Demon King Dad

Vol 3 Chapter 136: , Kindness

"Wait a moment... what are you doing?"

Seeing his maid suddenly grabbed the unarmed child, Walnut immediately stretched out his hand, pulled the silver-haired girl in his arms, and took two steps back.

"You are too much, right? You call such a small child'dangerous'? What do you mean?"

Seeing Walnut pull the half-elf little girl, the four maids immediately became nervous. The maid who was pulling just now took a step further, pulled out the waist knife from her waist, and said seriously——

"Miss, maybe you are not involved in political affairs or military affairs, so you are not very clear about the power of people with elven blood. Although pure elves generally hate being involved in disputes in the world, they generally do not appear on the sad continent. However, in the past few hundred years, a race with part of the elven blood has gradually emerged, and this kind of half-elf is often a lot of **** existence."

Kokoro pulled over the blanket and hurriedly covered her silver hair. She seemed desperately trying to get rid of Walnut's hug. But Walnut held her tightly, not allowing her to leave under her protection.

The maid took a step, fixed her eyes on the girl, and said--

"Half-elves are born with the power to manipulate a powerful guiding force. In other words, their power can already be called the long-lost and taboo'magic'. Control, or the destruction of a half-elf being used by humans, far exceeds the level of destruction that any human can achieve. Whenever a half-elf is found, it is immediately accepted and processed in a concentrated manner. It is your Majesty’s order. No, it should Said that this is handled in the same way in any country on the road of grief."

Walnut is not unaware of the power of half-elves. It should be said that she knows better than anyone how much damage a half-elf who has fallen into the evil way can cause. She also knows that if this kind of race that is beyond the power of ordinary people is not controlled, how dangerous it will be if the other party makes any mistake. but……

"But this is not the reason why this should be allowed to proceed in this way. She is still just a child. How can you manage a child in this way? As the eldest princess of the Bucks Empire, I will never allow this. thing"

After that, Walnut immediately turned around and dragged the girl away. The four maids were taken aback and hurriedly stepped forward to track them down, but unexpectedly, Walnut suddenly took out a ball from his arms and threw it on the ground. The smoke that rose up instantly enveloped the four of them. Sight. After they passed through the smoke, Walnut and the half-elf girl named Kokoro were already missing.




The stars flickered.

The shiny ground turned into a silver world.

Walnut continued to run with the child. Although she felt a little lack of physical strength, she still ran. Until the little girl was dragged into an alley and pulled her breath against the wall, making sure that her maid really did not catch up...

She exhaled deeply.

"It seems to be really useful... This kind of smoke bomb may be able to prepare more in the future."

Walnut took out the smoke bomb from his pocket somewhat smugly, and smiled. But when she changed her mind, she immediately hugged her head and shook her head again and again, saying, "No way, no way, no way, don’t I behave more and more like that idiot? The dignified princess can’t do such crooked things. Be wary, Walnut, if you really go down this road, you will be assimilated by that idiot."

He shook his head desperately, rejecting the idea of ​​equipping his mind to equip more of this kind of "under-three abuse" equipment. After that, she turned her head, panted, and looked at Cocoro next to her.

"Are you... a princess?"

Kokoro raised his head, looking at Walnut with a little fear in his eyes. She shook Walnut's hand hard, and stepped back nervously and alertly.

"Don't talk about it yet, I will ask you."

Walnut exhaled a long breath and said--

"Is it true? You just told me that you have a younger brother who is seriously ill and will soon die. This matter... you are lying to me, right?"

Walnut's expression was extremely serious, very serious. Those scarlet pupils were like eagles staring at their prey, and they hung over Kokoro.

Looking at the princess's eyes, Coco Luo looked even more scared. She took a step back again, but this time she realized that there was a dead end behind her.

"Answer me, girl. I'm now ordering you in the name of the princess of the Buck Empire, Walnut Durea Frihus, did you lie to me just now?"

Walnut... She is serious.

But Kokoro stuck to the wall, tightly wrapped in the blanket on her body, and her teeth trembled because of fear...Finally, the fear shook her heart. The girl squeezed the purse in her arms, without saying anything, directly I rushed to Walnut's side and wanted to go through

However, Walnut is still a step faster. She directly reached out and grabbed the girl, pulling her in her arms. Seeing that he couldn't escape, he gritted his teeth and threw out the purse in his arms, loudly--

"I will return the money to you, will you let me go? I...I know I shouldn't lie to you. I will return the money to you. Please... Please don't kill me oooooo..."

