Demon King Dad

Vol 3 Chapter 33: , Undercurrent


In this regard, the idiot prevented Quilin from making a fuss and took out all the money from the wallet without saying a word and handed it up. The shopkeeper took off the cigarette **** in his mouth, exhaled a puff of smoke, hehe sneered and put the money in his pocket.

"Hey, little idiot, what is going on? What is the Ark? Three hundred sura per person? Isn't this too expensive? Isn't it expensive?"

The idiot took Quilin and covered her mouth. After begging her not to say anything, she started explaining.

The so-called Ark means that the mountaineering boss will absolutely provide you with mountaineering tools that are adjusted by him without any defects. In the process of climbing, these tools can absolutely guarantee that there will be no failures. In addition, if you are killed in the mountains and need emergency rescue, if the mountaineering boss does not see you back after a certain period of time, he will issue an alert for you and apply for a rescue team to rescue you.

If you bargain with the boss in this kind of place, I'm sorry, in a place like Crystal Ice Republic, no one can guarantee that your mountaineering tools will have problems in the middle. In other words, selling you tools that are not suitable for you as good things, because you are a layman, so you don't know at all. No one will pay attention to you if you die on the mountain.

Five hundred sura, in fact, is equivalent to an insurance for one's life. So the money is definitely worth it.

The mountaineering boss greeted the four people to walk into the next interior room, while holding their cigarette butts, they began to select and search among the dazzling mountaineering tools in the room. He kept taking out all kinds of hiking shoes, walking sticks, flares, etc., and sorted them according to whether there were males or females among the four people, and whether they were big or small. Originally, a person only needed half an hour to wear the mountaineering outfit. It took him a full hour to adjust it to ensure that there was no problem anywhere.

With great difficulty, the four talents organized all their things. The mountaineering boss exhaled and said: "Very well, the Ark has been tied up. As long as you walk along the mountain road and follow the course of action I just mentioned when you are in danger, I guarantee you can come back alive."

The four idiots are now heavy equipment, and they are tightly wrapped up and down. However, I have to admire the professionalism of the boss, although there are many things, but there is no uncomfortable feeling on my back. Except for a little bit heavy weight when walking, there is no place for poor movement anywhere on the body.

The four went back outside and began to study the map for climbing. That is, when four people are studying here and planning the climbing path tomorrow morning...

"Boss. Ark."

The business of this mountaineering boss is here again.

The door of the mountaineering hut opened, matching the slight snow outside, and two figures wrapped in white robes came in.

Originally, this was not worthy of idiots' attention. But when the door was pushed open, there was an inexplicable feeling, but suddenly...

Flashed from his mind


Immediately, the idiot turned his head and looked at the two people who came in. One of them was tall, wrapped in a white robe, and couldn't see the man and woman clearly. But another person caused the tremor that had disappeared in his heart for a long time, and once again...was aroused...

Pulling down the white robe, what was exposed underneath was a body wrapped in layers of bandages...that pair of lavender hairs that emerged from the gaps in the bandages, as well as those sharp eyes and under those eyes... A faint smile that seems to have everything in control

"Huh? Little idiot, what's the matter with you?"

At this time, Quirine pushed the idiot. The idiot was taken aback and turned around. After he saw Quirine clearly, he looked back again...


What appeared in front of him now was not the man with the bandaged purple hair that brought him endless terror from the depths of his memory, but another one.

Bandage...In the gaps in the bandage, gray-white hair was exposed. And those eyes were not purple, they were pale.

Even after so many years, can this psychological shadow still be eliminated?

The idiot turned his head away, covered his face, and exhaled.

No matter how many years have passed, even ten years have passed. But he still couldn't escape from that man's terrifying wisdom. Seeing this kind of person with bandages all over his body would shudder uncontrollably.

For sewer rats, shivering is not a bad phenomenon. Because this allows you to start running away early.

But this shudder didn't make the idiot so comfortable, this feeling as if all of his actions were mastered...For the rats in the sewers, there is really nothing worse than this.

"Hey, idiot, is that kid over there about your age? It's so pitiful, with so many bandages all over his body, is it a serious burn?"

Quirin was holding the idiot and talking in a low voice. But the idiot was noncommittal and shook his head. After all, it doesn't matter whether someone else burns all over.

The bandaged young man with gray hair and eyes glanced at the four idiots here, and the white pupils stayed on the idiot's back for a while. After that, he walked to the shop owner and asked the price of Ark.

"Haha, what happened today? The business is so good? It doesn't matter that Ark is 500 people alone. Are the two colleagues in the same industry?"

The bandage youth didn't say anything, but took out the purse from his arms and took out five hundred Sura and placed it on the table. But the other tall white-robed man shook his head. Subsequently, this person took off his windbreaker...

A long, snow-white hair that reached the waist, vented from the cloak. At that moment, the entire room seemed to be stained with a layer of white luster, like snowflakes outside, pure...and dreamy.

As this person slowly faded away from his windbreaker, his true face was also fully exposed to everyone at this moment.

Slender body, white skin like snow...

The correct facial features are like the creations of God, and the degree of refinement even compares Xingli and Quilin.

After removing the windbreaker, the man shook his head slightly and flicked away the snow flakes from the white hair. This simple action looks so beautiful at the moment, so unbelievable

This is a man.

From his flat chest and slightly raised apple, it can be seen that this is a man.

