Demon King Dad

Vol 5 Chapter 4: , The mystery of six swords

"What do you want to do? What do you say?"

The Sword Emperor did not directly give the idiot the answer as he imagined. Instead, he put away the sword and sat back on his rock, silently looking at the idiot.

Seeing the lock-robed man in front of him did not react, the idiot thought for a while. Correspondingly, silent, silent.

He put away the sword in the same way, sat down in place, staring at the opponent. The two people stared at each other on the snowy ground like this, neither speaking nor moving.

This is a little hard to understand for the small bread. She looked at the two people in front of her and thought for a while. After that, she came to the pot with the prey in her hand, picked up a handful of snow in her hand, squeezed it into an ice skate, and began to open her mouth to tonight's dinner. However, even after she finished cooking all the food, the situation did not get any better. The two people still stared at each other like this, as if they were completely frozen to death.

Little Bread gradually couldn't bear it, she walked behind the idiot and looked at Baba. After pushing the idiot, but did not get any response from him, the little nv boy turned his head and went to the sword emperor next to him, and held up the card--

"Uncle, you said you want to teach Swordsmanship, why are you sitting still here? 》

The eyes under the sword emperor's cloak stared at the little bread, as if they were looking, and they didn't seem to be looking. Such ignorance made Little Bread feel a little frustrated. She walked to the side, sulkingly, pulling out the ice skates, cutting out the dònù jackal ròu piece by piece, and throwing it into the pot. Then, like revenge, he threw a lot of peppers into the pot, strengthened the fire and started to burn.

Without the interruption of the bread, the two people here continue to maintain this motionless posture.

One hour, two hours, three hours...

Sit from morning to noon, and then from noon to afternoon.

Until the flares in the air were somewhat looming, they began to disappear gradually, and when the surroundings began to turn into darkness again, they still sat like this.

However, this kind of sitting still has finally come to an end. After a pungent and fragrant fragrance floated in the air, the sword emperor who was the first to sit down seemed a little unbearable. He stood up and walked straight to the pan in front of the bread.

"Well, so fragrant, so fragrant little girl, you can become a good wife in the future, it's really good craftsmanship"

The Sword Emperor left, the idiot glanced at him, and also sat up from the snow, patted the snow. He walked to the pot without a sound and began to scoop out a bowl of food from the pot on his own, enduring the hot and spicy taste, and began to eat.

Seeing that this shameless man came over to eat in such a shameless manner, Xiao Bian immediately picked up the ice skate in his hand and cut it towards his hand that reached the pot. Of course it was impossible for this knife to strike him. The Sword Emperor retracted his hand, looked at the little girl suspiciously, and asked why.

"You didn't teach anything, just want to eat like this? It's not that easy. Say, what did you teach Ba Ba today? 》

The sword emperor smiled, and as soon as he turned around, he picked up the snow bowl from the ground, went around behind the little bread, scooped up a leg bone ròu directly, and began to gulp. The bun next to him looked angry, naturally with his hands on his hips, swelling continuously.

The sword emperor chewed and drank a few mouthfuls of soup. After filling his stomach, he grabbed his head and pointed at the muffled idiot next to him, and said--

"Young man, you said, what did you learn today?"

The idiot finished drinking the soup in his hand, glanced at the sword emperor, did not make a sound, but went to the pot and scooped a bowl.

"Hmph, just by looking at your expression, do you think I'm testing you? As a result, you endured all day, but didn't get anything?"

The idiot kept silent, but this time, the expression on his face unabashedly expressed his approval.

Sword Emperor shook his head and said, "Young man, you are very talented and hardworking. To be honest, you are also very patient and very persevering. To be honest, you have so many very good conditions, if you don’t It is possible to become a strong person, but this is an impossible thing."

"However, for the six swords swordsmanship, you have a very congenital deficiency. And this is likely to be fatal."

