Demon King Dad

Vol 3 Chapter 71: , Reunion


The shovel hit, the skull of the flame dead man shattered again. But this time, what surprised the idiot was that this monster was not completely blown away. When it was about to be forced back, his hands were stretched out without fear, and he grabbed the shovel for the next moment...


The idiot immediately let go of the shovel, hugged Quilin and backed away. He had just taken a step when the dead flame exploded in midair, and the huge heat wave blasted the three out. Fall to the ground.

What's worse is still to come. The skeletal bones that had been scattered because of the explosion reunited at this moment. The flames in their chest cavity continued to burn, without the slightest sign of retreat. After a roar, he continued with the other flame dead and rushed to the three people who fell to the ground.

"No way……"

Quilen gritted her teeth, although she was not reconciled, but once again a retreat appeared in her eyes.

"With our lineup, you can't deal with these thousands of enemies at all, right? Although I have decided to go, but...but so many enemies...I can't connect to that monster. "

Needless to say, Quirin, all three of them knew. Idiots, Wonte and Quilin got together and had to fight and retreat. Seeing that he was getting farther and farther away from the monster, Rongte gritted his teeth in a hurry, but still couldn't even do anything.

Faced with this situation, idiots are also thinking and considering.

The dead...This kind of lifeless thing is indeed very difficult to deal with. He had never had the experience of confronting Tolan's army of dead. In this case, what should we do?

Start jail?

Unleash his immature fifth prison?

No... Obviously, this is not a good way. The Fifth Prison needs too much power, and it takes a long time to recover after activating it. Moreover, the power of the fifth prison seems to pay more attention to destructive power, but for the dead who are safe even if they are blown to pieces, whether the destructive power can play a role... is still unknown.

When facing the enemy, what is more important is the method, not the mere bombardment. It is obviously not a good idea to rashly open the prison under the threat of a sudden reduction in combat power before being sure that his fifth prison can actually cause harm to the opponent.



A dead flame suddenly sprang out from the side, aiming at Rongte's neck with a claw. Rongte was shocked and turned his head immediately. Although he avoided the threat of being directly pierced through his throat, a deep hole was still caught in his skin. In an instant, blood flowed like a shot.

Rongte clutched the wound on his neck and retreated with the idiot and Quilin under a high wall. The three of them stared at the bones in front of them, looking at these guys who were not burning with flames all the time. After a while, the high wall above their heads also began to climb up some flame dead, they sneered at the three idiots in it, and they made a cluck-chuck-like sound in their mouths that kept opening and Hehe.

That's it... Is it over?

The idiot clenched his fist and looked at the monsters in front of him.

Really...Is everything here? way to enemy that cannot be enemy that explodes when touched...

In the face of these tens of thousands of enemies... everything... is it over?

The idiot closed his eyes and exhaled deeply.

Afterwards, his hand slowly moved towards his right arm, stroking...the chain under the sleeve...


However, at this moment, the cry of a dead flame suddenly came from behind the Skeleton Sea. After hearing this cry, the idiot immediately raised his head, but what came into his eyes was something unfamiliar.

A sickle...?

I saw the huge sickle flying up and down among the bones, and the white blade and black handle drew a black and white arc in this fiery red world. This is not enough to surprise idiots. Surprisingly, wherever the sickle passed, there was no explosion at all?


The flame dead made a weird cry and began to turn their heads one after another, rushing in the direction of the sickle. Maybe it was too much. The sickle holder did not slowly kill, but jumped up and jumped into the air. At this moment, a flame dead also jumped head-on, spread his claws and fangs, and leaped towards the sickle. Holder

(That's... harvesting?)

Accompanied by the sudden scream of Dim Mi, the figure in mid-air has already clenched the sickle, facing the flame dead man and waved down.

The white blade cut across the bones, but there was no imaginary fracture. On the contrary, the flame in the skeletal chest seems to be hooked by a scythe at this moment. It was dug out from the chest cavity abruptly. After the flame left, the flame dead, who would never die, in the next moment...


In midair, it broke into bones and landed.

