Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 36: , The battle of April

Battle of the Moon

Zelens stretched out his thumb, pointed to his nose, and smiled: "This battle between the stag and the dark deer is a good opportunity for me to show. The dark deer empire has invaded and occupied the territory of the stag empire for too long. This time, their revenge battle will surely try their best to regain the lost ground. Moreover, the leader should be the current leader of the Goodsey family, Duke Dylau Goodsey, you should know?"

The nun nodded, making no sound.

"In this battle, I will make full use of my expertise to help the Duke Dara Goodsay. I will not appear on the battlefield, but I will appear beside the enemy of the Duke. Moreover, according to the information obtained by my intelligence network, the Bucks have now begun to march towards this Roman city. I believe it will not be long before the army led by Lord Duke will fight the defending army."

So what? "

"Sister, you should know that the old general named Cesar Belikos is responsible for guarding Rome, right?"

"Well, I do know that. That is an old general who has experienced many battles. It is said that it originally belonged to the dead Mian Empire, but was later exiled because of different political views from the king of the Mian Empire, and later returned to the Bucks. Obey the Dark Deer. He is a character who is very proficient in battles of position, encounter, defensive or siege."

Zelens clenched his fist and slammed, the Hidden Blade popped out of it, reflecting the cold light in the candlelight.

"Although there are fewer defenders in Rome, I believe that with the powerful defensive buildings in Rome and the command of the old general, it is definitely not a simple matter for the Duke of Goodsee to break. Therefore, the Lord will be here. I fell into a bitter battle in a short period of time. When the Lord Duke was helpless, I immediately started to assassinate the General Saiza Belix. Holding his head, I went to see Lord Goodsay and clear the way for Lord Duke. Obstacles also cleared up the obstacles for my love. This time I came back, also for this reason, hoping to contribute to the Bucks counterattack."

After listening to Zelens's account, Sister Mystra lowered her head and started thinking. After a long time, she raised her head and slowly said--

"Ozawa, in your opinion... the Bucks launched this battle is just... isn't it?"

Zelens turned his head, looked at Mystra, and said strangely: "Of course, isn't it? The Dark Deer rebelled and invaded the land of the Bucks. It's like those people suddenly betrayed my father. Now, The Bucks want to get justice. Isn't it the right thing?"

The nun still lowered her head, and after a long time of raising funds, she nodded silently: "Yes...yes... the bucks... are indeed the righteous side... yes..."

"So, I will use all the skills my sister taught me to open a door for the Duke of Goodsay to move forward. Many of my guild members agree with my behavior, and they will help me. "

At this point, Sister Mystra was completely silent. Her body in a thick nun's robe looked slightly dim in the candlelight. After a while, she held the cross in her neck again and prayed softly.

"Then... Ozawa, you... be careful in everything."

"Well, I will. Then sister, I will go to investigate now to see the schedule and behavior of General Saiza Belix. You are here waiting for my good news. Then, I'm leaving."

After all, Zelens pulled up his cloak and said goodbye to Mystra, then quickly rushed out of the monastery and disappeared into the night. And this nun, after watching the child raised by herself leave, once again kneeled before the goddess statue...

"Great goddess... please bless that child... bless him... hope... everything he does is right... there is nothing wrong..."

"These two guys are the princess your guards?"

In the general's residence, General Saiza looked at the idiot and the bread standing behind Walnut with an expression of disbelief on his face.

At this moment, the hands of the idiot and the small bread were tightly pulled, and they seemed to be panicked about the luxurious decorations and the heavy armor of the soldiers, unable to calm down.

"His Royal Highness, are you sure? This guy with a cowardly expression and this little girl who seems to have just been weaned are really your guards? They seem to be not as strong as you. Do you want you? Protect them in turn?"

