Demon King Dad

Vol 5 Chapter 14: , The omnipotent pet

Thinking of this, Hate's big eyes immediately widened. She used to be domineering, but now she is slightly restrained. She went around the big big tail behind her and hugged it in her arms. The whole body was curled up, his ears were also drooping, and he looked at the idiot with tears.

"Woo...that...Master, do you... really think so?"

The idiot did not answer. He just held the hazelnut in his hand and kept staring.

Seeing that the idiot did not answer, the little squirrel became more and more convinced that this was what he thought. The tears in her eyes began to accumulate more. Looking at the sealed sister of Hazel, the little squirrel was holding her hairy tail, and her body began to tremble.

"Uuu...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu... …My sister has been sealed for a long time... She must have been tortured a lot in the hands of that wise angel! Oh, woo... Please master... as long as... as long as you are willing to help lift the sister’s seal ......You can do anything you want me to do! Oh!"

The idiot still didn't answer, he still held the hazelnuts, and said nothing. The cry of the little squirrel in front of him seemed to be completely unheard.

However, the mili behind the idiot heard everything without missing a word. The little female dragon's eyes rolled and she giggled. Then, she stepped out from behind the idiot and said--

"What is your majesty thinking now? I hate the lord. I don't know? Actually, it is not that complicated to do things for your majesty. As long as you start with small things, you can do a lot. For example..."

Mi Li took out a cloth bag from the stove, took it and put it on the table, and said with a smile: "Do something for this family. Right now the family just lacks some dinner materials. I hate adults if they can help with shopping. It couldn't be better."

The hateful ears lifted up suddenly, she looked at the cloth bag, and then at the expressionless idiot in front of her, and suddenly exclaimed with some expectation, "Master! As long as I get back from shopping, the master can help lift her sister's seal. ?!"


The idiot continued to be silent.

But the honey pear beside him smiled: "Maybe. If you buy it quickly and well, of course you can."

"Huh! Shopping! What's the problem? See me to buy it immediately!"

After all, black smoke began to erupt from the hateful mouth. Seeing this, Mi Li quickly said——

"Hold on, hold on! Hate your lord, if you become a monster, let alone shopping, you will probably cause riots when you go to the street! Your Majesty is not a trouble-loving person, if you bring a lot of trouble to your Majesty If you do, will your Majesty help the jealous lord lift the seal?"

The hatred that was devouring the black mist suddenly stopped, the smoke on her body disappeared, and she seemed a little at a loss for a while. After a while, she seemed to finally understand something. She lowered her head and looked at the cloth bag that was almost four or five times the size of her. Then she looked at Mi Li's slightly angry face and the idiot's expressionless face...

"I... I see... I'm going now!"

After all, the little squirrel opened its mouth and bit the opening of the cloth bag. When Mili put the money into the cloth bag, the hatred immediately spread out, holding the cloth bag, and rushed out of the room. Jumped onto the tree and hurried to the shopping street.

Mi Li looked at the little squirrel with a slight smirk on her face. She turned her head and continued to pick up the rag and started cleaning the room. After a while, the idiot finally recovered. He shook his head and exhaled...

"Really...Dimming, don't even you know this seal..."

The eyes on his arm blinked, and then closed. Seeing that Die Mie stopped talking, the idiot raised his head. But when he was looking for the little squirrel, he couldn't see it anymore.

".................. Honey pear."

"The slave girl is here. Your Majesty, what's the matter?"

Mi Li came over and smiled.

"Where is the hatred."

"Hate your lord?"

Mi Li smiled and said--

"My lord went shopping. Yes, I want to help your Majesty."


The idiot frowned slightly and shook his head. After that, he continued to observe the hazelnuts in his hand and stopped asking.


The emperor passed away and the new emperor was about to ascend the throne.

The shopping streets that were supposed to be closed, were opened one after another under the order of the prince who was about to succeed.

It is conceivable that Jin did not want to let the whole wind blown into a sad state because of the death of his father. Sadness is used to remember, but not to suppress people's mood. Presumably even if the father is alive, he would not hope that the whole wind and sand will always be so lifeless and full of gray.

