Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 95: , An epoch-making product


The idiot returned to the grove with an unhappy bun on his face. When asked about this little girl who was holding her underwear and soap but still refused to speak, a ray of light from above her head suddenly made the idiot raise her head.

At this moment, a long golden tail leaked out of the tree house, but soon the golden tail retracted. This kind of change made the idiot stunned. Naturally, this change beyond his understanding also made him stop and start cautiously climbing the rope ladder leading to the tree house.




The golden light faded.

The little squirrel was still lying lazily on the table, and cast a provocative wink at Mili, who was already stunned over there, and said--

Mozu language) How about? Cute little female lizard. You are more beautiful than me, are you? Better than me, stronger than me, and able to show femininity than me, right?"

Mi Li opened her mouth, and slowly, two tears flowed down from the corner of her eye. At this moment, the repeated insults had finally destroyed her last self-esteem. Her own powerlessness and incompetence further filled her mind.

she cried……

All places have been defeated, so why not cry? Especially, when this squirrel is shining in front of you, everything it does seems to be deliberately dealing with you...

It is natural to have hatred... it is also a matter of course.

Dragon language)"

Hearing Mili suddenly starting to speak a language that she didn't understand, the little squirrel hurriedly grabbed the headset and put it on. After listening to it, it sneered, with its tail raised, half covering its face, and said with a smile: "I am Devil. The devil whose duty is to play with you. I have already told you that you are completely useless. Not only are you poor at cooking and housekeeping garbage. Even your beauty is so vulnerable. What's the point of your life in this world? As long as I am in this world one day, I will always hold you down and make you unable to lift your head in this life."

Some words, like a stimulus, immediately made Mi Li "awake" and she raised her head, her golden linear pupils looked straight at the little squirrel in front of her, a feeling that she hadn't raised for a long time. Began to flood in her heart

Killing intent.

And the only feeling that drives this killing intent is that...


The little squirrel continued to smile, but in the bottom of my heart, it was looking forward to it. It could clearly feel the hatred raised in the heart of the female dragon in front of it. The more she hates herself, the squirrel is naturally happier

Yes... Hate me a little bit more... I just exist to hate people a little bit more... Let your hatred reach its peak... hate me... hate me and see me as something you must kill in your life A fulcrum... the hatred for me will be stronger, because I exist to make people hate and resent, come on... the hatred will be stronger

The little squirrel looked forward to it, but the contempt in the corner of its eyes did not abate. It looked at the dragon clan in front of her with such contemptuous gazes, completely attacked her, bullied her, made her unable to raise her head, and could only turn everything into...

Dragon language) You devil——————"

Along with Mi Li's roar, a black smoke quickly flung out from the golden tail of hatred, and plunged into Mi Li's mouth like a viper with eyes.

next moment……


A deep voice came from Mi Li's throat.

Black scales began to appear on her skin, and her hands began to turn into dragon claws. The linear pupils that originally exuded golden, at this moment... are gradually being eroded by a touch of bright red...

In this regard, the little squirrel still laughed at her. This little thing lay quietly, watching the hatred ferment in the body of this little dragon, expanding all her hatred, and growing it, becoming lush, crazy, violent

till the end……


A dragon roar suddenly radiated from Mi Li’s throat. Her back immediately opened her wings, and her body began to quickly transform into a dragon. However, at this moment, the golden figure rushed towards the name like lightning. The dragon girl gently and cleverly landed on Mili's head that was about to become violent due to hatred, stood up her upper body, and suddenly inhaled. At this moment, countless black smoke overflowed from Mili's body surface, as if she had been unnamed. 'S power is generally involved, and it floods into the mouth of this little body

Hatred...infinite hatred

After such a long absence, it is too delicious to be able to savor this hatred full of despair and anger once again. Sure enough, compared with ordinary humans, the hatred that can bloom in Dragon's Fury is even stronger. More full-bodied, naturally...and more...


Hatred swallowed greedily. Maybe it was because it hadn't been able to eat enough for a long time. It didn't leave a hatred for the other side to ferment like before, but completely swallowed the black hatred. But after being over-extracted in this way, the black scales that had originally appeared in Mili slowly disappeared, and the dragon claws and blood pupils gradually disappeared. When the last hatred was completely taken away from the body by this little squirrel...


Mi Li's eyes were empty. The whole person crooked and fell to the ground.

"Hahaha, it's delicious. After the hatred, there is endless nothingness. For ordinary humans, I am afraid that you will become a vegetable for life. But you are a dragon. And you are still Dilu Hagang. But, think It won’t take a while to recover, right? Hahaha."