The idiot stopped drinking the soup and raised his head to look at the sword emperor, with a suspicious attitude in his eyes. The sword emperor took a sip of the ròu soup, nodded, and continued--

"The time you spent practicing Six Swords is too long."

"Or to be more precise, after you learned the fourth sword, you didn't learn the fifth sword in a short period of time. Instead, you tossed the wrong path for several years. This is the fatal injury for you to learn the fifth sword. If you If you are not lucky enough, then you will probably stay on top of the first four swords forever in your life."

Little Bread was overjoyed, and immediately raised the card and walked over, ahhhhhhh--

"What defect? What is the reason?

"What's the reason? It's a pity that I can't tell you this reason yet. If I tell you, you might not even want to practice the fifth sword in this generation. The time interval is too long. If I can teach, You can only do your best. As for whether you can comprehend it, it can only depend on your enlightenment."

The Sword Emperor threw the empty snow bowl on the ground, stood up, and said, "Okay, that's the end of today's teaching. But young man, don't worry too much, everything will always be like this. As for tomorrow... I think it’s not good to always let the little girl nòn food by herself. Tomorrow, the two of us will have nòn food."

After that, the Sword Emperor turned around, returned to his rock, sat cross-legged, and fell asleep without saying a word.

In this regard, Little Bread is simply stomping his feet in anger. What is going on with this uncle? Only teach a sword, is it necessary to be so mysterious?

She turned her head and looked at the idiot beside her, her eyes full of anger. The idiot looked into the eyes of this little girl, but shook her head, turned around, went back to the tent, pulled up the sleeping bag, and started to rest.


The next day, early morning.

The idiot came out of the tent and looked at the little bun in the sky, the bright ball that was highlighted last night.

I don't know the time in this deep valley, probably, I can only estimate, it is already morning.

The idiot turned his head and glanced at the small bread sleeping in his sleeping bag in the tent, still dreaming. He got out of the sleeping bag, took off his jacket, and put it on the little girl. After doing all this, he walked out of the tent and came outside.

"Are you awake, make me wait."

The sword emperor had already been waiting there. At this moment, he was holding the pale long sword and cutting two wooden sticks. Come to think of it, this wooden stick should have fallen from the guard tower with him the day before yesterday.

"………………………… You said, we will catch the food today. Then, what do you want to do."

Sword Emperor snorted coldly, and threw a long stick that he had cut in his hand at the idiot. The idiot took it, looking at the thin line drawn from the bottom of the stick, for a moment, frowned.

"Let's go fishing. Look at today, who of us fishing more."

When the idiot's eyebrows were slightly frowned, the Sword Emperor said such a sentence that he could not understand. However, what Jia makes him unable to understand is yet to come. I saw the man in the locker walk a few steps to the side, and then he threw the pole in his hand toward the snow like a pole. After the so-called buoy fell on the snow, he simply sat on the rock and started fishing.


The idiot looked at the Sword Emperor, and then at the place where the buoy fell. He walked over and drew Dimie down to the snowfield.

hard. Even if the bottom is really floating ice, this hook is completely on the snow, but this generation does not want to catch any fish.

"I really can't understand it. This is against common sense."

Said the idiot.

The sword emperor held the fishing rod in his hand with one hand, he smiled, and said, "Why, do you want to give up?"

"……………………It is not a question of whether I admit defeat. It is that there is no fish here at all."

"Impossible? Why."

"Because there is no water, and no fish. Also, is this kind of quiz game interesting?"

"Interesting. Because you don't think there can be fish here. In this case, if you catch fish, you will definitely feel very happy."

The idiot shook his head, and he began to doubt whether he was serious about starting to believe that this person would teach himself swordsmanship. His mode of thinking is rational, not emotional. These issues that are close to the scope of philosophy are simply beyond his consideration. However, when the idiot was about to turn his head and leave and continue to practice the sword, the sword emperor behind him greeted again--

"As if you were fooled by me, come and try, how about it? Maybe you will find that after the end, you can catch a big fish."

