Demon King Dad

Vol 3 Chapter 69: ,Total War

Total War

Fei Ya looked at Quirin who suddenly kowtow to her. Not only did she not calm down, but she became more angry. After a long time, it turned out that this woman started to despise herself and began to play with herself? Sure enough... to allow a person with such pure water power to exist in his body is really a huge threat to himself...

"Woman, although I never kill. But this time, in the name of the goddess, I will deprive you of your life————"

Feiya roared, it didn't expect its own flame anymore, but directly stretched out its paws and grabbed at Quilin over there.

Quilin was taken aback, seeing the huge paw pat, and the despair in her heart could be imagined. She jumped back, and when the giant claw was about to be shot, the giant claw of the beast leaped back and completely smashed the building she was standing on, but Quilin did not expect this. Fire fell.


In panic, Quilin immediately threw out both hands, and the eight flying knives paused slightly after they emerged. Then, as if being pulled, they rushed towards the right hand of the monster from all directions.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang

With eight soft sounds, the eight ice blades with ghosts directly entered the flames of Boi Ya's arms.


The sudden tingling caused Huo Dehou to withdraw his hand suddenly. As soon as Quirin pulled the ice silk, her body followed the contraction of the ice silk and fell on its flame-extinguished arm. When it was not paying attention, the ghost on the ice blade quickly slid into the wound that was already somewhat frostbited, and Rongte in the distance seemed to sense this, and immediately began to stroke the mirror in mō's hand, a The road map instantly appeared in the mirror.

"Well, I didn't provoke you? I asked you for forgiveness. I gave up. Why are you still reluctant to let it go. If you are a good man, I'll forget it, but I hate the entangled beasts. How am I? I... I lost you money from my family’s recent business, and I have a lot of money. I ask my family’s i to give you all the money, please forgive me, okay beast"

"Abominable human beings...hateful power of pure water——————"

In the distance, Rongte placed the mirror on the ground. When everything was ready, he immediately took out the i-knife and cut his fingers and pressed it on the mirror. With a loud drink, one of the right arms of Fire Monster suddenly began to knot. Frostquiline watched the frost spread on this monster's arm, and within a short while, he completely frozen one of its right arms.

"Goo...This is... the Frost Seal? Damn woman... Damn woman... So you want to seal me? Do you want me to taste the eight hundred years of imprisonment again? Damn woman.

Finally, Fei Ya was completely angry. Except for its right arm, its entire body began to emit even more intense red flames. These flames were so hot, the huge heat rushed straight into the sky, burning the clouds in the sky as it is now. ...Looks like being burned by fire


Alice, who had been staying on the shoulder of the monster, couldn't stand the heat, and rolled off the shoulder of the monster. Fortunately, she is not weak, and after turning around in the air, Luo Jie's tail curled up and landed steadily. She looked at the monster in front of him with a little fear, and after thinking about it, she dragged Roger and ran into the city.

"You... I'm sorry, sorry"

Seeing that the monster was angry, the tears in Quilin's eyes rose again. She tightly grasped the ice silk behind the eight flying knives embedded in her arm with both hands to prevent herself from falling, and at the same time she apologized loudly with blurred tears——

"I shouldn't call you a beast. I'm sorry. It's my fault. I'm a beast. I'm a **** that owes people, okay? Don't be angry. Don't be angry. I... I invite you to drink tea. I am angry... OK?"


Feiya raised his left hand and patted it directly at Quilin on his right arm. Quilin was frightened, and the ice silk clasped by both hands immediately disappeared. Under the shaking of her arm, she fell from the air without a doubt. With a slap, the flame-filled left hand was slapped on the ice-filled right hand. This time, the ice was scattered, and it seemed that there was pain that caused this monster to penetrate into the soul.


Rong Te, who was casting the seal in the distance, suddenly stunned. He looked in the mirror and suddenly said loudly--

"I don't have enough power to speed up the seal. If the time is too long, it will break through the frost seal and increase its attack quickly."

