Demon King Dad

Vol 5 Chapter 23: , Shocking wind blowing sand

The **** walnut made many people stunned on the spot, not to mention escaping for a while, even without any action. This book is from 16к.Яg

Everyone's eyes were full of enquiries. No one has taken any action. They were surprised... but only surprised. Apart from this, no one has made any "actions" related to these words of Walnut.

No, someone.

At the moment when Walnut's voice fell, two people in the crowd immediately began to act. A fifteen-year-old young man rushed towards Ke Luo over there. The man who was traveling with Shao nv ignored the existence of the king who had just ascended the throne. He jumped onto the platform, stretched out his hand, and grabbed the emcee...

Xingli? Rooney's hand


The silk scarf that was suddenly rolled up was like rejection, and patted the palm of the idiot directly. At the same time, another silk scarf attacked the idiot's abdomen like a counterattack.

This unprepared blow surprised the idiot. Unsuspectingly, his abdomen was condensed like a fist in a silk scarf, and the whole person was also dented into a bow shape and flew backward. Retreat.

"Dirty humans, you are not allowed to touch my body with your dirty fingers."

Before the idiot flew back, the sound of Xing Li's mouth was in his ears. It was no longer known how incredible it was. But the facts are obvious. He flew out, and then, heavily, fell to the ground...

"Ah woo"

The bread over there grabbed Ke Luo's hand directly. Ke Luo was taken aback for a moment, but then, she thought of the people of Goodsay standing behind her, she gritted her teeth and immediately threw away the palm of the bread.

"What do you... want to do?"

What do you want?

A short question, at this moment, seemed so redundant.

Has anyone ever said that between life and death, there is often a very compact moment of thought? Some opportunities are very precious, and precious only once. Sometimes, even this only one opportunity seems so scarce and so cherished...

Idiot and Bread, after they determined that their first rescue failed, they no longer missed them. They turned around at the same time and rushed directly to the big mén in the royal quarter. Run with all its strength. It's a pity, what a pity that this only one opportunity was lost, because in the next moment...

The entire, it should be said that some dark light suddenly appeared on the ground of the entire royal family. These lights slowly spread like lines and merged with other lights. Gradually, a huge "longitudinal stone formation" enveloping the white castle was formed.

People lowered their heads and looked at these lines suspiciously. For ignorant humans, they simply don't understand the situation they are facing now. And when someone lifts their foot and tries to step on the black light...


In an instant, the person's mouth opened involuntarily, and a cloud of white smoke was directly pulled out of his mouth. After the cloud of white smoke left the body, this person also seemed to have lost a vertical puppet, directly, fell to the ground, and stopped moving.


People's faces have changed.

These nobles screamed and screamed. Can't believe the scene in front of me.

As more and more people fell, these nobles finally understood what was happening in front of them.

They wanted to escape, but they didn't wait for them to take two steps, and whether they stepped on the black light or not, they all fell one by one. There is no difference.

bī Near the imperial city, the idiot took the hand of the bread, still a little ecstatic in his heart. But the dimness in his mind is not so easy now.

Eternal Night Demon Formation? How can it be? A mere could they know how to activate the eternal night magic array? How is it possible...understand how to add ‘fuel’ to the magic array and contribute soul? )

The idiot didn't want to turn his head. By his side, not only the nobles, but also the soldiers covered their mouths one by one, and were forcibly stripped of their souls and fell down. Even for himself, he now feels a little uncomfortable in his body. There is a feeling that God will leave the body at any time.

It doesn't make much sense to ask what the magic circle is now. As the people around them fell one by one, those translucent souls also climbed up, flew to the sky, and hovered over the entire royal quarter.

The screams and screams were wrong to each other, and people rushed towards the exit, pushing each other, crowding.

Ke Luo, who had just rejected the little bread, looked at the bread that was gradually disappearing from the crowd. She looked at the dark light on the soles of her feet and trembled slightly. However, when she just wanted to take a step forward, a few nobles immediately rushed out from her side, waved her hand, and pushed her away. Let this nv kid sit on the ground.

"Ah ah ah ah ah"

The nobleman who pushed her away did not survive. After just two steps, his soul was also pulled out of his mouth, and after a scream, he fell to the ground. The helpless Ke Luo just sat on the ground blankly. Watching the people around me fall down one by one, my mouth trembles, but I can't say anything...