Finally, the idiot turned his head and walked to the opposite side of the sword emperor. He kept his face facing the sword emperor, flicking the rod and throwing the hook. Accompanied by the fish hook without bait drew an arc in the air, after falling on the snow, he immediately sat on the snow, staring at the sword emperor in front of him intently.

Time continues to begin to pass a little bit. Fishing in the snow without fish, of course, no fish will be caught.

After Xiao Bian woke up, he couldn't help being a little amused when he saw these two people doing such "stupid things". After laughing, she went to deal with the trap left yesterday and went to catch food.

After a day, the fishing time disappears.

After dinner, the sword emperor left the sentence "continue tomorrow" again, and then went back to sleep on his rock. The idiot, who had been sitting for a whole day without even practicing, sat alone in a daze.

One day, one day, another day...

The time under the deep valley may have passed a week.

There is no rescue and no way out. The idiot did not search for entrances and exits or practice swords every day, but always followed the sword emperor to fish in the silent snow.

This situation has been going on... even the idiot doesn't know how long he will fish. As time passed slowly, his jīn **** also gradually became relaxed from the initial state of tension.


On this day, the idiot squinted and sat beside the snow, looking at the fishing rod in his hand.

He already felt a little tired of being wary of the sword emperor. I have been sitting here for a few days, even if I want to review the fifth sword in my mind, there is nothing good to review that I have already reviewed. They are all things that I can recite upside down.

However, not looking at the sword emperor, not looking at the sword book. Just sitting like this, how do you kill this time?

The idiot's eyes were narrowed, and Jin Shen looked a little lazy. No more swordsmanship appeared in his mind, nor full of vigilance. As for Dim Mie, she closed her eyes and rested because she was so boring, her mind was completely blank now, there was nothing left.

Don't want anything...

This feeling... curious.

For an idiot... For a sewer rat, stopping to think often means death. With this mentality, idiots must keep their brains at high speed anytime and anywhere to prevent danger in front of or behind themselves.

But now...

In this deep valley.

What can be dangerous here? Even the only threat in front of him, the idiot, based on the idea that if the other party wanted to kill, he would definitely kill him, so he simply didn't act on alert and just let him go.

Now, there is nothing in his mind.

Quietly, without any thoughts.

Just looking at the fishing rod in his hand, there is no complaint, no anxiety. Later, even the sense of patience seemed to have disappeared, and only myself was sitting here, holding a fishing rod and fishing, which was a common phenomenon.

In the world of fishing, the passage of time seems to start to slow down.

In this slow lapse of time, the idiot thought of fishing in the snow as meaningless and illogical... seems to have begun to become meaningful.


In the eyes of the idiot, the snow began to pile up slowly. I don't know when, those snow uā began to fall from the sky again.

Hexagonal snow flakes melodiously fall into this deep valley, falling steadily before the idiot's almost dull eyes. These snow flakes slowly, slowly... descend from the sky and into the snow at an extremely slow speed. Later, merge with this land...

"Okay, let's eat."

Suddenly, a voice called the idiot back from this "absence" state. He turned his head and saw that the sword emperor had put away his fishing rod and shouted at himself.


The idiot is a little suspicious. Didn’t you just eat breakfast? After a few minutes, lunch is coming?

However, when the idiot gathered the gods again and looked around, he couldn't help but chuckle in his heart.

The bright ball above his head has already begun to dim. The scent of the food prepared by the bread was also floating in the air.

But... how is this possible? Didn’t you just have breakfast, a few minutes later?

However, such suspicion did not trouble the idiot for too long. Very, he understood that he was distracted too seriously, which caused the ignorance of the passage of time. Therefore, he also put away the fishing rod in his hand and got up...


When this step was taken, an inspiration suddenly flashed in the idiot’s mind

Elapsed time?

A sense of time that doesn't match your own feeling at all?

