Demon King Dad

Vol 3 Chapter 124: , The king of waste wood

"Oh, the toaster took the scraps of waste wood and she didn't do any borrowing, but also rushed straight to the park. What's the situation? Do they both think they have got the waste wood? What's the situation? When did they get the waste wood?"

The skateboard at the feet of Little Bread accelerated, and the flying speed made Quilin, who decelerated for a while, watched her go away. But just when the bun turned around and laughed at Quirine...

"Bread, well done. Now, give me that piece of paper."

Idiot, but already holding Xingli, appeared on the roof in front of Little Bread.

The sudden appearance of the idiot made Bread immediately feel the great pressure. She gritted her teeth and did not stop, but continued to drive the skateboard under her feet, ready to dash over.

The bun’s movement made the idiot see in his eyes. At this moment, he suddenly loosened his hand and threw Xingli directly to the downstairs next to him, kicking his feet, and quickly pounced on the bun below.

Xing Li didn't seem to expect that the idiot who had been hugging herself would suddenly let go now. Unprepared, she immediately turned over in the air. The wedding dress was quickly torn into strips and resurfaced behind Xingli, forming a pair of white wings. Xingli relied on this white. The wings landed safely, and the silk-woven piece of cloth recovered once again after she landed. She reattached her skirt to cover her long legs that had just been exposed to the air.

Obviously, the idiot's sudden "abandonment" behavior made Xing Li's eyes look even more unfriendly. She stood there, looking at the idiot who was fighting for the piece of paper with Little Bread, the original tenderness in her golden pupils had disappeared. Instead, there is a touch of invisible emotion, flowing in those eyes...

"Give me the paper"

The idiot stretched out his hand and went to **** the piece of paper. However, the bunny stepped forward, and the skateboard that had been moving forward suddenly braked, the front end tilted and stopped. After that, she turned around and adjusted the direction of the skateboard, ready to jump past the idiot.

But the idiot was quick-sighted and immediately reached out and tripped the bread. The little girl threw forward to the ground with a whirr, and the idiot also grabbed it and snatched the paper from her hand.


After grabbing the paper, the idiot didn't have any borrowing action, and turned his head and rushed towards the park. However, at the moment he just turned his head, a burst of strong smoke immediately rose from his feet.

smoke bomb?

His sight was suddenly obscured, and the idiot instinctively released the paper in his hand, grabbed the dagger in his hand and went dark. But at the moment he let go, a hand wearing iron armor gloves passed through the smoke in an instant, grabbed the piece of paper, and ran wildly.


The so-called praying mantis catching cicadas, the oriole is behind. Zelens laughed loudly, and immediately used the civet's martial arts, went into those alleys, made three turns, and the Northeast Park appeared in front of him.

"Hahaha I won Miss Marlene, please wait for me, I will come to propose to you soon—"

Zelens was excited.

This assassin's head is probably filled with all the excitement and excitement, and I feel that the whole world has become extremely beautiful.

Yes, generally speaking, he is no more than 500 meters away from happiness. This distance of five hundred meters is nothing to this action expert.

He ran wild...

Run wild on this boulevard

Rush towards my happy and beautiful life

Become real...

Winner in life————

"Hand over the waste wood, you are not worthy of it, I am the real waste wood"

Suddenly, a line of ice and a line of fire pierced through the air, directly aiming at Zelens’s two legs. Zelens was startled and raised his foot. He dangerously avoided the ice line, but his feet were still caught by it. The line of fire scorched, and there was a sting

Immediately afterwards, the ice skate inserted into the ground immediately froze the ground. The person holding the ice silk pulled hard, and the body immediately flew over from the sky like an arrow from the string.

"I will never give you waste wood, I will become waste wood"

Quelin fell from the sky holding four throwing knives in each hand. She, who had already killed the red eye, no longer had the slightest scruples. The ice knives in her hand shot Zelens indiscriminately, and immediately moved her steps to avoid danger. But in this avoidance, his speed was blocked. Let the other two people behind also catch up at the same time.

