Demon King Dad

Vol 3 Chapter 93: , The golden singer and the sea singer


These little guys drank one by one, lying on the bottom of the water, looking lazy. Bread smiled, holding the fish tank and coming to Ke Luo, smiling—

"Are you really so afraid of these little things? They are only the size of your palm"

When Ke Luo saw the fish tank approaching, he yelled and covered his ears, then pulled up and shouted—

"How can you say that? Bread, you are not a fighter. I don't know the basic rule of the battle, that is, you can never use the opponent's size to measure the opponent's strength"

"And, do you know what attacks mermaids are best at? What they are best at is sonic attacks. Don't look at them as small, as long as they want it, it won't be difficult to kill hundreds of people in an instant.

The bun was taken aback, and he held up a sign—

"Sonic Attack? 》

Ke Luo looked at the little mermaids, already scared enough, and said--

"It means that every mermaid is the best singer to bewitching people's hearts. Their singing has magical powers that can make the people who hear them can't help being attracted by their beautiful voices, and finally lose their minds. According to ancient books, there was once a ship full of nearly a thousand people. The fleet of a famous sailor sailed on the sea and encountered a mermaid. That mermaid killed nearly a thousand people in the fleet with just one song. You think, a mermaid is already so powerful, here There are nine things, once they sing, are we still alive?"

Bun was stunned, and then she looked at the little mermaid in the fish tank who also looked at me and I looked at you, incomprehensible. After thinking about it, Bun put the fish tank back on the table, tapped the edge lightly, and erected the sign-

"Hey, sisters, sing a little song for sister. 》

It's okay if Ke Luo didn't look at it. When he saw the bread brand, he shouted excitedly, rushed over, and grabbed the brand in her hand.

"You are crazy, these little guys will kill us"

Afterwards, Ko Luo stared at the fish tank intently, for fear that these little mermaids would sing songs.

Unfortunately, these little mermaids are less than one year old this year. How do they understand human words when they were just born a few months ago? So I don’t understand what the little bread wrote. Little Bread also waited for a while, and then realized that they didn't understand their own words, and couldn't help being a little disappointed.

"Kolo, you are a golden singer in the sand. Your song is even recognized by the current Buck King, right? Why, are you afraid that you can't sing these nine little fishes that don't even have teeth? 》

Little Bread took back the brand, wrote. After seeing these handwritings, Ke Luo crouched on his hips and hummed--

"Of course, I think I will never lose in singing. However, this is within the scope of human beings. If my singing can also have magical powers, I believe I will definitely not be worse than them."

"However, their songs are magical. Once they are sung, there will be problems. This cannot be prevented."

Xiao Bao and Ke Luo are here to discuss the discussion while you are talking and writing. You come and go, so lively. However, for the little fishes in the fish tank, the words of the two big sisters outside are a little hard to understand. After they whispered and discussed with each other for a while, Aichi, the boss, emerged from the water with a very confused expression, and said--

"Singing, what is it?"

Ke Luo and Xiao Bian were both taken aback, looking at these little heads that emerged one after another, all of these little faces showed confused expressions.

"You... can't sing?"

Ko Luo asked tentatively.

"Is singing delicious?"

Ah Ba grinned, revealing the little deciduous teeth that hadn't been fully grown, and innocently flapped the fish's tail and said.

Ke Luo frowned and immediately responded--

"How can singing be something to eat? Singing is the power to wash the soul. It is a communication between man and nature, a communication of soul."

"Where is it so complicated? Isn't it just singing? I will too"

Bun waved the sign, and then took a deep breath and started singing. She hummed happily, and even jumped up where she was happy.

Ke Luo waited by the side, waiting directly until Xiao Bian hummed the whole song. Then, she smiled a little sorry and shook her head—

"Little Bread, I admit, you have a nice voice and a good face. If you are an idol singer, you will be famous."

"really? 》

Little Bread smiled shamelessly.

"But there is no soul in your singing. You are just humming with your natural good voice. Other than that, your singing has no characteristics. I have heard your songs before when we were on stage. At that time, maybe it was young and naive. But when we come to listen to your singing now, what I hear is really amateur. It is only suitable for singing for entertainment."

Xiao Bian was a little ashamed when Ko Luo said so, and he lowered his head. But then, he rolled his eyes and raised the sign--

"Kolo, I haven't heard you sing for a long time. Sing a song, OK? 》

The sudden request made Ko Luo a little nervous. Her words stopped abruptly, touching her head, a little embarrassingly--

"I want to... want me to sing? Hmm... But, our family has declined this year. I haven't taken music lessons for a long time... Recently, because of my poor health, I haven't practiced... I don't know how far I can sing.

The bun hurriedly booed, holding a sign—

"It doesn't matter if you sing, we just listen to let these little mermaids know that there are voices that confuse the mind in humans."

Ke Luo blushed and touched his head again. Then, she took a breath, and finally nodded in agreement.

"If this is the case, then I will sing once. I... I only sing once, let you know, the strength of the golden singer who blows the sand is absolutely impossible to lose to any mermaid"


The little bread clapped, and the little mermaids met and began to clap and applaud in every way. after that……

Ke Luo took a deep breath...

Around, it became quiet.

There is no soundtrack, just that soft humming.

The sound like the sound of heaven passes through the grove, and this gentle and beautiful sound is flying in the leaves that can protect everything.

Mili, sitting on the canopy of the Dulan tree, tapped the trunk lightly with his fingers.

