Demon King Dad

Vol 3 Chapter 14: , The Virgin Mary

After finishing the job, Zelens changed back to his clothes, covered his face with the fake ID that he had prepared earlier, and walked to the hospital. Fortunately, the weather has only just turned warm, and it is still quite cold. So it is not unusual for him to wrap his head like this.

When entering the clinic, there are really many people who have hay fever and spring cold because of spring. The so-called diagnosis is overcrowded. The doctors now seem to be in a hurry. They are constantly receiving patients, writing medical records, and raising their heads.


Enter the clinic, get the number plate, and line up. Suddenly, Zelens heard a familiar voice behind him. He turned his head and saw that the little girl with pink hair was now running a clear nose and looked depressed. The idiot took her hand and stood beside her with a serious face.

"Let you go to bed that night again next time. Without covering the quilt at night.

The idiot blamed it softly, and Bun sneezed again, raising his sleeve to wipe his nose. The idiot stopped her quickly, took a handkerchief from her arms, twisted the little girl's nose, and let her hum.

Oh, this is also a kind of retribution, right? But... Forget it, for the child, I still hope you can recover as soon as possible.

Zelens smiled, turned his head, and did not speak to the father and daughter. In this way, he listened to the sneeze of the little girl behind him, waiting in line...

"Okay, the next two patients come in"

In a not too big office, two doctors, a man and a woman, are sitting at the table facing each other, writing their medical records. After writing, they handed the medical records to the two patients in front of them, and the two patients, under the **** of the nurse, left the room and closed the door of the clinic.

"Name, age, occupation."

Little Bread sat in front of the female doctor, and Zelens sat in front of the male doctor. These two doctors have obviously been made a little sluggish by the succession of patients, their expressions are a little sluggish, and their movements, language and expressions are also somewhat mechanized.

Idiot and Zelens reported information to their doctors. After that, the female doctor took out the stethoscope and stuffed it into the little girl's clothes from below, listening to her heartbeat. When the cold stethoscope touched the skin, the little girl could not help but sneezed again.

"Doctor, actually, I want to show you my hemorrhoids. I think it should be much better already, right?"

The doctor raised his head and glanced at Zelens. After that, the doctor nodded and took Zelens into a separate room next to him. After a little inspection, the two walked out.

"Well, it's really better. Do you have medicine?"

"Well, yes or yes. But I always feel that recently my body seems to be getting worse and tired easily, and from time to time I always feel very weak and want to vomit. Doctor, what's wrong with me?"

The idiot who was asking the doctor to take the temperature of Bun turned his head and glanced at Zelens here. Then, without expressing anything, he turned his head back.

The male doctor took out the stethoscope with a dull expression, looked down at the medical record in his hand, and started various checks on Zelens. After the examination was over, he took off the stethoscope and simply started writing on the medical record.

"Doctor, what kind of disease did I have? Is there any way to cure it quickly before the flower viewing festival the day after tomorrow?"

Zelens was worried and asked. I only hope that my illness can be cured within two days.

"In two days? What a joke."

The doctor who had been numb by the number of patients snorted and said, "You have been pregnant for two months, and you want to be cured within two days? What a joke."

Zelens sighed and said, "It turns out to be like this... I've been pregnant for two months..."


small bread:"……………………"

Female doctor: "……………………"

Male doctor: "……………………"

The nurse in the room: "..."

The whole room: "……………………………………”




"What's the joke————————???"

Suddenly, Zelens jumped up abruptly. He raised his hand and patted the doctor's table heavily, shouting loudly—

"Will you be a quack diagnosed? What are you kidding? I'm sick now, I'm not healthy and okay. Come here to play with you."

At this moment, the male doctor with a dull expression seemed to finally remember what he had just said. He immediately raised his head and looked at Zelens in front of him. When he was confirmed that he was indeed a five-foot man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, he quickly showed a panic expression.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I may have mistaken you and the previous patient. I will re-diagnose now."

Sure enough, it was a mistake.

The idiot closed his eyes and turned his head away again. Bun also exhaled and continued to sniffle. And the male doctor cheered up and started again, bit by bit, carefully diagnosed Zelens.

Ten minutes later...

The expression on the male doctor's face became more and more ugly and weird.

He raised his head from time to time and looked at Zelens. Sometimes he stretched out his hand to scratch his head, as if he had encountered something that he really couldn't understand. After another five minutes, the male doctor finally stood up. He hooked his finger towards the female doctor who was taking the temperature of Bun. The female doctor was a little confused, but still stood up, and the male doctor entered the small room next to him.

In the consulting room, Zelens, Bread, and Idiot, all three stayed here. About three minutes later, the two doctors walked out again. Only this time, the female doctor put aside the cold bun, and instead sat directly in front of Zelens and picked up the stethoscope. And the male doctor didn't mean to come over to diagnose Xiao Bread, just standing by, looking at the female doctor with a frozen expression.

It's another ten minutes...

The patients outside have begun to make noise. The nurses are also trying their best to persuade.

However, the diagnosis here is still so slow. The expressions of the two doctors looked so unpredictable, sometimes surprised, sometimes panicked, sometimes showing a surprised smile, sometimes frowning.

