Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 97: , The A-level task of bread

Bread's A-level mission

Bun was stunned. She looked a little dazed, and after thinking for a while, she raised her head and looked at the idiot beside her. I saw that the idiot was still cold. He did not show any emotions, anger, sorrow, or any surprise at this message.

He just sat like this. Then, wait for things to get to the point.

"President Campa, you... let the bun enter the literature department of the department of literature and art? Ah, don't I have any opinion on the department of literature? This is a very peaceful department, studying poetry, writing scripts and filling in the lyrics for singing. This is a very important job. Many government clerks come from the Department of Literature, just...just..."

He touched the back of the mold's head, frowned and said--

"It's just... I'm a little... don't understand..."

Among the military academies, the literature branch of the Department of Literature and Art can be regarded as the most inconspicuous existence. Although a good handwriting can be considered skill. But within the empire, the main significance of your ability to write good handwriting is that you can make your superiors look at your report more refreshing and comfortable. An is not incapable of understanding the act of sending the bun to school. After all, the principal can do anything at any time. I just don't understand, why is the atmosphere so depressing now? Moreover, it is obviously not a problem caused by the selection of the small bread.

"You don't need to understand."

Campa exhaled and said slowly again—

"All you need to understand is you, Bread. And your guardian, idiot."

There was no contempt in the principal's eyes, but no respect either. It's like looking at a stranger who couldn't be more unfamiliar, without any extra feelings. In response, the idiot finally responded after thinking about it a little bit.

"Bread doesn't..."

"This is your majesty's order. If she does not become a student of Divine Grace, she will be an idiot against the king's order. Are you willing to risk not staying in the sand?"

If you change to an ordinary person, I am afraid that Campa’s current tone is definitely a threat. Just imagine, how could the dignified demon king accept the threat of a little soul doctor? This wind blowing sand is still ready to eat it yourself? Couldn't it be that you can't stay here, the world is big, and there is no other place to let yourself, the master of the demon race, break through the world?

However, Campa does not think so. He believed that idiots would never think that this was a deliberate threat or provocation.

The devil will not accept threats, nor will he accept provocations. The useless extra tone is far from enough to make the demon in the black snow make an angry judgment.

Therefore, for these words of Campa, this cold-faced demon just crossed his hands and placed it on the table. After exhaling slowly, there was no action.

Campa knew that the idiot was listening.

He will not be driven by a single threat, he will make his own judgment only after he has all the information.

And what he bet is exactly what he can make after hearing everything.

Seeing that the idiot didn't respond, Campa breathed a sigh of relief and took out three yellow paper bags from his arms. First, he opened the thickest first paper bag and pushed down in front of the bun beside the table.


Little Bread looked at the paper bag and hesitated. She glanced at the idiot and saw that the idiot had no intention of blocking, then she pulled the paper bag and reached in.


The first thing that was taken out was a neatly folded set of clothes. I've seen this kind of clothing, and it is the school uniform of the Department of Art and Literature of Divine Grace. The white background and cyan stripes, coupled with the long-sleeved design, are enough to prove that this is the autumn version of the school uniform of Divine Grace.

"This is your clothes. You are in the second year of elementary school, so the ribbon is bright yellow. If you accept it, this school uniform is yours. The student ID and student handbook in it are also yours. There are also The timetable for this school year. However, I don’t think you will have a chance to take any class."

The idiot raised his head slightly, his cold black pupils looked directly at Campa, and continued to remain silent. Campa, on the other hand, didn't even look at an idiot, as if he were air, and opened the second paper bag.

"Now, I announce that to the students of the Elementary Department of the Department of Literature and Art, Bread will release the first *level mission after entering the school. Bread, you will leave the wind and blow the sand as a student of the divine grace, and go to the edge of the Fang Empire. Small town-Baleful Town, as a member of the Friendship Group, conduct a'Friendship Exchange'. This is your mission briefing. Check it out."

Hearing this, the idiot's cold eyes flashed across a dark icy flake. He ignored the bread, but grabbed the document, opened it, and checked it.

Mission difficulty: A

Task reward: 100 credits, directly promoted to member of the Ninth Knights

Time limit for completion: Go to Baleful Town until the end of the communication time

Mission Objective: Investigate during friendship exchanges


As always, the so-called briefing is indeed extremely simple.

