Demon King Dad

Vol 5 Chapter 38: , The conditions required for the seal

Back in the barrier, the idiot still didn't look at the walnut over there again. () Compared to Walnut, he has more important things to accomplish.

Seal all the blood.

Since they couldn't kill them, then, to completely seal this race completely, it could be regarded as a stop to this matter.

From this day on, for a full two months, the idiot began to enter and exit the barrier frequently with Le. According to an idiot, Le also had to continue to maintain that ambiguous relationship with the duchess Fragrant Pomelo. Occasionally say two words that make people blush and heartbeat, and then create some "misunderstandings" that make people feel very "inappropriate". Everything is gradually perfected under the control of the idiot. Gradually, things are about to reach the final step...

"The Mark of the Moon..."

In the cabin, the tightly closed doors and windows made the room finally show a little gloom.

On the table, a large design drawing has already been drawn.

In the center of the drawing, it is the white castle. The simple lines outline the unique shape of the white castle.

And all around the castle are painted with many symbols. There is a large magic circle in the four directions of southeast, northwest, corresponding to each other.

There is no one else in the dark room.

Because everyone has been driven away by idiots for various reasons, now, there are only two people left here...

No, to be precise, it should be a person, plus a hazelnut.

The jealous demon lay beside the drawings. The beautiful purple pupils exposed on the shell looked at the drawing very carefully. But the idiot stood by and looked at her quietly.

"Hehe, Master. I don't quite understand, you show me this drawing...what's the point? And, I also sent my sister out."

Jealousy raised his eyes and said with a little laziness.

"Because I know you."

"Oh? Know me?"

The jealous one stood up with interest, the one on the top swayed slightly, and continued to laugh--

"Master, I don't quite understand what you mean. Can it be convenient to make it clearer?"

"…………………………You are not as lazy as you seem. In fact, you are smarter than anyone else."

The idiot bent down, supported the table with both hands, stared at the hazelnut and said slowly--

"Your disguise is very good. But unfortunately, I am not born a person who likes to listen to others. I think maybe we can talk more frankly and honestly. No more concealing each other."

This hazelnut continued to look at the idiot, with black pupils reflected in the purple pupils, as if he wanted to see the idiot completely. After a while, the hazelnut couldn't help but smile, lay down again, and said--

"Master, you are too modest. What can I hide? Or... Do you think my strength that can change the fate of others is not sharp enough? I think this is already great. "

"Really? But how do I feel that you simply don't have the power to choose your destiny?"

Faced with a straightforward sentence from the idiot, jealousy became silent.

"The power of choosing destiny sounds very good. But if you think about it, I can't know at all that what is happening now is changed by you or has not changed. In other words, you only need to change this The so-called ability is put on the stage, then no matter how things develop, you can have wrong words. If it is a direction that is unfavorable to you, then it is said that the change is unsuccessful. If it is good for you, then it is said that the change is successful. To be honest Yes, this is too boring."


"But compared to this inexplicable ability, some of your other skills make me very concerned. Maybe you don't know, but your sister once said that you are a master of potions. And good at all kinds of things. Magic array. Look at the barrier you have laid for us. I dare say that none of the top ten magic swords I have encountered so far has such an excellent barrier layout ability."

"So, compared to your control of fate, I believe you are actually better at controlling potions and enchantments. What I said is correct."

Hazel was silent... After a moment, her eyes slowly closed. After a long time, these eyes opened again and looked at the idiot with a nonchalant expression. And this expression was completely different from the lazy expression she had before, and there was a color of boredom in her eyes.

"You humans... do you like to disturb my sleep so much?"

The idiot raised his head and looked at the hazelnut. Looking at those beautiful purple pupils, they are now full of anger.

"You are very annoying. I am too lazy to participate in your unfortunate battles. My only requirement is to be able to sleep well every day, and then sleep for a few epochs, but you just want to dig me out. Is it over? Endless? Is it really important to disturb a hazelnut's sleep? If I don't sprout, how are you going to pay me?"

This time, it was the idiot's turn to shut up and stop speaking. However, watching this hazelnut get angry, the idiot immediately looked at his right hand. At this time, the pupils on the hilt of the sword were also staring at the idiot, smiling with a slight ecstasy and a good mood. I believe I don’t need to explain too much about what this smile represents.

After completely uncovering his disguise, Hazel's eyes lifted up again in disdain. She glared at the idiot and continued: "What do you want me to do now? Hurry up and say nothing, don't disturb my sleep. To tell you the truth, in addition to enchantments and potions, hallucinations are also my area of ​​expertise. If you dare to disturb my sleep without my permission, be careful I want you to look good next time"

The idiot stared at the hazelnut and said nothing. He just shrugged, pointed to the map on the table, and said--

"Then, please check for me to see if there are any errors in the engraving of this month."