There is also his own state of not thinking about anything at all, being purely distracted...

Could it be... Could it be that...?

"Don't think too much. The boat will be straight at the bridge head."

Just when the idiot was about to start thinking again, the sword sovereign behind him patted him directly on the shoulder and said. After that, he went to eat the food prepared by bread again. Then went to bed.

Idiot, did not continue to think deeply.

He put the inspiration in his mind aside, as if nothing happened, and continued to eat. After eating and going to bed, I didn't say a word.

In the next few days, the idiot continued to fish with the sword emperor. Correspondingly, the speed at which he started to enter this mode of thinking nothing was getting more and more, and the illusion between the time passed by the gods and the time actually passed began to gradually increase.

On this day, the idiot is still fishing.

In the sky, a piece of snow fell...

This piece of snow passed by the idiot's eyes. Then, it "pauses".

The idiot looked at this piece of snow uā, watching it spin and descend in the air at an almost negligible speed.

A small piece of snow, the hexagonal posture in it is now completely in the eyes of an idiot. He could see the skeleton of Xueu, and even the little black spots in the pure white structure of Xueu. He didn't wonder why this piece of snow suddenly stayed in the air, because it seemed to the idiot now that everything had nothing to do with it.

"Little brother. Little brother?"

Suddenly, someone broke the silence. The idiot was slightly startled, the snow that had stopped before him immediately left his eyes and merged into the ground.

The idiot raised his head and looked at the sword emperor in front of him. Subsequently, he prepared to put away the fishing rod.

"what are you doing?"

"Nothing. We should have been sitting here for a day? It's over.

"One day? It's a pity, it's not right. I'm afraid the time you really fell asleep is less than a few seconds. We just ran the fishing rod down."

The idiot froze for a moment, and seemed a little unbelievable. However, when the Sword Emperor saw this kind of surprise on the face of the idiot, he smiled and took the fishing rod in his hand and put it aside.

"But, yes, we have caught a big fish. Are you interested in learning how to deal with this ‘big fish’?"

The idiot nodded and stood up. After the sword emperor drew the sword from his waist, the idiot also threw it out of his arms and looked at the tip of the sword.

"Then now, you come and try."

The Sword Emperor stepped aside, leaving an absolutely large space for the idiot. The idiot nodded and put Dim Mi back into the sheath. Then, his eyes began to slowly lose focus. After a while, his jīn **** also looked a little trance.

In the sky, a blizzard fell.

This piece of feixue melodiously entered the idiot's sight, its speed is so slow, and it has no ability to escape from the idiot's eyes.

The idiot held Dimie on his arm, and stared at the piece of snow falling in front of him with dull eyes.

Afterwards, he slowly drew out his sword, skimmed across the snow, and slashed into the sky.

The speed of this sword is almost incomparable to the speed of the idiot's previous sword practice. Its speed is so slow, it is impossible to have any results at all. If you change to someone else, you will definitely think that this sword will never succeed. At least, it is too slow.


The pitch-black blade cuts this piece of snow. Because its speed is too slow, the idiot's sword can cut it in two very accurately from the middle...

After that, the entire fifth sword was swung just like that. The extremely slow speed seemed completely the opposite of the previous idiot's swordsmanship. However, just after this piece of snow was completely cut...


In the space behind Xue uā, there was a sudden twist

A black crack appeared in the space where there was nothing, just like... the non-existent space was just split. The huge suction force also instantly sucked the two cut snow flakes into the crack. , In an instant, disappeared

Long thin cracks suddenly appeared, and then suddenly disappeared.

After a long time, the space here returned to normal again, without any trace of being cut.

The focal length in the eyes of the idiot finally converged slowly at this moment. He looked at the sword in his hand, and then looked at the direction of the space crack in front of him. After thinking for a while, he turned his head and looked at the sword emperor.

"Congratulations, you have to fully practice."

