Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 114: , Fringe of madness

Fringe of madness


When an orc soldier passed by the idiot, the scars on the idiot's body immediately aroused his suspicion. He walked over, without saying anything, grabbed the clothes on the idiot's chest, lifted him up, and pressed it against the wall next to it.


Little Bread was frightened by this sudden scene, she hurried to the idiot, hugged his thigh, and kept roaring at the orc soldier. But the idiot did not resist at all, letting the other party grab himself.


The orc soldier said a lot of words one after another, but the idiot couldn't understand a word. Since he didn't understand, he could only shake his head, but such a reply could not satisfy the orc soldier. He immediately pulled the idiot away and handcuffed a pair of handcuffs to his wrist.

"Ah, silly beep, silly beep"

Bun yelled, but such yelling seemed to have no effect at all. Just when the idiot is going to be taken away somehow...

Orc language) Slow...slowly"

A weak male voice rang from behind. After hearing this sound, the orc soldier and other orcs immediately turned their heads and stared at the direction of the sound source.

The idiot turned his head and saw that it was the translator who made the sound. At this moment, he was trembling all over, as if staring at him with a dozen pairs of colorful eyes at the same time felt uncomfortable to death.

Of course this translator would not be so bold. But the girl in white skirt standing beside the translator had enough courage.

"Say, tell them to release people. This is a member of the Bucks Diplomatic Corps. I can use my life as a guarantee. I am definitely not an assassin."

The translator swallowed his saliva, and then translated it tremblingly. The orc holding the idiot looked at the idiot in his hand, then at the translator and the girl here, and immediately walked over in three steps and two steps.


A mouthful of moist heat sprayed directly on the translator's face. The translator's face changed drastically again, he had already forgotten his identity, yelled, and hid behind Xiao Xing.


"what did he say."

Xiao Xing raised her head without fear, facing the orc. It seemed that he didn't care at all for those spit stars who threw on his face.

"He...he said...even the diplomatic group...can't rule out...maybe...assassins..."

"Then you tell him, if we really want to be disadvantageous to the mayor, we will naturally challenge according to the rules of the Fang Empire. As long as the mayor has the courage to accept. Besides, we have no reason at all. They need to be assassinated. This is an insult to our human dignity."

The translator trembled for a while, and finally, with his tongue crossed, said these words as they were. Having said this, this guy's face has completely changed, almost whiter than snow.

The orc soldier snorted a few times, and he looked at the idiot he was holding in his hand. This human didn't look very tall. Moreover, the little human girl was always lying on his feet, and judging from her physical characteristics, she did not quite follow the appearance of the assassin. After thinking about it for a while, the soldier finally roared, unfastened the shackles of the idiot's hand, and pushed him towards Xiao Xing.

Orc language) Roar

"He...he said...this...this...this time...forget...forget it...but...fangs...orcs...forever...forever courageous...accepting any...challenge... ...And also...and said...and said..."

"He also said that if you have the courage, you can directly challenge it, there is no need to hide behind like a squirrel. Did his squirrel provoke you?"

The latter words were said by the little squirrel lying on top of the dark head. Obviously, the latter words were spoken by the orc after seeing Desolation and Hatred. Of course, these words also caused the little squirrel to jump up and gesticulate to fight.

With a smirk, gently press the squirrel on top of his head. At this point, the orc and other orc soldiers turned around and continued to run on the street, sometimes catching people everywhere, and sometimes breaking into houses.

Seeing all this, the idiot seemed a little bit unable to understand. But it doesn't matter, Xiao Xing has already stepped out quickly and walked directly to the mayor's mansion behind.

"what happened."

Following the people of the diplomatic corps, the idiot asked as he walked. At the same time, the feeling on this street is no longer as lively and wild as it was a week ago. In comparison, there was a sense of killing.

Anan sighed and watched the humans next to him cautiously hiding in the room, some weird-shaped orcs in armor patrolling the streets from time to time, driving everyone away. After hesitating for a while, he finally said--

"Actually... Xiaobai, during your rest period, yesterday, a big event happened in the town of Spite."