It's a pity that Rongte is too far away, how could the voice reach Quilin? In fact, Quelin, who was falling, was completely desperate. She did nothing, just let herself fall and wait for the coming death...

"His Majesty Huo, this is the **** picture of Teacher Quilin that I secretly taken while the teacher was asleep last night and gave it to you, please forgive me."

Suddenly Quilin opened her eyes and lowered her head, she saw a person standing on the roof in the distance, who was an idiot, and he was holding a pile of photos like something in his hand. He took out one of them and went to the fire. Throw it on

"Yeah, you wolf student"

Die, you can.

But being seen **** photos? How does this work?

Quilin, who was about to fall to the ground, said nothing, raised her left hand, and another flying knife followed the photo with a chuckle forward. The ice knife stabbed the photo and nailed it to the big uǐ of the fire monster. .

With a crash, the photo was swallowed by flames. But Quilin was dragged by the ice silk in her hand, drew a circle in the air, and directly slammed into the face of the upcoming collision, and she started yelling again. Seeing this, the idiot once again raised a lot of things similar to photos in his hand and threw it at the iuǐ of the fire monster. And the result...

"One piece? No one is accurate.

The ice skates, like a torrential rain, pounced directly at it in the horrified expression of Fire Monster

Pala pala pala--

The continuous e-strike made the flame on the fire monster iuǐ instantly extinguish. Ghost once again got in while taking advantage of the wound. However, it was not a good thing for Quilin. Her body slammed into the shin bones of this beast. Although there was no danger of flame burning, the collision still hit her. , With golden light in his eyes, he couldn't move.


With a bang, the iuǐ of Fire Monster was also frozen by the frost. Feiya screamed, his knees softened, and the whole body Pala knelt down. At this time, the flame on its body seemed to have gone down a bit, becoming less hot.

"Ah~~~~ Where am I? Here...Where is it? Did I go home?"

Quirine fell to the ground, standing up with dizzy eyes. She looked at the flame monster in front of her, feeling a little dazed for a while.

"Teacher, you have sealed her two parts, speed up."

The idiot in the distance yelled, hoping to make Quirine speed up. Quirine was taken aback, then after looking at everything in front of her, she suddenly woke up

"I... I sealed two places of it?... So... I can win? Can I defeat this epic monster??"

Quilin looked at the big monster kneeling in front of her. Suddenly, a sense of confidence rose directly from the bottom of her heart. She felt that she had never been as strong as she is now. Right now, the ghost queen laughed and moved. The flying knife in his hand, loudly said——

"Monster today, it’s when Qulin Rooney replied that I became famous. Anyone who points to me will not say that I am'Xingli’s elder sister.' The cuteness of the heroine' hahaha I'll take care of you"


With a sweep of Fei Ya's hand, she hit the triumphant Kui Lin with a punch, blasting her away. After two rolls in the air, Quilin finally landed, except for a mouthful of blood...

The cringing tears flowed down again in despair...

"I... won't be sealed by you..."

"I...I am a true supporter of the doctrine of being gifted by the goddess"

"I... will never be wiped out from this world by you heretics..."

After a few minutes of silence, the Flame Monster once again supported his body and slowly stood up. It gritted its teeth, dragged its frozen right arm and left, and after taking a breath, it suddenly roared

In an instant, tens of thousands of flame dead in the city raised their heads and roared together. These monsters originally only had flames in their eyes, but at this moment, in their iōng-like bones, they also began to gather flames. And, beating slowly like a heart

After these flames, the bodies of the dead began to change. They have fangs growing in their mouths and tails growing behind them. They have changed from walking upright to crawling on the ground. Their original figure that was walking slowly disappeared at this moment. It completely becomes a monster that moves faster and looks more powerful

"Go... turn all the people left in this city... into complete dead. Because they... don't deserve to enjoy this eternal life like a flame."

Tens of thousands of monsters let out a stern roar, and immediately began to rush towards the idiot, Quilin and Rongte. A war of three against tens of thousands of undead, also at this moment, pulled high A

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