Demon King Dad

Vol 4 Chapter 35: ,plan


Stripped off the parasites that had been frozen to death, the idiot picked up the blowing arrow.

It is very small and suitable for hiding. This blowing arrow is probably only not much bigger than the tip of a normal needle, and the feathers at the end seem to be clearly warning of poisonous vigilance.

After the idiot looked left and right at the blowing arrow, he carefully put it away and hid it in his arms. Then, he turned around and left the alley.

No matter when, being pursued and killed is always not a comfortable thing.

The vast streets are no longer synonymous with liveliness and prosperity in the eyes of idiots.

Where is the killer hiding?

Not using poison or stabbing with a sword, but a killer who uses this level 5 monster to assassinate once he enters the body without a chance...Where is he hiding?

"Ah, you... are you here?"

After leaving the alley, Aman and the others, who had been standing there waiting, raised their heads. The nv boy saw that the idiot was all right, so he covered his mouth and breathed a sigh of relief. The dumb nv Lina next to her is now also frowning and shaking her head.

We will leave now. Whether the car comes or not, leave immediately. "

The idiot has made up his mind to leave this lively town before the opponent has yet to start the next battle. Aman nodded and translated to the two barbarian warriors. Brute nodded at the same time as the other person, and immediately turned around, escorting Aman to the station.


At this moment, the dumb nv called out suddenly. She jumped in front of everyone, opened her hands, and kept waving. It seems that I want to say something.

"What's wrong? Little sister?"

Aman said with a smile on his face.

After dumb nv hesitated for a while, he began to shake his head even more. She stretched out her hand, took Aman's hand, and then immediately dragged it in one direction.

Many language) Hello! Human! What do you want to do?!"

Brute was shocked and hurried forward, trying to open Lina's hand. But Aman stopped in time--

Manyu) No, this kid doesn't seem to harm us. I also want to know where she wants to take us."

Hearing this sentence, Brute Force stopped shouting. The idiots followed and moved forward together.

Lina is different from just now, always taking everyone to lively places. She seemed to be aware of the danger, and began to take everyone to the calm and remote alleys. After about ten minutes, she stayed in front of an apartment. He put his hands on his knees, and gasped for breath.

After taking a sigh of relief, Little Lina immediately raised her head, appearing anxiously to open and climb up the stairs. After arriving at a big front on the second floor, she took a breath and gently tapped on it.

Pop, pop, pop...

The sound is very soft.

It was like being afraid to disturb the people inside.

This little nv boy forced his composure, but the expression on his face began to become frightened as the waiting time slowly increased.

Ten seconds...

Twenty seconds...

Thirty seconds...

No one answered.

These sixty seconds were as long as a year, waiting, but there was no sound from it.

Lina's face became more pale. She raised her hand and patted the frame twice again. Only this time, her power was obviously increased, and the sound of her slaps turned into a loud bang.

No answer...

This time, no one answered.

"Ah... ah... ah ah ah ah ah

Lina's eyes have lost focus. She held her head, clutched her hair tightly with her fingers, and squatted on the ground like crazy. Seeing this, the brute force behind nodded to Aman, got ready, lifted his foot, and violently kicked the fan, which is not too strong.

The smell of blood came out of the room.

And the next moment, for this child, the most unacceptable fact was also placed in front of her utterly.

Her mother...

The beautiful and mature young mother with the same pink hair is now in a pool of blood.

Her iōng mouth was already covered with blood, and her eyes that had already lost their luster were half open, and even the last focal length had disappeared...

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah

nv boy, cried out.

She looked at the scene before her and screamed out of control.

Tears flowed unconvincingly from this nv boy's eyes, she knelt on her mouth, kept holding her face with her hands, and screamed.

"Don't be afraid! Don't... Don't be afraid..."

Aman hugged this little nv boy from now on, and now this is the only thing she can do. Little Lina turned her head, looked at Aman's gentle face, cried loudly again, and cried straight on her iōng mouth.

Another person was left to protect Aman, and the idiot and Brute walked into the room one after another.

The idiot quickly came to the mother's side and stretched out her hand to check her breath, pulse, body temperature, and the degree of pupil dilation. Then, shook his head.

There is no body temperature. It seems that he has been dead for almost two or three hours. So... after separating from his group, was this nv person killed?

Thinking of this, the idiot reached out his hand and unbuttoned the clothes on the body. He brought some clean water to wash away the blood stains on the corpse's mouth, and checked the fatal wound.

The wound is facing the heart.

