Demon King Dad

: The second year story 063, the consciousness of survival

The idiot untied the cloth strips that had tied her and dragged her out of the sandpit. After finishing the plastic sheeting, he laid the walnuts flat on the ground and let the little bread sit next to her.

"Don't let her go."

The idiot raised a finger and gestured. Little Bread didn't know whether he understood it or not, but he yelled a few times and sat beside Walnut.

In a daze, Walnut saw the idiot walk to the place where he put the cup and plastic film ten hours ago. I saw him throw away the stones and put the film back into the cyst. Then he took out the cup from below and walked over.

That cup was only left under the sand for a day, so there should be nothing in it, right? Even if there is, there should be only sand...

Walnut thought this way, turned his head, looked dying. She didn't have the strength to resist, even when the idiot picked up her head and put the cup to her dry lips, she just squinted and fiddled with him vaguely.

The water touched her lips.

The cool liquid saved Walnut's consciousness of being on the verge of shock in an instant. She opened her eyes abruptly, and saw that there was a small half glass of water in that cup. Although it was slightly muddy, it was indeed...water? !

Suddenly, Walnut opened his hands, intending to take the cup. But the idiot slammed her down at this moment and moved the cup away. Condescendingly, those black pupils reflected the sky full of stars and came into Walnut's eyes.

"Water, the less you drink, the better. As long as you can sustain life, it's enough."

If you take too much water in the desert, it will evaporate from the body very quickly due to heat. Therefore, drinking water must maintain the principle of small amounts and multiple times.

Due to those black eyes, Walnut became scared again. She nodded silently, and only then did the idiot hand the cup to her. But while drinking, it was an idiot who pinched her chin and poured it into her mouth. After all, he didn't believe that the princess would really understand the principle of a small number of times at once, and would not drink up the water all at once.

A small glass of water, half of the walnuts. After she recovered some energy, the idiot handed the water to the bun for her to drink. I thought that the idiot would let the bun drink half of it and drink it myself. Unexpectedly, he watched that little girl finish drinking water, then stuffed the cup into the rucksack and picked up the little girl.

He... Isn't he thirsty?

The boy in front of him, who was only one year older than himself, had heavy restraints on his hands and feet, and he was also wearing a heavy sweater. Then, he has to carry the little bread and the backpack, and then undertake the task of bringing him back intact...

He... what kind of monster is he? ? ?

Walnut was surprised, but soon she shook her head desperately, denying this guess. He must be secretly drinking the water in those kettles! He is only one year older than himself, how could he be a monster? That's right, he must take advantage of his dizziness to drink water and eat by himself! It must be so, this man is a badass, a big badass! How could it be possible to leave so many delicious and delicious foods alone and bear so many heavy burdens alone?

Thinking about it this way, Walnut can balance himself. As long as you hold the idea that the boy in front of you is a badass, you don't have to think about how he did it. As long as he is bad enough, he will definitely do some shameful things behind his back! This is how all the musicals are performed! And this righteous partner of myself was only caught by this bad guy for a while, unable to break free!


After Walnut's self-adjustment, the image of an idiot turned back into a dirty beggar. She patted her skirt, forcibly refreshed, and followed the idiot's footsteps, continuing on the journey home.

For the next twenty days, walnut, idiot, and bread continued this uninterrupted journey from day to night. The surrounding environment is still desert no matter how you walk, and several times, Walnut even began to despair. In these twenty-odd days, she continued to endure hunger, pain, thirst, and fear of true death that she had never endured before.

It’s not the kind of death performed in an opera, nor is it like the heroine who gets stabbed and sings a song very poignantly, turns two circles, dies little by little in the arms of her beloved hero, and will be around When the petals are dropped, there will be a romantic way of heroes crying, singing in antithesis, and dying.

The world exceeded her imagination. She thought that death would be complicated, but the desert told her that death is actually very simple.

Hunger, thirst, tired, and then die.

