Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 125: , Lost


"Ah, pepper, wait a minute"

On a ranch, an eighteen-year-old girl with a very good figure carries a baby on her back and carries a basket full of peppers in her hands. While using this name to call herself, her limbs are tied with gold. Cow with bells.

The cow flicked its tail, raised its head, mooed several times toward the distant horizon, and flicked its tail. Maybe the long-haired girl was too anxious to chase after the cow. In these November days, there was a layer of sweat on the tip of her nose. She slightly loosened a button on the front of her chest, showing the charm of her body that was not commensurate with her age, and fanned it with her hand.

" the direction of Baleful Town?"

The girl held the cows, looking at the end of the snow-shrouded sky, one by one, silent...


Lancer was holding his dying wife and daughter in his arms, and at this time he couldn't cry.

He didn't know what to say, and he didn't know what to do. Now, tears and snot, all falling from his face, mixed together, forming a pronoun of regret, dripping...

I'm afraid, he will never know what happened.

And now, he is not in the mood to know what happened.

In fact, it is very simple to put it bluntly. After killing the steel angel, he found Yueming suspended in the water. After thinking about it, she forcibly endured the aftereffects of the incomplete fifth prison and brought Yueming back and put it back in Lancer's room.

Then after his body recovered, he went quietly to "assassinate" Lancer, who was the mayor, and took the opportunity to destroy the pot of gold, further persecuting him and giving him pressure.

After that, Lancer became crazy under the torment of his wife's serious illness, and finally awakened completely. In the end, as long as he went back to the hotel when he started the killing, tell Yueminghe and the little Knight who knew his mother there, saying, "Lancer wants to save his wife, regardless of his strength. Challenge the mayor, and unfortunately he was killed."

This is actually just an ordinary experiment.

If the two women related to Steel Angel are really just ordinary humans, then after Lancer finally refining the devil's fruit, everything is naturally happy. And idiots can breathe a sigh of relief. After all, the phrase "to be sealed together" in the "Covenant" is too ambiguous, and idiots cannot take risks.

However, if these two women are indeed reincarnated as angels, as an idiot guessed, then since they are both angels, sisters, mother and daughter, then the chances of being members of the Key Organization will naturally increase. If it can be removed with the help of forging hands, it would be considered a stone for the idiot's heart.

This is the case. Sometimes, it doesn't even need to be too complicated. It only takes a few simple words and a few actions to make everything in the direction you think in your mind to achieve the final result.

The clouds in the sky still gather.

Grayish white, low, like cotton wadding pressed on something, making it impenetrable.

After a brief silence, those flying snow flakes began to fall from mid-air again. Leisurely, without any regrets or pity, fell in this world...

On the other side, the alliance of humans and orcs is still blocking the army of weapons that have never disappeared. Dark, squirrel, Xiaoxing, and dull are all still in the **** battle. They are naturally not in the mood to appreciate this snow scene that is no longer under any control, and they only need to struggle for pure survival...

In this place far from the battle, everything seems so quiet.

Those snowflakes began to pile up on the ground, forming a thin white carpet. This layer of carpet cannot be covered on Lancer's body, but it can be gently covered on his two relatives...

The idiot watched from behind. His eyes were as cold as usual.

He is very satisfied with this result, because every step is the same as his calculation. Now that the angel died, he was about to surrender a powerful demon to drive him. This time, it was really the so-called "perfect ending".

Middle-aged man, holding his relatives in his arms.

He hugged tightly, trying hard to use his body temperature to warm their gradually cold bodies.

Tears rolled from the corners of his eyes, and when they fell along his cheeks, they were almost frozen into frost.

He sobbed.

Crying silently.

Holding the two bodies in his arms, the only thing he can do right now seems to be pain and regret...

"You're fine...just fine..."

A smile appeared on Yueming's face.

She raised her hand and gently touched her husband's twitching face, the surprise in her eyes gradually disappeared, but now there was a touch of relief.

"Dad...I...I'm sorry...I left home...four years..."