" devil"

The walnut covered in blood over there looked at the desperate scene in front of him, and the indignation in his heart was no longer restrained. She raised the force-guided gun in her hand and pointed it directly at the man in the cloak on the platform over there with two bangs, and the two bullets came out directly and rushed towards each other.

The anxious bullet pierced his target with anger. But when the two bullets were about to arrive, a pink silk scarf was like a wall, suddenly raised in front of the cloaked man. The two bullets were easily swept away. Afterwards, the silk scarf was like a spring. With one of them, the two bullets were immediately thrown back. They were exactly the same, entering the walnut's heart and throat, coming in and out, directly running through, a blood line.

It was Xing Li who blocked this shot for the cloak man, of course. Her eyes were blank, like the corners of her mouth cracked behind the mask of a servant cloak who was completely loyal to each other, smiling.


The wounded Walnut suddenly looked up, and saw several red-eyed men jump out of the glass window from which he had just jumped out. They opened their hands, facing the walnut underneath it was like facing a small jī that was caught by the hand. In the pair of wide pupils, almost blood can drip out.

Walnut turned around, raised her double spears, and directly faced the blood family members lunè. The flying bullets may not cause much trauma to them, but they can more or less hinder their attacks. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Walnut quickly straightened up and ran towards the exit of the royal quarter.

The huge dark magic array is still exerting its due strength.

Thousands of lives were like this, gradually being swallowed by this formation. The howling ghosts flew to the sky with countless resentment, hovering in the midair. Everything... looks so terrifying and weird.

"Master, do we need to hunt down."

Facing the few "survivors" who escaped the imperial quarter by chance, Xing Li turned his head, knelt down on one knee in front of the cloaked man, and said.

At this moment, looking at the circling souls in the sky, the cloaked man exhaled a long breath.

He raised his hand and grabbed the white mask on his face. As if finally getting rid of this restraint, gently, took it down...

Under the mask is a handsome face in his twenties.

Although he looks young, the sense of maturity fills this person with the aura of a leader.

If you change it to normal, as long as this face appears, I am afraid it will provoke countless nv screams...

But now, on this handsome face, there was a sneer slowly. With a pinch of his left hand, the mask shattered. And he also tore off the cloak from his head, showing the long golden hair that had reached his waist.

The face is slightly pale.

But those eyes were filled with absolute confidence.

This is the confidence that only the strong have.

It is also an expression that only people who come back after walking a circle before the ghost level of hell.

The man let go of his hand slightly, letting the fragments of the mask in his hand fall. He carried his hands on his back, turned his head, and looked at Xiaojin who was just sitting on the throne and making fun of Nini. After a while, the sneer at the corner of his mouth twitched again.

"Hunting? Why bother?"

The Lord of the Blood Race looked at Xingli and sneered.

"You did a good job. Okay, even let me have you. You are not controlled by me, but the illusion that you are really very enthusiastic to do things for me. You are called the "magic" of the second era. The research on things is really refreshing. And there is no hesitation or frown about killing so many people personally."

"Should I say that my heart control is so good that you have completely lost yourself? Or should I say..."

"Your acting skills are so good. It's so good that I, the ‘controller’, can’t help but feel a little scared."

Dylaw Goodsey.

This new alternative king stared closely at Xing Li here. Xing Li lowered his head, like a puppet that was completely controlled, without any reaction. At this moment, the blood family on the side came up and said--

"My lord, why don't we just turn this person into our kind? As long as we turn her into ours, believe it..."

"Do you think this can control her? A simple blood contract can restrain the most changeable thing in the world-the human heart?"

Dai Lao glanced at the blood clan, he stretched out his hand, pinched Xing Li's chin, and raised her face. Afterwards, he stared at those slightly cruel pupils and said--

"Xingli? Rooney replied. I don't know what you are thinking, but it is absolutely impossible for me to let you add my camp."

"You are really too much trouble. I have no guarantee that after giving you strength, you will obey me. This kind of gambling is too big and too boring. In contrast, I still feel that continuing to use you like this is better than turning you into The blood race is a more joyful thing."

After that, Dai Lao let go. He looked at the whirling ghosts above his head and said slowly--

"Sure. Now, it's time."