Judging from the size and shape of the wound, it should be a sharp weapon worn directly. It doesn't look flat like a sword. It's like... a weapon like a spear.

Barbarian) Those damn... orcs!"

Brute force squeezed his fist, the raging anger in his eyes had already burned.

Barbarian) They are too much! Do these orcs think that they have become the dictators of the Sad Continent? This mother has only one side with us, so we have to kill it?!"

His fists fought each other and shouted: Barbarian) I swear! As long as I am alive, I will destroy the Fang Empire! Not only for my people, but also for revenge for the others who were killed by them! for sure

An idiot can't understand brute force, but from his expression and behavior, he can probably guess that it should be some hatred and anger. At this time, the little squirrel in his pocket has crawled out of his pocket stupidly, those blood-red eyes looked at Brute force with interest, sticking out his tongue, and lightly licking his mouth.

"Don't hit him."

The idiot pulled up his torn clothes, covered the corpse, and stood up.

"Huh? Why?"

Little Squirrel said dissatisfiedly.

"His hatred and anger at the moment can express his vigilance and killing intent. I forbid you to swallow these negative feelings."

Hate turned away from his head, snorted very uncomfortably, and retracted back into the idiot's pocket.

After the inspection, time is running out. This is a dangerous place, not suitable for long stay.

Idiot and Brute Force quickly left the room, making it clear that they would go directly to the Magic Train Station to get on the train. Aman doesn't have any comments on this, but at the moment...

The little nv boy who lay in her arms, tired of crying and fell asleep, what should he do?

How to do?

What else can I do?

"I think it's better for us to take her and act together."

On the way to the station, Aman said to the idiot.

"This nv kid has just lost her mother, and it seems that her mother is also her only relative. If she is left alone, she will definitely not live long at a young age. What's more..."

Aman took the nv boy's hair in his arms and said--

"The other party killed even insignificant people like her mother. It can be seen that the other party killed indiscriminately. Leaving her behind, I am worried that she will not survive an hour at all."

Aman's worry is reasonable, the idiot looked at the little nv kid in her arms and nodded.

Soon, everyone came to the station. After waiting for a while, they rushed up no matter where the train came. In the next few days, they kept changing the magic train, trying to get rid of the orcs who followed behind. Then, I boarded the train to Fang Empire again.

Three days passed, and the wind was calm along the way.

Every night, the idiot and the two barbarian warriors held vigil separately to protect their eldest lady and the nv kid who had been shrouded in misfortune. As everyone's train approached the Fang Empire step by step, they couldn't continue to ride this orc's more and more jiā pass tools, began to go down to the ground, hired a carriage and ran.

The scenery of the Northland, there seems to be so cold forever.

The clouds in the sky are gray. It is already April, but I can't feel the comfort and warmth at all. The breath of ūn heaven seems to be very far away, or... there will never be ūn heaven here.

This time the route was different from the last time the idiots went to Baleful Town. They bypassed the Fang Empire, continued north along the mountain range, and gradually drove into the desolate valley.

The surrounding scenery became more and more desolate. The snow on the ground also began to thicken. The silver needle forests on both sides of the road are all covered by white snow, and there is no sound in the air, so that the sound of the wheels running over the snow can start a lot of money.

"Aman, I have something to ask you."

Accompanied by the bumps of the carriage, the idiot who had been put on a coat in the carriage spoke.

"Our purpose this time is to understand the people who saved your tribe. Now, we are about to reach the barren valley. You can explain to me the situation of your tribe before you leave."

Aman held the sleeping little Lina in his arms, after thinking for a while, nodded—

"Yes, Mr. Bai. If you wish, I am happy to share with you the current situation of my tribe."

After that, she raised her hand again and pinched the black stone pendant on her neck. After a while, some light flashed between her fingers, and when she released her hand again, the black stone cast an image on the floor of the carriage like a projection. That is a map.

"This is the border of the Fang Empire."

Aman pointed to the southwest of the map, and then pointed his finger to the northwest.

"Here is the gathering place of our barbarian tribes. When the Tusk Empire sent troops to invade, it used a large number of Level 5 monsters that we had seen before. Because these monsters are raging, many places in the barren valley must have become No man's land."

"When I left, I was protected by several clansmen and rushed out of a place not yet occupied by level 5 monsters. At that time, those orcs dropped a lot of'lovers' into this area. So, now The road leading directly to the'Raw Stone Temple' where my people are located should have been completely blocked."

