Demon King Dad

Vol 3 Chapter 46: , Mutual test

Quirine touched the remaining cards in her hand and nodded. Now the basic purpose has been determined. She raised her head and said--

"In other words, as long as we can destroy the remaining big clowns on the field, it means we can definitely win, right?"

"…………………… To be more precise, it will not be the target of being set on fire. Among the three people who have not started any action, Ken, Richard, and Rongte, there will definitely be someone who has it. Those two cards. Our next goal... first target the musician."

"Rongte? Why?"

"Because of his character."

The idiot turned around and said--

"A person with a somewhat arrogant character is always the most convenient target for attack."

Quirine nodded, but at this time, she suddenly said: "By the way, you haven't told me why Alice can accurately guess the card in my hand before. Also, according to your analysis, she should be the owner of the villa. Is it? In that case, why didn't we target her, instead we started to attack those three people?"

After being silent for a while, the idiot said--

"Because... I just said ‘probably’."


Looking at the wind and snow outside the window, Li stood silently.

Beside him, sitting next to him was Alice who had lost four cards in her hand and was very frightened.

Wind and snow, rolled together. Then it thumped, slapped on the window, making a bang...

That is a beast.

An icy beast. After seeing the warmth here, I hope to rush in and swallow all these beasts.

"Now... what are you going to do with me...?"

Alice lowered her head and looked at the only three cards left in her hand.

" want to kill me... don't you? Because... there are only three cards left in my hand... only three cards left..."


"You said, do you want to kill me?"

Li, was silent.

His eyes continued to stare at the window, without any reaction to Alice's words. It's like dead.

Seeing this, Alice, who was already a little panicked, finally gritted her teeth, raised her hand, facing Li, preparing to press her ring...

"If you dare to press it. Then our alliance is over."

Cold words, carrying an ice-like voice, came from Li's mouth.

Alice's movements stopped instantly. She was stunned on the spot. After thinking for a while, she finally shook her head, limp to the ground, and secretly crying.

"Alliance... Are you still willing to abide by... the alliance with me?"

"of course."

Li slowly turned his head, looked at Alice, and said--

"My purpose is the same as when I started, without any changes. Just the same as when I told you before."

"I, want to find the real owner of the villa."

Alice raised her head and looked at the man in front of her who was repeatedly wrapped in bandages, and some doubts began to appear in her eyes.

At this moment, Li came over, stretched out his hand, gently pressed it on her shoulder, and said--

"As I said at the beginning, your actions are the most suspicious. You found the box, and the first person to press the petals was also you. So you can easily become the target of others to gather fire."

"In that case, didn't you look for the owner of the villa? Why do you judge me not?"

"Because, I don't believe that a person who can design this kind of game is a fool who gets himself into trouble in the first place."

Li stood up, looked condescendingly at Alice in front of him, and continued--

"I have no evidence to prove that you are not the owner of the villa. Maybe you are a woman with outstanding acting skills. But I would rather believe that the real owner of the villa hopes to set up the scene beforehand, and then let others discover the traps they have laid. . And, since this ring can be activated by induction, coupled with the broadcast in the entire villa, I believe that it does not need to be set to automatic status. By then, whose score will be zero, the owner of the villa can also remotely control it. Come to detonate the bomb. In this case, there is no need to judge whether the ring corresponding to that petal has a bomb."

At this point, Alice was smiling. She stood up again, threw herself up, and hugged Li, already crying with joy.

"Thank you...thank you for believing in me...thank you..."

Facing the nephrite Wenxiang who was throwing his arms in his arms, the bandaged man pushed it away without hesitation. The look in Alice's eyes was the same as the stone, without the slightest warmth—

"So, the only thing you can do now is to cooperate with me. Although Mrs. Lyon is like you, she only has three cards in her hand, but she has a strong supporter. You guessed the wrong card just now, it should be his ghost. If you don’t cooperate with us, there is only a dead end waiting for you. After all, besides me, there are five people who are already eyeing you."

Alice nodded, although she was surprised that the man in front of her pushed her away without hesitation, but now, he still acts as her own umbrella. As a disadvantage in this game, of course she has to make good use of this protection.

"Then, let's first analyze the order of your guesses just now."

Li exhaled and said slowly: "During the mutual guessing between you and me, there have been three poker cards in total. The 7 in my hand, the 3 in your hand, and the three pieces of information that you don't have a 4 in your hand. With these three pieces of information, Mrs. Lyon should be able to calculate. Then, according to the principle of removing most cards, she should remove the 2, 6, 10, and Q exposed at the beginning, plus 3, 4, and 7, so that she The only cards that can be guessed should be six cards of A, 5, 8, 9, J, and K."

"Then, based on the two cards of Q and 10 she started choosing, she and her husband should not have Q and 10 in their hands."

"There is a point here, that is, she did not rule out the 10 and Q that originally belonged to a few cards, but made a guess. From this, it can be seen that the cards in her and her husband's hands plus all the cards that have been exposed, she I've seen it once. So far, the base card is no longer four cards, but three cards."

