Demon King Dad

Vol 3 Chapter 40: , The goddess of victory does not love luck

"Then what should we do now? Master, there seems to be no place to escape here."

"There is right here"

Little Bread held a sign in one hand and pointed at the stone tablet in the other. When Tolan showed a surprised look on her face, she turned the sign over—

"Within 24 hours, we must immediately solve the mystery on the stone tablet and escape"

At this moment, Tolan dare not care anymore. He immediately buttoned the collar of his clothes and went directly to the stele. No matter how sluggish he is in studying the problem, he must bite the bullet and use all his dead brain cells.

To protect the young master...

In order not to make the master sad

Must... break through this cage


Inside Diamond Villa...

The raging blizzard seems to have invaded everyone's heart here.

Everyone is suppressed.

Everyone looked at other people without any action.

Quirine squeezed the playing cards in her hand, gritted her teeth nervously, and her shoulders trembled slightly. Such silence made her a little unbearable, and the long-term pressure in her heart almost made her think that she was about to collapse.

One hour……

Two hours...

In a blink of an eye, the clock on the wall came to ten o'clock in the morning and rang ten times. But everyone here was still silent within these two hours, no one had any action...

"Damn I can't take it anymore. If so, let me do it first."

Quirin finally couldn't bear it anymore, shouted and stood up. But just when she was ready to go all out and pick someone to guess...

Idiot, but grabbed her hand first and hugged her.

"……………………Calm down."

The sudden hug made Quilin stunned.

She listened to the indifferent voice coming from her ear, and felt the broad chest of the boy who was ten years younger than herself...

"Calm down. Don't worry, calm down."

Idiot voice, soft...

When Quirin's face gradually spread a blush, he let go of his teacher. But both hands, still holding her hands tightly.

"Everyone, since you don't want to start the game, let's leave first. This villa is not too big anyway. Anyone who wants to find both of us to make a guess can find us."

After the idiot said these words, after a moment of silence, that Li stood up, stuffed the poker in his hand into his pocket, and said, "In this case, I will leave too. If you want to come, please wait anytime."

With that, Li walked slowly to the chessboard over there, rearranged the chess pieces, and started playing on his own.

"Cut, a group of people who are not nervous. If they are all gone, then I will also leave. Goodbye everyone."

Rongte sniffed, turned and walked into his room. At this moment, the seven are also scattered, each doing its own thing. But the matter that weighed on everyone's mind, there was still no solution.

Going upstairs, the idiot dragged Quilin into his room and locked the door.

At this moment, he was relieved and looked at Quilin.

"Boy, you were so bold just now that you dared to hug your teacher? Did you know that teacher-student relationship is strictly forbidden?"

After the initial tension, Quilin returned to normal again. She akimbo her hips, acting like a teacher, and said--

"But well~~~ I can also understand the feeling of a child like you being overwhelmed by the charm of my teacher~~~ After all, teacher, I am very attractive, but the age difference between us is really too big. This forbidden love will not have a good result~~~ Hahaha."

"……………………Teacher, you may be targeted."

In Quilin's self-conscious laughter, an idiot's words directly made the smile on her face stiff.

"You... what did you say? I was being targeted? Why?"

Quirine shouted.

"Because of the naivety of your actions just now. Presumably at this moment, you have become a fat sheep to be slaughtered in everyone's hearts. Given the victory of seven into six, as long as one of these seven people does not understand the true meaning of this game If you do, then this person will definitely become the fastest person to die. And now, teacher. I’m afraid you are the one who still hasn’t understood this game."

Quirine opened her mouth, not knowing how to respond to the idiot. The idiot came to the door and suddenly opened the door. After confirming that no one was eavesdropping outside, he closed the door again, pulled Quilin to the bed, and the two sat down on the bed.

After sitting down, Quilin immediately bounced.

"You, you, you kid, what do you want to do to your teacher?"

"...Sit down. Now, it's about your life."

Although Quirin thinks she is older, she should take the initiative when interacting with idiots. But looking at the idiot's unwavering eyes, this teacher will always find that he will unknowingly change to follow his steps and listen to his words.

