Demon King Dad

Vol 3 Chapter 12: , Freedom of Wildcats

"Gene remodeling? What is that?"

He was wearing a helmet at home, carefully studying the things in his hands, raised his head, and said to the little squirrel who was gnawing pine nuts.

"Humph, of course small humans don't know. This is the knowledge of the devil. If ordinary humans want to get the knowledge of the devil, it will have to pay a price~~~"

The squirrel was lying on the table, facing upward. The big tail swayed leisurely, fanning himself. On the two small paws is holding a pine nut, eating and talking with relish.

She scratched her sideburns sadly, and after thinking about it, she said, "Then...what is it? What's the use?"

"Ha, didn't I say it earlier? This is taboo knowledge. It is definitely not public knowledge. If you want to learn, you can~~but as a price~~~~"

There was a smirk on the little squirrel's face, giggling. In fact, what she meant was obvious. As a demon, as a traditional demon, of course there is a price to be charged for providing knowledge to ordinary humans. And the price she needs, of course, is hatred.

"Hehehe, do you hate me? I have knowledge you don't know, but I don't tell you~~~ hate me? Must hate me? Hate me? Come on, hate me~ ~~"

After thinking about it for a while, suddenly stood up. She walked into the kitchen, a moment later, holding a pile of fruits in her hands, walked back quickly and piled them in front of the squirrel. Then, he stretched out his hands and scratched the squirrel's belly lightly, and said: "His Royal Highness the Squirrel Devil, I am here to be your slave, please teach me knowledge~"

The little squirrel was very comfortable being massaged. She was facing the sky and accepted the treatment with excitement. Then, she picked a plum from the pile of fruits, held it in her arms, took a big bite, and the juice splashed.

"Well, it tastes good, although it still doesn't match human hatred."

"How? How? Little squirrel, can you tell me the knowledge?"

"Well~~ For the sake of your being my maid, then I will tell you. But you have to remember that this knowledge is forbidden knowledge. After you learn it, you can only entertain yourself, and absolutely can’t go outside. If you publish, you just wait to be pushed to the torture frame as a heretic."

He smiled sadly, stretched out his hand and stroked the tail of the little squirrel, and said, "Of course~~~Come and tell me."

The little squirrel held the half-eaten plum in his arms with satisfaction, and his tail slid comfortably in An's hands. Then, she began to talk...


As an adult, I am afraid that only adults themselves know the difficulties of life.

This world is a real world.

There are no illusions, no miracles, the only thing is such a simple and cruel reality.

As a former assassin and former teacher, Zelens Scarlett is now running on the wind and sandy roofs.

He covered his face with a scarf and concealed his identity. Everything is just to be able to continue to survive in this cruel reality.

Despite being a wanted criminal, it is obviously not an easy task to capture the former first assassin.

However, life is hard. No matter how perfect the ideal is, this difficult life also forces this man who has no work and is on the run anytime, anywhere, with the greatest test, forcing him to go to work.


Ah, a perfect word.

What kind of job is more emotional than the counterpart job?

As a postman, as a person delivering letters. He is now making full use of his expertise, shuttled on those roofs, and delivered all the letters and packages that should be delivered before the time limit.

He is an excellent worker.

An excellent courier.

Among all the colleagues, his work performance exceeded that of others in just one week.

Money naturally also increased.

Although the reality is cruel. But for him, there is always a beautiful ideal in his heart.

This is the ideal in the heart of a kind, good person, who wants to make a lot of money and then become famous.

This idea has never changed since before.

Making money and becoming famous is not his ultimate goal, but a means.

He loves a girl, a girl who makes him dream.

Although the girl did not make any financial demands on him, as a man, as an ordinary but responsible man, he still hopes even if he is accused of being a member of a terrorist violent organization. Can make a lot of money, so I don’t want this girl who follows her to suffer.

This is the responsibility of being a man.

It is a man's hard work to support a family...

But it's also a man's happiness, isn't it?

Zelens was jumping on the roof, carrying a lot of letters in his backpack, ready to deliver to anyone in need.

To be honest, this job may seem easy, but sometimes it is very dangerous.

Because you never know who will ask you to give something. And you, as a customer service person, can never guess what these things are.

"Ah the cat with a severed head?...Okay, it turns out that the man wanted to threaten me?...What? Postage? What is the payment? I won't pay."

"My love, I went to the far north... What if you can deliver the letter? Can you bring her heart back to me?... Go, I won't pay until I receive her heart money's."

"Brother, can you help deliver something here?...Well, send it to the XX Marquis Mansion and put it in front of their gate. Well, yes, postage is absolutely indispensable for you. Hey... That's right , Please absolutely handle it gently, don't shake it. If... you don't want to die."

And so on.

In the past, Zelens never thought that the life of a little postman could be so exciting. Sending it out again and again is like a task, full of challenging tasks. Allow yourself to relive the pleasure of being an assassin before.

Cough... Why do you miss the past again? Haven't I already said that I can no longer remember the past or be a killer, but should work well and live as an ordinary person?

After sending the last letter, the good man came to the roof of the Goodsay family mansion. During the day, it always seems quiet here, so he can sit quietly on the roof, look at the room with curtains, and reminisce about the sweetness in his heart...

