Demon King Dad

Vol 4 Chapter 39: , In the valley under the night

039, in the valley under the night

The silent and empty valley seems to have no end in sight.

The stone of gift on Aman's neck radiated a faint halo, causing the bugs to slowly get away.

There was a slight blush on the face of this young barbarian nv, and he dared not look at the idiot's eyes again. She lowered her head and smiled shyly—

"It's true... If you say it by ordinary human standards, the scenery here is really desolate."

She raised her head, looked at the stone mushrooms in front of her, and continued--

"But for me, this is an irreplaceable home. It's where I... was born and grew up."

The valley is huge, the range of the stone of gift is limited, and the speed of the idiots is not much faster. Gradually, the sky began to dim, and the surrounding environment gradually became dark.

"I was born here since I was a child. From childhood to age. From childhood, I knew that I was the center of the whole family. My mission is to maintain my clan, so that our clan can continue to exist and multiply in this world..."

"You, the task is really heavy."

The idiot raised his head and slowly said as he watched the rising moon in the sky.

Aman shook his head lightly, and said, "Actually... after getting used to it, it doesn't matter......hmm? Do you think I am an aristocratic eldest? ?"

Walking slowly, the idiot nodded gently.

"I also know some human things. I also know that it's normal for you to have this kind of thought. From your human perspective, I should be the kind of eldest lady with all the people around me. "

"Before I left the valley, I didn't understand anything. To me, my people are all in this world. As long as I'm here, I have what I want. My people always try their best to satisfy me. I have never thought before that this world is so dangerous. After leaving this home, people outside show no respect for me. It took me a long time to realize that after I left this valley, I Nothing, nothing... nothing."

The moon gradually rises.

With a little bit of stars illuminating the world, Aman raised his head, looking at the bright moon that had been seen countless times, and slowly exhaled.

"I... is not as important as I thought. Maybe to my people, I am very important. But the only important reason for me is that I shoulder the responsibility of expanding the barbarians... If this is not there, then I It can be said that it is completely useless..."

The halo of the stone of gift on her neck was soft, and as the sky around her became darker and darker, her pace became slower and slower.

"I... don't know how to fight. I don't have special powers like my people. I am nothing...except for being a fertility tool...I can't do anything for my people... "

"It's like this time, in the face of the invasion of the Fang Empire, I can't do anything... The only thing I can do is to escape... escape... keep running away. Then, bumping into the wall, it's like nothing Like any useful person, not even a rescuer... can't be saved..."

It's getting dark.

Gradually, there was no luster in the valley covered by the shadow of Yin.

A cold wind came through the valley from there, passing the five-level monsters crawling on the ground, passing by, Aman's thin body...


The night is cold and the wind is high.

The life and death of this trip is even more uncertain.

These kinds of emotions finally rushed to Aman's heart, causing tears in the nv boy's eyes again. She sobbed, and finally stopped completely.

The coat draped lightly on her shoulder.

Aman looked up a little confusedly, and saw the man with cold eyes beside him, looking at himself in silence at this moment.

He took off his large clothes and wrapped it around Aman. In a coat, there is the warmth of this man, it seems... it also contains his tenderness...

"I... I'm not cold..."

Aman's face blushed, as if he wanted to break free. But before she could break free, the idiot quickly reached out his hand, hugged her, and hugged her in his arms.

"It's not a question of whether you are cold or not."

The idiot hugged the nv boy and let her head rest on her shoulder.

"This is what I should do as a man now."

The hatred in front glanced back, snorted, and stopped. After seeing this scene, the dumb nv beside him could not help but close his eyes and turned his head grinning.

" let me go! I shouldn't trust you so much...and...and I also promised my people...I must find a powerful person...and then use me as a jiā ...In exchange for the opponent's strength..."

Tears fell in Aman's eyes. She almost choked up sobbing, and said intermittently: " don't be so good to won't get paid..."

"What I need is not payment. It's just your happiness."

No matter how Aman struggles, the idiot still hugs tightly. He raised his head, looked up at the moon in the sky and said slowly--

"As long as you are happy, as long as you are not angry. Aman, maybe I am not very good at talking, but after seeing you for the first time, I know that your happiness has become my wish. No matter what you are doing , And no matter what your identity is. No matter what, any time, any place. As long as you can be happy and face the world with a smile, then...I am already satisfied."

Shao nv in his arms, his body trembled slightly.

She stopped struggling, even the cry of ōu, now slowly disappeared.

