Demon King Dad

Vol 3 Chapter 38: ,game rules

"What does this mean? Games?"

Fat Richard said with a little excitement while holding the dagger in his arms.

Quirine looked at the box, but smiled, picked up the key, and said, "Well, there is nothing wrong with it, right? Seven enters six, and the winner gets ten thousand sura. It seems that this villa owner is really A good person~~~"

After finishing speaking, Quirin immediately grabbed the idiot and whispered in his ear: "Seven to six, seven to six, do you know? That is to say, the two of us can get at least ten thousand sura. At that time, at least. We have to halve, how? How?"

Quilin was extremely excited. After speaking, he immediately inserted the key into the box and turned it...

"Huh? Why can't it turn?"

Alice chuckled and said, "Don't worry, Mrs. Leon. I haven't finished my belief yet. Um... It says that seven people are required to put their fingers on the box where there are petals at the same time. Wait until all After the person is released, turn the key again."

Alice said so, and immediately pressed her finger on the petals above the box. Afterwards, Richard, Wonte, Quirin, and Ken also pressed their fingers up.

At last……

Idiot, and Lee...

The two men were staring at the box. But he didn't put his hand up...

"Hey, you two...what do you mean?"

Ma Wei Rongte stared at both big and small eyes, staring at Idiot and Li, his eyes were already somewhat unfriendly.

To be honest, although I don't know what the Li over there thinks, but the idiot doesn't really want to play this game. In such a closed mountain villa in a snowstorm, what he needs is a calm, and then an environment where he can wait at ease. Rather than fighting for 10,000 Sura and six other people here.


Look at those five people.

Excited expressions appeared on everyone's face including Quilin. The seven-to-six game rules also make everyone feel that they can definitely get that 10,000 Sura? If you refuse here...


Li, one step ahead of the idiot, pressed his index finger to the petal on the box. Seeing this, the idiot took a breath, raised his hand, stretched out his index finger, and pressed it...

"Okay, I'm driving~~~"

Seven people, seven fingers. Accompanied by Quilin's shout and clatter, the key spins.

At this moment, the seven petals on the box sank in an instant, and the entire box decomposed and recomposed, wrapped around the fingers of seven people.


The idiot was taken aback and raised his hand. A part of the box just now has been reconstituted into a ruby ​​ring, which was put on his hand? He looked at the others. Everyone had a ring on their finger, but some were sapphires, some were opals, and some were agate or emeralds. And on Quilin's finger was a diamond ring, and the ghost queen looked at her with that bright luster.

"Diamond ring? I finally put on the diamond ring~~~ Wow~~~~~~"

The idiot shook his head and looked at the disassembled box. At this moment, in addition to some small box fragments, there are seven sets of unopened playing cards neatly stacked on the table. Below these playing cards, there is a letter pressed.

"Hehe, these rings seem to be genuine. From the point of view of the craftsmanship... 10,000 Sura per piece is not too much. This is probably the reward for the game, right?"

Ken's eyes were still squinted, he smiled, stroked the emerald ring on his finger, and said.

After Li over there fumbled for the sapphire ring on his finger, he immediately removed the seven sets of playing cards, took out the letter below, opened it, and glanced quickly.

After that, he started to read--

"First of all, I am very glad that you are willing to participate in this game. The ring in your hand is one of the rewards for this time. Please forgive me for not preparing cash. After all, the huge sum of 60,000 Sura is really too big, everyone. It’s not very convenient. So, just use these rings instead."

"Next, I will explain the rules of the game we want to play."

"First, please select two of the seven players present and do a simulation experiment."

After reading this, Li stopped and looked up. The white pupils swept from behind the bandage to everyone.

"So that's it... In that case, let me make a test product."

Ken volunteered to show his gentle smile. After the idiot thought for a while, he gently pushed Quilin next to her to move her forward.

"After you choose two testers, please choose one of the seven decks of cards at will. Then, let the two draw five of them separately. Please do not give your cards to the two testers. The other party sees it."

Quirine and Ken were sitting on both sides of the table. The eldest lady raised her head and glanced at the face of the beautiful man in front of her. Her face immediately flushed with an expression of extreme excitement. Ken Yin smiled faintly, took out a bag of marshmallows from his arms, picked up a piece, and stuffed it into his mouth.

The two sides each selected five cards. Quirine looked at his cards, which were Ace of Clubs, 5 of Clubs, 4 of Hearts, 7 of Spades and Kings of Diamonds.

"This game is actually very simple, I call it a'detective game'. Both parties holding the cards, please guess each other's hands. You don't need to guess the suit, just guess the number. In other words, you need Choose one of the fifteen cards from A to K and the Big Joker. Now, please start guessing the card. To guess the card, please click the ring on your finger, and the guessed player should also click. Then, You can start."

Li stopped talking again and motioned with his eyes that the two of them could continue. Ken smiled, opened his hand to Quilin, and motioned to the lady to give priority. Quilin was excited, and immediately pressed the diamond on the ring, holding his own card and after thinking about it, he immediately reported the number: "I guess...I guess... Mr. Kenn has 5 in his hand."

Ken's brow raised, shrugged helplessly, and smiled. At this moment, the emerald ring on his finger made a beep, and a card in his hand suddenly tore silently. Ken shook his head, took out the torn card, and put it on the table. It is the 5 of spades.

"The seven decks of playing cards on the field are specially made by me. Each card has a micro signal. It is recognized by voice. If the guessing party guesses the poker in the guessed party's hand, then the poker will be Fragmented. As a result, the guessed party deducts one point. On the other hand, if the guessed party fails to guess..."