Therefore, with the help of the moment when the new emperor is about to ascend to the throne, Jin ordered that the joy is bound to dilute the sadness. Let the entire stag empire "live" again. After all, this does not mean the end, but the beginning of a new era. Everything must be full of thriving vitality!

Because of this, when hate scurrying around the house with a cloth bag in his mouth, what he sees is not so lifeless streets.

The strips of white cloth hung on the porch a few weeks ago have now been replaced by ribbons. People on the street laughed and laughed, not forgetting the sorrow, but cheering up in the sadness.

Looking at such a street, the little squirrel paused slightly. After that, she supported the empty bag behind her with her tail, loosened her mouth, and after a slight exhalation, she started running again and ran towards the shopping street.


This is really tiring!

Why is your own entity so small? ! Although there is no shortage of strength, it is really troublesome to drag it away like this!

Little squirrel Hunts Henz dragged the bag and came to the front of a vegetable shop. She yelled at the shopkeeper who was making the settlement: "Boss! Buying vegetables!"

When the shop owner heard the sound, he immediately turned his head with a smile on his face: "Yes, yes! Thank you for your patronage!...Huh? Where's the people?"

"Here! Here! Humans, don't raise your head so high! How dare you let me look up to you?!"

The store owner was taken aback, and after hearing the sound, he looked down. I saw a little squirrel dragging a cloth bag in front of him like this, with a look of dissatisfaction.

"Ah... you want to..."

"Buy groceries!"

Hate adjusted the headset and said loudly. Afterwards, she turned her head, and her whole body got into the cloth bag behind her and digs for a while. After a while, she ran out with a piece of paper in her mouth and handed the paper to the shop owner.

The shop owner looked at the squirrel interesting, and took the paper, and said, "What are you going to buy?"

"I don't know, I don't know human words. Look for yourself!"

The little squirrel interlaced its paws and said angrily.

The shop owner looked at the paper, but his brow was slightly frowned. He hesitated, and said, "Ah...what I can buy here...a kilogram of old stinky cheese. Little thing, you...are you sure you can get it?"

Hate snorted and said, "Why? Look down on me? Think I can't even hold a kilogram?"

"This... it's not... forget it, since I want to buy it, I can't help but sell it. Thank you for patronizing Twelve Sura."

After hearing the offer, Hate got into the cloth bag again and started taking money. But looking at the coins that Mili put in the bag, the little squirrel started to roll his eyes.

As a noble demon, how can a dignified hatred of adults understand human currency?

Look at these pen and paper, the words on the coin, she can't understand it! She doesn't understand how much money does this piece of paper represent? What is the value of that coin?

How to do? How to do!

If you can’t even buy something for yourself...

If you can't buy even one thing..................! ! !

Then sister...sister's seal...maybe forever...! ! ! ! !

Slowly, hatred began to become anxious. The little squirrel began to wander around in the bag, picking up these notes and coins from time to time and comparing them with each other. At the same time, I am trying to remember in my mind, hoping to remember the value of these currencies.

But, it is a pity that this little squirrel has been living with the dark all the time. What kind of money does Anping need to use? As long as Miss Norius said something, isn't it what I want? Therefore, no matter how you think about hatred and how to toss, you can't think of the value that these currencies represent.

But because of her cleverness, this little squirrel dragged the cloth bag, opened the opening with its tail, and showed the money inside to the shop owner directly.

"You...take it yourself! Twelve Sura. more! If you take more...I...I can see it!"

The shopkeeper looked at the nervous little squirrel, then looked at the coins in the bag. In surprise and amusement, he took some of the money, then put a large round piece of dry cheese into the cloth bag, and then returned the piece of paper to the little squirrel and smiled.

"Thank you for your patronage! Just, little thing, can you drag it back?"

"Who said I can't! Are you underestimating this demons?!"

He glared at the shop owner with hatred, and then lifted the one-kilogram cloth bag as soon as his tail lifted. After that, the little squirrel spread his limbs and ran towards the next shop.

The shop owner could only smile and shook his head for the transaction he had just experienced. I sighed at whose devil's favorite, it was so "omnipotent". ~~~~

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