This time too. Although she was very upset, Quirin sat on the bed after all, obediently listening to the idiot's explanation.

"56 cards, 7 people, 8 cards each. You can reduce the number of cards in the opponent's hand by guessing each other. If you fail, you can reduce your number of cards. Teacher, after seeing this rule, what do you have? Feelings."

After thinking about it, Quirine tilted her head and said, "Well... a contest of luck?"


The idiot gave Quilin a negative card without hesitation, making Quilin a little depressed for a while.

"This game is not based on luck, but calculation. If anyone thinks this is a pure luck game, then this person is not far from failure."

"Teacher, in the first trial game, the cards in your hand were A, 4, 5, 7, and K. In this case, you guessed that Ken had a 5 in his hand. Although the result was that you won , But it's actually very dangerous."

"Each deck of cards, except for the big clown, has four suits for each suit. Don’t count the big clown first, you may draw any number one-third. But if you have At a five, your opponent's probability of drawing five is immediately reduced to more than one in seventeen."

Quirine froze for a moment, then raised her finger to calculate. About a minute later, she touched her head and said with a smile: "Oh, it's really easy to count in this kind of child care department~~~ Hahaha."

(Hey, human boy, are you really going to protect this woman? Isn’t it okay? She is just a lamb to be slaughtered in a human skin)

"........................So, not choosing your own poker to guess is the most basic rule. This is especially important in the early stages."

"Well, I see. Anything else?"

Quilin sat on the bed with her legs crossed, and didn't worry at all that she was wearing a skirt and needed to be more reserved. The idiot sighed, but continued to say--

"At the opening stage, the only cards you know are your own hands and the five destroyed poker cards. Therefore, no matter you are against anyone, after removing the twelve cards, the chance of guessing is very rare. Less. Because you don’t know what the opponent’s hand is. And it’s difficult to guarantee that the opponent’s seven-card hand is not a pair. If you are lucky, there may be three or even four. This further reduces the number of cards in the hand. The scattered situation. It increases the difficulty of guessing."

"So in the beginning, it is the correct way to respond to others' guesses on their own cards. By gradually reducing the number of cards in everyone's hands, the success rate of calculating the cards in everyone's hands can be improved. In fact, as long as The fewer cards there are on the scene, the more we can guess what other people have, and improve our hit rate."

Quirine was holding her head, looking a little uncomfortable. After sighing, she couldn't help but shook her head and said--

"It's really troublesome... why didn't I encounter such troublesome things when I was a teacher? Guess what other people are thinking anytime, anywhere? It's really difficult. What's the difference between this and peeking into the hearts of others?"


Quirine threw the card in her hand onto the bed, simply leaned back, and at the same time raised her foot, and pushed it on the idiot's shoulder, motioning him to move away and straighten her leg. The idiot glanced at the teacher who had no sense of dignity and didn't care about her generous exposed skirt. He couldn't help but sighed, stood up, and let her lie down.

"However, teacher. In this game, there are two decisive cards. Basically, as long as you have one of them, you will definitely win."

When Quirine heard it, she immediately bounced off the bed, watching the idiot's eyes have turned into stars. She quickly picked up her seven cards and handed them to the idiot excitedly—

"Really? So are those two decisive cards in my hand? Which one? Which one?"

The idiot glanced at the card in Quilin's hand and shook his head. Afterwards, he drew two cards from his deck and showed them in front of Quilin's eyes.

"Big Ugly...and the clown."

"As long as you have any of these two cards. Then, if the scene does not turn into a'death fight' stage at the end, then these two cards are absolute life-saving cards."

Quirine looked at the card in the idiot's hand, with a slightly confused expression on her face. However, the ghost queen suddenly screamed and said--

"Ah, idiot, your luck is so lucky that you touched these two cards?"


The idiot's eyes were cold, the cruel darkness in his pupils stared at Quilin in front of him, and slowly said——

"I said earlier. In the game of life and death, you can never expect luck. Otherwise, the one who will die will always be the one who will never think about it." V

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