"That's... Tolan is Tolan on his back is... Ah-"

Quirine cried out excitedly, yes, she was excited. At the same time, a cloud of haze that had always been enshrouded in the idiot's heart, after seeing the small figure, disappeared without a trace. He rushed forward, kicked the head of a dead flame, and stepped on it. Its body jumped to meet Tolan over there

"Ah oh oh oh oh"

Familiar cry...familiar little body...the little guy lying on Tolan's back saw the oncoming idiot, the tears in his eyes immediately couldn't control it, and his eyes came out. She screamed, and before Tolan rushed closer, she let go of her hands to welcome the idiot. But after letting go, her small body immediately slid off Tolan's back and fell into the group of bones below.



The idiot stretched out his hand and hugged this somewhat reckless little girl tightly in the air. After being separated for two days and two nights, he finally saw this little girl yelling in front of him again, and saw her alive again... Now, he seems to be able to hold this girl and see her again. Ping An, he didn't care about anything other than this.


The embraced "father and daughter" fell into the bones without accident.

The monsters that were full of flames saw the prey that reached their mouths and immediately made a quack and hugged them.

They want to blow up... They want to use the fiercest flame to kill the "father and daughter" who have just met for less than three seconds. Now they are immersed in the joy of meeting, no longer... It's been less than four weeks.


As the most loyal servant of the Demon King, how can these undead succeed?

Blue and clear eyes flashed, along with the long blue hair flying like the ocean, the huge sickle volleyed towards the dead flames...

The servant fell to the ground, carrying the huge sickle. Accompanied by the sound of bones falling around, it was the flame that was hooked out of this sickle... as if swallowed, it slowly disappeared.


Suddenly losing control, this made the fire monster over there cheer it to look here, after seeing the huge scythe on the shoulder of the blue-haired girl, a little inexplicable color appeared on her face. But soon, the monster came back to his senses and let out a roar


The tens of thousands of flame dead around all made the same weird calls. They began to turn their targets, and rushed directly to Tolan Tolan, who was holding a scythe, looking at these monsters with horns, fangs, and tails. You don’t need to think about it. They must be several times stronger than the flame dead they encountered in the cave. But now, there is no fear on his face, instead he skillfully turns the sickle in his hand and clenches it tightly.


Passing by the sickle, the flame on the chest of the deceased was as if it had been forcibly dug away, being harvested by the sickle. As the skeleton shattered one after another, Tolan moved his sickle horizontally and said loudly--

"Miss Rooney, I'll clear the way for you"

Not far away, Quilin was taken aback, and before she could agree, Tolan had already rushed towards the flame beast with a sickle. Passing by the sickle, the flame dead, who just put idiots and others into desperation, are now like lambs to be slaughtered, without the slightest ability to resist.

"Damn... the old lady is giving it up"

Seeing Tolan rushing forward so disregarding his own safety, Quilin gritted his teeth and finally followed. Her flying knife crossed the sickle and directly sealed the undead with ice. The two of them went one after the other, gradually advancing towards Boiya.

On this side, the idiot doesn't care what it is.

He held the little girl in his arms, with his broad palms, gently stroking her dusty hair.

Not seen for two days, the bun looked much haggard. From the dark circles of her eyes, it seemed that she had not slept well in the past two days.

Now, the idiot can no longer imagine what kind of predicament it is, which can make the bun tense for two consecutive days, and there is no time to sleep. He looked at this tired little guy and the tears with a smile on her face. He couldn't say anything, he could only hold her tightly and give her the greatest protection...


Crying, crying...

Gradually, the sound of crying in his arms gradually became quieter.

The idiot let go of his hands a little, letting the bun breathe a sigh of relief. Then, what he saw was the scene of this dirty little face with a smile on his face, tears mixed with mud, lying in his arms peacefully sleeping...

All around, there were still killings.

But this little girl is sleeping so peacefully in the arms of an idiot.

Her little hands clung to the idiot's clothes, no matter how violent the sound around her, no matter how deafening the explosions around her. As long as she is in this embrace, she seems to be able to sleep peacefully, forever...

No need to worry about it. V

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