Demon King Dad

Vol 3 Chapter 29: , The wool is on the sheep

Wool is on the sheep

Tolan lowered his head and looked at his master idiot. Silently, tears came from the corner of this beautiful child with blue hair. He took the contract and wrote his name silently.

"Hehe, don't have such a crying expression. Tolan is very beautiful, and he can be a model and salesperson in my shop. It just so happened that I also saved the money to buy a model. Also, Mili***, You can also be a model, or you can be an employee for me. Recently, I plan to expand the store. The appearance of the two has just solved my labor shortage. The free labor is really timely."

After receiving the "sale contract" between Mili and Tolan, Xingli looked at the idiot with joy. After seeing the crying bun, she squatted down, reached out her hand and gently touched the little girl's head, and smiled: "Don't worry, bun. As long as you work hard, although I can't pay you, But you still have three meals a day. I will not deprive you of your home. Although this tree house is nominally my property, you can still live in it for free. It is a benefit for my employees."

Little Bread's eyes were teary, and he held up the sign--

"Are there still peppers to eat? 》

"Excuse me, you are currently in the developmental stage. It is better not to eat too much of this stimulating food."

The bun originally contained the last glimmer of hope in the eyes, but this time it finally collapsed completely. She couldn't bear it anymore and started to cry, clutching the clothes behind the idiot. She cried so sad, so unpretentious. Because this time, she did not pretend to cry, but really crying heartbroken because she was deprived of the most delicious food in the world...

"Too cruel……"

Seeing Xiao Bread crying so sad, Tolan couldn't bear it. He who was very kind at first also shed tears with him now. He gently stroked Little Bread’s hair, and after Little Bread raised his head and glanced at Tolan, he immediately gave up the cold, uncomfortable idiot, threw directly into Toran’s arms, and started to cry. .

"Miss Xingli, even a little... can't it?"

Tolan's eyes were full of begging.

Xing Li frowned slightly, looking at Xiao Bread's current figure. Finally, she seemed to be unable to resist the begging of the eyes of Jade Bilan, and finally nodded silently.

"Okay. If I work hard, I can add a little bit."

"Ah woo"

The idiot couldn't help but shook his head at the excitement of Little Bread. This girl... was really confused by pepper. Haven't you heard the meaning of Xingli's words? If you want to eat, you have to work. In other words, if you want to eat, you must become her employee and work for her.

However, if you owe debts to repay, you owe all your IOUs, don’t you pay? With Xingli's "profite businessman" character, it is difficult for an idiot to imagine what situation he would be put into.

No way, the idiot had to accept the contract form, and after reading the above content, he signed the name.

"Great, so now, everyone is hired by our Rooney family. I hope we can work hard together in the future to make more money, okay?"

Xing Li's smile is really beautiful. Moreover, her age seems to have stopped. People who are already twenty-three years old still seem to be under twenty.

Sometimes idiots really feel weird, even though Teacher Quilling has this kind of feeling that age seems to have stopped after the ice is over. In the past few years, one has maintained the feeling of about twenty-two or three years old. However, what Teacher Kuilin said could still involve the ice water silver dragon.

But Xingli...what's the situation?

Could it be that while the goddess gave Rooney a family disaster, she also bestowed her long-lasting beauty?

This is of course impossible.

Then, there is only one reason...

"Oh, how do you care for the little one? Hey, little idiot, you are really getting worse and worse~~~ This is a bad habit."

Xingli's shop has become more and more popular.

And the reason for the popularity began to become not only Xingli's excellent management policy, but also the lovely staff.

Mili who knows how to deal with customers and speaks nicely.

Tolan who has had stage experience and knows how to help women choose outfits.

Before and after running, I don't know whether it is cunning or naive. The bread is constantly interspersed in it. As a result, this small shop is full almost all the time, and some customers can't even squeeze in. Tolan and Mili can only discuss clothing matching outside, and then directly come in for the tailoring business.

Xing Li was right.

She saved a lot of wages, but got four free laborers who were absolutely powerful enough. However, the boss can smile from time to time and give the three people except idiots some small favors from time to time, so that they completely forget that they have been sold and are working very hard.

But Tolan, Pear, and Bread are busy. Idiot and Quilin stayed beside them, no one was watching...

To put it bluntly, Quilin is just a model. You just need to stand here in clothes, and Xingli doesn't seem to expect her to attract guests like others.

As for idiots... the name of scum has been full of wind and sand, and at present it is acting as a coolie and carrying goods. Naturally, I can't enjoy the feeling of being surrounded by female customers at the front desk.

"Come, tell the teacher, are you really interested in my little one? Hey, just tell the teacher if you are interested, the teacher will help you, hehehe~~~"

Quirine was wearing another outfit with a smirk. No need to guess, she must have guessed that she would let the idiot "solve" the falling star, so that she could leave freely.

But for this, the idiot shook his head resolutely.

"I just want to know how she maintains it."

Quirin snorted. Now that she can't even bend down, she feels really strenuous, and said, "What do you know about these things?"

In this regard, the idiot did not say. However, the darkness on his arm was very clear. For the guy who broke into bankruptcy and didn't even have a dime on his body within a week, if he didn't ridicule him, wouldn't he be sorry for his identity as a magic sword?