Lee paused again. Ken nodded and pressed the gem in his hand. And Quirin pressed it along. About three seconds later, Ken read a card: "Big Ugly."


Ken's ring made a soft sound again, and the card in Quilin's hand was nothing unusual.

"If the guess is not correct, the guesser loses one point. The guessed card randomly chooses a card from the guesser and tears it."

Quirin put a finger against her lips, after thinking for a while, he took out one of the four cards in Ken's hand and spread it out on the table. Subsequently, the tearing was performed manually.

"The guessing process is like this. If the card in the hand is the first to return to zero, that is to say, if someone else guesses or takes the initiative to guess a total of five times, the score will return to zero, announcing the defeat of this side. In the game of seven In the game, as long as one person’s card count reaches zero, then that person loses and the remaining six become winners."

"Now, there are still six decks of cards left. Since what is waiting for you is the grand prize of 10,000 Sura and a more important reward, so in order to prevent cheating, you can first check all the cards here, and then choose what you want. Choose which deck of cards to play. A deck of 54 cards, seven people, and 7 cards each. All 7 cards are reset to zero, which means a failure. After 7 cards are drawn by each person, there will be 5 cards remaining. This Five cards become hole cards, and after they are shown to everyone, they are destroyed together with the other six decks."

"In addition, whoever is the guesser and who is the guessed person is arbitrary, and there is no priority. You can guess each other with anyone. But there is one thing to note. Once a guesser decides whom to guess, the other party will It must be accepted. If you don’t accept it, it will be regarded as a violation. You should know that I am in the middle of you. For this violation, I will arbitrarily choose to break a card in the hand of the guesser as punishment."

"Every time there is a confrontation, no matter where you are, I will let everyone know through the broadcast. So, you don’t have to worry about missing all kinds of exciting duels. You can walk around in the villa within these 24 hours without any Trouble."

"There is one more thing, it’s not suitable for the game time to be too long. It’s now morning, so let’s go to 8 o’clock tomorrow morning, for a total of 24 hours. If no one’s hands arrive within 24 hours If it is zero, then I will judge you all to fail and there is no winner."

Hearing this, the idiot suddenly slapped his hands on the table, his dark eyes widened in an instant, and there were bursts of twitching.

The bandaged youth who claimed to be Li glanced at the black-haired man. He actually understood why this man who claimed to be Browning was so excited. Even without having to look down, he can guess the "terrible" of this game.

7 hands, 24 hours of game time...

So what kind of punishment will those who you need to say?

"In view of the long time and the generous rewards of the game results, in order to prevent unfair treatment, I hereby declare that any violent behavior is prohibited. Such behaviors as forced look, stealing, and life attacks are prohibited. Once it occurs, I will immediately Announcing that the offender has failed. However, the game is not to be quit as a loser, and the game must continue."

"Then next, it's up to me to announce the results of the winners and losers of the game."

At this time, Li Na's voice was already a little gloomy, but now it became even more cold--

"Victor, you can leave with the ring in your hand. In addition to this insignificant ten thousand Sura, you have also won the most precious gift I gave you-your life."

"And the loser, after 24 hours, or when the number of cards in your hand returns to zero, the mini-bomb in your ring will be activated immediately, and it will be injected directly into your finger through the syringe inside the ring. Reach the heart inside. Then..."


The faint voice sounded like a call to death at the moment.

Originally, the joy that appeared on everyone's faces suddenly solidified at this moment.

The smile on everyone's face disappeared instantly. It became the deepest silence. At last……

Slowly, it turned into panic.

"What are you kidding?"

Ma Wei Rongte roared loudly. He immediately began to grab the ring on his finger, and the color on his face was completely replaced by rage. The musician kept shaking his fingers, but it didn't help. Even if I pull my finger red, there is no response

"Give me the letter"

Alice rushed forward, snatching the letter paper in Li's hand, scanning line by line.

After reading it, Alice threw the letter on the ground heavily, rushed to the kitchen and started to wipe her fingers with soap, trying her best to remove the ring. Others don't need to read the letter, they know that what Li said just now is not a lie, every sentence is true.

"That's it... I think this master, how can he be so generous. It turns out that the wealth of ten thousand Sura is to fight with your life~~~ It seems that this game is not just a game Yeah~~~"

"How can you be so calm? Are you Roger? Tyre himself? Did you plan this life-threatening game?"

Wonte stepped forward and grabbed Ken's collar and lifted it up. The anger on this person's face was obviously completely angered by this incident.

Ken's squinted eyes were still squinted, and his handsome face did not show any timidity. He snorted, did not resist, but smiled slightly: "Mr. Wonte. The rules of the game say that violence is forbidden. Actually you should thank me that I am not Roger Tyre. If so, I can directly control the remote control. , Judge you to be out immediately."

Rongte's face was taken aback, and he quickly let go and stepped aside. Ken adjusted his collar and said with a smile: "It's not just Mr. Rongte. No one here can actually be rough with others. Because the owner of the villa is here at the moment. Think about it, if you don't If you carefully stole the poker from the master of the villa, the result would be...hehe, I shouldn't need to say more?"

The idiot touched the ring in his hand and was silent. Quirine looked at the diamond ring, gritted her teeth, and her body trembled. Obviously, time has started to count down. When the time is up, those bombs will instantly enter your body, killing yourself...? V

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