Coco Luo, cried.

A little beggar still feels pity for his life more or less.

Walnut hugged her coldly, staring at her little face that was distorted by despair and fear, staring at her. After a moment...


Walnut's expression relaxed.

She let go of Kokoro's shoulders, with a relieved smile on her face, and she slumped from the relaxation.

"That said, is there no child who is dying because of no money to see a doctor? Great... this is really great..."

Coco Luo originally wanted to run, but she found that Walnut didn't seem to want to catch herself. After hesitating for a moment, she glanced at the bag of money that had fallen on the ground, picked it up immediately, and stepped back two steps.

"You... are not angry with me?"

The silver-haired half-elf girl said tentatively.

Walnut smiled and shook her head, and said, "How can I be angry? I'm too happy. You don't know. Just now, when you said that your brother is about to die, I was so anxious. Now, this stone in my heart has finally fallen to the ground."

Coco Luo looked at the princess in front of him in a somewhat unbelievable way, and looked at the relieved, happy smile on her face. Can't help but mumble secretly, is this princess a fool? I lied to her, how could she be so happy?

Walnut had no intention of weighing the thoughts in Cocoro's mind. She stood up again, patted the dirt on her skirt, looked at Cocoro, smiled and said, "However, lying is always bad. If you often lie, others will not be able to tell when you are telling the truth. , When did you tell lies. If you want to get help from others all the time, you have to learn to always tell the truth."

Coco Luo weighed the purse in his hand and stuffed it into his arms silently. She wrapped her cloak tightly again, and said coldly, "Ah, I see. I will tell the truth later. Then, goodbye."

She wanted to go, and the farther away she could leave the princess who seemed to have little roots, the better. However, she had just taken a step, but the princess had already quickened her pace to follow her up, took her by the hand, and smiled at her.

"you you"

"It's so late. It's dangerous for a little girl to wander outside. Come, where is your home? I'll accompany you home."

Walnut smiled, the light of the stars fell on her shoulders, and her long red hair was covered with silver yarn.

Coco Luo snorted and wanted to shake off Walnut's hand again. However, with her thin body, she is still not as powerful as Walnut. She turned her head aside and snorted after trying several times.

"Pretend. After talking for a long time, you still hate me for lying to you? Knowing where my house is, you can kill my family together, right?"

"Why? I promise you that there will never be such a thing. If I have to kill anyone who offends me, then I will kill all the people who are blowing the sand?"

Walnut shook his head, pulling Cocoro on the deserted street. As she walked, she suddenly remembered something, a mischievous smile appeared on the corner of her mouth——

"Especially that guy, I really want to kill him hundreds of times, thousands of times, tens of thousands of times~~~Cough...If he can kill him forever and remember me, then It's worth it."

Coco Luo listened to the side. After hearing these words, the little girl rolled her eyes and said with a smile: "Princess, is the guy in your your favorite?"

This question made Walnut's face flushed immediately. She shook her head hurriedly and said, " is it possible? That kind of guy...that kind of perverted idiot **** could he be my favorite? He...he is still just a small civilian... Not even a title...Want to marry could it be..."

Walnut pouted, and the more she said, the redder her face. The eyes that had been very calm just now also began to drift and no longer freeze.

Ke Luo chuckled and said: "Oh~~~? Really? I really want to see the **** that the princess said~~~ It seems that he must take away our princess’s heart. Where have you been~~~"

Walnut's complexion turned redder, she inadvertently let go of her hand that was holding Cocoro, and covering her face, nervously, she didn't know what to say. Kokoro saw the opportunity quickly and immediately turned and fled. But when Walnut heard the footsteps coming from behind, she immediately woke up, rushed over, and grabbed her in her palm again.

"Okay, you said so much, but you still want to run in the end?"

Coco Luo struggled desperately. Now, her thoughts have been exposed and she can no longer care about anything, she said loudly: "Hey, what do you want to do to me? Let me go, let me go."

Walnut looked at Cocoro struggling, and she couldn't bear it for a while. But after all, she did not let go of the child, but grabbed her tightly and said, "It's easy for me to let you go. But you have to tell me the truth. Where is your home? Why is it so late, you Still wandering outside?"

Ke Ke Luo waved his hand and said loudly: "Do you really blame you for seeing a beggar with a family? My parents didn't know where they died. I have been an orphan since I was conscious. Any comments?"

