Demon King Dad

: The second year story 044, mission...completed

The bat flapped its wings, raised its head, bulged its chest with countless spears inserted, and spit out a green sphere blasting towards the hillside where the remaining people were running. With a bang, the gas bomb exploded, and those who were hit by the gas bomb began to howl in pain. Their muscles began to erode little by little, the skin disappeared, the flesh disappeared, even the internal organs in the body slowly melted away, and the bones became crispy. They turned into a pool of pus, and they didn't even have a single hair left.

"Hahaha! Dead, all dead! Twelve years of grievances are finally out! I feel it... I feel that there are no living creatures around! Humble humans, lowly humans! You have done for yourself! What he did paid the price it deserved! Hahahahaha! Then...Next..."

The beast flapped its wings and looked around. No life can be seen in its retina, only the tongue of flame is still vomiting, doing this final cleanup.

Is there no one?

The bat opened its bone wings, this small village has been destroyed, and it doesn't make any sense to stay here. All it has to do now is to leave, go to the next place, find people who are greedy for their own power, give them everything they need, and then... demand their lives!


The wind blows slightly.

Just as the bat flapped its wings and was about to fly into the air, there was a sudden noise behind him.

That was... the sound of a sharp blade piercing into a muscle.


The flames wriggled in the darkness, and there was no human wailing in the village. From a distance, these flames should be ravaging the village, but from a close distance, you can feel something from these flames.

The flame trembled, burning humblely in a posture that was absolutely incommensurate with this state of destruction. The light that should have radiated, was swallowed by the darkness of the entire world at this moment. The air was filled with a layer of coldness that had nothing to do with summer. Gradually, some pitch-black hexagonal crystals floated down from the bottomless clouds...

The idiot held Dimie, and the blade of this long sword had completely penetrated the bat's back waist. The hard fur of Warcraft seemed to have no way to stop the sharpness of this pitch-black sword, but in such a moment, it felt the coldness spreading in its body.


A seemingly simple sword, but caused this monster to endure a pain that is far from imagined. Its opened wings were slowly retracted at this moment, and the body trembled, and some green liquid flowed out of the corner of the monster's mouth uncontrollably and dripped onto the ground.

"Goo... damn... human...! Why... I obviously... didn't feel... there are living people...! Why... your breath... even I... can't feel... !!!"

The huge body fell forward, and the stirring dust and storm swept the whole village. But this monster is not that simple to die. The elbows of its two bone wings suddenly turned outwards, extending its paws and patted the idiot on the back.

The idiot didn't escape, has he forgotten how to escape? His eyes were empty, and even the feelings called "indifference" on that face disappeared. When the giant claw arrived, he quickly pulled out the dark extinguisher, flying into the sky with the power of the beast, and blending into the darkness of this world!

Wuxin Wu...

People who use this kind of martial arts have no emotions. The person who initiates will become a machine, a machine that only knows how to think about destroying the opponent, and analyzes the enemy from the most objective point of view, with the most calm mindset, and kills the enemy. The user of Wuxinzhiwu is like a walking dead. Although the soul is extremely peaceful, on the other hand, it is also empty to the extreme.

The tiny body continued to fly upward. This is just a short moment, but to the idiot, it seems that several hours have passed. He could see... the time around him was passing extremely slowly, the space between himself and the enemy, and... the skills needed to kill the enemy!

The memory of the box opened in an instant, and in the midair, the various changing skills that belonged to the sword of "Sorrow" appeared in front of the idiot one by one. Although there are only six basic swordsmanships in Six Swords, the changes in it are far beyond people's imagination! Soon, a doll appeared in front of those hollow eyes, and demonstrated how to display the sword of death in a condescending manner even when the figure is out of control.

The small body opened its limbs, and the upward momentum was hindered. The idiot immediately turned over and faced the beast below that was still slowly falling. Those hollow eyes stared at the wound that was just pierced with Dim Mier. In that wound, a red flesh was beating after a pause...

