Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 105: , Meet the Mayor of Baleful

The bun's hand was holding a dried insect covered with chili sauce. Listening to the middle-aged man, she hesitated, but in the end, she still stuffed the dried worm into her mouth and chewed.

There was no words in the room for a while, only the gurgling sound from the kettle on the side stove. When the water came out of the kettle and leaked onto the stove below, the middle-aged man jumped up.

"Ah, sorry, let me get some water."

The idiot nodded and watched the middle-aged man with his back seem to be walking towards the stove. Xiao Bao stared at the middle-aged man's back, watching him slowly move, handling the kettle with some anxiety. After thinking for a while, she stretched out her hand and pulled the idiot.

"……………………I think we should also say goodbye."

The idiot pulled the bun and got up and talked. Seeing Anan next to him, he hurriedly stood up.

"Huh? Are you leaving now? Sit for a while?"

The tired middle-aged man turned his head and said those kind words. Hearing this, Little Bread tilted his head, wrote some on the sign, and held up—

"As a priest, you can't lie, can you? For Ba Ba and me, you don’t have to be so polite. 》

The middle-aged man was taken aback for a moment, and immediately heaved a sigh of relief, and said, "Yes...then, please forgive me not to give it away. Three people go slowly."

The idiot nodded and turned to leave. Anan looked a little flustered, but soon, she also bowed to the middle-aged man and left with the idiot and Bun.

On the corridor, An is of course very curious about the identity of this middle-aged man. She asked, the idiot was silent, but the bread finally wrote about the Iron City and his wife. I kept silent about why the beauty got sick. After all, for ordinary people, the existence of the devil is still too terrifying and too unbelievable.

The clear moonlight continued to shine in from outside the window.

There is no need to light a lamp in a simple room, and the moonlight can already illuminate everything.

The tired middle-aged man loves his wife and uses all his strength to take care of her. Hope she can smile again. Even if the world is old, even if the sea is dry, even if... until the end of the world...

In the corridor, quiet...

But being quiet does not mean that there is no one.

One person, stand here.

She leaned against the door of the middle-aged man and his wife, pricked her ears, listening to the voice inside.

This is a girl.

A girl who looked only sixteen or seventeen years old.

She wears a pair of very large round glasses on the bridge of her nose, without the slightest expression on her face. She just leaned against the door blankly, listening to the voice inside...

"May the goddess bless me and give my wife mercy..."

There was a sound in the room. After hearing this sound, the girl was taken aback. The face that had no expressions seemed to have changed slightly at this moment. She stretched out her left hand, pressed it on the door, closed her eyes, quietly... quietly... listening to the sound inside...


The next day was a good day.

Early in the morning, the people who were alive and alive couldn't help but wake up. Not because of anything else, but because of the strange roars of unknown creatures that sounded in various places in the city early in the morning.


The idiot put on his coat and covered the chain on his right arm with his sleeve. Xiao Bian yawned, went to the toilet, changed his pajamas into school uniforms, and fastened his bow tie. Then I put the lightning ribbon, shoulder armor, and belt on, and then walked out with dizzy eyes.

When I walked out of the room, there were already some orcs talking to each other in the hallway, and most of the people who were humans had dark circles under their eyes and a panic expression on their faces.

Fortunately, Princess Apricot, who is the supreme leader of this operation, still slept well. Today she is still in a white short skirt. After a simple breakfast, she took everyone to the highest point of the triangle in Baleful Town——

Go to the mayor's residence.

The spacious road looks unusually narrow at the moment.

The closer to the mayor's residence, the more orc soldiers patrolling on both sides.

These behemoths wear armor, and their muscles are full of power all the time.

Even if they just pass by the soldiers on patrol, humans can't help but feel a lot of pressure.

Walking along the road to the end, the huge building full of primitive wildness also appeared in front of everyone. The carriage stopped and Xiao Xing got out of the carriage and walked towards the gate of the mansion under the protection of the translator and guards.


Little Bread and the idiot were at the end of the line. Just as he was about to follow the team into the mansion, the little girl suddenly pulled the idiot's clothes and pointed to a path on the left of the mayor's mansion.

The idiot turned his head, and saw a line of orcs walking on this path. However, these orcs are not like soldiers, but more like prisoners. Both of their feet were shackled. With restraints on his hands, he was walking slowly along this road, turning a turn, and entering a side door next to the mayor's residence.


