Demon King Dad

Vol 3 Chapter 1: , Well...the orthodox brain fragment is here

The wind blows the sand in January, still immersed in the joyous atmosphere of the Holy Eve Festival just now.

People still bless each other after they meet, and use laughter to convey the hope in their hearts.

For adults in this city, the end of January is just an ordinary day, a day that needs to be confident to continue living because the New Year has just finished.


For some people, it’s not so comfortable just after the New Year. They have just spent a not-so-short vacation, and now they need to devote themselves to a new study life again, naturally they are a little uncomfortable.

Yes, that's right. Is the student.

After the holidays each year, there will be many problems with the mental outlook of the students. In terms of schools, many problems occurred at the beginning of the new semester.

Such as failing to hand in homework, poor mental outlook of the students, slack thinking in class, etc. These are only minor, but if some students can’t keep their minds during the holidays and skip classes, absenteeism, and ganging up with outside social workers in the formal school life, the school is not a school, then for the school But it is a big problem.

Yes, in addition to students, teachers are also one of this nervous group. And obviously, this year's sacred grace is destined to become "extraordinary" and "lively"...

Inside the tower of glory--

"Principal Principal——Principal——"

There was a loud knock on the door violently from the door. Then, the half-headed teacher rushed in frantically.


"What's wrong, the dean of education."

Headmaster Campa, who was sitting at the table, raised his head and looked at this nervous subordinate.

"Please look at this"

The instructor didn't talk too much nonsense, and directly snapped a form on the table in front of Campa.

Campa frowned, slightly dissatisfied with the madness of his subordinate. He held the glasses on his face and looked down.

"The estimated cost of on-campus repairs is 217,420 Sura in total. Is this from the previous year?"

"Last week"

The instructor split his throat and shouted loudly—

"It was the student named Bread who was a habitual offender of damaged equipment and hindering teaching.

Campa closed his eyes, acting very calmly. He stood up slowly, turned around, faced the large floor-to-ceiling glass behind, and said with a smile on his face——

"Dean, you should know her situation."

Campa smiled, his voice soft--

“She’s been living in a poor environment since she was a child. She has been playing around in places where she was indiscriminate since she was a child. The people around her are also dangerous people in the society. As a result, her normal school life may be affected. Some can’t adapt."

"Even so, her behavior is against common sense"

"……………………So, we educators should guide her even more."

Campa's gaze gently passed through the floor-to-ceiling glass, looking at the playground where the students were playing outside.


" should we close one eye?"

The dean looked at their principal with a very suspicious look, and the blue veins on his forehead not only did not disappear, but some became more prominent.



The half-headed dean had a stern look in his eyes, and his eyes were full of dissatisfaction and doubt when he looked at the principal.

"It is said that she is backed by the evil forces in society."

"End~~All~~It doesn't matter."

"I also said that this evil force also donated a huge sum of money to our school."

"End~~~~All~~~~ It doesn't matter."



Lilo sighed, her eyes a little puffy.

No way, the thirteen-year-old girl is very sleepy, but she fell asleep too late last night because she was too late outside.

Having said that, this was originally a very strange thing. Why is there a two-month vacation for summer vacation, but only three short weeks for winter vacation? Every time after the Holy Eve Festival is over, school will be restarted less than a week later. Isn’t this not a New Year atmosphere at all?

But forget it. As a student, you must also accept the school's abuse, so the school will naturally pay the price for it and accept the fact that they are not in good spirits.

Thinking like this, Lilo carried her schoolbag and walked to the classroom...


Suddenly, a sudden explosion came from the teaching building. The explosion sounded loudly, and even the whole teaching building trembled.

"Wh... what's going on? The lab exploded?"

As the sacred favor of the Royal Military Academy, such a large-scale explosion can happen in such a school. It is really hard to imagine that she does not think that except for the explosions made by the scientific lunatics in the laboratory, she is Make other assumptions

The matter was urgent, Lilu rushed to the explosion points. Along the way, other students were shocked, and they didn't know what to do. Seeing this scene strengthened Liluo’s determination to rush to save people.

Sure enough, after rushing to the auditorium inside the teaching building, the situation in front of her immediately stunned the little girl.

Almost all the walls of the auditorium were blown up. Looking in from the wall, the window glass on the other side of the auditorium was shattered one after another, and none of them was good. Needless to say, the seats inside are broken and tattered. In short, this auditorium has been completely blown up.

"what happened?"

Lilo screamed and immediately looked for the source of the problem. Soon, she saw an even more incredible scene over there

I saw four old scholastics who are usually very old, but at this moment they are all naked, wearing only a pair of underwear, tilting their buttocks, and lying on the ground. Their feet are all **** with a twine, and their hands are holding their heads, looking terrified.

And behind them, there is a girl of the same age as herself, holding a force gun in each hand with a serious expression, and pointing directly at the back of these teachers.


Lilo was surprised and hurried over. After seeing that Lilo was coming, Bread didn't have the slightest smile on his face like ice, but still stared at these old pedants very seriously.

"What's wrong? You...what are you doing?"

Bread hung a force gun around his waist and took out the brand——

"Don't Lean in Danger"

Liluo was taken aback for a moment, but her steps stopped instantly. At this time, a teacher may be a little active because he has been lying down for a long time. But with such a smiling action, the bread with sharp eyes immediately noticed it, and directly inserted the muzzle of another force gun into his anus, causing the opponent to scream.