Little Knight's eyes were also filled with tears, and she tried her best to curl up in her father's arms, summoning her last strength to say the words she had wanted to say for four years. But after speaking, she was already weak, and even breathing... seemed to become extravagant.

Lancer didn't answer...because he didn't know how to answer.

With the recovery of his memory, did he not remember that his wife and daughter sealed him?


Hate it?

Ask yourself, would he hate his wife and daughter? Will he... put this hatred in his heart?

The priest's tears could not be stopped, and he hugged his daughter, who had not seen him in four years, harder. In the past four years, he hasn't stopped missing or talking about this little girl. His wife even quarreled with him several times because of his daughter's disappearance, but... it was all because of caring about this daughter... caring about her... worried about her...

With his arms around this small body, Lancer put his face on his daughter's forehead, and with tears, he hugged tightly...

In memory, the father and daughter went to pick fruit together and played horseback riding together. In the past, Little Knight would always run behind him, calling his father and father with both hands open.

Sometimes, I would hide suddenly, that little girl would suddenly show a frightened expression, holding her fingers, looking anxiously in place. When the little girl cried out of fear, she appeared. At that time, she would always cry while running into her arms...

The scenes exist in the memory, as if they just happened yesterday.

Yeah...the happy lives that used to be, just like what happened yesterday...

Amnesia...meeting with Yueming... falling in love... getting married... giving birth to Knight...

All these things in the past, all of them... all came to his mind at this moment.

But at this moment, these are not like happy memories, more like condemnation...

Condemning his actions at the moment made his heart hurt... even more...

Bai Xue had already covered the lower body of the two of them and buried them.

The wife looked at her safe and sound husband with a happy smile in her eyes.

She stretched out her hand and accidentally touched something in the snow. After stunned for a while, the woman slowly lifted the thing in the snow to her husband...

That is a cross.

The silver paint all over his body had fallen off, leaving only the cross with black iron pillars.

But at this moment, Snow Angel has exerted his last bit of strength, and a layer of frost began to slowly form outside the dark cross, and it turned into a crystal clear silver...

"I... marry you... Knight... was born... to... monitor... you...?"

There was a light voice that she could hardly hear herself.

Lancer grabbed the cross in his wife's hand, put it on his chest, shook his head, but was already choked.

"Dad...I...I'm left...because...I...hate you...Do you...?"

Lancer kissed her daughter's forehead hard and looked at her haggard face. His heart was broken.

"I...want to"

The wife's whole body trembled, and she opened her mouth, her voice weak and almost misty.

"No, don't say me... I will heal you... I will definitely heal you and I will go to the best doctor in the world... You will not die... Our family will always be together "

Lancer roared loudly, but his wife now stretched out her hand and pressed it on the frozen cross on his chest...

"You...marry me... because of... curse...?... Your feelings for...our... also because of... curse......?"

"No... It's definitely not that I love you... Yueming, I am your husband, I love you Knight, I am your father... I am your father, there is absolutely no curse in it. There is absolutely no curse."

Lancer's voice was almost hoarse. He gritted his teeth and hugged his wife and daughter more tightly, and his three heads were close together.

"We are a family... a happy family forever..."

Upon hearing this sentence, Yueming smiled.

Hearing this, Knight smiled.

What are they laughing at?

As the breath slowly disappeared, as the two pairs of eyes slowly closed, now...what are they laughing at?

" no no no no no"

Lancer is almost crazy now. He desperately shook his wife and daughter's bodies and screamed loudly. At the end, he seemed to have thought of something, and immediately took the demon fruit from his arms.

He squeezed the pill in half and stuffed Yueming and Knight madly. As he stuffed it, he screamed loudly. Although his voice was hoarse, he couldn't make a decent voice even though he was seriously injured. But he still yelled and screamed desperately.

Half of the devil's fruit was stuffed into his mouth, and then... was spat out by two angels.

Lancer panicked holding this pill, surprised...

Yueming's hand fell heavily to the ground.

And the smile on Knight's face, at this moment, solidified forever...


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