Tolan, lying in the grass below, closed his eyes, enjoying this rare rest.

Have these songs drifted out of the woods? Although the singing voice is faint outside, it can still enter the ears of the busy guards, and still... can calm down those who are frightened and frightened...




The singing stopped.

The sound of the beam has not left for a long time.

Xiao Bread was stunned, she sat on her seat blankly, and was so touched that she didn't even have the consciousness of applauding.

Ke Luo blushed when he saw the dazed little bread, and stepped forward and gave her a little push. Only then did Xiao Bian come back to his senses, and quickly stood up and hugged Ke Luo.


Little Bread is so excited that there is nothing to say, only a hug can't explain the excitement in her heart now. These songs are so's so good

"Have you learned? This is singing. You are my chorus team. I will sing to my sister every day."

With tears of excitement, Bun held up the sign and pointed at the little mermaids...

"Hey, what do you mean? I didn't understand what I said, right? Ah, you told me to sing... So it was to teach these little mermaids? How could you do this? After teaching them, wouldn't the two of us be dead? "

Ke Luo became nervous and stepped forward to stop it. But Bun grabbed her hand, pressed it in the distance, and looked at the fish tank with a smile.

Finally, these little mermaids seemed to understand the meaning of bread. They look at me, I look at you, they started to learn the voice of Ko Luo just now, and hummed...


When Ke Luo was nervous, he hurriedly covered his ears, squatted down on the spot, gritted his teeth. She hasn’t seen Xiao Bian so heartless, it seems she really doesn’t know the serious consequences of doing this.

Will die...

Will definitely die

The singing of the mermaid can’t be blocked even if you cover your ears... so this time... you and Xiao Bao will definitely die here


When Ke Luo was covering her ears nervously, she suddenly discovered that the bread next to her was also covering her ears and squatting down.

Does she finally know how terrible these sounds are? Or is she now controlled?

"Bread? You... are you under control?"

Ke Luo said with some fear.

However, Little Bread shook her head. She gritted her teeth, raised her head, and glanced at the table desperately...

What's wrong on the table?

Ke Luo stood up, and saw that the nine little mermaids in the fish tank were singing with their eyes closed. So, what are they singing?

Ke Luo was a little curious, so, gently moved his fingers away...

"Squeak————Yeah————————Kara Kara, rumbling ————————"


If there is any sound in this world that can kill people, then noise is definitely the most suitable existence.

What kind of singing is this?

What are these little mermaids singing?

That's right, each of them seems to have a good voice. However, they can’t speak at all and don’t know what singing is.

The tone is not complete, and the sound is trembling, and it sounds like the sound from a construction site. A few of them didn’t even learn Ko Luo’s tone just now, but let go of their voices as they pleased. What’s more terrifying is that these nine little mermaids seem to remember only a small part of Ko Luo’s songs, so everyone is They sing their own songs and mix them together. They are more lethal than the murderous merlot mentioned in the book.

"Enough is enough, listen to me all"

Hearing his own song became so scary in these little mermaids' mouths, thinking about the mermaid's natural sound mentioned in the book, Ke Luo couldn't help but roar out loudly.

These little mermaids were yelled at by Ke Luo and couldn't help but stop. They continued to look at Ke Luo with those watery eyes, waiting for her to speak.

"Really, you are mermaids, mermaids, how can you be so inferior? You are the legendary orcs who fascinated men with singing, and finally jumped into the sea to kill themselves.

These little guys looked at each other, and afterwards, they didn't know who took the lead, and they started yelling indiscriminately again.

"Woo......shut up all for me"

After a drink, the little mermaids shut up again.

Ke Luo said angrily: "You really don't know anything. Even beginners are not as good as out-of-tune, out-of-tune, yelling, and slurred words, unable to master the rhythm, keep on stopping when you should pause, Stop randomly when it’s time to stop. That’s enough. I’ll teach you all from the basics and follow me to practice pronunciation. A good singer should lay the foundation.

These little mermaids lined up in three rows in the fish tank and nodded at Ke Luo. But Ke Luo took a fork as a baton, and began to explain the essentials of singing bit by bit.

And the bread on the side...

She giggled and sat next to her, watching Ke Luo carefully teach the little mermaids to sing. At this moment, she noticed that Tolan was waving inward at the window, and immediately walked over.

"Little master, as the master ordered, we must do everything possible, even if it is strong, we must keep the girl."

In response, Little Bread made a no problem gesture, and smiled at Ko Luo inside. When Tolan saw it, he nodded and got off the platform. Leading the dead soldiers who had climbed up again, looked around vigilantly. Beware of any danger that may come suddenly.


Idiot, came to Smila's house. Knocked on her door and saw her slightly surprised smile.

During the day, I will accompany this woman to wander around, so stay with her.

This kind of life shouldn't last too long. Wait until another two or three days, or say, wait for the holiday night that accompanies her to spend Walnut's birthday, you can call it a day and go find Xingli to write off.

However, there is one more thing, but it is stuck in the idiot's heart.

The severe bleeding...

The corpse without any expansive wounds...


Bleeding as if drained...

There is nowhere to find so much blood...

The total amount of human blood is approximately 5 liters. So much blood... From the perspective of heavy bleeding, it should have been drawn two to three liters. So much blood...what will it be used for?

Who? Will you need so much useless blood?

Medical blood transfusion?


Perverted killing?

still is…………………………

Walnut Durea Frihus...V

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