Demon King Dad

Vol 3 Chapter 61: , Death controlled by flames

Nine-level monster...

The face of flame and death.

Being sealed sometimes does not mean you are sleeping. Maybe awake, just unable to move for various reasons.

Little Bread couldn't help taking a step back. Tolan immediately stepped forward, drew out his saber blood bat, and protected his little master together with the skeleton soldiers whose eyes were shining blue.

Faced with a monster that may have reached the epic level, any slackness may result in fatal.

"Hehehe, my guest. I'm sorry, I can only receive you in this way. Ah, yes. Do you think it's too hot here? If that's the case, I can restrain myself a little bit."

The voice of Warcraft Boiya hummed softly. In other words, very polite and gentleman. Its eyes also shone with warm luster, without the slightest violent air.

"You... are the Destroyer Beast that killed hundreds of thousands of people?... Little Master, don't be afraid, it is now sealed."

"Hahahaha, indeed, I am indeed sealed now. Maybe I did kill a lot of people hundreds of years ago, but this does not mean that I am synonymous with terror and destruction. Moreover, among the people I kill Many of them voluntarily sacrificed their precious lives to me according to the teachings of goddesses."

The tone of Warcraft is polite, not at all like that crazy monster. Tolan looked at its sincere and gentle eyes, and listened to the clear words in its mouth. It was really impossible to associate it with madness and tyranny.


Bun tightly grasped Tolan's clothes, his eyes fixed on it, not daring to move the slightest. Tolan saw it, and looked at the monster without hesitation, and continued to be vigilant.

"Oh, it seems that my notoriety seems to be spread more widely. Then, if I show some sincerity, can the two of you forgive me more?"

Having said that, the monster that was suppressed under the chains began to inhale. Suddenly, the air in the lava cave, which was almost hotter than the desert, dropped a lot. Although it still feels a little hot, it is more or less acceptable.

Tolan turned his head, looked at the buns that looked much better behind, and breathed a sigh of relief. He turned his head again, facing the Warcraft, and said: "You, look kind of gentleman."

"Of course. As a knight, you should serve a lady."

The monster under the chain said politely.

"Since you are so polite, can you let us leave here?"

Tolan began to have a little hope for this Warcraft report.

"Ah... get out of here? Haha, this is really a funny joke."

The monster under the chain squirmed a little, and said, "If I could leave, I would have left. But, as the two of you can see. I still stay here, unable to move. If you say...two If you are willing to help, there is no problem. With my strength, it is not that difficult to pierce through these stones that are pressing on my head."

"Don't dream anymore. It's impossible for us to let you go because of you..."

"What about me? Because I killed a lot of people, right?"

With a smile on his face, the monster slowly closed his eyes, interrupting Tolan.

"Indeed, I have killed a lot of people. But ah, I also smelled a lot of death in your body. You should also be a person who is associated with death. You dare to say that you kill very few people , And everybody you kill is surviving?"

A very simple retort made Tolan dumb for a while.

As a death knight, you can never guarantee that everyone you kill is correct. Of course there will be mistakes, and of course there will be times when good people are also killed. This is an unavoidable fact...

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't expect to ask you this question. I apologize to you."

"However, I just want to emphasize that every murderer is not necessarily a murderer in the hands. Not every murderer is more than guilty. But what?"

"Everyone screams that life is equal. But even the most profound priests have never placed the life of the deceased in the same position as the same life. This clearly violates the goddess doctrine of equality of all beings. ."

"Death is also equal."

"Death is the same as life, and it is also the same form of life. For the life that truly pursues the salvation of the goddess, bravely accepting death is the best way to express one's own perfection."

"The dead walk with the living. It is the true meaning of the world to grant everyone equal death in the world. Don't you think so?"

Tolan's underground head began to be lifted up gradually.

He looked at the monster, looked at its gentle and gentle eyes, which were full of faint smiles...

"Ah woo"

Suddenly, Bread yelled. She pulled Tolan's clothes vigorously. It was this pull that made Tolan wake up immediately. He raised the blood bat in his hand again and said--

"I'm sorry, since you don't know how to get out, then we are here to say goodbye. Hope it didn't interrupt your sleep. Goodbye."

Warcraft raised his head slightly, looking at the two people who were about to turn and walk towards the door from under the lava pool, suddenly said——

"The true doctrine is not to blaspheme life, but to maintain the integrity and unity of life from beginning to end. Whether it is alive or dead. Let people live and keep him pure is what I really should do."

Little Bread and Tolan ignored the monster, and they started walking towards the cave where they came. And Feiya didn't seem to be anxious, and continued to speak slowly--

"I tried many methods, hoping to keep human beings alive after they die. Unfortunately, many methods have failed. When I was almost desperate, thinking that I had completely failed, I got a hint. ."

WoW forcibly pushed up those chains, smiled at the two people who had come to the tunnel entrance, and smiled slightly...


A group of hot flames rushed out of the magma around it, and directly hit the hot ball of fire above the passage, instantly melting the hard rock, blocking the only way out for the two of Little Bread and Tolan.

The attack made them alert.

Bun immediately spread his hands, and a huge water shield instantly appeared in front of him. And Tolan suddenly raised the blood bat in his hands, looking at the monster with a serious expression, ready to fight.

"It seems that the two still can't understand. Well, as a master, I can't let the two go back empty-handed. I will give the two a little gift so that the two of them... no, it should be said, only A little girl over there. I will give you eternal life. This is a gift that exists in the gap between survival and death and will always'live' in this world."


Finally, Tolan no longer had any negotiable thoughts about this monster. He immediately asked the skeleton soldiers to surround the bun to prevent any accidents. But at this moment...

This monster slowly lifted its body from under the chains...

Facing the two people here, the corner of its mouth showed the gentlest smile, and then opened...

The scorching flame, just like this, sprayed directly from its mouth, spraying towards Tolan and Little Bread...

"Leave the little master away"

Tolan jumped aside, and a skeleton soldier also hurriedly grabbed the bun and threw her aside. The two of them dodged the flames without injury. But those skeletons became scapegoats and were burned by the raging fire.

"Fight Back"

Tolan drew out the sword with a wave, and the azure eyes turned into blood-red demon at this moment. For lifeless bones, these flames are nothing at all, even if it is more violent, it is impossible to stop the footsteps of dead soldiers.


"Qua............quack quack............"

Under the burning of flames, these dead soldiers began to become strange.

Tolan froze for a moment, turned his head, and looked over there. I saw these soldiers who should have no pain, but now they screamed there

"Woo quack quack quack--"


The flame ceased.

The skeletal soldiers who were burned by the flames are now emitting black smoke, slowly falling down...


Fall down...?

But before they fell, these soldiers used their perseverance to abruptly support their bodies.

Their bones have turned black, and there are black scorch marks all over their bodies.

However, even so, they slowly stood up. There are some unpredictable sounds in the throat...

"Huh, great, you are all right..."

A smile appeared on Tolan's face. After a sigh of relief, he took a step, trying to control the dead soldiers more firmly. However, when these skeletal soldiers turned their heads and faced Tolan, he suddenly discovered...

It was supposed to be the skeleton pupils shining with blue light, but now, what’s shining has turned into a flame-like color.

"This... Are you...?"


These skeletal soldiers stared at Toran and Little Bread, began to drag their scorched bodies, and slowly walked towards them.

The Warcraft in the lava pool behind looked at the scene in front of him with a smile, without showing the slightest surprise. That a noble nobleman, just appreciating an elegant performance, looking calmly at what happened before him. Looking forward to what is about to happen...V

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