Demon King Dad

Vol 3 Chapter 24: , Messed up

Mess up

walk slowly……

In this flower viewing festival, there is not much to say between the idiot and the dark.

They just stood shoulder to shoulder, each holding the cotton candy in their hands, and occasionally took a bite.

The two of them walked around here and there. Gradually, they came to the flower greenhouse as the key decoration, and slowly walked in.

This is a high-rise building about twenty meters high. The whole body of the greenhouse is covered with flowers. Walking into the conservatory, it is simply a fragrant botanical garden. The slightly warm temperature makes it feel like early summer.

"It''s so hot..."

He pulled his neckline sadly, a little uncomfortable. After all, the warming function of this white coat is not enough.

The idiot nodded and suddenly came behind her. Then, his hands went to put his hands on An's shoulders. Anan didn't know what the idiot wanted to do for a while, and was shocked, but when she saw that the idiot was helping her remove her coat, she was relieved.

"Um... Xiaobai, I know that you are fully prepared for today. But I... I may be a little under-prepared. You won't blame me? Ah, of course, I definitely don't mean to look down on you."

Sadly concealed the clothes that seemed too simple, anyway, for a lady of everyone, it is indeed a bit rude to come out and meet people in such clothes. Even if the idiot didn't mind, she still minded it so much.

The idiot wrapped up his white coat and wrapped it in his hands. After thinking for a while, he did not speak, but pulled An into an ivy labyrinth in the greenhouse. After turning around for a while, he saw a rocking chair in the labyrinth, and he pulled Die and let her sit on it.

An sat down and shook gently with the rocking chair. She raised her head, looking at the idiot of bread, and passing the idiot's shoulder, looking at the flowers arranged on the top of the tower, unknowingly, she leaned back, and the smile on her face gradually appeared.

"I... worried you. Actually, you don't have to worry about me that much. My body doesn't feel that bad now. Except for some minor discomforts after strenuous exercise, I no longer have that kind of suddenness. I feel a pain in my heart."

The idiot looked at her quietly without speaking. He put his hand on the rocking chair and slowly pulled it to make the rocking chair sway little by little. In this warm greenhouse, enjoying the sweet fragrance of flowers floating in the air...

Yesterday, Antan was very excited. I was so excited that there was almost no sleep, and I was so nervous that there was no sleep. At this moment, her eyes gradually closed, and a comfortable feeling spread in her heart...

"If... I'm in any danger... you will come to rescue me..."

He closed his eyes and said softly. She smiled and continued to moan softly—

"Although I don't know what's going on, but I always feel... I seem to have died many times... Many times... But no matter how many times I wander on the edge of death, you will come to save me..."

"Maybe...I'm too capricious..."

Do not. "

For An idiot talking to himself, he spit out this word gently.

"I will come to rescue you."

The idiot's eyes are still cold, and his language is still gloomy.

"As long as I can."

He closed his eyes and smiled slightly and said, "Yeah, you can do what you can~~~ But having said that, your strength is not as good as mine. Are you comforting me by talking like this? Well~~ I'm still very... Thank you..."

Gradually, the dull voice faded. Her head gradually moved away. The sound is getting lighter and lighter. Finally, under the feeling of tiredness and peace of mind...

She fell asleep in this flowery greenhouse...

Softly) Baba"

Suddenly, there was a soft call from the ivy vine. His eyes slowly closed, and after a slight sigh, he turned his head. I saw a small head of Little Bread sticking out of the ivy over there, yelling anxiously at the idiot.

"The hemorrhoids messed up and asked me to move the soldiers"

The idiot nodded helplessly. He took out a small packet of powder that had been prepared long ago from his arms and opened it. Lying on the rocking chair, he blew lightly with dark eyes closed. After that, he immediately stepped forward, holding on to the coming down, and letting her lie flat on the rocking chair.

"Huh, today is really enough for you. You have to take care of other people's love as well as your own love. You are a scumbag."

The little squirrel lying on top of Dusky's head didn't express any objection to the idiot's behavior, but it should be broken. This squirrel simply lay on his gloomy chest, lay on his stomach in the extremely soft place, closed his eyes, and continued to sleep.

"You take care of her."

The idiot said to the bread.

