Demon King Dad

Vol 4 Chapter 107: , Fine wine

During the dinner, the laughter continued.

The idiot looked at the empty wine bottles on the table, even he couldn't tell how much wine was consumed tonight. I don’t know what a sumptuous meal the townspeople present.

After drinking three rounds, the idiot checked the time, put down the wine glass in his hand, and said, "Mayor, are all the townspeople here? Oh, and those chefs and service staff, please also invite them to their seats. Nothing tonight People work for other people, and all people are citizens of the empire."

The mayor blushed and laughed. After the death of the chief of the Knights of Premo, the town fell into an unprotected situation for a while. But now, look at the presence, there are so many knights of the same level! What danger is there?

Soon, the chefs and entertainers all sat down and began to taste these delicious dishes. They drink very refreshingly, without any restrictions. Everyone respects me and I respect you. Everything is perfect and harmonious.

"Ah......It feels a bit cold."

Dark eyes, looking at the large group of people eating in front of them, said slowly.

The mayor next to him with a red nose, turned his head, and asked: "Huh? Sir Knight, you...hiccup...what did you say?"

"......It's nothing, it just feels a bit cold. After all, it's winter now."

The mayor nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, that's true. We are close to the north, but the winter is very cold~~~!"

"Yeah. Come on, go and close all the doors. It's best to...lock them. Mr. Mayor, I hope you can understand that I have some emotional obstacles. If the doors are not locked, I can't feel myself. I stayed in a confined space."

The mayor smiled and said, "It's okay, it's okay! Sometimes it's the same for me. The door is closed, but it always feels like wind is coming in. It must be locked to be okay."

"If this is the case, then I will give the order. Sera, Maliton, Ken, Barnas, I am wronged you, go and shut the doors around and lock it. Anyone... As long as there is no order from me, anyone, You are not allowed to open the door."

The idiot stretched out his hand, and the four knights were silent for a while, as if thinking about the deeper meaning of the words in their captain's mouth. After that, they slowly stood up, came to the four corners of this large restaurant, and closed all four entrances and exits tightly... and locked them.

"Then, let's count the number of people now. Mr. Mayor, are the entire townspeople of Forgotten Town here? No matter whether they are old or weak, women and children, whether they are unable to get out, friends with disabilities, or still The baby in the swaddle?"

The mayor laughed, holding a glass of wine, and said with a vague look in his eyes: "This...hiccup...Of course! I have specially ordered that as long as someone comes, you can get the money with registration. So everyone must be here. . After all, one more person can get one more money, who doesn’t?"

Idiot, exhaled slowly...As the white breath in his mouth slowly dissipated in the air, he finally nodded...

Looking around, the banquet is still going on. The long dining table is lined with foods that seem to be endless forever. Whether it is an adult or a child, whether it is a man or a woman, now here, you can let go of your mind and enjoy these delicacies. They ate, drank, sang... Maybe, they also hope that tonight's noise will never end. This banquet in a wine pond can last forever and forever...

"Hahaha! Drink, drink! Woo...oooo..."

Among the people who were drinking, a middle-aged man suddenly changed his complexion, and his glass fell on the table. The person next to him laughed and said, "Hey, are you drinking too much? Feeling uncomfortable?"

"I...I feel... my stomach hurts..."

"Hahaha! Don't drink if you don't know how to drink. Go, I will pay you to go to the toilet."

"Woo...thank you..."

This middle-aged man was lifted up by another middle-aged man, and the two walked to the gate over there side by side.

"Ah, sorry, Lord Knight. My friend seems to be drinking too much and wants to go to the toilet. Excuse me, can you open the door and let us go out?"

The gatekeeper lowered his head and looked at the two men. After a moment of silence, as soldiers, they still implemented their own rules as soldiers—observing orders.

"I'm sorry, this door cannot be opened without the captain's order."

The middle-aged man was taken aback for a moment, then turned his head and looked at the podium. At this moment, the sick man on his shoulder suddenly vomited out, and a mouthful of filth was vomited on his companion!

