Demon King Dad

Vol 3 Chapter 78: , The hidden secret

"Because he controls the soul, he knows and knows the pain of those souls. He knows the tragedy of their deaths and all the sorrows of all this. Because the souls that can be enslaved by him are only those who die unnaturally. People. These people often have countless concerns and dreams in their hearts... But they left the world of the living before they could realize it..."

"Mr. Roger Tyre, you said that the angel of death came to you who wanted to die and stopped you, didn't you?"

Roger: "Well, that's right."

"Actually, if you died at that time, then your soul would be under his jurisdiction. Become his servant. However, he did not do that, but tried his best to find a way to prevent you from seeking death. And Knowing that you cannot have the courage to live through persuasion, I have instilled you with the idea of'revenge' so that you can continue to live no matter what."

"Because... many things, as long as you are alive, there is always a way to solve... But once you die, there is nothing."

Tolan said that, after a short pause, he continued: "Later, he arranged this game to help you not to seek death. But during the game, he found me..."

"At the moment he saw me, he must have been very panicked...because I was hostile to him. If I appeared, it might mean destroying his plan. Moreover, he would fight. Because he can summon the undead out of thin air, but I need a corpse, so if I can't defeat him, maybe, maybe..."

Tolan bit his lip lightly and said--

"Maybe... I will start killing people, and he will control the army of the dead... and fight each other."

Everyone was silent for a while...After that, Tolan let out a breath and continued to say——

"So, he planned that avalanche, and then used me to protect the little master, using me to seal his harvest before, and instead sealed me and sent me to the sealed land."

"The reason why he sent me and the little master to the Sealed Land, I don’t know what he thinks, but based on my understanding of him, I think he must think that I can tear the seal of harvest, and then completely Kill that monster... After all, apart from the control of the death army, his strength in single combat is not as good as mine... Moreover, when dealing with a fire monster that is just a corpse, he probably thinks I will be more suitable. Right..."

"As for the little master, perhaps his idea is simply to think that the little master is a stone vertical master. After all, the guiding stone on the little master has strong energy, and I should feel it for a little bit. There is a strong vertical stone master and If I cooperate, I should get twice the result with half the effort."

The angel of death... is another troublesome enemy for idiots. An enemy who can manipulate the undead army to fight. In fact, it is right to think about it carefully. Since the Demon Race has Tolan who can manipulate the undead army, it is not surprising that the Protoss has similar abilities.

Now, the only hope is that in the future, don’t meet this angel of death again, and confront him...

The idiot nodded and was silent for a moment. He exhaled, not commenting too much on it. His task has been completed, this time the part-time job incident can also be regarded as over...


Suddenly, a huge knocking on the door pierced the quiet people in Diamond Villa and turned their heads. I saw that Alice had been freed from her **** at some point, smashed through the door and rushed out. The snake girl took off her jacket. The pure white body merged with the snowy world outside, and the light blue hair could not be the focus of everyone's search. This woman grinned and revealed two fangs. After she sneered, she turned around and got into the outside again. In the blizzard

"That woman is hateful, careless"

Quirine rushed to the door and held the throwing knife tightly. But now, where can I still see the shadow of the snake **** the white hillside?

"No, Miss Rooney replied, forget it, don't chase."

Roger shook his head and sighed.

"Ah? Stop chasing? She killed so many people, why didn't she chase them? Also, don't forget that she wanted to wake you up by killing you before."

"If she deserves to die, then she will definitely be punished. But compared to her crimes, I have even more unreported expectations for the Crystal Ice Republic."

Roger closed his eyes and said slowly: "A week before the incident, the royal family of the Crystal Ice Republic left the capital. There are also many government officials and royal supporters who are traveling with this. In that capital, apart from the uncontrolled refugees, they were the opposition of the Royal Family. In other words, they were some people who tried to overthrow the Crystal Ice Royal Family. In the following week, the opposition marched into the capital aggressively, even for three days. The former announced the shift of the Royal Family of the Crystal Ice Republic. But what about now?"