The idiot held her and sat down. Watching the stone of gift on her neck radiate light, driving away the parasites around her. At this moment, it seems that all words are no longer necessary...

The moon is shining bright and the stars twinkling.

Although in this dark canyon, a lot of light is blocked, and there will always be those harsh rustling sounds around.

But, under the stone mushroom, the idiot is holding Shao nv. Wrap the two people in that big windbreaker, without lighting a bonfire, but just leaning against each other like this. Looking at the dim light, immersed in this world.

"You... hug me so tightly... what are you..."

Aman in his arms lowered his head and said shyly.

The effective range of your stone is very small. Hold it tightly to keep us safe. "

The idiot said softly. After that, Aman fell into a short silence. But her body, curled up tighter in the arms of an idiot...

You said, if our mission fails this time, we are killed... what should we do? "

Facing this nv kid’s worries, the idiot hugged her tightly and said--

"Not much. I won't let the mission fail. Absolutely."

" coax me. Your strength is so bad, a little guard soldier in the human palace, if we are surrounded by those orcs, how do you ensure that the mission will not fail?"

Aman closed his eyes and lowered his head. She took a deep breath and said--

"Maybe... I start to feel that the mission has failed... it's nothing more..."

"At least in this way, I can become a nv person with nothing. I really have no worries and can do what I want... I don't need to find a strong foreign aid by myself, and force myself to be on the other side. The bed. I can...freely like who...without thinking about how I should avenge my people...I can be like this...happy..."

The idiot closed his eyes and stopped talking. He just listened, listened silently, listened...

Now, white..."

At some point, Aman stretched out his hand and pulled the idiot's clothes tightly. She raised her head, there was some blur in her eyes, and a water stain appeared.

"You... didn't lie to me... did you?"

"You really care about stayed with me...come here...right?"

"Everything you said just now...every sentence...every word... is from your heart... is what you really want to say to me..."

"You definitely didn't have any weird thoughts to approach me... right?"


The dark eyes opened under the dark night sky. The two seem to be about to merge into one.

These dark eyes looked at the young girl in her arms who was anxiously waiting for the answer, looked at her trembling cheeks because of fear, and looked at the tears rolling from the corners of her eyes. After a while...

"it is true."

"Every word and every sentence comes from the heart and soul."

"Maybe, you can't believe me. You don't believe in my strength. Maybe, after I helped you, your people will still force you to form an alliance with a powerful force. Moreover, I may not get anything from you. The result. But..."

"Please believe that everything I say is..."


Ah Man looked at the boy blankly. After a while, a little smile finally appeared in her tearful eyes. She closed her eyes and coughed slightly.

Hearing the cough, the idiot lowered his head and whispered--

"Ill, how is it."

"I'm fine..."

Aman still closed his eyes, with a smile on his lips.

"It's just... I seem to be jealous now..."

"Jealous...what jealous."

Aman smiled again and whispered—

"My must be very unattractive..."

"I don’t know how to be gentle and considerate like human nv kids. I don’t have the same charm that fox nvs can play during the day. Compared with the orc nv kids during the day, I can’t imagine when I can exude Their charm..."

The nv kid breathed out slowly, and whispered: "During the day...their performance even I was almost killed by mí. You must...Although you finally fought back. But...but..."

Aman's face flushed, and his voice became lighter and lighter——

" must...should be a little bit inhabited, right?"

For Aman, as the only nv kid in the barbarian clan, it is of course impossible for anyone to teach her how to show her charm. Now, as long as she closes her eyes, the daytime scene will appear in her mind.

That scene... that fox nv has a pure and charming face. She gently approached the idiot's face, and then as if she was very curious, she opened the mí people's big eyes and moved her face close to the idiot...

Thinking of this, the nv kid couldn't stop the thoughts in her heart, and some sour feelings spread in her heart.

Her skin is very cold. "

But at this moment, what Aman waited for was a very strange word.

The idiot exhaled and said again: "It's cold, really... cold."


"Well, it's cold. It's cold, like an illusion..."

The idiot closed his eyes, remembering the coldness, imagining that fox’s white skin and pink lips. And, that cold skin...


suddenly! A deafening horn came from across the valley! The parasites on the ground began to flee to the north quickly!

Hearing this terrible howl, the hatred that had been curled up immediately jumped out of the idiot's pocket, and the flames on his body spread and burned towards the surroundings under his feet.

"What...what's going on?"

Aman raised his head in panic. The idiot looked at the five-level monsters on the ground that left quickly, and immediately stood up, with his right hand already wrapped in his clothes, tightly pinching Dim Mi.

