Demon King Dad

Vol 4 Chapter 60: , Unexpected

060, unexpected

After the surprise, Xing Li glanced at the surrounding nv customers as if thinking of something. Then, she began to panic and said--

"Sorry, guys. I have something to do today and it closes ahead of schedule. Thank you for your support. I'm sorry, everyone."

Along with the complaints and doubts of the nv customers around, Xingli apologized while sending them out, closing the store and waiting until everything was ready before she turned around, Jin's pupils looked at the idiot over there. , Frowned slightly.

"I don't need you to support me."

The idiot put the box in his hand on the table, took a step back, the expression on his face did not change.

Xing Li shook his head, walked forward, and said while looking at the black stone in the box—

"Mr. Xiaobai, you are a man. No matter what you think, you still need your face in front of nv kids. This year, you are already twenty-three, right? Maybe the scum bulldozer's name can bear on it, but it doesn't matter, but it's useless or I don’t want you to lose the face of being laughed at."

The idiot didn't speak at all and stood by.

Xingli checked the stone in the box carefully and said, "What is this?"

"Bonus Stone. The most powerful guiding stone in the world."

At the end, the idiot added a sentence--

"As a debt, repay all my debts."

Xing Li gave an "Oh" and didn't say anything. Instead, she put on her gloves and picked up the stone to check repeatedly. After a while, she picked up a magnifying glass and began to observe carefully. After tossing like this for a long time, she was over, exhaled and put the stone back into the box.

"Mr. Xiaobai, if...I remember correctly, you should still owe me more than seven thousand Sura, don't you?"

The idiot's face remained the same, only when Xing Li asked, he nodded slightly.

Xing Li looked at the idiot, at his current figure. In fact, since the Holy Eve Festival, he has hardly seen this man again in the past six months. In just six months, the stature of the idiot seemed to have become thinner. My face now seems to be a little haggard, I don't know...what happened.

Is Xingli an idiot?

Very angry.

No matter who it is, a man who is suddenly acquainted with it without sincerity openly proposes marriage in front of a large public. Whoever it is will be angry, right?

Once, Xing Li thought she was not a stingy person. But since that time, she found that she was not so generous. At least, he was not generous enough to be treated like this by an idiot, and he could continue to laugh at him from the bottom of my heart.

However, seeing him hoping to pay off his debts again and again... he knew he was pitting him, but he never hesitated to always take over the things of his own generation, he was born to death. Now, he didn't know where he got this stone again, making himself so haggard. Seeing what he was like now, Xing Li's heart finally softened.


A wry smile overflowed from the corner of her mouth.

That slight smile made the shop flourish.

Xing Li slowly took off his gloves and turned his head. Looking at the idiot, there is no longer the trace of "scheming" in the eyes, but the pure sincerity is restored.

"Mr. Xiaobai, if you want to use this stone as compensation, then it's a pity, at least for now, it's impossible."

The idiot raised his head and looked at Xingli.

"However, the money you owe me is still considered a write-off. You don't need to be my hired worker anymore. Of course, if you are short of money at any time and want to come to me to work and earn some money, I still welcome it."

The idiot looked at Xingli, staring at Xingli who would not even care about his father if he encountered a business problem... He was very surprised, why this famous blond beauty would let him go so kindly? ……………… Fraud?

Seeing the idiot's eyes twinkling, Xing Li knew he was suspicious. However, Xing Li didn't want to tell the idiot whether he was real or fake. She pointed at the black stone in the box again and said--

"Okay, Mr. Xiaobai. After solving the debt problem between us, let's take a look at the stone you brought. You said it is a guiding stone. From the point of view of its size, it is as big as a fist. If the guide stone is Thorium, the price is estimated to be 5,000 Sura. If it is Thame alloy, it can exceed 10,000. If it is Mithril, the price is probably incalculable."

"But the question is, what kind of guide stone yours is, I don't know at all. Is it priceless? Or is it a pure stone? No one knows. It is a joke that you use it to pay off debts."

An idiot doesn't know much about guide stones. After thinking about it, he said, "But, this is indeed guide stones. Moreover, it is definitely better than mithril."

Xingli smiled, her fingers wrapped around her blonde hair, and her body leaned on the counter next to her, saying, "So, how do you prove it?"

