Demon King Dad

Vol 2 Chapter 127: , Rest

Take a nap

The crowd began to return to the room to pack their belongings. About an hour later, everyone finally assembled outside the hotel and went to the mayor's residence under reconstruction to bid farewell to the new mayor.

At this point, the mission of the diplomatic mission is over. As the magic train station was completely destroyed during the battle, the railroad tracks were also destroyed. Therefore, everyone had to get on the wolf cart pulled by the second-level beast and thunder wolf to leave this unpredictable city.

The wolf cart moved forward slowly, and after a while, it finally came to the destroyed gate. Of course, an idiot as a servant member could not get on a wolf cart in the city, so he clearly saw the thing waiting at the gate.

Huge body, slightly swaying tail, wearing a windbreaker to cover his face, and the top hat on his head makes the whole face show only a pair of yellow eyes.

The wolf cart slowly passed through the city gate, and also slowly left beside the big monster.

For this ordinary orc, the people of the Human Diplomatic Corps certainly didn't care too much, but the idiot still had his eyes on him.


At the moment when the two crossed, the palms of the human and the orcs were raised at the same time, and they fought each other.

After that, without looking back, the orc directly lowered his politeness, wrapped his windbreaker, and walked into the city.

And the idiot didn't look back either. Following the slow-moving wolf cart, he left this city where too much happened...

At this point, the task is complete.

The time is approaching December.

The climate in Northland has already become cold, and the sky is also blowing snow from time to time.

Losing the magic train, the speed of the wolf cart pulled by the Thunder wolf alone is really not flattering. When it hit the heavy snow, the wolf car was stuck in the snow several times and could not move.

For members of the diplomatic corps, this journey back is tedious and painful.

Some people have even begun to despair, thinking that they can no longer rush back to the wind and blowing sand before the Holy Eve Festival to participate in the annual Holy Eve Party.

To make matters worse, there was only one magic train in all the small villages since leaving Baleful Town. Coincidentally, this magic train was destroyed in Baleful Town.

what does this mean?

It means that there will be no trains to take on the road from Baleful Town to the border of the human city. You can only rely on the most primitive orc and wolf carts for transportation.

"Well, the technological development of the orcs is really terrible~~~Why is there only one train? At least a few more cars, right?"

In the blizzard, there have been complaints on the carriage that was struggling on the official road. But complaining, complaining, no matter how complaining, there will be no train passing by now, right?

The wolf car that the idiot rides is the last one belonging to the servant. Four people were crammed into the narrow carriage, and the doors and windows were all closed. Although the warmth was a little warmer, it was a little bit too warm.

To make matters worse, this long journey made his body seem to be burdened. The body that could be healed in the past is now beginning to faintly aches again.

(Human kid, it hurts? How about being gentle? Hey hey~~~)

(Don’t talk too much, hurry up and heal me.)

(Cut, do you say cure and cure? The fifth prison is a very delicate thing. You are incompletely triggered this time. Do you know how serious the damage to your body is? You even said to me, "Hurry up." Cure me'? I have to carefully adjust your body and control your devil blood. If it gets messed up, your body will soon die due to multiple organ failure, know?)

(Really, if you don’t know how to be considerate of my hard work, you just know how to keep drinking. No wonder you are hated by that girl. Hey, I said, since you are hated by that girl, just throw away that girl now. Anyway, she also brings you a lot of trouble, how about selling her at this opportunity? Anyway, she is already very beautiful and can be sold for a good price~~~)

(Cut, boring.)

After Dimming murmured, he closed his eyes. But not long after, he opened his eyes again unwilling to be lonely, and started shouting--

(Human kid, scum...scum scum)


(Nima, you have to call you scumbag to react? Forget it, seriously, those two knives, snow flakes, flowers hidden in your backpack, what do you want?)

The idiot lowered his head slightly and glanced at Diane. Afterwards, he gently touched the travel bag on his lap.

The treasure map is in my hands. I can use it for others. Two angels, to prevent the resurrection, I have to wait for the body to recover before sealing. )

(So ​​that's the case. Oh, I have a suggestion here. If you seal it, you must seal the remains of the two angels a little deeper, and keep them away from the forging, so that they can never see the forging again forever, That's good.)

Ah, I think so. )

(Really? That’s great. Oh, it’s still going to be like this. Then, let’s think about who should have the treasure map and become a forge? After all, the human being eroded by the treasure map is actually here It’s not easy to wake up again after a thousand years. Well, not easy~~~ This time, we will also find a guy who will not be separated suddenly even if it is accidentally sealed, how about?)

Idiots are indeed thinking about these things, but now that I think about them, it is indeed a bit too early to think about these things. Compared with this matter, there are two other things that he is thinking about first now.

The first thing is that Little Bread ignores himself now. This is not a good thing.

And the other thing is my body...

The pain radiated from the body that never healed again.

Although the idiot has been holding it back, after a long journey, it seems that this endurance has finally reached its limit. After a sudden piercing pain from the cut in my stomach

Idiot, fell down...


The wind and snow slowly receded.

The wind that should have been icy, blowing on the face at this moment, but showing a rare warmth.

The idiot slowly opened his eyes and looked around...

Is spring... here?

Why... It should have been a snowy and icy environment... Now it is so green...?

Physical fatigue brings five senses of discomfort to idiots. He barely opened his eyes. Apart from seeing the greenery around him, he could only see a group of people around him, talking.

And he was lying on the soft grass, unable to move.

"Ah, this is really hard work."