"Hey hey hey! Don't vomit on me! Look at you, my new clothes! stomach? I seem......somewhat uncomfortable......"

Not only these two people, but in the entire restaurant, more and more people are beginning to feel sick.

At first, their companions thought that they just drank too much, and they just ate. However, as more and more people feel uncomfortable, this dinner that should have reached the end of joy has gradually...began to reveal its true colors.

On the rostrum, the mayor turned his head and saw the crowd who began to cry and asked to leave. He was taken aback for a moment, turned his head, and said to the captain of the Cavaliers next to him——

"Master Cavaliers, maybe...we eat too much here. Look...Should you ask everyone to go to the toilet? Then let's eat."

However, facing this small request from the mayor, the idiot answered with a face of silence and coldness...

"Mr. Mayor. First of all, I want to thank you for your generosity."

The pitch-black eyes looked condescendingly at the townspeople who were crying and suffering, but his voice, without the slightest change, was still so chilling...

"As a gathering of everyone here, and arranged this grand dinner. I really don't know, what method should be used to express my heartfelt gratitude to you."

The drunk mayor who had been drunk seemed to be unable to distinguish the coldness in the idiot's words. He looked anxious at those people who kept crying and the number was increasing. So he didn't listen carefully to what the idiot was saying, so he stood up and wanted to open the door.

"However, Mr. Mayor. In order for you and your townspeople to solve problems more happily, or to answer the questions in your heart. Do you think the main difference between a civilian and a soldier, what is it then?"

The idiot reached out and took the mayor's hand. The unmovable mayor turned his head and looked at the idiot with some confusion. With a flushed face, he seemed to be a little erratic at the moment, as if he couldn't hear the words of an idiot.

In this auditorium, people have fallen down one after another, clutching their stomachs, and constantly crying out pain...

"Master Knight... what do you... want to say?"

"………………………… is a secret."

The idiot lowered his head slightly, pulled his hand, and pulled the mayor, who was already frowning and clutching his stomach, into his side. At the same time, his right hand shook, directly, patted his abdomen...

"For soldiers, keeping secrets is a job. But for ordinary civilians... knowing too much, on the contrary, it can only make them die faster."


The pitch-black blade penetrated the mayor's belly at this moment and pierced out of his back.

The mayor's eyes were wide open, he opened his mouth, lowered his head, looking at the black long sword on his stomach, his eyes showed an unbelievable color. The knights beside them also stood up at this moment, all looking at their captain with surprised eyes.

"You...I...why...Is it...?"

The mayor stretched out his hand and gave his last strength, clutching the idiot's arm. There was blood foam in his mouth, and he vomited, spitting out these few words.

Puff! Huh!

The sword, turned, tore open the wound, and then pulled it out. The idiot held the sword in the air and flicked it, and the splashed blood pulled a blood stain on the ground next to it. He raised his left hand, gently pressed the mayor's head, and gently pushed back...

"As a soldier of the empire, do you have to protect the people of the empire? Maybe, there is nothing wrong. But sometimes, in order to protect more people, sacrificing a small number of people is also something that a soldier must do.

Puff through.

The mayor's body fell from the podium. He stared at his eyes, the blood stained the floor, and the face that was distorted by pain seemed to be full of curses, shaking slightly...Finally, he didn't move anymore.

The crowd, which was originally very noisy, quieted down in an instant.

Including those knights, everyone looked at the captain of the knight with the black hilt still stuck with blood. Also watching him... step by step, walking towards the crowd...

"Wow ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh————————————————!!!

The scream of tearing the sky is deafening at this moment! Now, people in the entire restaurant almost feel all kinds of physical discomforts! They howled in pain, and rushed towards the four doors in a hurry! But those knights still stood in front of the gate, observing their duties as a soldier.

"Captain! Please stop!"

Wow, a dozen knights left one after another, all blocking the idiots and the crowd. A knight who was about 30 years old drew out his sword, supported it with both hands, knelt directly in front of the idiot, and gave a knightly salute to his leader. ~~~~

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