Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 33: , Abbey House

Monastery House

"Boss, I want to order blood soup for dinner today. Give me a big pot"

The store frowned when he saw Walnut pulling his cloak like this and wrote his request.

"But miss, in terms of blood soup...we may not have that much. Miss, look, how about grilled pork liver with lemon juice and chives?"

Walnut shook his head and strongly demanded that he only had blood soup. It does not matter if it is pork blood soup or chicken blood soup. This can make the store feel a little troublesome. After all, this kind of thing is rarely ordered by people, but it eats animal blood. Thinking about it makes people feel scary.

"That... this sister?"

Just when Walnut was tangled for his own food, a little girl's voice suddenly sounded nearby. Walnut looked down and saw a little girl about five or six years old with dark red pupils and dark red hair. Her face was covered with mud and she was looking at Walnut with a smile on her face.

Are you looking for sister? "

Although Walnut was annoyed, she still maintained the demeanor of a princess for children. No way, who told her to like children?

The little girl grinned and said, "Sister, if you want to drink blood, how about I sell it to you? We have a lot of blood. As long as you burn it with fire, it will all be red and delicious."

To be honest, the little girl's words are a little weird, and they sound a little creepy. Walnut froze for a while, still not knowing how to answer. At this moment, the three idiots, Bread, and Deviation who had been inquiring about the news finally returned. After they saw Walnut and the little girl, they walked over immediately to see what happened.

"So that's...then, let's go and see."

Suddenly, the idiot did not object, but directly agreed. Seeing this, Walnut couldn't express any objections. She nodded and let the dirty little girl lead the way, and the group of five left the hotel.

Walking along the street, the little girl seemed to be familiar with the road, she was not mistaken at all. She shuttled in this city of prosperity and poverty, without stopping for a moment. Sometimes, she even drilled here and there, if it weren't for an idiot staring at it, the walnut in the black cloak felt like she would almost be thrown away.

In a moment, the little girl led everyone to the destination. Looking up, the solemn cross has appeared in front of the idiot and others very calmly.


A semi-dilapidated monastery that doesn't seem very conspicuous.

The little girl opened the gate in front of the monastery, turned her head and smiled at the idiot and others, and ran in immediately. After thinking about it, the idiot didn't express any objection, but followed along.

"Is this... a monastery?"

In this dilapidated church, the seating area that was originally used for prayers has been removed, and many of the floors on the ground are also rotten and exposed to dirt. However, it didn't look messy, because countless small flowers bloomed in the soil, replacing the cold and gloomy floor like a carpet, adding vitality to this lifeless church.

It is more than that different from ordinary monasteries. It doesn't look like a place where people can pray, but there are many "believers" here.

No, it may not be correct to say that believers. Because all the people playing here, sitting on broken benches and reading books, and lying on the mud to admire the flowers, are all children under ten years old.

They were hilarious and playing with each other. This church, which originally required solemnity and quiet, was decorated into a children's playground. But... on the other hand, the children, the dilapidated church, and the lively wildflowers on the floor constitute a scene with a different kind of harmony. At that moment, walnut even had an illusion, thinking that this kind of sight is the color that heaven should have...


The little girl with dark red hair pulled the walnut, with a grin. The idiot looked at the little girl, and saw that she kept pulling the walnut forward, stretched out her hand, and pointed to the front of the church. Looking along her fingers, there, a person who was totally different from these little guys who were making trouble everywhere, was kneeling there very religiously.

That is a nun.

From the back, she could not see her age, but she knelt in front of the goddess statue very religiously, praying sincerely.

"Sister Mistral, Cang Xuan brought friends here~~~ Cang Xuan brought friends who want red blood~~~"

Hearing what the little girl said, Walnut was shocked and quickly covered her mouth. She hurriedly smiled at the nun over there with an awkward smile, and said, "It's not that I never meant to blaspheme the goddess... I thought she would take us to a slaughterhouse or something... ah, it's not mine It doesn’t mean that this is the slaughterhouse... I’m sorry"

The nun did not react to Walnut's words. She just continued to pray, and after waiting for a while, the nun slowly stood up, turned around, and faced the idiot and others.

The nun was about forty years old, and the smile on her face was full of gentleness. Although she was wearing a thick nun's gown, it can be seen that this woman is actually a pretty charming beauty. Suddenly, the idiot has a mixed feeling of holiness and sexiness.

"Cang Chan, you are naughty."

The little girl named Cang Chan wiped her head and said with a grin: "Sister Mistral, can I give those red things to these sisters? Are they good? Very interesting, right? Red. ...Burning... will bloom many, many beautiful flowers of red powder..."

Speaking of the red powder, the little girl's mental feeling suddenly became gloomy. She grinned weirdly, and a strange color flashed in her dark red pupils.

There was still no movement on Sister Mystra's face. She just smiled and stroked the little girl's head lightly. After that, she came to the four idiots, and after observing them for a while, she saluted the only male idiot.

"May the goddess bless you. Sir and miss, I hope you can forgive you for the misleading my children gave you."

