Demon King Dad

Vol 3 Chapter 8: , Language


The negotiator covered his face, lowered his head, and said, "No, I just think more cautious women should be allowed to..."

"Okay, I think what did you guys bring me here for? It turned out to be for my little one? Are you kidding? Are all men in this world perverted? It's so desperate for this world. No wonder the old lady is always I can’t find good men. All good men are perverts and **** with special hobbies.”

Seeing that Quilin was about to go wild, the negotiator had no choice but to calm her down. If the loud noise here is heard by the people inside, wouldn't the plan for yourself completely collapse?

"Okay, okay, it's you, it's you. So, do you know what we are looking for you for?"

Although Quilin felt that the young man in front of her who always refused to turn her face to her was a bit familiar, she had never thought about analyzing who the voice belonged to. After tilting her head for a while, she touched the back of her head and smiled: "Ah...what am I here for?"

The negotiator was taken aback and said again: "Don't you know? What is happening in the divine grace now?"

Quilin frowned, looked around, and said, "That...I don't know very well. I played cards yesterday, so I just slept in the office. I didn't get up until this afternoon. I went out and watched directly. Someone over there said to find women with nice voices. I found it very interesting, so I ran over."

After hearing these words, the negotiator was stunned for a while. He immediately turned his head and looked at the knight leader next to him. Obviously, the knight commander was also surprised at how slow this girl was.


Ah, as you can see, we are recruiting actors. "

The negotiator raised his head and said: "It's a black humorous comedy called Men's and Women's Cross-play. Now, we are rehearsing on the spot.

"Uh... men and women cross-talk?... Does it mean I need to wear men's clothes?"

"No, no, it's only sound."

The negotiator paused and continued--

"This play is like this. The men and women on the stage perform according to their respective roles as usual. However, they do not make a sound, but are dubbed behind the scenes. The male role is the voice of the female role, and the female role With the voice of a male character. In order to highlight a sense of harmony."

Quirine's eyes lit up and she immediately gave a thumbs up and said, "It's funny. So, I'm your voice actor behind the scenes, right? Okay, I did it."

Quirine was successfully deceived, so the next thing is much simpler. As long as she can behave naturally, the potential meaning in the language she organized will of course not be seen through. After that, the negotiator once again exhorted Quilin a few words, and took her to the door of the church. before.

"Hello? Anyone?"

The female voice came in from the outside. Because it was separated by the door, it was not really heard, but there was no doubt that it was a vibrant female voice.

Bun was stunned for a while. But Lilo and Kolo behind her said: "It's a female voice finally. We have saved Little Bread. Open the door."

Even Zelens was relieved now, with a smile on his face, and said, "Yeah, yeah, open the door."

But in this regard, Little Bread immediately raised his hand and prevented their stupid behavior.

"Don't be Careless This is a Mind Attacking Tactics"

Bun gritted her teeth, and for a while, a sense of terror emerged from the bottom of her heart.

-How are you? anyone there? ——

These two sentences sound very simple, but in fact they are so terrible

The negotiator before that was a fool, he was always incomprehensible, and he was always confused and embarrassed by himself. But... this one is very different

From a man to a woman, it is conceivable that the negotiating team outside began to become smarter. They know that it is easier to gain understanding and sympathy with a woman's voice. In addition, in these two seemingly simple greetings, the potential meaning they represent is absolutely extraordinary.

The other party knew that there were people in this church, but he still asked if there was anyone. This may seem like a question, but it contains politeness, and on the surface it can quickly gain the favor of people on his side. On the other hand, you can also pretend to be innocent, cute, or ignorant to test yourself

That's right, the negotiator who was like a frog at the bottom of the well just now has left...

Instead, it is a towering opponent like a mountain

A master came out...

An absolute master

Bun gritted his teeth and began to pace back and forth in the church. She wondered how to deal with the outside plan. After thinking about it, she immediately wrote a line on the sign, held it up, and forced the male student who had been carrying her microphone to speak.

"There is no one here"

The boy’s voice came from inside, and this simple reply naturally made the negotiator’s eyes furious.

There is no one here?

Obviously, this seemingly brain-dead answer is filled with too much meaning.

On the one hand, it is a rebuttal to the problem of his own design, blocking his "sweet voice strategy plan" with a flawless defense. In addition, through such an irony, I threw the probing thing back to my side.

In the heavy rain, the negotiator's forehead could not help but sweat.

Because this was too terrifying, he had no surprise know how old and wise the opponent inside was. What a terrible opponent I am actually fighting against

However, this does not mean that negotiators will admit defeat. After thinking for a while, he wrote some on the paper and handed it to Quilin. After taking a look, Quirine spoke again and said--

"Actually, don't get me wrong, I'm not someone to persuade you. Now those people are discussing, and I am the person in charge of the guard. I'm just here to chat with you."

The basic gentle policy, do you want to test me? Then I will let you test first. Then, I will also test you to see how you feel about the Huairou policy.