Find a vertical stone master to try it out. "

"Ah..." Xing Li shook his head and said, "It seems that Mr. Xiaobai, you really don't know about the knowledge of the guiding stone. I will tell you in detail."

"Generally speaking, if it is the type of guiding stone that is recorded, then the power contained in it can be estimated because of the records of predecessors. However, if it is such a guiding stone that is not recorded at all, No one knows how much power it contains."

"You said to find a rocker to try it out, you can. Then, even if the rocker uses this guiding stone to exert a very strong vertical rocking force. Very good, this means that the same kind of rock as this guiding stone Has a very high value. But relative, how much power is still contained in your guiding stone? Is there no residual guiding force after that time? No one knows."

"Your stone is unknown to everyone. Others don't know how much is left in it after taking 10 from it. Maybe 100 is left? Maybe, only 1 is left in it. In this case, even if others know that the strength of this stone is stronger, the value of this stone will be lower. Until the final damage."

The idiot lowered his head and started to think. After a while, he raised his head and asked: "So, is there any detection method that does not lose its guiding force."


Xingli took out a calculator and began to tap on it.

"what way."

"Send to the National Testing Center for testing. However, the cost of testing is not a small amount. At least this number is needed."

Xing Li showed the idiot the number he had knocked out, and the idiot only glanced at it and couldn't help but breathe in air.

"Understood? Mr. Xiaobai. Perhaps, what you got back is indeed a treasure. But if the whole world...or in the entire Bucks Empire, only you know that it is a treasure, then this treasure It is trash, and an Inel is worthless."

The idiot began to regret it.

I regret that I am not so familiar with the profession of Zongshishi, nor do I know the basic knowledge of Guilishi. He originally thought that he was a swordsman, and there was no need to understand the knowledge of these guiding forces. Now he is all right, and he has suffered.

Xingli covered the box and gave it back to the idiot with both hands. After the idiot was silent for a while, he took it and caught it under his armpit. Thinking, walked towards the shop.

"Mr. Xiaobai, where are you going?"

The idiot did not answer, but left the shop without saying a word. Seeing that he didn't answer, Xing Li naturally didn't ask again. She walked to the side, sent away the idiot, and opened business again.

At this moment, a postman looked at Xingli's shop sign and walked in.

"Rooney...Answer...Miss isn't it?"

The postman looked at Xingli inside, his expression a little nervous for a while. At this moment, Xing Li turned around and looked at the postman, Xiu Mei tilted up slightly, and replied in an angry way.

"No. Who are you looking for?"

This brow raised slightly, making the postman's bones a little crisp. He lowered his head in embarrassment, and did not dare to look any more, he reached into his parcel in a panic and took out a letter...

"You... your letter! I'm sorry! It's rude!"

After the postman put the letter down, he ran away like flying away. Xing Li muttered a few words, picked up the letter, and looked at the writing on it.

And when her eyes fell on the sender's signature box, her originally relaxed expression became serious in an instant.

——Sincerely from the Goodsay family——

The Goodsey family...

Holding the letter, Xing Li stood still, motionless.

After a while, two silk scarves stretched out from under her skirt, and rushed to the general to close the opened one again. Afterwards, these two silk scarves turned into spiral swords, one after the other, protecting Xingli.

The envelope was slowly torn open...

Xingli took out the letter inside and unfolded...

She didn't know what was written in it. At least, after she completely killed Dara Goodsey, she would never consider herself a friend of the Goodsey family. Even if it is nominal.

However, when this letter was really presented in front of her, the content that appeared in it was so the surprise that even Xing Li couldn't figure it out.

Xingli Rooney answered the earl, hello.

I am very glad that you can read this letter, and I hope you can give the best wishes to an unmarried couple who is about to enter the beautiful palace of life.

At the end of this month, that is, one week later, at 8 p.m. on June 24th, a member of my family, Marlene Goodsay, is going to be with an outstanding young man, Zelens? Scarlett held a wedding and became a real legal couple.

At that time, I hope you can come to the wedding of the couple and become a witness to this beautiful moment.

Yours sincerely, Duke Nero Goodsay.

Fragrant pomelo? Goodsay ghostwriting. A

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