"Please don't worry, it's just that the hemorrhoids are too bad, and it's totally incomprehensible how he can be so stupid? It's so bad that I can't imagine it"

Holding the sign, the little bread squeezed out of the ivy angrily. She slapped the leaves on her body while holding up the card again—

"Come on, Baba, I hope you can succeed. The hemorrhoids are simply weak. I really didn't expect that the people who came out of the church all looked like this? Should it be the brain damage or that the head is filled with water? Really. 》

The idiot is speechless, the most important thing now is to go to support as soon as possible. He asked Little Bread to take care of the dim here, while he rushed out of the greenhouse non-stop and rushed to the cafe, hoping to reverse the situation before things got worse.

Inside the cafe——

The excitement on Marlene's face is now completely gone.

Instead, there is a coldness and contempt.

And Zelens in front of her looked like a **** that was defeated in a fight, and the whole person was wilted, with his head lowered, appearing to be very financing.

"Ah, that..."

"Can you please stop talking to me? I don't want to hear your voice now. Also, can you pay? I think I have enough seats here."

Zelens wanted to say something, but he really couldn't remember what he should do or how to say it. After hesitating for a few seconds, he finally bowed his head and stood up. Just like a good man, go there and pay. And this Miss Marlene here started to pack things up, and her expression of wanting to leave immediately did not even cover up.

Zelens stood melancholy in front of the bar, his expression depressed. But at this moment, a "god" voice suddenly appeared in his ears

"What the **** is going on."

Zelens turned his head and immediately saw his life-saving god. He couldn't bear it anymore, grabbing the idiot's clothes, and he was about to cry.

"Hold on."

The idiot directly covered Zelens's mouth and glanced at Marlene over there. After that, he took Zelens and quickly left the cafe through the back door. Outside, the idiot asked Zelens to speak.

"Idiot, save me, I... I'm going to be dying, my God, I'm really dying"

"Say sentence by sentence, in the end, what's going on."

The idiot was very calm, hoping to make this man with hemorrhoids calm down. To be honest, he was really curious. Because just now, those chat topics should belong to the life of his best assassin, right? How could he mess up?

"In the beginning...In the beginning, Miss Marlene asked me where I was last night..."


"Then I followed your teachings, knowing that I can never tell my own affairs, I said...I was missing you because I was missing today's date, and I was missing you in my mind, so I tossed and turned in bed until dawn"

After hearing this answer from Zelens, the idiot immediately shook his head and sighed.

"What? My words...are wrong?"

"It's not just wrong, it's simply wrong."

"Ah? Girls don't like to hear people say that they miss her, do they like to listen to good things? I have said good things, and I think my compliments are from the heart."

The idiot shook his head again and said, "I told you not to expose your assassin's behavior too much, but I didn't want you to avoid it. What Miss Marlene wanted to talk about just now was your career. There are too many, but you can never say a word."

"Of course, what to disclose, how to disclose, and how to maintain your own mystery while arousing the interest of the other party does require very strict words and skills. If your speaking skills are announced, then it is really simple. In fact, it's okay to not say anything. This will make her feel that your work is really mysterious. He can understand the assassin business."

"But, what you should never do or shouldn't be, is to express it with that useless compliment."

Zelens appeared aggrieved and said, "Why? I'm right."

"You were right, but you chose the wrong occasion. Miss Marlene is not a arrogant girl, and it is not the kind that you can win your heart by just hanging around her and doing anything for her. I said that she is a fierce horse. To deal with a fierce horse, you must tame her with strong means, instead of getting close little by little, relying on love and friendship to convince her."

"If you are purely good to Lima, then Lima will only think that you are a soft persimmon, bully you casually, press you under your feet, and you will still give her food and drink. In that case, she Why let you ride her?"

"Before this, all my efforts were to establish a tall and strong image of you in her heart. These images are entirely for you to successfully suppress her. Let her have a feeling of looking up to you. Therefore, even if your tone of voice to her is not condescending, at least you must be treated equally. Rather than being like you, stubbornly flattering you. In this way, her respect for you will suddenly collapse. Leftover."

Zelens opened his mouth, with an expression that didn't know what to say. When he raised something like this, the idiot sighed and continued: "Then, what else did you say."

"Then...then...Miss Marlene asked me,'Have you encountered any interesting things in your career? I know you can't tell everything, but is there anything very interesting? What about interesting things? For example... the other party is very arrogant and hasn't even noticed you. Suddenly... you are...?

The idiot nodded and said, "Then, how did you answer."