The Sword Emperor clapped his hands and laughed loudly. Perhaps, for him, Six Swords once again appeared in this world and was inherited. It was something worth cheering.

"Now, do you know why I want you to do those things before? Can you understand what is the difference between you and someone who can learn all six swords?"

The idiot exhaled and nodded softly. He slowly put away the dark, and said--

"What I lack is'meaningless silence.'"

When the idiot finally summed up such a sentence, the Sword Emperor suddenly began to laugh out loud.

You can hear from the voice that he laughed happily and lively. Has this person forgotten that an idiot is his hostility? The smile now looks like a child.

"Yes, that's right,'meaningless silence.' This is what you lack."

"Young man, as I said before, you are talented and can work hard. The important thing is that you are patient."

"However, pure patience is not inadequate. It is that your patience is a little misused. Instead, this patience becomes a real enemy that prevents you from becoming stronger.

"Boy, if I didn’t guess wrong, the reason why you have this kind of patience should be for a very strong purpose ìn? From the point of view of some support points that you can lead a special force to destroy the fangs, you His patience is full, but it is full of purpose."

"But Fallen Leaf doesn't have so many purposes."

"The fallen leaf is a sword in a kind of artistic conception, just like the fallen leaves, the fallen leaf itself has no purpose. It doesn't know where it will float, nor will it decide where it will float. Really Fallen leaves are easy to meet and can adapt to various conditions. Because of this, it also determines that the sword of'Liuye' cannot be swung with a clear purpose."

"In the previous two weeks, I let you fish, just to consume your patience with a certain purpose. Young man, I don’t know what your life experience is like, but from your From a behavioral point of view, if you develop such a psychological quality, your growth path must be full of hardships. Perhaps, you have never thought about when you can calm down quietly, thinking about nothing, thinking about nothing. Do some things. In other words, doing these things is your purpose, not the result of doing them."

"The same goes for Fallen Leaves. This sword requires you to swing this sword. But it does not require you to achieve what you hope to achieve after swinging this sword. There is no clear purpose ìn, it is purely to swing the sword. Sword, when you want to understand this, this sword is half of your training."

Sword Emperor Lang Lang spoke, while the idiot listened quietly beside him. After thinking for a while, he looked up at the man in the cloak and said, "A sword with no purpose...but the reason why I can't practice the speed of drawing the sword in any way, the reason I achieved it in an instant... is because This one?"

The Sword Emperor nodded and smiled: "It's not wrong."

"People always want, good, strong. As a martial artist, especially so. As a fighter, as a swordsman, there seems to be no other meaning beyond wishing to be strong."

"From some perspectives, this is correct. But many people will forget that no matter how strong they become, they will eventually have an end. The so-called "good" and "strong" in this world are There is always no end. Human beings are a very strange creature. Sometimes, the more you want to become, your speed will be curbed. Instead, you will not see something that you could have seen. But If you calm down sometimes, you can see clearly."

"Don't think about how to make your speed become. Change a way of thinking and imagine that the surrounding scenes slow down. As long as you feel that the falling snow becomes slower, you can naturally cut it with a casual sword. It completes the last sword in the six swords."

The Sword Emperor raised his head, with a little pride and sentimentality, and said slowly--

"Six swords, in fact, can also be said to symbolize a person's psychological trajectory. The sword of death is direct and decisive. The sword of insects is tactful and changeable. The violent leaks of the sword of Xia Lan are completely self-protection. Coupled with the lingering affair of the Fourth Sword. These sword moves can be said to be driven by a certain mood, but after these four swords, the Fifth Sword has begun to return to the original."

"I don't know if you have heard of the creator of Six Swords. The creator was a general who created this set of swords in countless battlefield killings. However, after a long war, His sword began to turn to the pursuit of inner peace. Without the noise and dust, he created the sword purely for the sake of the sword. When it comes to this sword, people should feel at ease. It is no longer purely killing. Although Like the first sword-Shang, this sword is also a killer move to kill the enemy with one blow. But the taste and level of it, I am afraid, only those who have really learned it can truly understand it."