The idiot looked around, feeling a little disappointed deep inside. He originally thought that the red blood in the child's mouth was because she often saw **** scenes, but now it seems that she just regarded some unknown red powder as red liquid. Five or six-year-old little guys can't force anything.

"I understand. Then, we're leaving."

After all, the idiot turned around, ready to leave. But just then did he realize that his little girl was already lying there, admiring the flowers with the children. She can’t speak, and those children don’t seem to know too many words, but it’s totally okay. At this moment, Little Bread is holding a sign, sketching for a little flower, and there are many children gathered beside her, seven mouths. Yelling.

"Bread, gone."

"Ah woo"

Bun agreed, patted her skirt, and planned to stand up. But at this moment, those little guys were reluctant to hold on to this little girl's skirt, and their faces all showed nostalgic expressions.


"Sister, are you leaving now?"

"Sister, sister~~~"


I have never enjoyed this name bread. You know, the people I met in the past were either older than her or the same generation as this girl. When did this girl encounter someone calling her sister?

This time it's all right, with a few elder sister calls, this girl is unstable. There was a proud expression on her face, her cheeks were red, and she lightly patted the heads of these little guys, apparently acting as a sister.


"Ah oh, ah ah oh"

The idiot called out again, but this time, Bread's answer seemed a little perfunctory. Although she still nodded at the idiot, her expression was already vaguely reluctant. Seeing her like this, the idiot frowned, just walked up and stood in front of this little girl.

Bread saw the idiot-sized body in front of him, his eyes turned red. She murmured a few times, and suddenly, she reached out and hugged a little girl next to her, and screamed at the idiot.

What's the matter with this girl?

The idiot was puzzled. But soon, she found the reason for her wonder.

"Well, it's so pitiful... So you became orphans at such a young age..."

Turning his head, it was pretty good. Walnut was already holding a few children and sobbing. The little guys actually only talked a little about their own condition, and Walnut immediately made up some tragic and pitiful situations in his mind. Later, even the tears fell, and he cried loudly.

"Yeah, it's so pitiful, you all have suffered..."


"Don't be afraid, you won't suffer any more, you will definitely not"


"You have to believe that justice and hope must exist, and that good things will definitely happen in this world."

"Oh, haha ​​ooh, ahhh~~~"

The idiot stood there, looking at the two girls who had been brainwashed by justice and kindness. Forget Walnut, anyway, he has been like this since childhood. But bread, bread... Have you ever thought about the feelings of an idiot when you hugged these little guys with compassion? Seeing the little girl like this, the idiot really felt a sense of frustration in education failure.

"Hehe, it seems that these two little girls seem to like children very much. That... I really have a ruthless please. I don't know if some of you can help?"


A bad idea flashed through the idiot's mind. Because once the nun asks something like you, it is probably very troublesome and very bad. More importantly, it is absolutely impossible to get paid for helping the nun. In fact, taking a closer look at the environment here, the idiot didn't expect the nun to pay him anything.


"You know what you said, it's okay. No matter what it is, I will promise the little bread, right?"

"Ah woo"

The bun clamored loudly, and this clamor made the idiot's brows frown even tighter.

Sister Mystra smiled slightly, and said: "In fact, it's not a big deal. You see, I have many children here, but I want to take care of so many children by myself. Even with the blessing of the goddess, I am still Somewhat powerless."

Deviance originally stood still behind, but for children, no matter whether you have that kind of ghost mask on your face or not, they will not be afraid. So now, there are already several children around this sister who smells so good. Wandered around her.

"Child, take care of..."

He lifted his head deviatedly and looked at the children crooked. Originally, the idiot thought that the girl who put the task first should be a little more serious. What the idiot never expected was that this mermaid stretched out his hand and held the two children. Then, staring at the idiot with a very expectant look...

(Human kid, don't... all the girls who follow you are crazy? Motherhood?)

Idiots are speechless, but they can only be expressed in silence...

In the next time, the idiot and his party reluctantly took on the task of taking care of these children. In fact, the only thing an idiot does is sit here, and let the children lie on his head and shoulders, climbing his body like a toy rack. Where is it like those three girls, taking the children to play around?

In this way, the four idiots stayed here, waiting until the time turned to night and it was time for dinner.

"I'm so embarrassed to ask you to take care of the children, and to help me cook together."

"Sister Mystra, with so many children, are you the only one to take with you?"

Walnut took the hands of the two children and watched Little Bread and the nun cooking a big pot of rice in the church kitchen. At this moment, the idiot came over with two children in open pants on his shoulders, he looked around and said--

"Nun, so many children, are you alone?"

Mistral shook her head and smiled: "Actually, it's not true. I also have a younger brother who is also responsible for taking care of these children. It's just that now he has something to go out. Probably... um... I will be back at night."

The idiot nodded, not expressing anything.

Time flies quickly. For the children in these churches, this simple day may have passed without any surprises.

The little girl named Cang Chuan grinned, and helped bring the simple dishes to the dining room table. Walnut and Bread greet the children and come over to eat together.

Through a simple conversation, the idiot can be considered to understand the mode of operation of this monastery. A

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