After Hazel glanced, her eyes became lazy again. She lay on the table very simply, rolled, and said--

"In general, there is nothing wrong. It's just that launching such a big magic circle can't be solved by simply moonlight. Sealing humans in moonlight? Thanks to your computer} visit to think of this result. But in general In other words, the energy needed is not enough to achieve the ceremony."

"Energy...not enough?"

Hazel closed her eyes and said weakly again: "Yes, energy. To complete such a big magic circle, if you want to completely seal the opponent for at least a hundred years, then you need sacrifices. Moreover, it is still a living sacrifice. If not A qualified sacrifice, even if you successfully activate the seal, it will fail in the end."

"………………………… Then, what sacrifices are needed."

Hazel opened her eyes and glanced at the idiot here. Then she yawned and said--

"The devil's magic circle needs blood and life as sacrifices, what else does it need? To be honest, to activate this magic circle, it takes a baby's life. As long as the baby's blood can be spilled in the north of the magic circle. Then Separate his heart and brain into the west and east of the magic circle, and finally put the rest of the child's body in the south. With these life forces, the magic circle can be successfully activated. As long as there is a child, You can really keep the seal for 120 years. The key is, where are you going to find this baby."

The idiot pinched his chin and thought about it. In his own grove, there are indeed children. But when it comes to babies, this is really not there. So, even if there is a baby in the sand, I am afraid it has been killed now, right? I can't wait for myself to sacrifice it.

Without babies, is there not enough power?

The idiot thought for a while... Suddenly, he thought of something.

"Okay, you can continue to sleep."

"Oh, you deserve to be the king of my clan. I thought of it so soon. As for what you think, I have no objection, but mankind, for the sake of your safety, I have a suggestion here. I wonder if you will listen. "

The idiot stopped, turned his head, and stared at the hazelnut.

"……………………………………What advice."

"It's the weapon of that blood leader."

Envy yawned and said leisurely--

"Although I didn't see him draw a sword at the last king's enthronement ceremony. But that sword..."

"...Holy sword, Vatican. What's wrong."

"Vatican? Is that what humans call it? I thought it was..."

The jealousy stood up and his eyes raised, looking surprised.

"………………………………………………………………what do you want to say in the end."

"Um... the Vatican? The Vatican?... Is it that I feel wrong? That sword of unknown..."

The idiot finally turned around completely and said coldly--

"What the **** are you trying to say. Make it clear. Don't say a word, hesitate."

He frowned, and after thinking about it for a while, finally, the hazelnut turned around, as if shaking his head, and said, "No, maybe I was worrying too much. How could that unidentified sword reappear? It took a lot of effort to seal it. That kind of unknown thing is better to be sealed forever. Seeing that the sword is eroded so easily now, it shouldn't be. Hmm. That's right."


"Don't worry, it's okay. I just remembered some uncomfortable things encountered in the last era. Now that more than a thousand years have passed, it is impossible for anything else to happen. However, I still have to remind that The weapon owned by the King of Blood is definitely not an ordinary weapon. The weapon has a very high style. Perhaps, it can’t be called a sword at all. It’s more appropriate to call it a monster. But... from Judging from the sword style that the sword exudes, it shouldn't be possible to crush the Hallelujah in the hands of our Lord Demon Emperor."

The idiot was silent for a while, and said, "You, even Jiange can watch."

"Oh, if my sister is the ultimate in ‘technique’. Then I am the ultimate in ‘art’. It’s nothing to criticize the sword in a small way.

"Then you continue to sleep and judge the sword in your dreams."

After all, the idiot never looked back, but left the tree house directly and closed the door backhand.

Jealous didn't care about the idiot. Since he said he could sleep, the hazelnut naturally closed his eyes contentedly, lay on the table, and turned into a hazelnut through and through.


Idiot, walk out of the tree house. Go down the spiral staircase slowly.

Below, the people who saw the owner of the Forest of Gifts came here, everyone was happy. One after another came up, hoping to see the owner of the World Tree who had not shown up for a long time.

And an idiot... he didn't show the slightest rejection in the face of the cheering crowd. A gentle color appeared on his face. But let these people pull themselves to their camp.

"Everyone, did you sleep well? Did you eat well? Is there anything else you are not satisfied with?"

The three consecutive questions made the people around them enthusiastic. Although beside the idiot, the blood knights were strictly guarded. But no one can deny the "closeness to the people" shown by this leader at this moment. People were happier and talked even more.

The idiot nodded and listened to them quietly. When they were halfway through, the idiot snapped his fingers as if suddenly remembering something, and said--

"Right. It suddenly occurred to me that we should have pregnant women here? How many? Let me see."

An idiot is just a simple sentence, but for the people here, it is an existence that needs to be strictly observed than any order. In a short while, five women were pulled over by their husbands or parents. Seeing this, the idiot hurriedly told them to sit down, and began to ask for warmth.

"How is your stay here?"

"Have you worked hard with the baby in your stomach?"

"Take care of your body. The future of wind and sand depends on the children in your stomach."

The idiot said softly. The look on his face was extremely serene.