The idiot suddenly appeared from the side and punched directly at Zelens's face. Zelens immediately raised his hands to cover it, but the idiot did not rush, but quickly reached out and took out the piece of paper in his hand and ran away. But he hadn't made a step yet, and the skateboard of Little Bread had leaped into the air and hit him directly on the back. The little girl yelled, turned around in the air, pulled out the piece of paper from the idiot's hand, and stepped on the skateboard again when she landed.

"Damn it, why are you robbing me? The real waste wood is me, but the man who wants to be the king of waste wood"

Zelens yelled, and the next smoke bomb in his hand was thrown far forward. At the time of the explosion, the small bread just rushed into the smoke, and his vision was instantly blocked. He jumped over the idiot, rushed directly into the smoke, and grabbed the corner of the paper.

"What nonsense, do you have my waste wood? Those of you who are winners in life have not married out in their thirties. Do you dare to compare with me? I am the real waste wood king"

Quirin shouted, she no longer reserved her strength at this moment. Throwing knives with both hands and shooting countless ice knives from the sky, forming a high ice wall in front of the smoke

"I am the waste wood. What is the scumbag recognized by the wind and the sand is not the waste wood? And I just failed to propose marriage. As a waste wood, I am too appropriate for the throne of the king of waste wood. Apart from me, No one can climb"

The idiot said coldly, and then immediately rushed into the smoke, grabbing the hands of Little Bread and Zelens, and squeezing them, the two suffered from pain and let go.

"Waste wood or something, only I am a thirteen-year-old girl who doesn't like to go to school and mess around at home all day long. I was taught by the originally very waste wood, I am naturally blue and better than blue. I am a unique waste wood. No princess is more useless than me"

Bun raised the sign and patted the idiot and Zelens in the face. After pushing the two people back, she stretched out her hand and grabbed the paper over there.

"I'm useless."

"My old lady is just useless"

"I am the king of waste wood"

"I am the king of waste wood"

At this moment, here, four yelling people stretched out their hands at the same time and grabbed the only piece of paper. The aura that exudes is absolutely no less than a duel between masters. It’s definitely not worse than any fierce battle.

This is a life and death battle.

This is a battle between waste wood

The only thing that survived was the real waste wood. Only the real king of waste wood is qualified to enjoy the name of waste wood, and is spurned and despised by the entire wind and sand.

Yes, this is a battle of glory.

In order to decide who is the real waste, the battle of supreme glory


A silk scarf went into the crowd. It quickly rolled the piece of paper and pulled it back.


The four people yelled at the same time, and their heads collided with each other. Little Bread, Zelens squatted on the ground with his head in his hand, while Quirine and the idiot turned their heads for the first time, widening those two pairs of eyes that were no longer human-like, and staring at the person who took the name of the waste wood.

"I said you guys, why are all of them willing to be waste firewood? Why are you so hard to grab the name of waste firewood one by one?"

Seeing that it was Xingli, the idiot immediately took a step and said loudly: "Hurry up and give me the paper and I will help you win money"

From a rational point of view, Xingli knew that an idiot was going to help herself win money. But looking at the man whose eyes had been in Qian Qian's eyes, Xing Li said that he didn't want to give him the paper in his hand. After thinking about it for a while, the beauty who wore a wedding dress and made everyone scream for it immediately waved a silk scarf and took Quilin's hand. At the same time, he jumped over the ice wall and rushed to the water platform over there.

"Want to go?"

Zelens jumped onto the ice wall, the flying knives in his hand shot out, but Xingli didn't even look back, and the silk scarf was raised, and the seemingly soft white silk scarves immediately wrapped the flying knives. Nothing is missing.

"I come"

After the bun raised the sign, he threw it away. With her hands together, a huge fireball shot out fiercely, but when she was about to pounce behind Xingli, her feet in white high heels turned around like a ballet, and avoided it with the most graceful movement. The flying fireball. After spinning, she sprinted forward again, without any pause in her speed.


Zelens and Little Bread stopped because of the attack, to see if they could not catch up. But the idiot was spreading his legs, trying his best to catch up with his debt... everything in his life, everything in one fell swoop, just get closer... just get closer...

The silk scarf wrapped around the flying knives shook, and in an instant, countless flying knives shot out, stabbing the idiot head on.