An unheard female voice came from her ear, and along with the sound, there was the sound of jingle bells.

In the vagueness, the idiot seemed to feel that something was licking his face... wet and comfortable.

After struggling for a while, the idiot's spirit seemed to have finally recovered a little. He closed his eyes and opened them again, and this time, he was finally able to see the surrounding scenery...

A cow is standing beside him. Now, I was licking my face with my tongue.

The idiot saw the big face of the cow the moment he opened his eyes, and his body suddenly became alert. But after he saw it clearly, he finally breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed.

This is a cow with small golden bells on all four hooves. Next to the cow, stood a woman about seventeen or eighteen years old. She was wearing a set of red jumpsuits, with short azure curly hair, and big eyes set on the baby's face. But this is not the point. It can be seen from the faces of many male students next to her that this woman has a very good figure. Just a shirt covering her body makes the things on her chest seem to burst out at any time, full of allure.

However, it was probably because of the little baby under one year old in the basket on the girl's back. The men maintained a good restraint, answered very gracefully and gracefully, and did not do anything out of the ordinary.


"Really? It's pathetic... so many hard work..."

The young girl wiped her tears sympathetically while looking at the sign held up by Little Bread. At this moment, the cow gave a moo, and the girl immediately turned her head and looked at the idiot who was lying on the ground, struggling to get up.

"Ah, you finally woke up? It's okay, don't get up and lie down. You can lie on Chili if you need to. I will take you to my home."

The idiot sat up slowly with the help of Dim. He clutched his head, sobered up a bit, and said, "Here...where is..."

An lightly picked the blade of grass on the back of the idiot's head, and smiled: "Actually, you have only been in a coma for three hours, and this is not far from the official road. But, look at the two mountains."

The idiot turned his head and followed An's fingers. I saw the end of the finger, the extension of the Wolf Howling Mountain Range traversed there.

"According to Mengyu, because the climate here is above the lava of the volcano, the climate is warm and the seasons are like spring. In addition, the two mountains isolate the cold current, so here and there look like two worlds. , Let me introduce to you."

Anan held the idiot, stretched out her hand to the beautiful girl, and said with a smile: "This lady is named Meng Yu, the rancher of this pasture. She raises cows and grows peppers for a living. And this one , Is our savior, Pepper. Miss Mengyu said that it was Pepper who kept pulling her to run here, and she discovered our group of victims."

The cow mooed happily, walked up and licked his dull cheek lightly. He smiled sadly, wanted to push away, but couldn't push away. I can only let it go.

The girl named Mengyu lifted the basket with the baby behind her, looked at the idiot nervously, and said, "Mr. Scum, although...I know it's rude to ask me like this, but you should pay attention to your body. In addition...that...I have had this kind of pain...Dysmenorrhea...So, although I don’t know Mr. Scum, you have dysmenorrhea...but I still hope you...can hold on... "

The idiot's eyes were cold.

He turned his head directly and stared at the little bread over there. But that girl immediately erased the words on the sign, pretended to be a nonchalant, whistling, and went to play with Xiao Xing who was resting next to her.

The idiot didn't say anything, largely because he didn't know how he should deny this sentence. Because the girl's eyes are clear, and she has a worried look on her face, as if she really believes that he is menstruating. Forget it, I won't have a deep friendship with her anyway, the idiot is too lazy to explain.

"Everyone, I rarely have guests here. Since you are a rare visitor, would you like to go to my house? I invite everyone to drink milk. Ah, especially Mr. Scum, you'd better drink a few more glasses when you are menstruating. , Good for the body."

The people next to each other began to cover their mouths and began to laugh, but the idiot did not speak, and stood up silently with the help of the sad. Although An wanted to explain, but seeing Meng Yu's serious expression, he suddenly felt that if he explained it carefully, he might be regarded as an idiot. After thinking about it, it was fine.

Due to the idiot's physical condition, two male students carried him on a stretcher, while the others followed him and walked slowly. The little girl named Mengyu rode on the cow and led the way happily. Along the way, Bun's eyes were naturally staring at the basket in her hand, watching the red and gorgeous authentic lava pepper drooling, the image of a lady, and the gentle appearance, all forgot under the temptation of the pepper. And Mengyu seemed to have noticed it too, smiled and grabbed a handful and stuffed it into her hand, making this little girl happy.

The pasture is huge. Quite large.

The endless pastures and warm air give people a feeling of tranquility. Walking under this spring breeze, everyone didn't feel how difficult it was at all. I don't know how long I have been walking. From a distance, I saw a large group of cows gathering next to a very ordinary farm house, mooing.

"Welcome to my house. Well... my house is relatively small, and there are usually no guests coming, so I can only wrong you to sit outside for a while, okay?"

Mengying's words didn't make everyone embarrassed. The soft grass feels more comfortable to lie down than the most expensive bed.

Everyone sat down, and some people who were savvy went to the wolf car to take out the blanket and spread it on the ground so that the princess would sit down so that the skirt would not be soiled.

After seeing everyone sitting down and relaxing, the girl smiled and walked into the room. About fifteen minutes later, Chili came out of the cowshed with a big bucket in his mouth, while Mengyu was carrying a lot of bottles and cans and distributed them to everyone.

"Small place, there is nothing to treat. Everyone, only milk is the only thing you can drink. Please feel welcome."

"Oh, thank you so much"

The boys glanced at the girl's **** that were greater than An, smashed their mouths, and drank milk. After just experiencing that kind of ice and snow, a cup of hot milk makes people feel as comfortable as rebirth. A

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