Demon King Dad

Vol 3 Chapter 3: , She knows what she should do

She knows what she should do

Her waist, thighs, and calves are all tied with bags. Unsurprisingly, these bags are all bulging. I don't know what they are. The only normal way is her schoolbag, right? However, when the bread passed in front of her, she suddenly found that one corner of the schoolbag was damaged, revealing a small piece of white stuff...

Steel plate?

Bread glanced at Li Luo next to her, holding the umbrella, she just lowered her head slightly, and immediately walked towards her teaching building with serious eyes.

"Slow, slow, slow the bread you...what are you going to do?"

"go to school"

The bread raised the placard, simply indicating his purpose.

"Going to school? People who don't know think you are going to the battlefield. Hey, wait a minute."

Bread ignored Li Luo, but continued to walk towards his classroom with a cold expression. Along the way, after seeing the buns, the students all around showed expressions of surprise and surprise. Some of the students who had heard of yesterday's events even whispered to each other, and there was a little more fear in their eyes looking at the bread.

"Hey, have you heard? This girl is the sister of that scum bulldozer"

"What? So it's no wonder that she seems to be very dangerous..."

"But then again, her brother is very good at pushing girls. Is this sister very good at pushing men?"

"Uh... if that's the case... I really want to be pushed by her once..."

"You don't want to kill you, didn't you see this girl in this... outfit? This guy is definitely a dangerous man, absolutely"

"Yes, yes, if you want to survive, it's better not to have any relationship with her... I heard that the social relationship behind her is very complicated, and she is a very scary girl."

Bread walked, listening to the whispers around. Sure enough... Has it started? What Baba said is right, transfer students are easy targets of bullying. And in the beginning, it all started with language bullying. It seems that there is nothing wrong with these complete preparations.

"Hey, bread, you listen to me, why don't you answer me?"

Lilo followed the bread all the way, calling her at the same time. But the bread turned a deaf ear. Two pairs of eyes watched everything around her vigilantly. After pairing with her eyes, the students around all bowed their heads involuntarily and did not dare to look.

In front of the teaching building, a teacher who checked his appearance stood in front of the door. When Bread came to the male teacher with an umbrella...

"Hey, what the **** is going on with you, a student? How do you dress like this?"

Male teacher?

Bread raised his head, his emerald eyes fixed on the teacher, and at the same time, he took a step back.

Seeing the bread back, the male teacher immediately walked forward and said, "What's the matter with you? Do you know the school rules? How do you dress like this? Hurry up and take it off."

Take it off?

So that's it... Is this the teacher's molesting of female students? What Baba said is indeed correct...In this broad daylight, before all the students, there will be such a bad teacher.

At this point, the bread's complexion was slightly lowered. Without saying anything, she threw away the umbrella in her hand, completely exposing herself to the torrential rain.

When the male teacher saw the girl so openly in the rain, he was anxious, he hurried over, and wanted to pull the bread into the teaching building...

"What's the matter? Come in quickly or you will get wet"

The next moment, the male teacher's hand stretched directly to the girl's shoulder...


With a bang, the male teacher's face was hit hard by a small fist, and the whole person flew to the side like a kite and hit the wall.

And it was Li Luo who shook her fist, and at the moment her fist hit the male teacher, the knife in Little Bread's hand was already shot through the rain.

This amazing scene made Li Luo gasp. After beating the teacher, she turned her head directly, took out the book from her arms and patted Bread on the head, loudly—

"What are you doing, do you really want to kill someone? Ah? Picking up the teacher yesterday, killing the teacher today? What is your hatred against the teacher?"

"No, I respect the teacher very much. I am just implementing the spirit of self-preservation. 》


Liluo's book slapped on Bread's forehead again.

"Implement the self-protection spirit of a girl, you are completely intimidating, hurry up and apologize to the teacher"

Bread rubbed his head, his cold eyes were still very sharp. For the male teacher who was already unconscious, she finally walked over after thinking a little bit.

"Yes, apologize to the teacher."

The teacher was already soft now, and was finally lifted up by other teachers and students, but opened his eyes, and immediately saw the cold face, with a bright knife in his hand, and the bread that came step by step...