Following Dai Lao's order, Xing Li nodded again. She slowly raised her hand holding the ribbon and spread her five fingers. It's like pressing, pressing in midair. That is to say, after this moment, the ghosts hovering over the castle were like venting gates, rushing to the outside of the royal district like water, and this dark magic array that originally appeared only in the royal district also followed Those ghosts spread everywhere, starting little by little, centering on this castle, spreading around... to the entire sand city.

At this moment, it was a nightmare for the entire residents.

Many people fell to the ground and lost their souls after they stepped on the spreading black magic circle. Accompanied by those weird ghosts rushing out, it is the people whose eyes are full of blood.

The entire wind-blown-sand defense system was simply vulnerable to a blow. For these monsters that cannot be killed by swords or pierced by guns, any resistance is probably the only way to be held in their arms and bite through the throat.

Death and wailing filled the sky here.

Scream and scream, lonely in this desert city.

People go crazy and flee to the edge of the city, hoping to leave here. But after reaching the edge, they unexpectedly discovered that all the entrances and exits had been sealed. The whole sand city was blown by the wind, at this moment, it was like a huge cage. The only difference from the cage was that the hunter and the food were all in the middle of the cage.


Is it finished?

This desert city, which has been standing in the desert for many years, has stood here even after the wars and countless wars, is that over?

Maybe...most of it is over.

But in this desperate situation, there will always be a little bit of hope that exists.




"Hurry in"

Looking at the dark magic circle gradually spreading over there, Mi Li constantly greeted the **** knights to enter the small woods located in the D campus.

These blood knights originally wanted to enter, but the leader Brad saw a child from a toddler sitting on the ground and crying, immediately rushed up, hugged him, and drove him into the grove. hold.

"Next... Captain, what shall we do?"

In the school building, other people who hadn't noticed for the first time fled. They tried their best to run to the edge of the cliff, even though they knew it was a dead end.

The idiot squeezed his fist and looked at the spreading magic circle before him. The next moment, he immediately stared at the chain on his right arm

Dark off, what to do. )

In this regard, the sword sneered and said--

What to do? Under my protection, these little magic circles are not qualified to move you. What are you worried about? )

The idiot turned his head, glanced at the little bread behind him, An and the others. At this time, some citizens and students were finally deported here. Without idiots, they rushed into the grove and panicked.


Hey, understand what I mean. I mean, it has nothing to do with you at all. But for others, I do not guarantee. Their life and death has nothing to do with me, so don't expect me to teach you to save them. Hey, human boy, you will soon become a real widow, without even a relative)

Dim Mie was laughing at it, saying all kinds of cheerful words as it could. In this regard, the idiot is helpless. Faced with the black circles that are getting closer, he can only tell everyone to retreat into the grove, and it will be a little bit more time to buy.

But, at this moment...

"Quickly run away"

A familiar voice came from the black circle. The idiot raised his head and saw an nv kid wearing a double ponytail was holding a small nv kid's hand, running towards here with all his strength from the magic circle

No, it's not just that kid. Behind Walnut, there are many people. These people believe that their princess can lead them out of the sea of ​​suffering and survive this disaster, so that they will obey Walnut's dispatch so laboriously, follow her behind, and rush into the divine grace.

From a distance, you can see where there are thousands.

But as the refuge troop got closer and closer to the grove, the number of people whose souls had been harvested increased from nearly a thousand people at the beginning, and only a few hundred people remained in the end. Those ghosts are like drums, and they jump straight up one by one.

After Walnut led these people to rush to the idiot, corpses were everywhere along the way. Dozens of people with fairly good luck followed the walnut to the edge of the grove. Forced by the expanding dark magic circle, they were gradually moved into the forest. Seeing that, there was no way to go back.

"Why... why is this?"

A survivor crouched on the spot with his head in his hands. For him, this forest, which was not too big, could not serve as any refuge. Everything is going to be finished here.

Walnut looked at the civilians who followed him. Sadness appeared on her face, and then he looked at the idiot. The expression in those eyes seemed to have a **** for help.

However, this little nv still didn't say it directly after all. She turned her head and looked at the Dark Demon Formation, which had gradually approached the grove, only about ten meters away, and gently bit her mouth ún...

"All of this... I killed..."

Whispering softly, he spit out from the corner of the nv boy's mouth.

Looking at the dark sky in front of me. Looking at the corpses lying on the ground that have lost their souls.

I also looked at the members of the blood clan who stepped on the black magic circle and rushed towards this side with a grinning smile.