"That's it, this guy's heart is in this part! No wonder those villagers didn't get results after playing for a long time. Hey, but having said that, if it wasn't for those guys to take the lead for you, I'm afraid you won't find it so easy. Out of this guy’s weakness!"

As time passed slowly, the blood-colored pupils laughed. The chains rustled in the air, reflecting the firelight on the ground, giving off a strange reflection.

The monster fell slowly... but when it fell, its wings were completely turned back. The face originally facing the ground also melted at this moment, but a bat-mouthed face full of anger emerged on the back of his head. Its bones began to adjust, making a crackling sound. In no time, the side that should have been regarded as its back has completely become its front. Those eyes looked up at the sky, stared at the little figure that had been suspended, and made a weird cry.

Obviously, this monster is also a beast that is good at disguising. It screamed, making an angry and unbelievable voice. Maybe it will never understand why it was seen by people who turned the front and back, and why this human child who seemed to be only eleven or twelve years old would show such terrible eyes! But there is one thing it absolutely knows. When it sees that black long sword, the thought of "will die" is already like a rooted vine, tightly binding its heart...

Condescendingly, the dark long sword drew an arc in the air. The rustle of the chain broke the tranquility of the night. When the ascending speed finally ceased and turned into a descending speed, the owner of this sword had already gripped it tightly, and the eyes of "Unintentional Wu" stared at it. A beating heart...

Time to recover.

A small black line descended from the sky, like a spear, and instantly... penetrated the body of this bat.

The sky hummed. The black long sword has been inserted into the ground under his feet. The hands holding the sword were solemn, and those hollow eyes were full of coldness and tranquility. Behind him, the huge monster hadn't completely fallen to the ground, it just bent its body and made a strange cry.




Puff, the huge body finally hit the ground at this moment. At this moment, the dark sky... was covered with the explosion of effort, and it rained blood.


The flames rushed and the blood rain was quiet. On this night, the two reds, both moving and static, complement each other, creating the strangest picture.

The fire in the village is still burning. The tongue of fire licked the corpses, exuding bursts of burnt stench.

The body of the harvest **** Weimen lay in the middle of the village, crushing a large burning building. The blood still flows out from its cracked heart. Although it no longer spatters the bleeding rain as before, it is also flowing like a river, dyeing a large area of ​​the ground bright red.

In ten minutes, the idiot cut open the blood vessels of the half-length human heart, and pulled it out of the body of the monster. He took out a piece of cloth he had prepared and wrapped it around his waist. The blood that had not yet drained dripped, dyeing his clothes and pants red.


Little Bread is still sleeping. For her, is what happened just now just a dream? The idiot raised the little girl behind her to make her sleep more comfortable, and her eyes returned to their original coldness and indifference. He turned his head and looked at the village behind him, Desapush, which was completely enveloped in the sea of ​​fire. Watching it slowly disappear in the flames, turning to ashes. As for the big bat that lost its heart, its corpse is like a candle, burned by the surrounding flames, disappearing little by little...

"Hey hey, it's really perfect! The villagers who wanted to take advantage of you are all dead. Congratulations on successfully destroying a village again! But then again, if you were faster just now, before all the villagers were killed If you just do it, maybe..."

An Mie sneered.

"After you kill that monster, it will be the villagers who lost everything and are filled with anger, come and kill you."

The idiot flicked the darkness, and the blood sticking to the blade drew a red arc in the air.

"Hahaha! Interesting. This should also be your purpose. Eliminate all worries. Because the sword of'Sorrow' you understand now is also a one-to-one swordsmanship anyway. If surrounded by a dozen people, I’m afraid it’s too bad. You know your strength and you chose the most suitable method. Very good, very interesting! Come, let’s go home and go back to end this **** task!"

The idiot turned around, picked up the discarded handcuffs, anklets, and clothes, and dressed them one by one, and then left toward the original road into the village.

mission completed.

He smoothly slaughtered the monster and seized the opponent's heart. When an imperial army finally noticed something was wrong and came here to inspect three weeks later, the village had been completely wiped out, without any life, only the houses burned to the ground, and countless. Qing's corpse...


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