Although Walnut could feel it more or less in her heart, she was a little shocked to hear a child say these words in person. After thinking for a while, she gritted her teeth slightly and said--

"So... I understand."

After speaking, Walnut no longer ignored Cocoro's struggle, dragged her, and started walking in one direction.

"You understand? What do you understand? How can a royal family like you understand? Where do you want to take me?"

"Of course I understand. Besides, I've encountered a guy even weirder than you. How could I not understand?"

As the walnut dragged, he said--

"How can I not know how miserable an orphan without a father and no mother is? I live a life without food and clothing. In order to survive, I must be alert to everyone around me. How could I not feel this way? know?"

"I know, I can't let you know whether everything I'm doing to you is kind or malicious. But even if you don't believe it, I still have to say."

"I have done too many wrong things. For this, I must try to make up for all the sins I have committed."

"I will help you, ***. If you do not have a home, then I will give you a home. Although this home may not be as good as a real family, relying on the bond of blood, your parents will coax you to sleep every day . However, I still hope to give you a safe haven. So that you will not continue to eat and sleep on the streets."

Dragging this struggling little girl, Walnut came to her destination step by step. She passed through the gate of Divine Grace and headed to Campus D. Entering the lush forest, finally, under the gaze of the pairs of light blue flames twinkling in the surrounding woods, came to the big tree.

"Where is this? You... what do you want to do to me?"

Walnut lowered her head, smiled slightly, and said--

"Give you a friend, give you a home. The owner here may not be regarded as hospitable, but with him, you are absolutely safe. You live here for a while, and then I will complete the admission procedures for you. Soon, you will be able to live in an orphanage under my name. There, you can get the best care, go to school and live a normal life."

Ke Luo's eyes widened and looked around. The light blue eyes gleaming out of the dark woods made her shudder. However, this princess did not seem to be flustered at all, and even stranger, After staring for a moment, those light blue eyes began to disappear one by one. After that, the tree house, which had been extinguished, now shines again.

With a creak, the door opened. A girl with pink hair, about the same age as Kokoro, dressed in pajamas, leaned on the edge of the platform and looked down. She saw Kokoro, and after a slight sluggishness, a friendly smile appeared on her face. And then...

Along with a crash, a person appeared behind her. When Kokoro noticed, after turning his head...

What I saw was a pair of extremely cold and ruthless black pupils.

Walnut looked at the man who appeared suddenly, with a slight embarrassment on his face. She smiled foolishly and scratched her head. But Ke Ke Luo was now frightened by the man's coldness, and she quickly ran behind Walnut, trying to escape.

"I know, I'm embarrassed to trouble you this way. But, only two or three days, can you?"

Walnut dragged Kokoro out from behind, pushed her shivering with fright to the man, and continued--

"I want her to live in my orphanage. But it may take two or three days to complete the procedures. Especially I can only move around at night, which may be longer. So, can I trouble you to take care of her for three or four days? "

The man stared coldly at Cocoro, watching her tightly wrapped in a blanket. I also saw the dirt on her face and the familiar feeling in her eyes.

This is a look that can only be cultivated in the sewers, distrust, don't care, only value oneself, selfishness.

"……………………why me."

The man speaks and speaks. The voice was as cold as an ice cave.

How could Walnut tell this guy that he is the only place he believes in the safest place? This little girl is a half-elf, and if the half-elf is really that terrible in the eyes of others, there will probably be problems no matter where it is placed. Before completing the formalities, think about it carefully, and only this guy is the safest here.

"Just treat it as doing good deeds, okay? She is an orphan. You are also an orphan. You should know how sad an orphan is in this world. Especially, she is a girl. I don't want to see her because she is just an orphan. Being bullied by others, in the end, he fell into disarray."

Walnut's eyes showed a hint of prayer. And the man is holding his hands behind his back, looking into her eyes...

".................. You, once said that you don't want to see me again."

"I said... But if it's not for myself, but to save people. I don't care about breaking the contract."

"...There are so many orphans in this world, do you have to save every one of them? Every one of them will be saved by me?

"That's why I said...trouble you. But, idiot, I still have to tell you one thing."

Walnut took a deep breath, the scarlet pupils stared at the black pupils of the man in front of him without fear, and said categorically——

"I know that I can't save every orphan. But as long as I see it, as long as I can save it, I must save it. It's as if you have your own principles. I..."

"There are also my own principles." V

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