This little squirrel, who was full of food and drink, and whose coat color appeared brighter, jumped from Mili's head. It came to the little female dragon, stretched out its paws, lit her nose, and laughed--

"I can't wait, I want to wait for the next'eating'. Next time, how can I irritate you? Cute little girl?"

Hate is full. Her coat color is bright, and her vitality is finally fully restored. At this point, its power is finally fully restored once again, and it can step on anyone who doesn't like it... on the bottom of its feet

And coincidentally...


The door opened, and the person who made this squirrel the most unpleasant in the Second Age, already holding some little girls' underwear in his right hand, and holding a resentful little girl in his left hand, appeared in front of it.


"Okay, I was attacked by you last time, but it was not so lucky this time. I will kill you this time."

As soon as I saw an idiot, the hatred in the little squirrel's heart would involuntarily flow out. Thinking of the humiliation she had suffered with the idiot before, and the powerlessness of her magic when facing this human being, she became even more angry. Before the idiot let go of the bun and the panties, it screamed. Pounce on

"Ah oh oh oh"

But at this moment, the little squirrel who had just had a stubborn look suddenly saw the little squirrel, and immediately screamed happily. She threw off the idiot's hand, ran up cheering, and took the little squirrel who was about to pounce. Hug into his arms. At the same time, I kept touching its shiny tail with my hand, ahhhhhhhh

"Feed mankind, let go of me, the object of my duel is not you"

The little squirrel struggled, and with its strength, it was not difficult to escape the hands of Little Bread. Sure enough, the next moment, the squirrel shook the bread's hand fiercely, the bread hurt, let go, the squirrel jumped out of her arms, raised its hind paws, and kicked directly at the idiot.


Facing the attack of this little squirrel, the idiot froze for a while and immediately threw out the **** in his hand. One of them fell directly on the face of hatred and interfered with its sight. The idiot took this opportunity to stride forward, and before he could draw his sword, he threw a punch.

However, for a Kung Fu squirrel, blindfolded combat is only a required course in martial arts. It quickly wagged its tail and blocked the idiot's punch. Afterwards, it stretched out its claws, grabbed the idiot's fist and made its body leap into the air, flying directly into the air.

"The humble man today is your death date"

After all, the little squirrel curled up, waiting to fall, kicking the idiot.


Ok? Why didn't it fall?

The little squirrel lowered his head in doubt...


This little squirrel is puzzled, he doesn't seem to jump so high? Why is it suddenly entangled by branches?

But it doesn't matter, just pull it away immediately.

Thinking this way, the little squirrel immediately opened its paws, ready to tear. But it just opened a branch, and in an instant, countless vines and branches rolled over and tied the little squirrel tightly to the ceiling.

"What's going on? What's going on? Let go of monster tree let go of me"


The green-haired little tree mother popped upside down from the ceiling, her eyes full of anger when she looked at the little squirrel. She glanced at the small bread below, and saw that she was holding her hand, blood was flowing out of the place where she had just been bitten. Seeing this, how could Xiao Shuniang release this squirrel that bites people?


With the slight force of the little Shuniang, the immovable branches and vines that once bound Tolan and the two of them immediately tied them to death. Want to escape? That is absolutely impossible.

Xiao Bao listened to the wailing sound of the little squirrel on the ceiling, and ignored the bite marks on his palm. Instead, he yelled ah, ah, and let the little tree lady tie it back, but don't tie it too tight. The idiot didn't go to help XiaoBan's wounds, he just looked at Mili lying unconscious on the ground, then raised his head and stared at the little squirrel.

"You can speak human words."

At this time, this little squirrel still wears a headset. An idiot's cold words, of course, reached its ears.

"Ha Yeah, I understand, so from now on, you can never lie to me anymore"

"... Since there is no language barrier between us, then..."

The idiot patted the wall, and the little tree lady knew it, and immediately erected a sharp branch and pressed it against the little squirrel.

"you you"

"Frankly explain, is it you who broke my glass?"

Pouting with hatred, he hummed: "What about me?"

"………………………… Tree mother."

The little green-haired girl chuckled, and the branch immediately protruded a few millimeters under the little squirrel. The little squirrel panicked as soon as he saw this extremely sharp object hitting his key part, and hurriedly hit it with his tail. Unfortunately, its tail was also entangled and could not move.

"Since it is you, you are responsible for compensation. If I can sell you once, I can sell you a second time. Besides, I saw your tail suddenly grow bigger outside. What's the matter."

The little squirrel said stubbornly again: "That's a commercial body shape."

"............ In that case, I will give you two choices."

"One, tell the truth about your purpose for blowing the sand."