However, a simple "investigation" may mean too many possibilities. In fact, just looking at the level of this task briefing-A, is enough to prove how difficult this task is.

After reading the briefing, the idiot handed the bun so that she could read it clearly. Subsequently, he did not express an opinion, neither expressed negative nor agreed. Just looking at Campa, waiting for all the answers.

"Hmm. Bread, the diffusion thinking you showed in the class last time is really amazing. The instructor of that class also ceremoniously recommended you to join this friendship group and make a state visit to this small town on the edge of the Fang Empire. ."

"The town of Balefulness, even though it is called a town, is actually a super big city. The name of this town has been passed down since before, so it has a long history and it has not been changed to a city."

"As the gateway city of the Fang Empire in the southwest of our country, the location of this city is extremely important. It is located in the Wolf Howl Mountains, blocking the only main road leading to other cities in the Fang Empire. In this sense, it is of great significance to the Bucks Empire."

"This visit requires a lot of negotiation skills. In order to express the sincerity of allowing the next generation to trust each other, His Majesty decided to send a young army of students to exchanges and achieve friendship between us. Only after completing these, your task will be It's done."

Xiaobai still crossed his hands and remained silent. Little Bread looked at the idiot, and after seeing that he hadn’t commented on this matter at all, he thought for a while and raised a sign—

"The Baleful Town of the Fang Empire? If it is for investigation, why count me, a twelve-year-old girl? Moreover, it is actually an internship group? 》

"This is to show our favor to the Fang Empire and express our friendship."

After Camping paused, he continued--

"It seems that there have been some misunderstandings between us and the Fang Empire. Indeed, we are humans, and they are some ferocious orcs. But His Majesty feels that this is not the reason why we must build a high wall between us. According to intelligence, The new mayor of Baleful Town seems to be a very decisive person. Moreover, it is not an orc, but a human. Therefore, your Majesty hopes that you can contact this mayor who acts as a buffer between the orcs and the humans. A bridge of friendship is initially established."

Seeing that Xiao Bao was still a little puzzled, Campa coughed slightly and said again: "Of course, this is not a *level mission of the fighting system, but a *level mission of the literature and art department, like a diplomat. Although it is very difficult, But there is no danger to life. Please rest assured."

Bun frowned, looking at the task briefing in front of him, pouting, hesitating. After thinking for a long time, she held up the card again—

"I don't want to agree, can I? 》


Campa exhaled and said--

"Because you are already one of the candidates who must be named by your Majesty."

In the Bucks, the king's command is naturally the greatest. But when Little Bread heard these words, she suddenly felt a cold gaze coming from the side and turned her head, and saw the idiot looking at her coldly, and there seemed to be black crystals floating around...

"Girl, is this the trouble you caused by showing off outside."

At this moment, this little girl finally knows what it means to shoot a bird. Think about it, I only showed it once, ah, I only showed it once, and now I have such a troublesome thing? What's worse even known by Ba Ba...

The idiot stared at the bun with no tenderness in his eyes. This is the so-called meaningless pros. Don’t you think it works? Very good, then the king will treat you as a hero and push you to the forefront. The grievances between the Bucks Empire and Fangs Empire may not be clear to most people, but he knows best. But where is this friendship meeting? Obviously, I want to explore the reality of the mayor. If he is really obedient to the human side, I plan to make this outpost fight immediately in the future battles.

"woo woo woo woo…………"

The idiot snorted and shook his head for the insensibleness of this little girl. But now is obviously not the time to hit this little girl's ass. He raised his head and looked at Campa before him.

After the idiot finished talking, Campa put down the second yellow paper bag in his hand and pushed it to the bun.

"So, you can't refuse this task. From now on, your *-level task is established. I will soon participate in this visit with the seniors and sisters of the University Department. I hope you can clean yourself up in time. Luggage."

For the task that was forced over, Xiao Bread didn't know what to do for a while. If you don't do it, you are defying the emperor's order. But if he accepts it, it is obvious that he is regarded as a soldier who deserves the task by the Bucks Empire. At this moment, the little girl looked up at the idiot, hoping to get some answers from his face. A

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