"You think, a week after the departure of the Crystal Ice Royal Family, the capital, Lava City, died. What does this mean?"

Quilin was taken aback and said, " mean...?"

"Yes. I am afraid that all of this has already been shrouded in a larger situation. Therefore, even if we capture the woman and send it to other cities in Crystal Ice, whether we can receive a fair trial One question. If you don’t do it well, it will become even more unfavorable for us who know too many facts. Maybe..."

The idiot nodded after thinking about it. After that, he carried his travel bag and put on hiking boots.

"Huh? Are you... leaving?"

The idiot turned his head and glanced at the people here. After that, he just said a few words--

"The mission is complete. Let's return to the wind and blow the sand."


On the snow-covered hillside, naked Alice squirmed quickly and ran down the mountain.

She sneered, celebrating her escape again

Everyone thought she lost, didn't they? Everyone...even including herself at one time, thought that she had completely lost this time.

But now? She escaped again. As a noble white snake, she once again got the chance to be reborn

Along the mountain road, she quickly descended the mountain and entered the ruined city again covered by heavy snow. She raised her head, looking at the icy flame monster over there, excitedly, quickly rushed up

"Hehe, stupid humans, do you think it’s okay if the ice is frozen? The ice is only temporary. If you don’t impose a complete seal, this degree of ice will only need one day and one night, and the nine-level monster can break through it. Time, I must make you all look good"

Alice quickly slid to the side of the monster, looking at its face. Afterwards, she raised her hand enthusiastically and touched Huo Demon's ear...

"Are you looking for this thing? The beautiful Miss Snake Ji."

A voice suddenly came from behind Alice. She was taken aback and turned her head quickly

Standing in front of him was a handsome man with white hair. He squinted, holding a small ball of light in his hand...


Alice gritted her teeth and looked hard at Ken in front of her. Her eyes showed vigilance and alertness again, and she stared at each other.

At this moment, the fool put on his cloak and walked out of the hiding place, slowly standing behind Ken Yin. And Ken Yin smiled slightly and continued--

"Ah, your body is still so beautiful. I still remember that after rushing with the noble Miss White Snake at the dance party, your image was always entrenched in my heart."

Alice also didn't care that her body was seen by the other party, and snorted coldly and said, "Yes. Then, who is the man who rejected this body?"

"Well, there were many reasons at that time. But..."

At this moment, mimi's smiling eyes had opened a tiny gap. The cold light revealed from it made Alice, who was originally full of disdain, shudder at this moment.

"Miss of the White Snake clan, your actions this time are a bit too much. Stealing state secrets is not the kind of thing that makes people laugh."

Alice took a step back a little, put her hand on the monster, and said nothing.

"I don't want to be rough at the beautiful young lady. If you are willing to catch it..."

Having said that, Ken took off his white cloak, stepped forward, put on Alice, and said--

"I am willing to **** you home and receive the fairest trial in a more knightly manner than this monster."

Alice was silent.

Because she knew that maybe she could slip away from the hands of those few people, but she could never slip away from the palm of the man in front of her.

The horror of this man... She has learned too many times.

Under his always smiling mask, what terrible thoughts are hidden, I am afraid that only he himself will know


The result of resistance now is death.

If you don’t resist, you might be able to survive...and then find another chance to escape

"......Hehe, I'm glad we don't have to be rough. Then, God knows, you can rest with Miss Alice next to me for a while. Because we have another distinguished guest to receive."

The idiot nodded, and did not put Alice in any shackles, just let her stand beside him. He knew that this woman would not resist, and now, he did not dare to resist.

"Guest? What guest?"

In Alice's surprise, Ken slowly raised his head, took another piece of marshmallow from his arms and stuffed it into his mouth.


White ghost wings flapped in the air.

The angel representing death, now, full of vigilance, landed in front of them...V

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