"Ha, if I don’t say anything, what are you going to do? Do you still want to kill me? Kill if you want. Anyway, the demons are immortal. The big deal is that I will be reincarnated this time. It's really short and outrageous. I have patience. I can definitely wait for the next time to come to you to settle the account."

"………………I will not kill you. Instead, I will use the second option to deal with you."

"Huh, what can you do to me?"

"I will curse you and make you have to maintain that kind of'commercial body' forever. Then, I stripped you naked and threw you into the nightclub. I believe that your tail alone can definitely bring me a lot. income."

At this moment, the little squirrel was stunned. As far as force is concerned, this squirrel has absolute certainty that it can defeat the idiot who can't draw the sword. In fact, even if he draws his sword, based on the martial arts's combat experience, he may not necessarily lose. Maybe the possibility of winning is quite high.

But if... the Devil Emperor uses the power of "prison"...

You know, that is the power to dominate all demons...

" mean... mean villain"

"Let's talk. If you don't want to serve a dozen human males that you look down on every night, swimming in their—beep—liquid."

Having said that, the chain on the idiot's right arm was already raised in a threatening manner, and it seemed that it could be inserted into the idiot's neck at any time.

That's it, what can this little squirrel say? As a result, its original stubborn expression finally hung down. Not for anything else, just because it had once again reached the branch in front of itself, and it seemed to have to give in.

"I... I said... I'm here... Actually..."

"Xiaobai? Hate Xiaobai, what the **** are you doing? Why is Xiaobai entangled in the branches?"

A surprised voice came from the side, and the idiot turned his head. It was No one else but An. Fortunately, Xiao Bao had pushed the honey pear into the vine door, and Xiao Shu Niang had already received the information of the flowers and plants and retracted to the ceiling, and went to take care of the honey pear in the vine house.

The idiot didn't say anything yet, Anan had already left the workers responsible for installing the glass and ran in. She climbed to the ceiling with a chair, stretched out the vines, and rescued the little squirrel. While stroking the little squirrel's hair, she said, "What's the matter? Why are you angry with this little squirrel again?"

The idiot shook his head, looked at the one hiding in Duan's arms, pretending to be weak, pretending to be pitiful, and he couldn't help sighing. Forget it, anyway, as long as it is in this tree house, as long as it is in this forest, the squirrel who has already offended the little tree mother is definitely not pleased. Thinking of this, the idiot was relieved.

"Hey, long time no see."

"Yeah, yeah, it’s been a long time, but Xiaobai, I’m not here today to renew the old. I’m here... Hello, don’t stare at this squirrel, OK? You already sold it to me, don’t want to torture it anymore. ."

The idiot shrugged and closed his eyes. Seeing this, he smiled sadly, put the little squirrel in his arms on the table, touched its back, and said: "Come on, little hate, come and talk."

He glanced at the idiot with hatred wearing a headset, snorted, turned his head, and simply raised his tail, hiding his head under the big tail.

This makes An feel a little embarrassed. She looked at the little squirrel, then at the idiot, smiled awkwardly, and began to persuade the squirrel again. After persuading for a long time, the squirrel reluctantly poked his head out and opened his mouth——

"I spoke. Are you satisfied?"

After hearing these words, An immediately raised his head and stared at the idiot. When the idiot nodded at her, indicating that he did hear the sound, An immediately raised his hands and cheered.

"I succeeded and I succeeded in the language converter. As long as you have this, then no matter it is any language, whether it is Elvish, Orc, Giant or our human language, whether it has a dialect, or whether it has potential meaning, As long as I can make a sound, I can exchange information. I succeeded and finally succeeded. I am really a genius hahahahaha"

When the idiot was confused, An quickly stepped forward and began to explain everything on this small device. Although the idiot didn't understand the theoretical data and the long list of experimental tables listed in the dark, he still understood the meaning of it.


The idiot immediately called out the bread in the vine door. After seeing the idiot, this little girl still looked dissatisfied and showed Baba's face. After that, the little girl unexpectedly did not heed the idiot's greeting, and she retracted into the tree vine door again and took care of Mili.


Seeing this scene, the idiot's face instantly turned black. Even though he is not very sympathetic, he still knows that there seems to be some contradiction between the father and daughter. Hurriedly came out to round up the road----

"It’s okay, it’s okay. Although the experiment has been completed on this little squirrel, according to my design, if it is to be used by humans, it needs more power to push it. Because this little squirrel is a demon, it has magical powers. So it’s okay. But for people, how to improve the conversion method of the guide pin more efficiently is still a very difficult topic. There is no need to be so anxious now." V

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