"Sorry, please wait a moment. Nurse Kellyanna, please tell our patients that we are closed due to an emergency today. We apologize for their queue and waiting, except for refunding their registration fee In addition, everyone will return ten suras as a reward."

The nurse nodded and was about to open the door.

"Ah, by the way, call Dr. Cyber ​​over. After he has treated his last doctor, tell him that I want him to come over immediately."

The male doctor said this, listening to these words, the expression on Zelens's face immediately became difficult to look. He was a little nervous, and hurriedly reached out to hold the male doctor's hand, and said anxiously——

"Doctor, I... Am I suffering from some intractable disease?"

For the question of Zelens, the male doctor seemed a little difficult to answer for a while. However, fortunately, the female doctor responded quickly enough and said with a smile: "Please don’t worry, it’s not an intractable disease. It should be’s a very common symptom, many people...well, many people will Some people will get this disease several times, please rest assured."

"Then...then why?"

"Ah, because we have been waiting for people with this disease to show up recently. Because the three doctors in our clinic are considering writing a paper on this disease, I hope it can serve as a reference for you. Please rest assured, as a right For the protection of your privacy, we will not disclose any information about your condition. At the same time, we will also waive your treatment costs. By the way, we will also give you a sum of money to thank you for cooperating with us in writing the paper."

Hearing this, Zelens finally felt relieved. He exhaled, smiled, and said: "I said it earlier. I was scared to death. Your expressions are too horrible, and I don't know what to do."

The female doctor smiled. At the same time, she turned to the idiot and bread and said, "I'm sorry, in order to protect the privacy of this patient, can I ask both of you to leave? I'm sorry."

The idiot's expression was cold, and his steps didn't mean any movement. To put it bluntly, he came here to treat this girl. How can there be a reason to let him go after he is ready to prescribe half of the cure?

There was a clear snot hanging under Little Bread's nose, she also looked weak, and kept sniffing. In response, Zelens smiled and said: "Okay, no need. The little girl caught a cold, and finally queued up here, let her go, okay. I'm fine, this little privacy, I Don't mind being exposed."

For Yu Zelens, both father and daughter had seen her naked body completely, and they knew that he had hemorrhoids. There is no need to hide them specifically. On the contrary, the little girl has a very uncomfortable cold, so let her heal it quickly. After all, this little girl is pretty to smile.

Since Zelens said so, then the two doctors would not force it. Less than five minutes later, another doctor frowned and walked in. As soon as he entered the door, he yelled what's the matter? Why is it suddenly closed? Afterwards, the male doctor pointed at Zelens and said--

"Cyber, you can diagnose this patient and see what disease he has. After you have reached a conclusion, don't tell it, and see if it is the same as ours."

The tall, burly, bearded doctor complained a few times and sat in front of Zelens to begin the diagnosis.

At first, his expression appeared a little dissatisfied, and he kept complaining about the delay in his work.

But after five minutes, his expression began to deepen, and he kept looking up at Zelens's face. Afterwards, he spread out his palms cautiously, pressed them on Zelens's chest, and rubbed them.

After confirming that this was indeed a solid and strong male chest, his brows began to frown. Slowly, slowly, all the complaints on his face disappeared. Instead, it became surprise, surprise, inexplicable, and panic.

"This...this this this"

"Sure enough, are you the same as us?"

The female doctor pulled up the bearded doctor, and the three doctors looked at each other. After reaching a final consensus, the three sat beside Zelens and began to read his medical records.

The nurse moved to the recliner, let Bun lie down, and lifted her a bit. The idiot held the little girl's hand next to her, quietly watching what happened here.

"Um...Mr. America, right?"

The male doctor scratched his head with a pen at the beginning and said--

"Given that you have hemorrhoids, I shouldn't have asked this question. But... I still want to ask about one thing."

Zelens nodded, showing an expression that please ask casually. Then, the doctor smiled awkwardly, and said: "Excuse me...Is your usual **** life well?"

Zelens was taken aback, and after hesitating for a while, he shook his head: "What...what do you mean? Although my girlfriend and I have established a romantic relationship, we haven't actually done anything."

"No, no, you misunderstood. I didn't ask you and your girlfriend. What I asked was... between you and your... male friends... well... that..."

Zelens was even more surprised by this. He simply amplified his voice and said, "What do you mean? Speak clearly, I don't understand."

Finally, the female doctor stopped the male doctor’s questioning and said, “In this case, let me just say it straight. Mr. America, we want to know if you have had any impure differences with other men. To? For example...that is not very biological, the relationship between the same sex...well...**?"

After a little bit of the bread, it seemed a little drowsy. But after hearing these words from the female doctor, the girl bounced up and showed a very excited feeling. Seeing this, the idiot hurriedly suppressed her. But this little girl is constantly whining, and at the same time desperately going to get the writing board, wanting to express her opinion on this matter

On Zelens's side, the corners of his mouth twitched. Finally, after about twenty or thirty strokes, this good old man finally couldn't bear it--

"What the **** do you mean? Are you kidding me since just now? Are you really kidding me together?"

"No, Mr. America. Although regrettable, I have to tell you such an incredible thing."

The bearded doctor took a breath, and after splicing what he wanted to say in his heart, he blurted it out——

"You are pregnant. Sir, now you are two months pregnant." V

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