"From the fact that she chose the two cards of 10 and Q, it is very likely that their husband and wife will have K, J, 9, 8, 4, 5, A. At this time, a little bit of sorting out so far It can be found that among all the possible numbers, Mrs. Lyon did not choose A, and there is no A in all the scenes. In this case, the possibility of having two Aces in her hand naturally increases. "

"You did a good job at the beginning. You eliminated J, 9, 8 and an A from her hand. If one of the remaining three cards is an A, the remaining one is a 4. 5. The probability of K will be very high. You had four cards at the time, so you can attack three times to be safe. And I have six cards and can attack five times. A total of eight attacks will definitely be able to solve her in an instant. ."

After finishing talking, Li took out a white soldier chess piece from his arms and slowly said, "But now... the other party has realized that the risk can be avoided by swapping cards. So the possibility of the cards in the hands of the couple has become Unknown. For both of them... let's attack here first."

Alice exhaled, a little depressed. But I am a little bit happy with the people I rely on now. In this kind of game, it would be great to have such a man as his backing.

"So, what are we going to do next?"

Alice asked.


Li played with the chess piece in his hand, rubbing it. After a while, he placed the chess piece on the table, then picked it up with one hand, and moved forward a step.

"Next... it's the turn of the person who is extremely leisurely no matter what."

In Ken's room, this handsome man was holding a box of candies. He found it from the closet.

Now, he continued to lean on the window sill, squinting, looking at the melodious snow outside with ease. From time to time, take out a candy from the candy box, put it into that beautiful mouth, and chew gently...


Bang bang bang.

The idiot took Quilin and knocked on Wright's door.

After a while, the door opened.

Rongte looked at the idiot and Quilin outside, sneered, and opened the door openly to let them in. After that, he spread his cards on the table and said without hesitation--

"Why, after I couldn't get any bargain from Alice, I started to turn to fire, do you want to attack me?"

Quirine held the three cards in her hand, some of which couldn't bear it, and she shrank behind her in fear.

Seeing this scene, the ponytail man laughed loudly and shook his head. He snorted and signaled that the two of them could sit casually.

".................. I am not here to fight you. I hope...... we can cooperate."

"Cooperation? Why?"

Rongte played with his fingers, with a contemptuous look on his face, and said--

"I have a huge advantage now. If I heard correctly, Alice and your wife now only have three cards in their hands, don't you? It’s too late for you to protect yourself with such a small number of cards. I'm in the water? Don't even think about it."


The idiot looked at Rongte without answering. After taking a glance at the two of them, Rongte said immediately--

"Well, since you have come to me sincerely, it won't work if I don't entertain them a little bit. Come on, what is your suggestion?"

The idiot thought for a while and said, "If I say...we exchange hand information..."

"Don't even think about it."

Rongte shook his ponytail, snorted, and said, "I knew you would talk about such a naive topic. Why? It was a joke. I told you my hand, and then you could suppress it instantly. Me? You two, if you have no choice at the last moment, what should I do? Didn’t I become your fish? I can’t fight the two of you alone."

Facing Rongte's refusal, the expression on the idiot's face remained unchanged. After silence, he said: "In this case...there is no way. However, I still hope you can remember the time of the game clearly. Once 24 hours are reached, all of us will die."

"Humph, I won't believe that no one of you can stand it."


"What's wrong? Are you still leaving?"

"............ Before leaving, I want to ask one more thing."

"Oh? Yes, just ask. Just don't hurt my interests."

"........................How did you go up the mountain? In the climbing hut, I didn't seem to have seen you."

"Heh, it's not easy? I went up the mountain a day earlier than you guys, and camped outside. But the wind and snow got bigger and bigger, so I couldn't help it, so I rushed to this villa."

"......That's it, then, goodbye."

After the idiot said goodbye, he took Quilin and left the room immediately. Rongte sneered behind him, and immediately closed the door, shutting them out.

After leaving Rongte's room, the idiot turned and walked to the stove, where it caught fire. He thought about the problem in his mind, after thinking about it, he walked to the door.

"Little idiot, what's the matter with you?"

The idiot looked at the row of hiking boots at the door, and after a moment of silence, he picked up the seven pairs of hiking boots one by one.

Apart from Ken and Lee, as well as the four pairs of boots of himself and Quilin that I knew, I removed the smaller pair of boots that seemed to be women. Afterwards, he picked up the remaining two pairs and began to examine them carefully.

The bottom of one of the boots was covered with scratches, which seemed to have come out of a long-term mountain trail.

But the other pair looks brand new. Not only there are not many scratches on the soles, but also very little wear.

"Little idiot...what do you see?"

The idiot held up the shoe with few scratches and said--

"Teacher. Who do you think these shoes belong to."

"Um... let me see... these shoes should belong to the fat Richard? You think he doesn't look like a mountain climber. And he's a bit fat. And these shoes feel broken. The ragged ones should belong to Wonte, right? He said he often climbs mountains."


The idiot responded. Later, all these shoes were put back in place.

After probing Wright, the next target is naturally the fat man, Richard. V

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