The idiot listened to the explanation of the lock-robed man, and listened to the history of Six Swords he didn't know. In this regard, he was slightly silent.

Six swords...So far, the first five swords have all been displayed before his eyes. And the sword spectrum he had in his mind only included the five swords in front.

In fact, just in the process of learning this set of swords, the idiot has already noticed the tyranny of this set of swords. Every sword is stronger than the previous one. I don’t know how much stronger the one behind. The one behind will always eclipse the previous one.

It is like the fallen leaves of the fifth sword. Although it has not been used in hostilities, the idiot at this moment can fully imagine its power.

So, what after these five swords?

The name is "Six Swords", but there is only "Five Swords" in my mind.

What about the remaining sword...?

After practicing the five swords in front of him, after that, a strong sword...

How should I practice?


Thinking of this, the idiot directly raised his head and stared at the sword emperor in front of him.

"Sixth Sword... Moon Gate, what exactly is it?"

The Moon...

There is only one name, but no sword moves.

Even the so-called memories of defeating her that Master entered into his mind back then were just sword blades that shuttled everywhere, without thinking and learning.

Now, the person in front of him clearly had six swords better than his master. Although I don’t know who he is, but an idiot can never allow himself to pass this opportunity

"Moon of the Moon? How did you... know this name?"

Obviously, the Sword Emperor's voice was a little suspicious. The eyes under the cloak turned into stern eyes again, staring at the idiot, and shouted.

"It's okay to say that the previous five swords have a sword spectrum, but the sixth sword has no sword spectrum at all. In other words, people in this world may know the set of swords of the six swords, but it is absolutely impossible to know the name of the sixth sword. I have only told a few people personally, but I don’t believe it. Those few people will pass on this name by word of mouth for more than one era after such a long time."

The Sword Emperor took a step and stretched out his gloved hand to grab it like an idiot. Seeing his movements suddenly move like this, the idiot immediately took a step back. Dim Mie retracted into his palm and assumed the pose of the fifth sword.

Seeing this, the footsteps of the Sword Emperor stopped.

This person looked at the idiot in front of him blankly, looking at him in such a vigilant posture. After a moment, he sighed, retracted his hand, and returned to his position.

"…………………………………………You, can you teach me the sixth sword as well. I don’t care who you are, and whether our camp is hostile or not. I want You tell me the sixth sword, the cultivation method of the moon."

The idiot also seemed to notice that he was a little allergic. His fighting posture was relaxed, and he said in a slightly pleading tone.

"Heh, you are really cheeky, you're welcome. Knowing that we are hostile to each other, you even brazenly asked me to teach you a sword."

Sword Emperor sneered twice. However, when he noticed that the idiot in front of him didn't have the slightest shame on his face, he also stopped the laughter and exhaled.

"The Moon of the Moon... I do want to teach if I can. But what I want to tell you is that I am not the right person."

The sword emperor turned around, like a walk, came to the edge of the cliff over there, stretched out his gloved hand, stroking the cliff.

"............You are not a suitable candidate?............Could it be that you have not practiced the sixth sword?"

Sword Emperor laughed at the idiot's question. After a while, his laughter stopped.

"Isn't... practiced?... Well, maybe it is. At least, when the moon's door is really carried forward, it is not in my hands."

With a scream, the sword of Cang è from the waist of the sword emperor has been pulled out, directly into the frozen cliff. Afterwards, he leaped up, stepped on the blade lightly, raised his head and looked up at the sky where he could not see his head, and continued to say--

"What I can teach you is only the fallen leaves. Maybe, this is fate. After all, tangible things can only be taught by tangible people. And intangible things, perhaps, only intangible people can Granted."