But such a man is so handsome. Beauty seems to eclipse the whole world


After removing the windbreaker, the man took up his long snow-white hair and shook slightly. His eyes were always squinted, and he couldn't see the color of his pupils. But such squinting makes people feel that he is always smiling, and it feels very gentle.

"Ah ah ah ah ah……"

The mountaineering boss opened his mouth, looking at this man more beautiful than a woman, he couldn't say a word. At this moment, this person smiled slightly at the mountaineering boss and said: "Ark, may I ask, can you give it to me?"

"Ah...ah... yes yes yes... yes"

The boss has begun to speak incoherently, and his movements have also begun to become stiff. It took a lot of effort before he walked out of the counter and led the beauty into the inner room with a panic. And the young man with bandages now also walked in.


"Ah, idiot, did you see it? Did you see it?"

Quirine grabbed the idiot by the collar and yelled.

"So handsome, how can there be such a great man in the world? I want him to be my boyfriend. I must make him my boyfriend."

Quirine pinched the idiot and was almost out of breath. The idiot finally shook off her hand and took a few deep breaths.

"Rooney replied, please calm down. It would be very rude to others..."

Tolan persuaded.

"Yeah, handsome guy, Xingli was right, and something good happened when he came out to stroll around. I met a handsome guy. Super handsome guy ah heh heh... what should I do? Just tell him? I disrespect each other too much...just freeze this handsome guy and move it back to the wind and sand, right?"

With that, Quirine's saliva was about to flow down. She jumped with excitement now, guessing that no one could stop him. At the moment, she threw away the idiot, bread and Toran, and rushed to the door of the inner room, looking greedily at the scene inside.

"Ah, this guest, would you please leave for a while? A man inside is changing clothes."

The shop owner came out to stop him, but how could Quilin be able to stop him? At this moment, she just saw the beautiful man inside take off his upper body clothes, revealing a white back facing herself. After hearing his own voice, he turned to this side with a slightly confused expression. The purity revealed in those squinted eyes made Quilin very excited for a moment, and her eyes turned into stars.

"Feeling an unknown beautiful boy to be my boyfriend, okay? Hey hey, I can raise you, I can really raise you~~~"

"Miss, please go out"

The shop owner was a little anxious. But how could he push Quirine? But it doesn't matter, he can't push, but the idiot can. At this moment, the idiot had already walked over, held the teacher who was already possessed by the idiot with one hand, and dragged her aside. It was also at this moment that his gaze also glimpsed into the room.

That beautiful man is indeed very attractive. But for the sewer rat, there is something more attractive to him.

Another person in the room.

After the bandaged youth took off his upper body clothes, the body tightly wrapped in bandages was exposed inside. In this brief moment, the black and white pupils intertwined and imprinted each other in his eyes. Although it was only this moment, a hunch was unexpected, and it surged from the depths of their hearts...

"Handsome guy~~Do you have a girlfriend? Are you married? It doesn't matter if you get married. Let's get a divorce~~~~~~~~~~~~~~”

It's a pity that under Quilin's idiot behavior, the idiot can only pull her away completely. The sight also left the room.

The rest of the time is Quilin’s idiot time. She tried her best to please the white-haired man sitting there alone in mountaineering clothes. But it was obvious that the long-haired beautiful man was not too cold for this man with heavy mountaineering clothes all over his body, and he didn't even talk very often. And on the next day...

"Okay, everyone. I will lead you to climb the mountain next. But before climbing, I hope I can solve the matching for you."

The shop owner also put on protective clothing and said--

"Because the mountain road is dangerous, we need two people to connect with each other to prevent one person from missing. Now, I will tie up ropes for you."

The shop owner came over with the protective rope, but just when he was about to make contact, the teacher, Quilin, yelled again.

"Hey boss, can I tie up with that handsome guy? Handsome guy, I believe that we must have been connected with destiny in our previous life. Today, let us connect with each other and never separate."

The beautiful man with goggles smiled awkwardly. He immediately took the rope from the store owner's hand and handed it to the bandaged youth aside. In twos or twos, the two people are bound to each other.

Seeing this scene, it was obvious that the ghost queen was angry. She lifted her hand, and an ice skate came directly into her hand, clenched it tightly, and pointed to the beautiful man and shouted: "What do you mean? Does it make you feel embarrassed by my old lady being with you? Is it because my old lady has fine skin Isn’t tender meat comparable to the guy who was burned in bandages next to you? Don’t you feel ashamed if you are **** with such a person?"

"Miss Quirin, go down, it's shameful..."

"See? Even Tolan said you are too embarrassing."

"No... I'm talking about you... please be lighter..."

The idiot took the rope from the shop owner and immediately bound Quilin to himself. Well, this is good, it can prevent her from running around and save herself a lot of worries.

"So, these two are tied together, okay?"

Tolan and Bun nodded each other, their belts were tied to each other. After all this was done, the shop owner took out his walking stick and knocked, and everyone started climbing.

The weather today looks pretty good, with only a few white clouds floating in the sky, and there is no feeling that the weather is about to deteriorate. Everyone leaned on crutches along the way, slowly moving up the mountain, striving to reach their destination as soon as possible.

"As the guide of Crying Ghost Peak, our destination today is a villa on the mountainside called Diamond Mountain Villa. The owner of the villa is Roger Tyre. He is a businessman and a philanthropist. This great philanthropist I am willing to use my villa as a transit station on the mountainside and provide it to all guests for free."

The idiot thought for a while and said, "Listen to you, this philanthropist is not usually in the villa?" A

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