This distance is too close, and the idiot has no chance to react to this moment at all. He has to stop, raise his hands to cover his head and chest, and prepare to take the blow.

Pa pa pa pa pa pa pa------

The flying knife hit the idiot.

But... it doesn't hurt.

The idiot lowered his head and found out that these flying knives were all hitting himself with the direction of the hilt. In this way, of course there will be no injuries.

However, the speed of the idiot finally stopped because of this barrier. Instead, the star glass over there is like a fairy Lingbo, dragging Quilin, stepping on the silk scarf that has turned into duckweed, and crossing the river across the water, and finally jumped gently, and jumped over there neatly Above the platform.

"Kana, I brought my sister's waste. It should be our Rooney family who won, right?"

Xing Li squinted and looked at the countess with a smile. After thinking for a while, the countess gave Xingli a thumbs up and nodded.

At this moment, cheers rose suddenly. Except for the idiot, the bread, and Zelens, who opened their mouths and collapsed to the ground, everyone else uttered the most violent cheers.

Quirine froze for a moment before realizing that she had won. At this point, she also made a carnival voice and yelled loudly. Because the coveted bag is now in her hands. She can already imagine herself carrying that brand-name luxury bag, walking on the street, and ushering in the scenes of those beautiful men looking back frequently.


Although, this "but" is cruel to Quilin. Unfortunately, we still have to "but".

When the ghost queen laughed, akimbo, ready to receive the bounty, she suddenly found that the countess had handed all the magic crystal cards containing seven thousand sura and three opera tickets to Xingli. At this moment, she was dumbfounded.

"Xiao Xingli this...this..."

"Go back. Sister. Let's go home and I will make you some delicious tonight."

Facing Xingli who had changed her wedding dress and put on her usual clothes again, Quilin now had only her mouth open and she was dumbfounded. In that sweet smile, Xingli came to the dejected Zelens, the idiot, and the bread in front of the golden sunlight at dusk.

"Come on, Bun, these three tickets are given to you. I really want them, don't you?"

The bun who was about to cry out was taken aback, and immediately screamed. She hugged the three tickets and smiled. After seeing that there was no name registration on it, which meant that anyone could go to see it, she immediately stepped forward to hug Xingli and kept drilling in her arms.

Xing Li smiled and touched Xiao Bao's head. After that, she smiled at Zelens and said, "This gentleman. Although... I don't know what you look like. But I know you must be a good person. How about coming to my house tonight? I treat you. ."

Zelens sighed and shook his head. For a fugitive, supper every day is a problem. Now that someone can support oneself for a meal, is better than nothing.

At this moment, Mili, Tolan, and Xiao Shuniang all changed their clothes and walked over. Xing Li smiled and said to invite everyone to dinner. In response, the idiot nodded, took a step forward, followed Xing Li, and walked towards her home.

"Well, wait, Mr. Xiaobai. Where are you... going?"

The idiot was taken aback, stopped and looked at Xing Li. But Xing Li showed a suspicious look, looking at him.

"………………You, please eat."

"Yes. But, did I invite you?"

Xing Li smiled softly, and then she bowed to the idiot very apologetically and said--

"I'm really sorry. There are too many people and I may not be able to squeeze it down. Although it is a pity, this time, I can only feel sorry for it."

Xing Li smiled apologetically, and then, when the idiot was startled, she suddenly thought of something and said again—

"Oh, yes. Mr. Bai, before you go home, can you go to the warehouse first? I remember that there will be goods coming in tonight. Look, I have promised everyone to invite dinner, so I can trouble you alone Do you want to pick up the goods? It should be easy. It should be finished by three or four o'clock in the morning. When you are done, go and rest. Don't forget, come to work early tomorrow~~~~"

Having said this, Xing Li smiled again and left with everyone. Although Xiao Bao, Tolan, and Mi Li always felt that doing so seemed a bit sorry for idiots, but for some reason, maybe it was because they had worked for Xingli for too long, so they gradually felt that instead of taking care of idiots, it was better It is more appropriate to listen to the words of this "boss".

Listening to the boss is always right, isn’t it? V

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