She lowered her head... I am afraid that the confession in her heart is no longer an ordinary person, I can understand it...

"It's all because of my fault...because of my stubbornness...I didn't protect brought the real"

Magic array, a little closer here. Today, only about seven meters are left from the edge of the grove. The panicked crowds rushed into the grove and ran to the deepest part. I hope I can get a little bit more for my life... even if there is only a little time.

The idiot looked at this red-haired young girl, facing the darkness full of destruction outside, she seemed to have too much to say. There are too many secrets to tell myself.

However, when the edge of those magic circles was less than five meters away from the small forest, the walnut at the forefront finally saw something. She gritted her teeth, turned around, and knelt down in front of the idiot.

"Idiot if... if you want to fight, you have to punish... I will do whatever you want, but... but I hope you can save the people here, these civilians are innocent... everything... is my fault and my harm So... so... I just hope you can save these people, okay?"

Everyone was surprised at this moment. They all looked at the high princess in front of him. Even the blood knights would never imagine such a noble princess. Now they would kneel in front of a "scum" who is rumored to be blowing in the wind?

Accompanied by people's surprised and sluggish eyes, it was the tears under Walnut's eyes. She cried, and the sentiment in her heart was useless to express. Looking at the black magic circle behind her, now, behind her, there is only less than three meters away...

"……………………………………I don't understand what you mean."

The idiot didn't stretch out his hand, but let Walnut kneel and said coldly--

"However, I know your intentions. You want to protect these people, I understand. But, even me..."

"No, you can do it"

Not tolerating an idiot to refuse, Walnut gritted his teeth and shouted out again

"How many times did you save the wind and sand? How many times did you save the stag? Idiot, although many things are unknown to others, I know that behind every danger in wind and sand, you are active. ...I know, I am very self-conscious like this. But...but I beg you, would you please help me this time? I...I...As long as I can do something, I will never resist"

Facing the princess's remarks, the civilians behind were dumbfounded and could not say a word. But after listening to these words, the idiot at the moment turned around without saying a word, as about to leave.


"Master, if you can, let me try."

Just when the idiot turned his head and was about to leave, the older sister in the pair of sisters uā who had been sullied on his head, suddenly spoke. This opening really made the hatred beside him overjoyed. Unfortunately, the urgency of time makes jealous not much time to reminisce with his sister. Instead, he opened the pair of beauty contacts and said--

"Human princess, if it really is what you said, are you willing to use any price to protect everyone here?"

"Yes absolutely yes"

Walnut answered without any hesitation. After hearing this answer, the pine nut in the hatred suddenly broke free from his sister's embrace, suspended in the air, and floated in front of Walnut.

"In that case, can you tell me, do you know any weaknesses of those guys outside? Or, what are they most afraid of?"

Regarding this, Walnut hesitated for a while, then turned his head and looked at those dark magical formations that were gradually approaching the grove, leaving only less than half a meter of darkness, and immediately gritted his teeth and said---


"What they fear most is definitely the sun"

"Hehe, sunshine? It's easy in this way."

The jealous hazelnut made a noise in its shell. It was at this moment that she rushed towards the walnut unpreparedly. Once the slightly sharp head hit the walnut’s ing bone, the ribs of the ing mouth were finally penetrated completely at this moment, the walnut even I can feel the feeling of being stuffed into the ing mouth.

"Sure enough, I didn't read it wrong. You are indeed the best experiment."

The hazel penetrates from the front of the walnut, and wraps around in front of the walnut from behind. She looked at the idiot beside her with a little suspicion, and saw that the idiot didn't have any attitude to help her lie, and immediately went around the place...


The walnut's ing mouth begins to sprout.

The saplings climbed outwards at an amazing speed. In almost just a few seconds, these vines that appeared have covered the whole body of the walnut, digging underneath.

After this, some people who were more aware of the weather immediately stretched out their fingers to the sky, and all were shocked.

"Look at the sky"

"This...this sky...lights up?"

"It's dawn? It's dawn. Sure enough, the nv **** has not abandoned us yet we are still blessed by the nv god"

"Hahaha, in such a world, are those demons afraid to come in after all? Hahahahaha--"

The cheers of people began to flutter. That is, when the light in the sky began to brighten, the dark magic circles and monsters behind Walnut were completely behind Walnut, and they couldn't get in at all.