"Don't move, if you don't want your chrysanthemums to bloom, just let me lie down"

Bread threw the sign in front of these old scholars, and the teacher whose gun was inserted into his **** trembled, and he did not dare to scream.

"Bread? What the **** is going on? are you doing these things?"

"I am maintaining school safety"

Bread raised the sign, and then turned it over—

"However, these people who are suspected of being members of terrorist organizations have taken many actions that may undermine the safety of the school, so I will now subdue them. 》

"Terrorist organization???"

Lilo looked at these teachers who usually met, and couldn't help frowning, and said--

"But, these teachers are our usual teachers? And you think they are so scared one by one, how could it be a terrorist organization?"

"Too naive, bad guys will never write that they are bad guys on their faces. No, they look honest on the surface, but they actually mean they are professional. The real killer will never be a handsome big brother, but he may definitely be a good old man who seems to be usually humble. Don’t you see enough news like this? 》

"Then... Then you can talk about it first, why did they become members of a terrorist organization?"

Bread nodded, patted his hand, and two machine gun brackets protruded immediately on the ground. After setting up the two guided guns, she began to write--

"It's like this. Today, according to the teacher's request, I am responsible for cleaning the sanitation of this auditorium. Several other female classmates and I came here, ready to clean. 》

"But when we were preparing to clean, these four people broke in suddenly. And hold a firearm. When faced with my question and request to lay down the weapon, none of them agreed. In spite of my obstruction, he just walked into the auditorium. 》

"According to the three non-personnel who refuse to disarm, refuse to declare their identity, and refuse to listen to dissuasion, the general rule of the international community is to give priority to the list of terrorists. Therefore, I have taken necessary protective measures. Blow up the wall and blow up the glass, so that even if it is attacked, there will be many escape routes, so that the enemy cannot catch them all. Moreover, it is also very beneficial to the subsequent rescue operations. 》

"Necessary protective measures? You bombed the school. Is this necessary protective measures?"

"This is because the design of the auditorium is unreasonable. There are only two small exits in such a large space. In other words, only two people are needed to control hundreds of people in the room. Such an ambush site is really the best ambush place for members of terrorist organizations. 》

"What are you kidding? How could our school be attacked? Hurry up and let go of these four teachers."

However, facing Lilo's hand that was ready to untie the rope, the bun snapped open. She has a serious expression, and her emerald-colored pupils are extremely cold. His eyes were full of calmness and competence.

"too naive. It was only recently in the newspaper that terrorists kidnapped students and teachers. How could you be so careless? Ba Ba once told me that school is the battlefield. Its severity is no easier than any adventure I have experienced before. In other words, the horror is more severe"

"Ah? What the **** are you talking about? No, let go of these teachers, they are all the school's dominance gun designers. Today, this auditorium class should be their class, so they will come in like this Yeah and, how can you think that they are terrorists based on just this point? You still pull their clothes? This is disrespectful to the teacher.

"For a suspicious person, the first reaction is to classify him as a terrorist member, wait until he is subdued, and investigate clearly before releasing him. This is the guideline when dealing with dangerous elements. In everything, we must first think about the worst plan, so that the danger can be avoided to the minimum. 》

"As for the clothes, how do you know that they are not carrying other weapons if they are not stripped? I'm just a 13-year-old girl. To subdue four terrorists at the same time, I can only rely on surprise attacks, not hard work. Disarm first, this is common sense. 》

"What is common sense? Your common sense is too much. How can you pour those dangerous thoughts into your mind to make you think it is common sense? Let go. This is too disrespectful to the teacher."

"Li Luo, you are still careless. Please rest assured, leave it to me here, I am an expert in this area. 》

After writing, the bread no longer talked about Lilu. She put away the sign, holding the force gun in one hand, and staring directly at the four seemingly harmless "suspected terrorists" in the other. But now, her crisis response has not yet been completed, and these emerald eyes are directly fixed on the last fig leaf of these old scholars-panties.

"Take Off"

Bread put the sign up, and then immediately reached out his hand to grab the underwear of the youngest-looking teacher.

"Ah wait... wait a minute, don't stop~~~~"

As an educator, have you ever tried the experience of being picked up underwear by a young and beautiful girl in a crowd? The teacher didn't dare to resist just now, but now he still stretched out his hands, grabbed his underwear tightly, and screamed shyly.

However, facing the bread of the "crisis management expert", this teacher was obviously still too tender. In the face of resistance, Bread didn't say a word, and directly raised the force gun and inserted it into the opponent's anus. After the teacher called out "Oh", she pulled the **** down.

Well, safe. next

Under the surprised attention of the students around, this beautiful pink-haired girl took off the underwear of these middle-aged men one by one. After confirming that there were no weapons hidden in their underwear, they waved the force gun to make these teachers stand up.

"Stand well in a row"

These teachers are ashamed~~~ But unfortunately, they don't have any martial arts, and they can't resist the bread at all. Under the scolding of Bread, they had to stand up, covering their crotch with their hands. One of them even lowered his head, sobbing sobbing.

"Say your name and write it on it, then grab it with both hands and place it on your chest"

Bread passed the sign, and at the same time waved her left hand, a long ice skate was condensed from her cuff, together with the force gun, against these teachers.

Under the shame, these old scholars had to write their names in shame and held them to their chests. And the bread is also honest, you take out the portable camera directly from your pocket and lift it up...V

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