Seeing this robed man standing on the cliff, the idiot noticed something for a while and immediately rushed towards the cliff, but the sword emperor over there saw the idiot rushing over, but smiled slightly and said--

"Whether you can continue to comprehend it depends on your fate. Young man, if you really have this kind of fate and feel that you have enough ability to master all the six swords, then you can go to Molten Soul Volcano. There. In the depths of the mountains, there is a church."

Molten Soul Volcano...?

This is the first time I heard the name of this mountain idiot. However, when the name was uttered from the mouth of the sword emperor, the idiot clearly felt that the dim extinguishment on his right hand trembled violently.

"The temple of the Molten Soul Volcano...There is something in it."

"Well, it may be regarded as a holy place for ordinary people. But the person who sleeps there is not as serious as the world thinks."

"Time has passed too long...Perhaps, this sanctuary has long been forgotten by everyone. Even the battle that took place on that mountain during the destruction of the Second Age could not be alarmed there."

"There is a person buried there. A person who has long been forgotten for the world now. He lay there forever, and he has no idea how many ūn summers, autumns and winters have passed."

The idiot thought for a while and said, "A dead person, how can I help me."

"Hahaha, too, it's just a dead person. The help to the living is indeed very little." The sword emperor touched his chin, and after thinking about it, he continued, "However, because of some'existence' favor, his The soul has been preserved. His life is full of ups and downs, so the other party allows his soul to enjoy eternal peace after death, without being disturbed in any way."

"But if you are lucky enough, or if you can get enough recognition from that person. can meet him."

"See his heroic spirit."

"And he, I believe. In this world, only this soul is qualified to teach you the last sword of the six swords--"

"The mystery of the moon..."

After all, the sword emperor never waited for an idiot's question. He leaped forward and jumped directly into the air. At this moment, the pale long sword seemed to be attractive. It was pulled out of the cliff and flew into his hand. He once again put the sword into the cliff, stepped on it, and jumped up. In this way, he kept back and forth, and watched the lock-robed man climb the cliff and left the deep valley that seemed to never leave.

Idiot, silent.

He looked at the blade in his hand, thinking...

That is, when he was thinking about transferring to the place name "Melting Soul Volcano"...

Humans are small, this place... I don’t think you need to go at all)

……………………why. )

Why? I ask you, what is the reason you want to become stronger? Is it to protect that little girl? And now, you just need to listen to this place name Melting Soul Volcano to know how dangerous this place is. Now, if the human alliance that is under your secret has crushed the Fang Empire, why do you need to go there? The **** melting soul volcano? )

What An Mie said... is right.

Let's talk about the distance without talking about the sinister name of this place. Molten Soul Volcano is located at the southern end of Sad Continent, where idiots have almost never visited it. Besides, such a remote place is really not suitable for one to run and take a risk. And, who can guarantee that the hero will meet him? No one can guarantee it, right?

Thinking of this, the idiot also exhaled, temporarily dispelling the idea. And now the key is to follow the person who locks the robe and get out from here. then……

It was the finale of the unfinished battle of Fangs, waiting for him.

"Woo? Baba?"

At this moment, the small bread carried a dònù jackal in each hand and walked over. This little girl didn't see Gang's situation, so she felt very sleepy for the Sword Emperor who suddenly disappeared.

"Uncle? Wouldn't it be because he refused to teach Swordsmanship and ran away? 》

Bun angrily threw a dònù jackal on the snow, his cheeks bulged. The dònù jackal immediately ran away dingy, got into the snow and disappeared.

The idiot shook his head, he exhaled and said to the bread--

"Get ready, let's go."

"go? Where to go 》

"Leave this place. Then... let's go to Fangs. For this story... draw a happy ending."

Having said that, the idiot stretched out his hand to hug the small bread, and also took the sword into the cliff like Emperor Gang Jian, stepped on it, leaped and then pulled out the sword with the chain, and entered the cliff again.

In this way, the two of them leaped towards the top of the valley, preparing to head to the battlefield behind...

Fang Capital-the bloodthirsty soul. RH

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