There are no petals, no tears, no gorgeous background, no moving music and singing. It's that simple. To this world, whether you are a princess or a beggar, whether you are a hero or a villain, in that day of fire and the endless desert, all lives are the same.

Live or die.

The idiot walked in obscurity ahead. Behind her, Walnut looked at his back, and finally saw a little clearly the world he has been living in. It will always be that simple...

And terrible.

It was another night, and the three rounds of bright moon had gradually become fuller. Fortunately, as dawn approached, they walked under a cliff, where there was a small cave, which saved the idiot from digging in the sand.

After nearly a month's journey, Walnut's clothes have become tattered. The luxurious princess dress was torn apart by her, and the torn fabric was used to hug her pair of princess shoes that had already opened. Other fabrics are used to cover her head to avoid direct sunlight to her head.

The princess who refused to accept a month ago has been completely conquered by nature, surrendered to the boundless power. She sat quietly in the cave. She understood the terrible part of the desert and began to learn to obey the idiot's orders. Now she knows what "death" is all about, and what it means to be "alive". Perhaps these two meanings are easy to understand, but if a person cannot truly understand the true meaning, he will definitely not be able to live in the desert.

Although that is the case. But today, the princess still seems to have some "persistence" that can't let go of her happiness.

The idiot dropped the bread and walnuts, and walked out of the cave, looking for food with an hour before dawn. During this time, Walnut finally understood the meaning of the food and water in the idiot's rucksack, and she finally knew that the boy didn't steal it by himself. In contrast, he always ate the least among the three. He also ate very little of the tree trunks and some very astringent small fruits he usually picked.

Walnut sat on a rock, swinging her two calves one after another. After such a period of walking, blood blisters began to appear on her feet. Every step I take recently seems to hurt.


While looking at his feet, a milky voice came from beside him abruptly. Walnut turned her head and saw Little Bread sitting next to her, following her appearance, swinging her two calves. Seeing Walnut looking at her, the little girl also raised her head and looked back at her with those emerald green eyes.

In the cave, the two girls stared at each other with big eyes like this...





Maybe it's tired of lifting his neck all the time, and the bun jumped off the stone. But because the rock was a little high, the angle she jumped down was a bit wrong. When she landed on the ground, her feet slipped and made a pop, and the little girl fell face down.


Seeing the bun fell over, Walnut was shocked and jumped down quickly. She knew that this little girl named bread was the person that idiot cared most! If he were to know that this girl was injured when she was with herself...what would he do to herself! ! !


Unfortunately, the little princess forgot that there were blood blisters on her feet. She slammed on the ground and immediately felt pain, bending her waist, holding her legs and twitching.

"Wow. Woo?"

The bun got up from the ground, with some sand still stuck on his face. She turned her head away and saw Walnut lying next to her, holding her legs constantly twitching. After thinking about it, she rushed to her side, stretched out her hand, and took her hand.


Bun pulled back, but how strong can she be? But seeing her wanting to help herself so much, Walnut couldn't help but feel moved.

(That **** short boy, let him raise such a good child?)

Walnut endured the pain and knelt on the ground, letting her feet dry. But for the little bread who just wanted to help herself, the princess had a smile on her face, stretched out her hand, and touched her hair.


Unexpectedly, this movement of Walnut made Little Bread startled. She hurried back two steps and looked at Walnut nervously. To say why... I'm afraid that the movement of Walnut touching her hair reminded her of the feeling that an idiot usually touches her hair, but it is not an idiot who touched herself, but this woman of the same age as an idiot.

Walnut looked surprised and skeptical when she saw Xiao Bread, and didn't know what was going on for a while. She thought she was scared of Bun, then opened her hands and smiled: "Come, bread, don't be afraid, come to my sister."

Little Bread looked at her with a hesitant look. If Dimie saw her worrying and worrying expression, she would probably say that this little girl had already begun to possess the idiot and suspicious character. It's just that what you see now is walnuts. The girl moved her knees and rubbed it forward a few steps, and then she hugged the bun.

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