This is the happiest day of his day. Full of happiness. Although, due to his own problems, I can't see her in person. But Zelens believed that the girl she missed must be missing herself now.

Well, yes, this is the so-called sixth sense of lovers, right?

The happy lunch time was just around the corner. After Zelens finished the sandwiches he carried with him, he started working again. He returned to the post office, put back a lot of confirmation sheets in his hand, and retrieved a backpack full of letters and all addresses from the staff, with a smile on his back.

This kind of work is ordinary and interesting, with a little danger and excitement. It's really exciting.

He found that he really liked the job. I really hope that one day I can make a fortune in this way.

After all, in this world, people who have the power of civet deliver express delivery very quickly, right?


"Brother courier, please come over."

Occasionally, there will be such a thing on the roadside.

Some people will suddenly stop you when they see the clothes on you, and then ask you to send them the letter.

These delivery methods do not need to go through the post office, so all the postage given by the customer is given to the postman. As long as you have the courage and speed, you can completely get rid of the post office and become a messenger specializing in city private express.

Therefore, Zelens naturally came to the red-haired lady very kindly this time and saluted him.

"Seeing that you happen to happen, I don't bother to go to the post office. In this way, you will send this package to the grove on the campus of Divine Grace D and hand it to a person called an idiot. Then, after he finishes reading it, Bring me what he gave you back. I’m from the Norius family and my name is An. When you come back, tell the guard directly and you can come in."

A medium-length red hair makes this girl look energetic. Although Zelens was surprised at the address at first, he nodded and accepted the money from the red-haired girl.

After that, he took the package, smiled, and quickly ran towards the divine grace.

Remuneration, a lot.

It's really a lot.

Such a high remuneration may be half a month's salary as a teacher before. The shots by the eldest of the rich are really different.

With such a happy mood, this cheerful wild cat rushed towards the divine grace like flying. He listened to the sound of the wind passing by his ears, and felt the feeling of the surrounding scenery flying back from his eyes like an acceleration.

He is free.

As long as there is a city and a place with a roof, for the wild cat, it is completely free.

No one can restrain the actions of wild cats, no one.





In front of the tree house, Zelens knocked on the door and faced the idiot who looked at him with a puzzled look inside.

"Is that girl?"

After opening the door, Zelens first asked such a question. However, the girl did not appear in the tree house.

"She, go to school. What's the matter."

Facing the cold and wary face of the idiot, Zelens couldn't help but laugh in his stomach.

Why, I haven't asked you to settle the account yet, but you have become wary of me? If I let you know that I, Zelens Scarlett, is not such a caregiving villain, would you feel ashamed of your own villain?

"Give something. This is given to you by a lady named An? Norius."

Zelens now only hopes to finish the work as soon as possible so that he can receive today's wages. After making the deal for that eldest lady, he decided to take a good rest in the next time. Then, in two weeks is the Flower Viewing Festival, and you can try to invite your sweetheart to enjoy the flowers together. I can also carry her on my back and take her to enjoy the unobstructed feeling on the roof~~~

Zelens fantasizes here. While fantasizing, but also waiting. With his eyes watching, the idiot took the package in his hand and opened it. Take out one of the tightly sealed jars with a letter beside it.

After reading the letter, the idiot walked to the side window, drew the curtains, and closed the door. Make this room that has no lights even darker. Afterwards, he opened the airtight can, and a cold air immediately gushed out of it. Zelens glanced slightly, and it turned out that the sealed jar was filled with ice cubes. In the center of these ice cubes, the idiot slowly took out a test tube, which contained some colorless and transparent liquid.

What is this?

Zelens guessed for himself. Because this is also a kind of fun. Looking at the things that appear in the unknown package, it often gives people a feeling before opening the gift box, doesn't it?

Under Zelens's attention, the idiot over there read the letter again. After that, he nodded, put the letter in place, pulled out the cork from the test tube, put the test tube back into the bottle, flicked with his right hand, and pulled out the black blade in the shape of a dagger.

What does he want to do?

Zelens continued to speculate.

I saw that this person gently slashed his left index finger with a dagger. After the blood overflowed, he moved the blood dripping finger onto the test tube. Soon, a drop of blood dripped in.

The idiot took out the test tube and shook the transparent liquid in the test tube and his own blood.

After the constant shaking, the red was completely integrated into the colorless. In the end, the entire test tube became clear and transparent again. He nodded, added the cork again, put it in the jar full of ice, sealed it, and handed it to Zelens.

This is what the Miss Norius said, will she return to her?

Zelens didn't think much, took it directly, and put it in his backpack. But when he left, the idiot also dressed up and walked out of the room.

He holds a book in his hand.

It is an education textbook for the elementary department. Since it is in his hand, and then think about that little girl is going to school now, it is not difficult to imagine that the little girl must have forgotten to bring it.

Leaving the tree house, the two men walked forward almost shoulder to shoulder.

After learning that the thing on his back was a fragile glassware, Zelens did not dare to increase his speed, but could only walk slowly like this. But it doesn't matter. At his speed, it is not difficult to send the next letter. V

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