Demon King Dad

Vol 3 Chapter 22: , The so-called love is used to discuss various military policies such as techniq

"You bastard, you babble, is he a bastard? Talk...speak faster and speak"

The silent atmosphere had already made Zelens mad at the back, and he was so anxious that he no longer knew how to express the anxiety in his heart. The bread on the side showed considerable impatience for his anxiety. After a while, Little Bread finally couldn't help it, raised the sign in his hand, snapped it, and slapped it on the face of the restless pregnant woman.

"Be quiet, you're noisy, don't you know"

Zelens clutched his face, looking a bit wronged for a while. He pointed to the idiot in front of him, tears almost bursting out of his eyes——

"It's not that I don't want to be quiet. It's really that your methods are too bad? Can you get it done by walking slowly without speaking?"

Bread saw that this man was so anxious, if he didn't explain it to him, I'm afraid he would really crackle like this without stopping. No way, now I can only wrong myself, and explain it to this guy.

"You really don't know how to take action to see you pitiful, so let me tell you, in fact, Ba Ba is launching a strategy. Moreover, it is the most effective one. 》

"Effective? This way of walking side by side without saying a word is effective?"

Zelens was really anxious and almost crying.

"Of course it works. I ask you, if you change to be you, you must be following this woman all the way now and then talking to her constantly, right? 》

"That... isn't that of course?"

"wrong. Doing so will only make you and her hate you more, and will have no effect on your actions. 》

"Hate? How could I hate Miss Marlene but we are lovers who like me"


It was another brand, slapped directly on the face of this unconscious man.

"I think you are really the leader of the assassin who hasn't ruled the dignified one. Are you really unaware or just playing stupid? Don’t you really see, Marlene Goodsey’s feelings for you have always been rather cold? You try to find her every day, even if you are looking for a stranger, you can meet several times, but since you met her, how many times have you met? 》

Faced with the harsh words on the small bread brand, Zelens was suddenly stunned.

"I... how is this possible? I'm..."

"Are you really sure? No problem? 》


Finally, Zelens was speechless.

After a piece of rhetoric like this, he finally calmed down. After a short period of thinking, his mood finally calmed down, and his eyes began to panic slowly.

"I...I...this...I really am..."

"are you sure? What you did before was actually just making others hate you more. In fact, it is not what you think, how much the other person likes you. After confirming this point and having a calm range of thinking, we can formulate good targeted policies. 》

"Miss Marlene hates you. However, since you are her savior, she can't openly say to you such things as ‘you are annoying, don’t get close to me anymore’. And the reason why she will appear here to agree to your invitation is probably not her own meaning, but her family, that is, the whole family of Goodsey. 》

Zelens touched his head, still sad about the conclusion that Bun had just reached. But then he was stunned for a while, and said: "What does that... mean? What is meant by her family?"

"Very short answer~~ Do you think, what status are you now? A fugitive, terrorist. As a fugitive, do you think someone who hates you will accept your invitation? 》


"The reason why she still accepted the invitation can only be said to be the result of reason. And the source of this rationality is nothing but the fact that the power of the Goodsay family is weak and you are a strong man. 》

"Because the family is weak, talent is needed. Because you are a strong man, they will not care about your status as a fugitive and order the women in the family to approach you. To put it bluntly, the Goodsey family has almost half-forced Miss Marlene to come and associate with you in order to have a better foundation of strength. Although this kind of compulsion has seriously violated her wishes, this will happen when the time has come just now, and she will not wait for a second, turning her head and leaving. 》

"In this situation, if you follow her behind her like a pug and talk non-stop, it will only make people think that you are like an annoying fly that can't be driven away. Don't say you like you. If it's me, if I don't know how to do it, I'll just stab you to death. Forget it, you are also a fugitive. If you stabbed you to death, I will kill the people. 》

There was a twitch on Zelens's face. He stayed for a while, wanted to laugh, but couldn't laugh, wanted to cry, but felt that he really didn't even have the right to be wronged.