The kinsmen outside began to curse.

They kept trying to pass through the small woods in front of them that should have been caught with their hands, but no matter what they did, the small woods in front of them suddenly disappeared from their eyes and the whole small woods were restored to a long, long time ago. Before the bush stage

"Where the **** is it?"

The entire grove evaporates from the world at this moment.

Even though the black magic circle spread, it could not capture the small forest and the people in it. Everything is like this suddenly...




In the grove. Hundreds of people behind the idiot all looked at the situation here.

Here, around the small woods that originally had no walls, it seems that a layer of translucent walls gradually appeared.

Looking inside and outside, those terrifying scenes have been going on for a long time. However, the blood clan members outside seemed to have not seen them at all, and there was no attack at all.


However, on this wall, there is a person inlaid.

A person whose whole body is entangled with vines everywhere except the face.

A big protection was branded on her ing mouth. The hands are like being stuck, the whole person is hung on the wall, unable to move

"This...this is?"

Walnut looked at the fetters she was currently suffering from, her eyes a little puzzled.

"This is your price, human princess."

Jealousy continued to float in front of Walnut, and slowly said--

"I see it right. You do have a large amount of unexplored power. Your body is like a recent situation full of gold and jewels, but it's a pity that you haven't made good use of it."

"And this time, I used your power to create this enchantment."

"This is an extremely powerful barrier. It can automatically isolate the outside world from the inside world. In our different space, you can see the outside world, but the outside world does not see us. And in order to increase some insurance, I It also created the effect of eternal scorching sun here."

Scorching sun?

As soon as he heard this, Walnut immediately raised his head and looked at the sky, but there was no sunlight in this barrier. Those rays of light only shine from top to bottom, and they didn't cause any harm to themselves at all.

Walnut tried to break free of the restraints around him. But as soon as she moved, the vines entangled her tighter, and I remembered that from the beginning, it was not a direct combat technique at all, but a variant of the curse that assisted ìng.

Looking jealously at the walnut inside, laughter came again. Those beautiful eyes looked at the completely broken wind and sand outside, slowly laughing...

"However, human princess. Your power is not endless. Even you, there is an absolute limitation."

"Half a year."

"With your strength, you can only maintain this state for half a year at most. If you still don't find any solution within half a year, then it may not be something you can solve if you are exhausted. It may be all the people who have entered here. Common people, the greatest disaster in this life is."

Anyway, I'm done talking here.

Hazel flew back into the little squirrel's arms again, and she happily continued to close her eyes, and fell asleep again as if nothing was wrong.

"………………………… half a year?"

With this last question in mind, idiot, asking inwardly.

And Dimie's answer is very direct, simple and easy to understand.

Oh, still don't understand? The Eternal Night Magic Array is full of corrosion and aggression. Although jealousy is very good at making enchantments, y things and the like. But if you want to win by relying on such strict defenses, it is simply impossible. )

Moreover, the Eternal Night Magic Array, as the name suggests. Once released, the entire city will be plunged into darkness forever. Judging from the fact that the princess said they were afraid of the sun...)

Dimie sneered, looking at the walnut bound to the invisible wall of light.

In the past six months, we have too many questions, we want to ask this lovely...Her Royal Highness the princess)

Dimie sneered...Similarly, the idiot looked at the walnut on the wall and his eyes were very cold.

That is, on this day, in the records of historians, the night when the new king of the Bucks Empire became the throne, a huge black magic circle descended on the center of the wind and sand, causing the city to experience extreme destruction. Blow.

Many people are dead...the death is unknown.

However, in the barrier, the people who escaped the catastrophe are trying to survive. For the rest of his life, he breathed out slowly.

Bucks... is it over?

Perhaps it is too early to provide an answer to this question. Because there are still too many people who have nostalgia for this city, have...

Looking forward to it.




Desert, desolate place.

Generally speaking, encountering a dead desert during the day is a taboo place where no action is allowed. During the day, people can only curl up in a cool place to avoid the killing heat, and then they can start to act again at night.

However, there is one person here who did not do so.

He is just wearing a white cloak with sun protection. Under the brim of the hat, hair strands that are repeatedly light blue come out.

He pulled the camel behind him, but it was strange that he didn't mean to ride. It seemed that for this desert, he was more willing to slowly enjoy the desolation, rather than simply drive.

Walking, looking at...