The idiot soon knew that this little girl was not shouting because of these prisoner-like orcs. It was a figure that emerged among these orcs.

That’s a big guy, even among this group of orcs, it’s an unparalleled big guy.

He wore a windbreaker and a worn top hat, and his long tail emerged from behind the windbreaker, and two pointed horns shrunk up on it.

No one else, it was the "big monster" that was on the train yesterday, sitting in the same seat with the bread

The idiot took a glance, and the big monster turned a corner and entered the side door next to the mansion. The bun was still yelling, but the idiot had already pulled him a little earlier and walked into the mayor's residence.




The thick and rough wooden design does not have the slightest brick structure of modern humans.

The walls are piled up with red mud, and some beast skins are hung on them as wallpaper. There are some unknown totems and text painted on the skin, which looks really weird.

This mayor’s residence does not have as many rooms as humans. After entering the gate, there is only one room. Therefore, it is more accurate to say that it is a tent rather than an official residence. And at the bottom of this tent is a throne that symbolizes the king of one party.

At this time, a "person" is sitting on the throne.

"Welcome you, humans. Welcome, come to my city."

Inside the tent, the lights are dim.

The rough mine soldiers standing on both sides exerted great pressure on the people here. Because of this, even though the "human" on the throne spoke human language, there was no way to make everyone feel a little relaxed.

The idiot and the bun were at the back of the team. The idiot looked up and looked at the mayor over there after looking around the orc soldiers.

If the rumors are not wrong, then the mayor should be a human... yes. Although he was not as tall as those orcs seemed, he was still quite burly at the human level. The muscles protruding from under the leather jacket showed the strength of this person himself.

He was wearing a wolf hat on his head, and the shadow under the wolf's teeth covered his face. But the sneer in the corners of his mouth and the fangs that emerged have fully demonstrated the cruelty of this man.

Inside the tent, there was peace.

Angrily swallowed his saliva and slowly moved to Xiao Xing's face, acting as a protective umbrella. And Bun also let go of the idiot's hand, got behind this friend, and pulled her sleeve.


Princess Apricot nodded and gently pushed away Bun's hand. After that, she slowly stepped forward, looked at the mayor, and said--

"It's nice to meet you. Mr. Mayor of Baleful Town. This time, I represent my father and my country. The Bucks Empire is here for a state visit to your country. I hope to have friendship with your country. Exchanges, to contribute to the development of the common interests of our two countries."

Xiao Xing's words were neither overbearing nor overbearing. The mayor sneered slightly when he heard it, and then waved—

"Hey, for a twelve-year-old girl, the princess is really courageous."

"Mr. Mayor is too modest. Compared to the experience of my grandfather who wandered around the mainland when he was ten years old, and finally returned to the throne, I am so tender."

"But you are blind. Still a woman."

"The incompleteness of the body does not mean the weakness of will and strength. The stag princess who has lost the light can still be stronger than many people with eyes."

After a question and answer, the mayor finally laughed. He waved his hand, and several orc soldiers immediately moved their chairs and placed them in front of the mayor.

"Come, please sit down. I underestimated your Royal Highness before, and now I apologize to you. Since there are women like this, you can naturally see the level of the king of stags now."


Xiao Xing Luo Luo sat down generously on the seat, put her hands on her knees, raised her chest and raised her head, facing the spiteful mayor. Next, the translator on the side submitted a manuscript to the mayor, and Xiao Xing also began to talk freely, and started talking with the other side about the economy, culture and exchanges between the two countries. Although she is young, Xiao Xing's words are already quite demeaned, and people cannot simply look down upon it.

Such political topics began to be discussed in the morning and continued until noon. Facing the aggressive question from the mayor, the answer of Princess Bucks can be regarded as a model. After many exchanges, the mayor wearing a wolf head laughed and nodded.

"Princess Bucks, many of your proposals are really attractive. However, I have a question."

The mayor bent down, supported his chin with one hand, sneered, and said: "Since you humans have the intention to form an alliance with our orcs, then why didn't the princess go directly to the capital of our country, the cave city, and go directly with your majesty? Negotiation. Instead, come here directly to negotiate with the mayor of my small city? So...hehe, doesn’t it seem like the cart before the horse?" V

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