Demon King Dad

Vol 5 Chapter 8: , The fifth hell-rain of destruction

"Huh?! Stone Zongshi! Shield!!!"

Mu Du shouted, and the stone chopstick behind him immediately deployed his shield in front of him. This king wore this shield and rushed straight to the shaman ahead!


Electric spark, sprint away. In an instant, these electric sparks began to wrap around the shaman warrior's left arm. When Mu Du over there finally rushed into his front completely...

With a slap, the entire left arm of the shaman warrior burst in the electric spark.

With the pain on his face, all the flesh and blood merged with the electric light, turning the light blue electric light into blood. Afterwards, the shaman directly pointed the blasted left shoulder at Mudu in front of him and the two hundred thousand human army in front of him, shouting loudly...

"Enough chamber————————!!!"

The blood-red lightning, at this moment, penetrated the shield and penetrated Mudu's body. Like a poisonous snake with fangs, it pounces on those human beings, devouring the flesh and blood on every path...




In the city, the idiot just sat on the ground like that.

His palm kept touching the bread in his arms, his slightly sharp fingertips, resting on her torn skin, lightly stroked...

In his ears, the cheers of the orcs had begun to ring. He should also be able to hear the electric light blast over there, and he could also see the sky stained with blood red lightning.

However, for all this, he has nothing to reflect.

He just sat...sitting here, and then thinking about nothing, doing nothing. It's just that the black and red pupils underneath, staring at the little bread in his arms.

——After the war is over, I can live in peace and stability——

——After this event is over, everything will have an ending, and I will never kill anyone again——

Only not long ago, these words are vividly vivid. The laughter of this little girl seemed to linger in front of her eyes now.

But now, she doesn't move...

Just like the most beautiful sculpture in the world, she never moved again...

What is the point of this world without bread?

How can a beggar who has lost bread survive?

fifteen years……

Fifteen years seems to be yesterday.

I watched her grow up day by day, know how to laugh, how to eat chili, and how to prank every day.

And this whole fifteen years, now, just like this...


This world without bread has no meaning...

A beggar who has lost bread should starve to death of course...

The war outside is meaningless, and killing the four-leaf clover in front of you is meaningless.

There is no point in destroying the Key Organization, and there is no point in destroying the Fang Empire.


Everything, now, has no meaning...

The devil stood up blankly. He put down the bread and looked at the girl who seemed to be alive, lying on the ground.

The left eye, which originally symbolized human rationality, slowly and slowly turned red at this moment...

On his wrist, the fifth chain that he thought would never be ejected, now finally ejected and inserted into the heart behind the demon.

The black armor... began to float.

These armors began to completely cover every inch of skin and every bit of humanity on this demon.

The mask covering the face also fully emerged at this moment...Unlike the previous incompleteness, this time, a complete armor finally completely covered the idiot. Let the whole body of this demon, leaving only the scarlet pupils, stay outside!

"this is…………?!"

The four-leaf clover in the sky seemed stunned after seeing this scene. He watched the demon below slowly raised the sword of darkness in his hand and pointed it at the sky.

The originally gray sky, but under such a finger of this sword, began to turn black. Those thick black clouds began to spin quickly, like a vortex of black flames, shrouded above the entire bloodthirsty soul battlefield!

Outside the city wall, the battle continued.

The disputes between humans and orcs continue to roar at each other, fighting each other's war of destruction. Maybe they don’t have time to be aware of the enemy they are about to face...

Perhaps it is a common enemy.

call out--------

In the black clouds, a black flame suddenly fell like a meteor at this moment.

One, two, three...

In an instant, more than fifty flaming meteors fell with a terrifying spirit from the towering black clouds into this well-defended city.

The devastating meteor shower destroyed the defense facilities in the city and destroyed countless houses. These meteors were like being guided, and they fell all around the demon king! Merely falling, this city has changed beyond recognition!

But this is not over yet...

"Howl... Harley... Luja..."