Walnut knew that the idiot's awful look was because he pretended to be cowardly at first, but now it is impossible to change it in time. After hesitating for a while, she said embarrassedly: "Ah...Well, this idiot is probably a military teacher. In fact, I also have a strong guard who has more than 30 years of military experience. Got it. But now she is probably taking care of her children in the hotel. So..."

"What? This is simply that His Majesty Hu Lai Mudu didn't take your life safety into consideration at all."

General Saiza slapped the table heavily, and shouted: "A cowardly man, a little girl, and a middle-aged woman with children to take care of? What kind of guard line is this? Your Royal Highness, say something. It doesn’t sound good. You can come to this city of Rome safely from the wind and sand. The luck component may account for ninety-nine percent of it. No, it should be said that it is entirely due to luck.”

The corners of Walnut's mouth twitched and looked a little embarrassed. She turned her head away and looked at the idiot. I saw that the idiot was still a fool, and even shivered slightly with fear. I couldn't help but complain.

You idiot, what kind of pretense are you pretending? You stand up for me and show your handsome look. Really, I know you don’t need face, but I need face, don’t you know?

The idiot couldn't care about Walnut's mood at all. At this moment, a soldier seemed to be amused, so he walked up to the idiot and drank him deliberately. Then, the idiot immediately hugged the bun and stumbled back, and even fell on the ground. Tears of fear and panic have also rolled down unconvincingly.

"Big...big big... adults... don't... don't kill the villain... the villain... the villain..."


Seeing the two celebrities, one big and one small, acting on the same stage, Walnut was really annoyed to go up and beat them both. But no way, now I can't clearly reveal the two father and daughter, right?

General Saiza glanced at the idiot and the little bread very contemptuously, and said: "His Royal Highness, I really don't worry about letting you continue to protect in the hands of these abusers. From today, please stay with me. . I will do my best to protect you. On the other hand, regarding the matters of His Royal Highness Prince Golden and His Royal Highness Princess Apricot, I will also send people to investigate hard. As long as these two princes and princesses are really in this city of Rome, then even if It’s digging three feet in the ground, and I will find them too"

General Saiza has already said so, what can the walnut mean? She only nodded awkwardly and expressed her gratitude. In short, letting an army find someone for themselves is better than the four idiots looking aimlessly, right?

For this proposal, idiots don't care. He continued to hold each other with Bun, tears of fear shed there. Walnut looked at them more, and it would feel incredible. What are the tear ducts of these two guys made of? Can you just say it?

At this point, the idiot and his party lived in the general's mansion. Through the dialogue with Walnut, it turns out that General Saiza had made a cameo lecture on the science of war in Divine Grace before. He has a good relationship with Emperor Buck, and naturally also has a very good relationship with Walnut. He is a religious believer, too. A good person who can be trusted.

Followers of the goddess...?

In the next few days, the idiot did witness the piety of the ruler of this Roman city. As a general, he played well what is the unity of kindness and strictness. His strict self-discipline and close to the life of a Puritan made the idiot think that this man had no other hobbies except military. However, judging from his diligent military training these days...

Probably, there is a battle, which is about to begin.

The idiot's guess is not wrong. About a month later, when the time enters the warm April spring...

That war finally arrived.


Dinner, restaurant.

Walnut was wearing an evening dress and sitting at the dining table. Looking at the sumptuous food in front of me.

Idiot and Little Bread stood behind her as guards. Deviation is a maid, dressed as a maid, standing by.

Everyone was silent.

Walnut looked at the glass full of red liquid in his hand, frowning tightly.

In the dining room, apart from these four people, there are only a few maids and guards left. The General Saiza, who would have dinner with Walnut, has not sat in the opposite position for five consecutive days.

In addition to this, there are other people. The capable men of those generals would have been sitting here and talking and laughing together. Now, there are only empty seats there, and no one is sitting.


The wine glass was put down, and the slight sound of hitting the tabletop spread to the entire restaurant at this moment, and it seemed that even the guiding lights on the wall were slightly dimmed by the impact. A

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