The idiot followed, waiting for the answer.

"Last night, when the mayor of Baleful Town hosted a duel at noon and returned to the mayor's mansion to rest, he was suddenly attacked by an unknown person."

"At that time, the mayor's elixir seemed to be about to be developed, so the mayor absolutely had reason to suspect that the attacker was taking the risk because of the devil's fruit."

"The mayor has been fighting with each other for a long time. It is unbelievable that the opponent's strength is really not bad. For a while, the mayor cannot completely prevail. However, who knows, the assassin can't attack the market at first sight. Long, turned to the magic pot that the mayor used to refine the elixir."

"Seeing this, the mayor is of course very anxious. In the fight for the jar, unfortunately, the jar broke. The devil's fruit that has not yet fully formed inside is also lost. Seeing this scene, the mayor's spirit Suddenly in a trance. But who knew that the assassin would not do anything at all and start the assassination while the mayor was in a trance."

"Fortunately, the mayor's strength is not weak, so he was not killed. Later, the soldiers arrived, and the assassin probably felt he could not resist, so he fled in a panic. It's just a pity that the assassin's strength is too strong, the soldier. Did not stop the opponent, let the opponent escape."

The idiot nodded. In this way, the abnormal behavior of the orc soldiers just now made sense.

Little Bread pulled the idiot's sleeve, acting very depressed. This little girl didn't seem to have recovered from the panic that happened just now.

Xiao Xing, who was walking in the front, also listened to the comments of the people behind him, but did not express anything. But there is only one thing in the mind of an idiot--

The fruit of the devil was not refined... In this case...?


Suddenly, the idiot raised his head and gave a drink to the little squirrel on top of his dark head.

"Why? Why call me suddenly?"

The little squirrel raised its tail, adjusted the headset, and said.

The idiot didn't speak directly, he stared at the little devil and didn't speak. After a while, Hatred seemed to understand what the idiot was trying to say, his head shook, and he said loudly—

"It's not me. Although I thought about it, I found it troublesome, so I didn't do it. I have been eating pine nuts for the past few days... No, I have been comprehending the true meaning of being a martial artist, without any small movements."

Not this squirrel? So... who would the assassin be? Who would have such guts? With this strength, why not face the spiteful mayor in an upright duel challenge, but want to...sneak attack?

No matter how you think about it, the result seems to be a dead end. The idiot shook his head. In this silence, unconsciously, everyone had arrived in front of the mayor's mansion.

"We want to see the mayor, please let me know."

Xiao Xing said to the soldiers who were obstructing the crowd.

After being translated by the translator, these orc soldiers hummed coldly. After the translation, it probably meant that the mayor was not there. Please come again if necessary.

Although everyone does not want to accept this answer, there seems to be no other way now. After looking at each other, everyone had to turn their heads and walk back...


Suddenly, a heart-piercing roar pierced the sky and everyone was startled, and immediately turned their heads in the direction of the sound.

This sound... can't be wrong, it was just a week ago, and he fought with each other in the duel arena, able to control powerful shaman warriors

And now... his voice seems to be full of pain?

After pondering for a moment, the idiot immediately rushed to the arena next to the mayor's mansion. The bun followed, and since the bun and the idiot rushed over, Antan naturally followed closely. After such a wave, Xiao Xing also followed, and everyone in the diplomatic group also looked at me. After I looked at you, I followed.

The excitement of cheering was gone in the duel arena under the gray sky.

The seats of ten thousand people were empty, and there were no bystanders except for the soldiers who were waiting.

Looking down from the edge of this recessed arena, the scene that appeared in front of him immediately caused An to cover his mouth, and back a few steps. Even some men among humans are now pale and panicked.

That is the corpse...

Countless corpses

In the arena paved with yellow sand, many corpses have been piled up.

There are orcs and humans among them. Most of them are warriors wearing armor and holding weapons. But now, the corpses of these warriors are lying on the ground, like a puddle of mud. All the corpses have a common feature.

Their chests...empty.

And in a black tin can on the other side, it exudes a stench that makes people unconsciously cover their noses. A

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