Accompanied by a low roar, these black flame meteors slowly began to whisper! After that, these meteors began to stand up, and along with the black flames burning on their bodies, every meteor shower turned into a monster with horns and full of the most evil demon form! These demon servants whispered "Hallelujah" in the burning black flames--


Orc language) What is this? Shoot arrows!"

The orc commander located on the city wall immediately commanded the archers beside him, aiming at each of those huge monsters that were twenty meters tall! With an order, arrows fell like a rain. However, before these arrows hit the monsters, they were already burned out in the flames of the monsters. After that, the monster seemed to notice this "gift" from the little orc. It lifted its paw directly, and a black energy ball was formed instantly. It threw this energy ball to the city wall. The energy ball expanded when it touched the city wall, as if it was swallowed, swallowing up the city wall and all the soldiers on it! Only a large and lonely round incomplete is left, stay there, to alert others!

"Demon slave..."

Four-leaf clover gritted his teeth, the matter is over, he can no longer make any reservations! The king raised his fingers to make a sound in the sky. After a skeleton flew into the sky, he quickly flapped his wings and rushed towards a demon slave. He directly raised his hand and projected a blue ball of light toward the demon slave's forehead. go with!

With a bang, the upper body of the demon slave who had not had time to turn around was immediately scattered. However, this does not mean that he can win the battle. Because just as he smashed the demon slave, a figure jumped up on the demon slave's body and appeared in front of him in an instant. The sword in his hand slashed in the air, even if the four-leaf clover dodges so quickly, one wing was torn apart by the magic sword. And his whole person, just like that, fell from mid-air and returned to the ground.


Demon slaves, began to wreak havoc in this city.

Dark flames swallowed every corner they saw.

What if the city is big?

What can you do if you have a good guard?

When the two demon slaves smashed the heavy city wall and rushed towards the crowds the size of ants outside, would the orcs and humans still think that it is time to fight each other? When the feet of these monsters are lifted up and ready to be trampled on, how many people would think of stabbing a human or orc next to them?

bump--------! ! !

One foot fell, black flames splashed. Burning city walls, corpses, and earth.

The entire bloodthirsty soul also turned into a sea of ​​flames at this moment, and the destruction of this city, presumably, was already inevitable.

"the host!"

Clover covered the wound of her broken wing and raised her head. I saw the angel of death that the idiot had encountered, flapping the ghostly wings, and landed beside the clover. He looked at the cities burned by flames, and then at the devil emperor who was already surrounded by heavy armor in front of him, only a pair of scarlet eyes were shining, and he pulled out his black sickle without any hesitation in the air One stroke.

Tens of thousands of ghost warriors immediately ran out from the gap. These ghosts screamed, and began to rush towards the demon one after another.

The Devil Emperor's sword raised slightly.

In the air, a slight stroke.

It's just that with this black pulse, the souls that were about to pounce as if they were completely blown away, completely scattered and disappeared! Seeing this, the angel of death immediately understood his level, and he hurriedly changed the target of the soul's attack and rushed towards the demons who were wrecking havoc.

"Your Majesty! I'm sorry to be late!"

"Damn it! Why didn't the fight against the fangs call me? The fifth prison! So your Majesty Hallelujah really completely eroded this scumbag? Congratulations!"

In the sky, the black dragon flapped its wings. Without waiting for the black dragon to lower its height, the death knight and jealous demon on the dragon's back could not wait to jump down. In the air, Death Knight Tolan pulled out the white sickle in his hand and rushed directly to the angel of death over there. The opponent is not easy, immediately noticed, raised the sickle to resist. With a bang, the duel of the dead finally began. With this collision, all the dead bodies in the field began to resurrect again, and they began to fight against the souls that pounced on the demon slaves!

As for the hatred of the demon, it appeared in the mid-air of a monster. She fell on those flames, as if she had tasted the most delicious mellow wine, her exposed fangs carried the most fierce killing intent. This monster was standing in front of the Devil Emperor, staring at the clover with determination.

"Master, have you finally made up your mind."

The Sword Emperor slowly appeared from the burning building next to him. He stared at the demon emperor in armor and stood in front of the clover, becoming the most solid barrier. ~~~~

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