In the church, after listening to these words, Bun immediately pinched his chin and began to think carefully, studying the meaning of each word in this sentence. Obviously, the most important thing in this sentence is the last sentence——

——I’m here just to chat with "you"——

with you"? And not with "you"? It can be seen from this that although the negotiator outside is close to himself on the surface, in fact, he is a person in the split church.

Others will think, why does that sweet-sounding beauty emphasize that she wants to talk to you? Why? Do you have a betrayal mind?

There is no need for any conclusive evidence, only a small seed is needed to sown, then everything will be no problem.


Little bread, he sneered. She came to the door, stretched out her hand to press the door, and after a few thoughts, she immediately raised the sign to let the student speak--

"In fact, we also love children. We also hope that this incident can stop without bloodshed. Conflict has never been a good solution. This is like standing in front of a church. Although there is a small conflict, in the end, They should all understand and take care of each other, right?

The people inside attacked and used the simplest form of love between men and women to describe this stalemate state, and, without a doubt, the people inside compared themselves to men who cringed and waited for marriage in the church. The negotiators on the side of the idiot judged that they should be cowardly, but in fact, women of the new era who should go forward without a doubt. The people inside are prepared to implement a thorough defense policy, but they revealed that although they are defensive, they still have The same offensive weapon

The idiot's fist was instantly squeezed, and he swiped a big pen, immediately letting Quilin next to him read——

"But, don't you think that marriage is more concerned with the eyes of others? Does it just mean that you can send it with integrity? But only after you get the certificate can you get it with integrity. Isn’t the situation worse than that of animals that can be fair and honest without getting a certificate?"

Is this a counterattack?

Yes, it was a thorough counterattack

Careless... I didn't expect it, it was too careless

The master outside would directly ask himself with such masculine questions

Obviously, people outside have begun to figure out their identity. I want to judge whether I am male or female, big or small based on my answer.

After all, there are subtle differences in the answers to this question between men and women, adults and minors. If you answer incorrectly, you will expose your true identity badly

So, if you want to hide that you are a little girl, shouldn't you talk like an adult uncle? After all, between men and men, women and **** are eternal themes

No wait

It's too's too dangerous

This is a hidden and extremely deep trap. If you take a step slower in your thinking, you will completely fall into this trap, which is also mixed with traps.

They are women who are talking to themselves. Generally speaking, when a group of men are together, they are very free to talk about **** and other topics. But in front of women, men should be very restrained, no matter how flowery they are, and it is impossible to openly talk about such things in front of the opposite sex. If you really talked so directly, definitely...

I will be immediately seen through the fact that I am disguising and I am a little girl.

Bun squeezed his fist and hit his chest with a heavy hammer. It's too dangerous... Although the language is simple, it is actually extremely complicated. If you are not careful, you may fall into the opponent's trap, but... it doesn't matter, because now he has seen it through.

After seeing through these language traps, the only thing I can do is naturally--

"From the perspective of today's society, the animals that can come and go in nature anytime and anywhere are actually not very elegant. Isn't it said that people should care for animals? But why can they be allowed in the wild at will What about sending it casually? It's like the little **** of my family. There are a lot of wild dogs pestering it every day, and I don't know how many male dogs have been sent to it every day. But she hasn't even had one. Continue to sway with scruples? I think this is basically a shame to animal humane care."

"I think the relevant departments should be responsible for this. They should issue a decree to give the animals the most comprehensive humane care. Before the animals receive the certificate, they should also be like people and are not allowed to come casually. Fa. The death penalty must be imposed for sexual assault and violent sexual assault, so that the sexual rights of female animals and some male animals are not violated."

After Quirin heard these words, the corners of her mouth twitched. She turned her head and looked at the negotiator and the knight leader. But the knight commander couldn't help holding his chin now, and said thoughtfully--

"Well, it makes sense. In fact, I also have a female cat, which I have been raising since I was very young. I have no children and always treat it as my daughter. But when I saw it last time When there are three male cats all around my little Catherine, one rides and the other goes on again, and my little Catherine is still screaming comfortably there and climaxing, don’t mention it. How painful it is."

The knight commander raised his head and looked at the church no longer so sorrowful, but seemed a little sympathetic and approving. Then, he said something extremely fatal in the eyes of negotiators——

"These people are actually very humanistic and moral. It seems that they are not very wicked people. As long as they talk carefully, they can make sense."

Regarding this, the negotiator frowned and thought about it carefully.

What does it mean? Get sympathetic speech? ...It seems...that's right. In the wind and sand, many people have pets in their homes, and many people may regard their pets as their family members. If you see cats, cats, dogs, monkeys, lizards, and other young men who are not active and get **** by "wild men" outside, you will probably feel uncomfortable and sympathize with the kidnappers inside.

