy and too big.

The idiot's sword was forced to open, and the design drawings behind him were also pulled up by the vacuum drawn by the bullet, and burned in the flames in the mid-air.

And that bullet...


It was accurate and undoubtedly, it shot into Balance's heart, knocked the underworld leader into the air, and pressed it firmly on the door of the treasure room.

This change came too fast.

It's too fast.

Soon even the idiot was surprised, and soon it was too late to make the smile of Constantine's mouth converge.

Accompanied by blood splashing, the fat boss who caused trouble in Boiling Water Town finally came to the end of his life at this moment. He was stuck deep in the wall just like that, his eyes dull, looking forward...

".................. Dad————————"

With a shout, the boy, who had always been very calm, cried immediately. He flew in front of Ballance, his hands covering his father's chest that had been completely pierced in horror, and his eyes were still exuding evil smiles. At this moment, he was indeed filled with fear and tears...

Idiot and Deviant Seeing how things have come to this point, the two looked at each other and immediately rushed towards the big tree. Amidst the roar of those hooligans, the two jumped on the wall like apes and turned to the tree, gently and skillfully The fall. Here, there is no one but the barrel that can be said to be cumbersome. Joshua didn't know where he was now, he had already escaped first.

"Bab Bab Bab?"

Hearing the gunshots, Little Bread and Walnut, who had been acting secretly, immediately drilled out of the shadow of an idiot, not allowing Walnut to ask questions, and immediately pulled her in his arms and sprinted directly towards the pub. Little Bread understood, quickly put down the lightning, and took the lead to open the way, and the deviation followed closely, and he did not dare to be careless for a moment.

Arriving at the Sanbeijiu Hotel, there were no complicated instructions. A group of four quickly packed up their things and threw Sula on the counter. They didn't need any change, so they jumped into the carriage and left. By the time those rascals searched this Three Cup Hotel, the idiot and others had already ran out of the town and disappeared.




Its daybreak.

The gray sky seemed to be telling something.

This Boiling Water Town, which has been lively all night, has finally cooled down. From boiling water, turning into hot water, to calm and warm water...

In the villa of President Ballance, a simple and solemn funeral is being held.

Constantine, although this new underworld boss is not very old, his face is already covered with vicissitudes of maturity and competence.


Under the gray sky, a maid in Constantine's arms was crying loudly at this moment.

As if to shed those tears that could no longer be shed in place of Constantine, crying...

The funeral is really simple.

The newly succeeded young godfather let his men leave and stand alone in front of the tombstone.

He did not cry.

Because as early as when his father was still alive, my father had told him that people in this industry could die at any time. Whether it is today or tomorrow. If you can be ready to welcome anyone's death anytime, anywhere, then you will become extremely strong.

Yes, he is strong...

Strong enough not to cry, but also strong enough, that seemingly thin body can already carry the unimaginable sadness and responsibility of many people...


A kitten came out from behind the tombstone, and when he saw Constantine, he reached his feet and started rubbing.

In addition to this kitten, there were some puppies and birds, gathered from all directions, and flew to the side of the fourteen-year-old godfather. Perhaps, because the sounds of the surrounding animals were too noisy, Constantine began to slowly sway the little baby girl in his arms, gently singing a lullaby.

"………………………… Don't worry, I am not that weak yet."

Facing the tombstone, Constantine said slowly.

After a while, another voice came from behind him——

"I know. However, to make such a kind mud become so cruel, in some ways, it is a more cruel thing."

"Kindness is relative. Not absolute."

"Heh...just like your acting skills, can you adjust your acting skills according to various situations?" the person behind him said in a cheerful voice.

"People living in this circle, wearing a mask, will always live longer than without a mask."

Constantine crouched down and stroked a puppy's head lightly. The puppy gently rubbed his trouser tube and called out softly. At this moment, a little bird naturally fell on his head, singing as if it were comforting.

The man behind looked at the back of this fourteen-year-old boy, and from his strong back, he seemed to see the shadow of his own past. He sighed and said--

"A kind person will also kill as long as it is necessary. A kind person will also act as a wicked person as long as necessary. In many cases, a kind person is actually doing something extremely evil. It is difficult for ordinary people Distinguish whether what we are seeing is good or evil. Because we cannot predict, let alone know all the information. We are often deceived by our eyes, unknowingly, standing in the wrong position."