(Hahaha interesting, interesting, so let’s say, life is so interesting, because you always don’t know what is waiting for you next moment. This time, you owe a lot of money. Now you are asking about this, you want to be as soon as possible Turn it over, right?)

Dimie smiled and continued to say in the mind of the idiot——

(Well, this is also true. If you can know how the "big beauty" takes care of the skin every day and what brand of cosmetics he uses, you can definitely develop a lot of business opportunities. Want to repay what you owe in one fell swoop Sula’s debt of more than 30,000 shouldn’t be a problem. But what’s the problem~~~ But you don’t even know how she takes care of it, right?)

This is indeed a problem. As long as this problem is solved, then other things can be solved. Now, among the women around me, Walnut is not old and immortal, Quilin is the host of Mercury Dragon, Mili is the dragon, and the body is guarded by angels. Tolan... Their current appearance can be said to have been born with their true age. The deviation. There are accidents, and there are also active implementations. Among them, there was only Xing Li, who was still pure and natural and pollution-free.

In the cosmetics field, there has always been a small risk and a large profit. As long as there are some qualified models, you can definitely encourage many people to buy them and make a lot of money. Since... her bankruptcy was caused by Xingli, then of course this money should also be born from her, which makes sense.

No friends in the mall. Idiot and Xing Li knew this very well, and they were doing this. Since Xing Li can directly put the idiot into bankruptcy, why can't he find a way to get money from her?

"You are her sister. What does she usually do, how to wash her face, hands, and what brand of skin care products she uses. You should know these."

Facing the question of an idiot, Quilin, who has never cared about Xingli’s makeup, suddenly turned her face off, and hummed, “I don’t know if I say it. Why must I know? I have never seen her use makeup. ."

What is the daily routine, how much time do you exercise, when you get up, when you go to bed, how many baths, how much you eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, don’t you know. "

"Uh... do you treat me as the little nanny?" Quilin was a little unhappy. Why does every man stare at his little one but never ask himself? Even this student can't avoid being vulgar now.


After asking a lot, the idiot hardly got any accurate information. He began to perceive and asked what a wrong decision Quelin was. So far, he had to give up, sighed, left, and went to the back door to continue carrying the goods.


late at night.

After a busy day of work, Xing Li's shop was finally closed and began to close and count.

After finishing these counts, the beautiful boss of the Rooney family released his sister's bondage. After thanking everyone for their efforts, he decided to invite everyone to their home for supper, which was counted as compensation for the day's work. Along with the cheers of the crowd, Xing Li smiled slightly and led the crowd to his home.

"Rooney replied, do you want to cook it yourself? Or I will help you."

Tolan said with a smile on his face.

"No, no, it's okay. It's been a hard day, everyone, and it's not a big deal for me to cook for you. It's just..."

Having said that, Xing Li paused. She originally wanted to say that her father was more difficult, but because of the reprimand of the king, he no longer had any opinions on his business activities recently. However, the old earl seemed very dissatisfied with whether his family members were still engaged in business activities.

"Just what?"

"Um... it's nothing. It's just that my father is relatively tired, and recently went to bed very early. I hope you don't bother him and don't make a loud noise, thank you."

Mili, Toran, and Little Bread all smiled and nodded. But Quirin let the idiot support herself, rubbed her numb waist, and walked back hummingly.

When they arrived at Xingli's house, everyone happily ate supper. Afterwards, as an employee, Tolan, Mili and Little Bread said goodbye, and walked back against the moon in the sky.

However, there was a person who should have left at this moment, but did not leave at this moment, but secretly nested in Xingli's house, waiting quietly.

Idiot...what is he waiting for?

He was waiting for everything he needed to wait.

When Xingli yawned and walked into the bathroom at home with a towel and a change of clothes, it was his turn to act.

What is Xingli's maintenance secret?

The idiot sneaked into Xing Li's room and searched everywhere in her room.

Unfortunately, the result was disappointing for the idiot.

Xing Li's room is still the same as before, simple and simple.

A table filled with various documents and transaction details. There were a few Sogla skirts that I had almost seen in the cabinet next to him. Then, there was a slender vase on the square table with a slim daffodil in it. Then, there is a single bed. Apart from this, there is nothing left.

No cosmetics, no mirrors, no dressing tables. There are no healthy drinks, as well as various slices of cucumbers, lemons, etc., nothing.

The first time he attacked, it was a deep failure for the idiot. He did not find any items that could prove that Xing Li had skin care. So, will he end there and retreat obediently?

If so, that would be strange.

The idiot had absolute psychological preparation, and he had been dating Xing Li for so many years until now, but he had never seen her in her transformation. It was definitely not a simple matter to want to know how to maintain her skin. However, there is a better chance now, isn't it?

Thinking of this, the idiot immediately slipped out of Xingli's room and sneaked to the door of the bathroom...

Inside, there was a splash of water.

As early as the previous step, the idiot knew that the partition door in the middle of the bathroom was not ordinary stained glass, but a real iron door. The people inside cannot see the locker room outside, nor can the inside.

Therefore, the idiot gently opened the door to the bathroom, and crept into the dressing room amidst the sound of splashing water inside.


Behind an isolation door, Xing Li's soft humming sound came. Is it because she has so much free labor, so she started to be so happy in the shower? A

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