(Oh? It seems that besides these little monsters, there are other monsters in this valley? Hey, funny~~interesting~~~! Just like your lie, funny!)

Little Lina also stood up now, she was hiding behind the idiot, obviously panicking. The idiot stared at the direction of the roar, and after a while, the source of those voices slowly appeared from the darkness.

Oil lamp, bright.

The narrow oil lamp illuminates the three elongated figures.

The thick windbreaker wrapped the bodies of these three figures. However, it was unable to cover the evil on their faces.


The headed troll had a cruel smile on his mouth, and the orange eyes stared at the idiots here intently, and a giggle came from the corners of his mouth.

What should have come is finally here.

The idiot pulled Aman behind him, wrapped his coat tightly, holding the sword, and took a step. And hatred at this moment is also barring his teeth, transforming into an illusion beast, standing beside the idiot.

(Oh~~~! Human boy, it seems that there are still some guys who don’t know good and bad among the orcs? I didn’t expect that we had been hiding for so long, and the whereabouts were still caught by these guys. Now, what should we do?

How to do?

Need to talk?

Judging from the fact that these three trolls did not bring a large force to come, if it was not that they had confidence in their own strength, or that they were just a reconnaissance force, they did not report the whereabouts of their group to the large force. Do you still have to say what to do if you say this?


"Huh! Human, I don't give you the power to command me casually!"

To be honest, but hatred does not mean rebelling against an idiot. She stepped forward, and the black flames on her body began to burn blatantly! Seeing this scene, the left and right two of the three trolls over there immediately stepped forward, the corners of their grinning mouths exuding smiles, and Huang's saliva flowed from the corners of their mouths uncontrollably.

Devil language) Hehehe... Orcs, I have endured you for a long time. can taste the power of anger and hatred!"

The two claws of the Eudemon separated, and the demon screamed from the sky, and the flames on his body quickly spread to the surroundings! The next moment, her limbs shook, and she immediately rushed towards the two trolls!

The two trolls didn't feel the hatred for the arrival of the demon. The troll on the left took a step forward and inhaled. The next moment...


A dragon roar came from the mouth of this troll! At the same time, the crimson flames spewed out from his mouth, like a tsunami, rushing toward the hatred that rushed over there!

The air is heated and burnt at this moment.

This northern land seems to have turned into a sultry southern island country at this moment!

After the idiot hugged Aman and hid in the stone mushroom, the rushing flame instantly burned the stone where he was staying.

Mozu language) Roar, very good... very good!"

Chi Yan rushed towards him, but in this red, the black flame seemed to be aroused with excitement, and it burned again! Hate broke through the wall of fire, rushed to the troll in an instant, raised his paw and patted again! The troll stopped, and jumped back, avoiding the claw. At the same time, the troll on the right stretched out his hands and patted each other, then pressed to the ground. In an instant, the ground under his feet began to bulge, and a white arm broke out of it.

puppet? !

It is no one else who appears in front of the idiot, it is the young orcs who surround the carriage during the day! I saw these snake nv, cat nv, fox nv, dog nv and so on crawling out of the ground one after another. Among them, after the daytime foolish fox nv got out of the ground, his playful face did not change, and there was no cruelty or killing intent in his eyes. She still maintained the innocent expression, holding two short swords in both hands, rushing towards hatred.

(Huh? Human kid, things are...somewhat wrong.)

Dim Mie opened his eyes, and the crimson gaze stared at the three trolls over there. At the same time, he looked at the thinnest troll in the middle, but with the thickest evil smile at the corner of his mouth.

Not right? What's wrong?

do not know.

Just know that at this moment, Hatred has turned his head, looking at the orc nv boy rushing over there. The next moment, she opened her mouth, showing her fangs, and honestly and unceremoniously faced the innocent and playful fox nv, and bit down...


Fox nv's body was bitten in half.

But in the next moment...

Just when the idiot looked at Hate from behind, when the figure of the troll in the middle was covered by the huge body of Hate...

"Woo?! This is??!!!!"


There was a loud noise in the hatred chest.

After that, she flew backwards like a kite. The black flame on his body also quickly disappeared, returning to a normal little squirrel, lying softly in front of the idiot...

(Cut... Didn't expect that the **** of angels even parasitize such ugly creatures? Sure enough, they are as ugly and ugly as them!)

In the front, the troll in the middle raised his hand, and the golden guidance route map in his palm slowly disappeared.

But the corners of his mouth are still the same, with that sneer...A

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