After listening to the person behind him, Konstantin nodded silently. He gently shook his arm so that the baby girl in his arms could sleep peacefully. At this time, he took a step, and as he moved, the little creatures followed the boy and walked towards the villa.

"So, Uncle Hemorrhoids. Do you think my path forward is twisted?"

"Why do you all call that? Do I have no name?"

"Haha, I just want to remind you that I can still make jokes. My father's death has hit me a lot, but I can't stand up to the point where I haven't been able to."

"So... don't worry, in my eyes, your path is still so straight, without the slightest distortion."

"…………………………Thank you."

The voice was over, and the figure disappeared.

In the silent cemetery, I don't know when, there is no longer any figure. Only the gray-black clouds and fog in the sky are left, it seems, still covering everything...




Joshua is also at large.

His face was full of excitement, and he was at large.

He succeeded, not only succeeded in killing the triad leader, he also destroyed the design drawing

That's's so great

Next, all that is left is to escape and escape completely.



How is this going?

What exactly is going on?

where it goes?

Where did it all go?

Joshua was in a patio, his face was a little flustered, and he looked around suspiciously. There was weirdness and surprise in her eyes, and she waited a while, until he was sure that the ending he wanted really did not appear...

"How is this going……?"

"What the **** is going on?"

"It shouldn't be like this..."

"Should not... definitely not..."

"Absolutely... It shouldn't be like this————————???"

Hula la la ————

In the sky, there was the sound of clothes agitating because of the flow of air.


Along with the sound of the wind, there was also the sound of a sharp blade ejecting from the sheath.

Before Joshua turned his head, he felt that something suddenly dropped on his shoulder was pressed in the next moment...

His body has been completely pressed on the ground by the power behind him. And a Hidden Blade pierced his throat at the same time, cutting the blood vessels...

Everything seemed so silent.

It's like a wild cat waiting for its prey in the night.

The wild cat turned Joshua over and hugged him. Before Joshua could close his eyes, he looked at the man in the white cloak in surprise, his mouth opened and closed, obviously he wanted to say something.

" you...?"

"It's a pity. It's not me."

Zelens' eyes were full of pity, and his voice seemed very gentle.

"Although I have chased you so many times, there are too many and too many guards around you. Moreover, your guard is so strong that I can't get close to you at all."


"I do not know."

Zelens said slowly--

"Just now, your defenses were slack. And when you were slack, I suddenly found that the guards who usually follow you closely disappeared at this moment. So, I succeeded."

"Goo...I...This...I can't......I can..."

No matter how sinful the other party is, nothing matters to a person who is about to lose his life.

Zelens stretched out his hand, slowly put it on Joshua's eyes that refused to close tightly, and began to pray softly.

"This...impossible... Your Majesty... Long live... My career... Absolutely... someone... will inherit...... You... You... can't stop... Goddess... Anger... Your Majesty... ...Will clean...this world in the name of a goddess"

The final roar came from Joshua's mouth. Afterwards, his eyes opened in anger, and the last figure of the assassin was frozen in his pupils.

"Rest in peace, my friend."

Zelens stretched out his hand and gently stroked the person's reluctant eyes.

"In a beautiful heaven, there is no sin, no good and evil. There will be the most beautiful paradise. May the world where you are reborn is full of peace and peace, peace and joy."

After smoothing Joshua's eyes, a drizzle began to float in the sky.

Zelens exhaled and jumped onto the roof in twos or twos, his eyes under the cloak stared in the direction where the idiots and his party were leaving, staring for a moment.

When the drizzle in the sky began to really float, his figure disappeared again...




"what is the problem?"

On the carriage, Walnut wiped his mouth, trying his best to get rid of the smell in his mouth, while looking at the idiot with dissatisfaction.

Too many times...Already too many times. Every time, no matter what plan the idiot sets, he will be excluded from the insider. Although it was not bad this time, I was more or less involved. But he was still very annoyed that he was completely ignorant of this. V

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