As far as the enemy is concerned, it is really a clever means

Now that this point is figured out, the negotiator naturally thinks of a coping method for how to deal with it next. Isn't the people inside soliciting their sympathy? Then, I give them sympathy and make them think they have fallen into the trap.

No wait

Wait a minute... Wait a minute...

really? Is it really that simple? Idiot, idiot, you must know that you are not facing a twelve or thirteen-year-old girl who is easy to deceive, but a master of investigation and anti-reconnaissance full of criminal wisdom. In terms of language, psychology, and code of conduct research Expert

How can you fall into the other party's suit so easily?

Yes... Think about it again, are these words really just simple words of sympathy? really?

The answer, of course not.

First of all, the other party avoided his own opinions about extending from animals to humans, and directly avoided the question of whether he was a male or a female, and whether he was young or old, so that he could not see the identity of the other party. From this point, it directly shows that the other party is not as innocent as his words show.

And the other party's subsequent topics about animals, at a glance, are to express their different views on animals and show that they are a mentally clean, slightly neurotic person. But in fact...

It’s full of political opinions and analysis of personality.

To allow relevant departments to legislate is to test their own political opinions. Through my own answers to the relevant departments, I can judge what kind of basic judgments and feelings I have towards the royal family. If you are lucky, the other party will even be able to explore your own political opinions, knowing whether you are a Goodsee, a Norius or a nonpartisan.

The second is the analysis of your own character.

Same as I just discussed the gender and age of the other party, the other party also uses the same method to study myself. If my answer to this question is more perceptual, then I am afraid that I will be a more perceptual person. In other words, the other party can judge that he is ready to face the negotiation with his emotional personality.

But if you use analysis and theory to explore the things that the animals are coming, then the other party will know that you are a rationalist. Rational people are rarely passionate, so as long as they can persuade each other verbally, even if it is black, they will not be as passionate as perceptuals, and simply maintain their own ideas.

It's terrible... what a terrible opponent...

In a simple passage, there are mysteries and traps everywhere. Moreover, it also uses a slightly flawed trap that people can see at a glance as a cover. When others think they have seen through these traps, they fall into the real trap.

It’s terrifying... Although I don’t know what kind of experience the person inside has cultivated such keen insight, visual acuity and psychoanalysis ability, but there is no doubt that the planner inside is what I have encountered so far. The third one I've ever been, someone who can make myself feel tricky

After a little analysis, the blond idiot wiped his flat glasses again. He wiped slowly, thinking while wiping. After wiping all the water stains on the glasses, he put on the glasses again, wrote a line, and handed it to Quilin next to him.

"I also quite agree with your thoughts. Imagine that there are so many dogs and cats who are sexually abused every day, and their IQs are tested and are only equivalent to the intelligence of a human being five or six years old."

"Children of five or six years old? Don't those criminals feel any guilt? So, this is a crazy world. There are still too many children in this world that we need to protect. In order to protect the rights and interests of these cats, dogs, and other small animals, we must set up good laws and regulations. If we do not obtain a certificate, we must resolutely prohibit all illegal acts. Violators should be **** Before a crime is tried, the tool of committing the crime must be cut off before the penalty is executed.”

"We have to protect the children and guard the children's tomorrow, right?"

Quilin's voice is very emotional. Although she had some facial twitches about the "lines" she said, she did it well.

In the church, after the students heard these words, every male student couldn't help covering his lower body, showing pain on his face. The female classmates were holding their chests with pale, uncomfortable expressions.

After hearing the answer from outside, Little Bread was delighted.

The other party was awarded

It can be heard from these words that the other party is not a person who strongly supports the government. Moreover, he is still a person who speaks a little bit about the current government, but does not dare to speak out

On the other hand, this is an emotional person. Judging from the perseverance of the other person's speaking tone, he should be a person with a hot-headed and more passionate mind. If this is the case, then one's own negotiation policy will naturally change immediately and attack the other party.

However, at this moment...

Outside the church door, there was a cry of mourning——

"My child~~~ You have to return my child~~ My child, my child, if my child suffers from an accident, then I must pay you 10 million Sura. I heard that there is no child. , Belan Custer ah oh oh oh~~~~

After hearing such a wailing, the joy in Bread's heart instantly extinguished. Again, caution and thinking rushed to her heart.


Is it really that simple?

Just now, the negotiator who almost used words to push himself into desperation, and used traps to make himself jump down again and again... Now, he really fell into his trap so easily, and completely took his political beliefs and basic character completely. Are you exposed to yourself?

At first glance... yes indeed.

But... what's the matter with this vague premonition in my heart?

From just now, Xiao Bread did not have conclusive evidence to prove that there was any flaw in the other party's sentence. But can you really believe it like this? Believe that the opponent facing him outside is a passionate and brainless angry youth who is dissatisfied with the government?

The language trap seems to have come again.

From the birth of Xiao Bao to now, this little girl has never encountered such an opponent.

This is the first...and the strongest enemy in life A

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