" no...don't..."

The teacher got up frantically, screamed, and ran towards the teaching building frantically. Only left in place, with equipment, cold eyes, bread holding a knife, still standing in the eyes of everyone...

"He could not molest me, so he ran away. 》

"Run your sister"

Lilo was completely speechless. At this moment, the girl took out a thick dictionary directly from her schoolbag and patted it directly on the back of the bread head. Of course, the bread patted was very confusing. She turned her head and looked at Lilo, who was holding a dictionary, saying that she could not understand.

Lilo pointed her arms on her hips, pointed at the heavy equipment under the bread, and pointed at her head, and said: "You have listened to me about a place like school, but it's far less dangerous. I don't know you are from your What kind of perverted thoughts have been accepted by Ba. But in school, you must completely abandon these extreme thoughts. You are a girl. My sister always said that I am not like a girl, but now I think you are instead. It's not like a girl."

Lilo pulled the bun into the teaching building and walked all the way, counting down. The two of them have different systems, and of course it is impossible to teach in the same class. However, before this friend blows up the whole school, she feels that she still needs to talk about her.

"Listen, Bread. You are a very beautiful girl, you are very beautiful, I believe, in the same grade... No, no one is more beautiful than you in all grades. It is because of you. , Very girl, so you need to learn how to control your behavior. You need to learn to respect your friends. Do you understand? The word friend, do you understand?"

Bread tilted his head and nodded after thinking about it.

"Friend, I understand"

"This is just the first step. Don't be so crazy today. You have to be quiet and make friends, understand?"

"I know, rest assured, leave it to me"

To be honest, Lilo was very worried about the smile that Bread now showed. But is there any way? People have said that they can handle all this, what else can they say?

After a while, the two finally arrived at the fork in the road. After Lilo reminded him for a while, she went to her classroom worriedly. But Bread turned his head and walked to his classroom.

Department of Literature, Cultural Branch.

Among the divine graces, it belongs to a branch system that is the weakest and least in generations. To put it simply, the students who have fallen here are not only bad at martial arts, but even their overall strengths and specialties are not good.

Of course, no one will actively sign up for this system. The students gathered here are all grades of the whole year. It is really impossible to mix in other systems, but the family refuses to let them drop out of school. After all, there is a diploma of Divine Grace, which is a bit louder, isn't it?

Bread went all the way, thinking about the previous investigation and analysis of this system. After half a month of testing and combined teaching in a large class, today is the first day she has officially joined the Divine Grace and won the placement. Her class was Class 1. After walking for a while, she finally found her class according to the sign. After taking a slight breath, he strode in and walked in.


Push the door open.

But, slightly different from the bread imagination, everything here appears orderly, without the slightest confusion and unbearable. As the door opened, the students inside raised their heads at this moment, watching the girl who walked in through the door.

The lowest... class?

Bread glanced at the students here. At this moment, these students also raised their heads and looked at her. Some people who knew started to whisper, those who didn't know were surprised.

No... can't be careless. Even the lowest class may be hiding a dragon and a tiger. Who said that the people in the lower classes are all rubbish? Who can guarantee that there are actually no geniuses who have fallen here because they are too lazy to take the exam?

You have to be careful, bread. Since the other party has the ability to hide from all the adults, it completely means that this kind of stuff like oneself is not regarded by the other party at all

After careful observation, all the students in this neat class seemed suspicious. Just when the bread was silent, the head teacher of this class also walked in through the gate.

"Ah, start to class. Huh? Are you..."

The middle-aged woman approached Bun from behind, but when Bun turned her head and saw the bright red nail polish of the middle-aged woman, her complexion was suddenly distorted and she rushed forward in an instant with a punch. On the belly of this middle-aged woman


A mouthful of sour water from the middle-aged woman immediately poured up for a moment, and the bun waved her hand directly, and the cold air instantly froze her fingers. Then, the bun took out a medicine bottle from her chest pocket and quickly opened it to remove the powder inside. It fell directly on the face of the head teacher.

After shaking for a while, the head teacher finally passed out. A

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