Seeing the scorching heat around him, the man who was about twenty-two or three was not moved. He seemed to be walking, looking at the rolling hills around him. Facing the vast expanse of the desert, his mood was extremely good. Good enough to take the camera out of her arms and shoot it down.

"Oh? Broken?"

He looked at the camera in his hand, somewhat surprised. After opening the camera's cover, it was discovered that some of the structures inside had melted and stuck together due to the high temperature.

The visitor seemed depressed. But soon, he readjusted his mood. The man took a harmonica from the back of the camel behind him, and while walking, he blew out the surrounding environment and his own mood. The beautiful and melodious harmonica sound, just like that, spreads dng in this wide desert...

While walking, blowing, savoring this increasingly happy mood in my heart...

But soon, the uninvited guest realized that something was not quite right.

"it's dark?"

He raised his head and looked to the sky.

At some point, the color in the sky in front began to turn black. And look behind him, it is still the scorching day of the day.

The visitor took out his pocket watch and looked at it. The time now is five o'clock. Anyway, it can't be five o'clock in the morning, right?

With suspicion, the visitor's sight slowly moved down. In the center of that darkness is his destination at the moment.

The capital of the Bucks Empire-the wind blows the sand.

Looking at the city shrouded in darkness, the visitors were a little surprised, and the brows gradually wrinkled.

"It's only been half a year, this city...what's wrong?"

Doubt, blurted out.

However, it is impossible for anyone to answer him.

At this moment, the camel behind him seemed to feel something suddenly, and began to struggle desperately, trying to turn around and escape. At this moment, the visitor hurriedly stretched out his hands to catch the camel.

"Hey hey méng Na Lisa, what's wrong with you? Don't do that.

This camel, known as méng Na Lisa, did not obey at all. It struggled again, shaking off the heavy luggage on its back. In order to protect their luggage, visitors had to let go and pick them up. At this moment, the camel immediately turned around, spread its limbs, and ran away like flying.

"What's the matter?"

The visitor felt a little weird. He glanced at the camel that had been running so far there, and could only helplessly pick up those backpacks that were almost twice the size of his body, resisted, and walked towards the wind and sand step by step.

"Weird thing. Even if I sneaked out of the Moon Shadow Empire, it wasn't that serious, right? What could be more terrifying in this world?"

While muttering, the visitor's footsteps did not stop at all, and continued to walk forward. Soon, the city shrouded in darkness began to slowly zoom in... zoom in... zoom in again.

Finally, the city mén, which has been closed for a long time, finally appeared in front of the visitors at this moment.

"anyone there?"

Standing on the outside of the cliff, the visitor yelled at the big fan.

Because the sky is dark, the light at this moment looks like it is late at night. Visitors have to take out the oil lamp from the backpack, light it up, and use it as lighting.

"Is anyone here?"

Asking again, the result...what I got, but still just silent.

That solid big mén was tightly locked, let alone the soldiers guarding the mén, the whole city looked... on the contrary, it was more like a dead city.

"Hmm... Isn't it enough for my self-reporter mén?"

The visitor gave a light cough, took a breath, and said loudly again--

"Please inform us that the current king of the Moonshade Empire, Yue Yueshi came to visit. Your country’s former king, His Majesty Mudu Frihus, has promised this king one thing. So this time, this king Yi wants to express his condolences. Your Majesty. Secondly, I also made a special trip to request the performance of the contract, so please ask the people inside to open the city.


Echo, dng back in the air.

There was no response, not even any human "trajectory". The king who ran out of his empire, after waiting for a while with his head tilted, finally sighed and turned around...


Le, stopped.

His pale green hair swayed gently in the dark wind without losing his manner.

That long braid swayed in the wind...

His eyes were narrowed, and his smile became a gap.

"It's you? Long time no see."

The area illuminated by the oil lamp is too small. The only thing that can be seen right now is behind Le. It seems that someone has stood back to back at some point.

"........................ Um, long time no see."

"Has it been half a year? Haha. However, this time I came, not wanting to return to something. I am not ready to go into such a big war again."

"...........................It's up to you. However, I need your strength now."

The person behind Le had a low voice and seemed unsmiling.

"Oh? It's really rare to get your brother to ask for help? Sword of Destiny-Ordinary. Do you need help too?"

"…………………… Old fourth, I don't like to joke like you. But, help or not. You, make up your own mind." H

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