"So at this time, it is extremely important to reshape your image in Miss Marlene's mind. First of all, try to speak as little as possible, and give the other party more freedom without making them hate you more. On the other hand, it is to give her a sense of oppression. 》

"A sense of oppression?"

"Yes. I wonder if you have noticed that when Baba is walking, he always walks in front of Miss Marlene? 》

Zelens looked up for a while and said, "I noticed, what about this?"

"This is tactics. For Miss Marlene, who is a complete lady, she has no interest in the kind of pug that follows her ass. Because in the past, there were as many such people as there were, and there was no shortage of you. 》

"But what about walking side by side? Nor does it work. Because you give her a very bad impression, walking side by side will make her feel that her freedom has been involved and restrained, which is the next step. 》

"Since it's impossible to follow along or walk side by side, then the only way to go before her is feasible. 》

"It can be seen that Miss Marlene is a person who likes to win. Even when walking, I like to walk in front. Because being in the front, in a potential sense, it determines who holds the initiative. However, if there is a man who is always one step ahead of her, so that the stronger she cannot catch up no matter how she walks, then from the bottom of her heart, she will start to re-observe the man who suppresses her. 》

"It's like taming a fiery horse. You must tell her strictly that you are better than her and you are the one in control. If you are not willing, she will never be able to rush in front of you. Such behavior actually has a little irritating meaning. However, compared to being disgusted by her, arousing her anger towards you is already a closer feeling. 》

"But... but if she is really angry and annoyed with me... what should I do?"

"So, when you walk as the leader, it's the time you show your masculine charm to it. 》


"I ask you, from which direction does a man's face look the most bold, the most handsome, and the most protective? 》

Zelens thought for a while, walked to the side of the pool, and looked left and right to his face. After checking for a while, he raised his head hesitantly and said, "Is it... positive?"

"That's a portrait"

Bread had been disappointed with Zelens more than once, and now she was so disappointed that she didn't even bother to make a disappointed look.

"The most handsome face of a man is from the side, especially the face seen from the back. Only half of his face is exposed, but he can let others see his entire shoulder. 》

"For girls, whether a man's shoulders are generous actually has an important criterion for whether a man can rely on it. The face seen from the back is especially protective. In addition, because she is walking back and forth, although Miss Marlene who is behind will have a frustrated sense of failure, she will have a certain degree of freedom and privacy in psychology because she is behind. She is equivalent to being within her own safety range, and she doesn't have to worry about getting hurt under the umbrella to watch you calmly. Of course, her favorability will increase a lot. 》

"Sudden illness should be treated with slow medicine, and I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. Sometimes he doesn't speak, but he can be far better than talking. Sometimes the rules of walking back and forth can greatly change a person's impression. Uncle Zelens, you really should really learn this stuff. If you learned early, you won't be pregnant with Ba Ba now. 》

Zelens had to sigh in his analysis of the small bread. What father and daughter are these? He was able to theorize love, proceduralization and also provide an operation manual. What made him angry is that this little girl never forgot to hurt herself once before the end

However, when Zelens raised his head and looked at the walking ahead, he suddenly found that Marlene, who was walking behind, gently bit her lip while looking at the back of the idiot, looking very unconvinced. But compared to the previous situation where she almost didn't look at Zelens, now she is staring at the back of the idiot, and constantly working hard to speed up.

After a while, the girl seemed to finally realize that she couldn't control the initiative while walking. Then he exhaled, snorted simply, slowed down, and stopped chasing.

"well. Now, she has admitted that her footsteps are not as good as Baba, which makes her proud and arrogant realize the idea of ​​"to admit defeat". Although very weak, in a certain situation, she has admitted that Ba Ba has somewhat tamed her. It's a good phenomenon~~~"

Zelens twitched the corners of his mouth and said, "A good phenomenon is a good phenomenon... But how do I feel that you are really talking about horse training? Is it really okay to continue this way?" V

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