Zelens rubbed his hands together and said nervously, "Because...because she asked if there is anything interesting...and you said before that I want to keep it secret, so after thinking about it, I thought about what I did. One of the assassinations of "I was slightly simplified, and I told her."

"The assassination was like this. There was an unscrupulous doctor who relied on his superb medical skills to charge arbitrarily everywhere. A small illness cost the patient dozens or even hundreds of suras. One year During the Holy Eve Festival, a child from a poor family suddenly suffered from tuberculosis. The family smashed the pot and sold iron and immediately took the child to the doctor. However, after receiving the money and making a casual diagnosis, the doctor said it was not a serious illness. After taking some medicine, let the child go back and rest for a week or two. And the family really believed it and took the child home."

"But who knows that the child died the next day. Originally, the family members of the child thought the doctor was a misdiagnosis. Although they were very angry and had some troubles, they had not thought about hiring someone to kill him. But then I learned that it turned out that On the night of the Holy Eve, the doctor had made an appointment with his girlfriend to spend a good night. In order not to be late, tuberculosis was described as a minor illness."

"That family was finally irritated at this point. Thinking about paying for it, it almost broke the house. But you, the doctor, gave up my child to date his girlfriend? My child's life is even a date in your eyes. Can’t compare? Under the atmosphere, they finally found me and demanded my life pay for it."

The idiot squeezed his chin, thought about it, and said, "Well, very good job content. So, where is the interesting part you said?"

Zelens laughed and said: "At that time, I had just opened the business. Although the sister of the nun was in business and rich, she was not very satisfied with me using the skills she taught to be an assassin, so she did not provide a source of funds. Therefore, in order to step on the spot, I went to the clinic to step on the spot and asked the doctor to see my hemorrhoids for me. The doctor took two photos of me and drove me away. But he didn’t know. I have finished picking the points."

"That night, I sneaked over. What I didn't expect was that he was having a meeting with a few doctor friends that night. He just took out my picture and asked some of his friends to diagnose my hemorrhoids. The situation. What they discussed was the fierceness~~ Some people said that they should be treated like this, and some people said that they should pay attention to it. They also listed more than a dozen medicines, explaining in detail which medicine is best and which medicine The cheapest. What is the dosage and how to use it."

"Do you know how I felt at the time? I was so excited that I couldn't describe it in words. I took out a notebook and copied all their conversations. Anyway, this is what several doctors and experts told me. Free consultation for the condition, you say, is there anything more funny than this in this world?"

Having said that, Zelens began to dance with excitement again. He opened his hands and kept swinging. But the idiot listened to these words, the more he listened, the more gloomy his expression became.

"Later, I killed the unscrupulous doctor. Later, the family members of the child wanted to give me money, but I declined very coolly. Because I got more precious things, and at the beginning of my work, I was a hero. The slogan is still very important, isn't it? Hahahahaha, is it interesting?"

"Huh? Idiot, what's the matter? I think this is really interesting, isn't it interesting?"

"Uh... isn't it... interesting?"

"That... did I... say something wrong?"

At this point, Zelens finally seemed to feel that the content of his conversation was a bit bad. He touched the back of his head with an expression that was already at a loss. At this point, the idiot sighed again and stretched out his hand.

"What are you doing?"

"Trench coat, scarf."

The idiot took the human skin mask from his arms and put it on his face. Zelens was stunned for a moment, then immediately woke up. He quickly took off his windbreaker and scarf and gave it to the idiot. At the same time, looking at the idiot with a trustful look.

"Remember. The character you showed is very different from the character I showed to Miss Marlene. So, this is actually the last chance. Miss Goodsey is not a fool. If you follow her every time If you disappear and you can change your personality immediately, she will immediately realize that we are the two playing the same role. At this point, her affection for you has completely fallen to the bottom, don't want to increase it. In this case, even if you put the affection Sage called out, and don’t want to make any progress."


"So, this is the last chance. If you still want to have any results, you can adjust the feeling of looking up at Marlene to look down.... At least, it's also looking up."

Zelens nodded again and again, not knowing whether he heard these things clearly. According to the idiot's judgment, probably this guy is so excited that he only needs him to help him reverse this bad scene, right? Otherwise, he doesn't care about anything.

The idiot finally sighed, put on a trench coat and a scarf, and finally, under Zelens’s expectant gaze, walked into the cafe...


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