The idiot thought for a while, and said, "Aman, you said in Fengchusha before that those orcs captured you because of the guiding stone in your hands, right?"

Aman nodded, took off the pendant from his neck and placed it in the idiot's hand. When the idiot looked at this black stone carefully, Aman continued to say——

"That's the case. We call this kind of stone the stone of gift. We have been living on these stones long before the destruction of the Second Age. Apart from this one reason for the Fang Empire attacking us, I really can't think about it. There are other reasons."

The idiot looked back and forth at the pendant in his hand. Hmm...very hard. The black surface is very simple and hardly reflective. It looks like very bad coal. But with a little effort, the idiot couldn't break a corner of this pendant, showing that the hardness is unimaginable.

Since the destruction of the Second Age, the guiding stone is something that was born out of the loss of the power of the defeated demons and the dead protoss, spread all over the world and absorbed by the stones. In other words, the guiding stones used in daily life are based on the power of the gods or demons. However, this power has been greatly weakened, because there is no stone that can absorb the powerful power of the gods and demons. At most, it was just a little bit of skin.

But before the destruction of the Second Age, before the birth of the guiding stone, this kind of gift stone had already appeared? It can be seen that it is definitely not a guiding stone in the general sense. Then the people from the Fang Empire came to **** it, it's no surprise.


"If there are five-level beasts, how do those orcs mine these ores? Also, since you have so many'lovers,' your people may be dead now. There is no way to save them."

Aman nodded, exhaled, and said, "If it is normal, it is true. However, those parasites seem to have an instinct. That is to refuse to get near the stone of gift. It seems that this stone exudes power. Make them feel uncomfortable."

That's it...It turns out that this is the reason why these parasites, after swallowing the person that day, faced Aman's direction and went straight into the ground.

"In the original stone temple, there are a lot of gift stones stored there. Therefore, as long as my people are there, it doesn't matter at all. However, this is also based on the fact that the orcs will not attack."

Aman pointed to many areas on the map and continued--

"Before the orcs launched their attacks, they used the form of jiāyi to let us jiā give out part of the gift stones. Because they were neighbors, coupled with the huge power of the Fang Empire. The people who came at that time were also very sincere and showed completeness. Sincere and peaceful, I didn’t think too much about it. Since you want to buy it, I’ll sell it to you.”

"However, in the subsequent attacks, the orcs rushed past the parasites as if they were in no one. No, it should be said that wherever they went, the parasites took the initiative to avoid. And I Except for the gift stone I wore on my body, many people did not carry this kind of stone. It directly caused them to be swallowed."

Having said this, Aman's voice gradually became softer. The idiot could hear it, and she was probably very regretful now. I regretted why I believed the other party's envoy so credulously, so easily put the biggest barrier of self-protection into the other party's hands for no reason.


At some point, Lina in her arms woke up. The little nv boy gently mō Aman's face, and a smile appeared on his little face. Aman couldn't help but grinned, and gave her a little light on her forehead.

Now, the situation is clear.

If you want to save people, you must clear the way from the barren valley to the original stone temple. But if this road is to be opened up, you must first seize a lot of gift stones. Then...

"where is this place."

The idiot looked at the map and pointed to a basin-like place on it.

"Oh, here. This is our usual living area. What's wrong?"

If the other party really starts to mine the Stone of Gift, these living areas are the best infrastructure points. "

Aman raised his head, looked at the idiot, and said, "You mean...?"


The idiot pointed to this basin and said--

"We first find a way to destroy this place. Then, we will go to the original stone temple to save people."

Wow————! ! !

As the idiot's voice fell, there was a loud noise outside the carriage. then……

Then, the world of Snow White invaded the carriage and took away the last warmth...

Barren valley, central basin.

Here, it is no longer a simple residential area, but a mining base.

All kinds of tail races drove large machines here, transporting a ton of ore and muck to the nearby storage yard, and stacking them.

However, only a few people know that under this huge mining base, at this moment, three people are walking slowly.

King of Fangs, four-leaf clover born in the white fox tribe? Johnny Kenin. He is still wearing a white robe that looks the same as the ears on his head. Squinting his eyes, walked slowly. The huge tail is on the shoulders, like a scarf in this cold northern country.

Three people followed him. These three people wearing lock robes.

One of them was Snow Lotus, a princess of the Crystal Ice Republic with a little anxiety on her face.

The second one is the person who covers the whole body in the lock robe, with a big sword slung on his waist.

And the third person...


This young man with bandages all over his body, slowly followed behind Clover...A

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