And those women were holding their stomachs, feeling extremely emotional and excited in their hearts. They all rubbed their eyes one by one. Tears began to fall down with a patter. Regarding the idiot's gentleness, they really don't know what to say.

While speaking these comforting words, the idiot looked at the belly of these women, guessing.

The oldest of them is seven months old. The youngest is only four months. Calculate the time, if one month later...

Thinking of this, the idiot's face full of tenderness fell completely on the woman who was seven months pregnant next to her. The expression became softer.

"Madam. Your child will be the sister or brother of all the children here. The waiting period... is two months left?"

The woman nodded happily, and immediately said, "Yeah, there are still nine weeks left~~~ I can’t wait~~~~"

The idiot nodded, looked at her belly, and said, "Yeah...I can't wait. I wish I could see this child soon. By the way, Captain Brad. From today, prepare for these pregnant women. Some better and cleaner places. I also hope that they can get some good care. After all, our entire future of wind and sand is concentrated on these children."

The idiot said very lightly, but very emotional. Brad nodded behind him and immediately began to direct the action. Greet your team members who choose to be the nanny and who to do rough work.

Seeing such a scene, the idiot stood up and nodded slightly at the crowd. He raised his hand to signal everyone not to follow. Afterwards, he slowly walked towards the edge of the barrier. The gentleness on his face gradually disappeared with his footsteps...




Looking ahead with cold eyes.

Calm footsteps, stepping on the turf on the ground without hesitation.

The idiot quickly came to the edge of the barrier. Then, he raised his head and looked at the princess stag, who had formed a spider web on top of his head and was covered with dust, like a dust-covered deer-

Walnut m;m;#8226;Du Leiyam;m;#8226;Friesius.

Idiot, staring at her.

For a long time...

It was not until a long time later that Walnut woke up and turned around. After seeing the idiot in front of her, she was taken aback, and immediately opened her mouth and said in a very hoarse voice: "I... now open the door..."

"no need."

The idiot said coldly--

"I'm not here to go out today. I'm here to tell you something. You're going to move soon."


Walnut's eyes looked a little confused, and she didn't seem to understand what the idiot was trying to say.

"I... moving?"


After the idiot took a breath, he said slowly--

"After a month, I will begin to seal the whole blood family. Seal it in the moonlight for 120 years. Then..."

"All the'blood races" must be sealed. So m;m;#8226;There are m;m;#8226;. "

It's cold.

Also very determined.

Walnut listened to these words in a daze, and she looked at the idiot who was cold to herself.

Suddenly, she seemed to understand something.

At this moment, she lowered her head, tears, and the dust on her face had been quietly cut away, and it fell...

Need to say more clearly?

no need.

Maybe, this is the real ending...

If you think about it, there is nothing wrong with this...right?

Like myself...

Like's totally will only cause trouble. Sure enough... to be completely discarded... is the most correct way...

Isn't it?

The girl’s tears have never moved an idiot.

Those dark pupils stared at Walnut coldly, watched her cry, watched her cry.

However, he did not say a word, said a word of comfort.

In the end, it seemed that it was annoying to look at that, this demon king no longer paid attention to the walnuts over there. It was like letting her completely fend for herself, leave it behind, and never care about it anymore.


The small woods around are still lush.

The birds in the woods continued to sing and maintained their lives.

The idiot with cold eyes clasped his hands behind his back and walked back slowly. He did not hesitate in his footsteps, as if he had finished something that he should have done long ago. It's more like sending a large piece of garbage that has been in the way for a long time to the recycle bin, with an expression of no concern.


Step, stop.

"Come out."

The idiot raised his head and said slowly. After a while, behind the tree trunks around him, many men and women dressed in noble services began to emerge gradually. Everyone is laughing foolishly at the idiot.

"Hey, the master of the Forest of Grace. I really didn't expect that the little boy who would run to our house from time to time in the past had such an amazing identity. Hehe, it seems that a small stag empire Isn’t it in your eyes? Every now and then?"

Duke Norius, carrying his people, appeared in front of the idiot.

These tribesmen smiled openly, and both men and women laughed happily and brilliantly.


The idiot did not speak, but stared at the Duke, waiting for him to speak. Duke Norius took a breath and smiled: "Well... First of all, I want to ask my daughter. It's been a long time since my daughter was put in your pocket? I just don't know, sir, when will you... …Hey, are you going to give my daughter a name? After all, this kind of thing is still very important for girls~~~"


The idiotic silence left Duke Norius puzzled. For a moment, he didn't even know how he should continue. At this moment, a forty-year-old middle-aged woman next to him leaned into the ear of the idiot, and after a few words softly, the Duke of Norius smiled again on his face and said--

"Of course it's an extraordinary time now. We can't ask too much about your marriage with my daughter... You can slow it down a little bit. Personally, I think my daughter's appearance is actually no better than that of the former Buck. The princess is bad. And in terms of character, my daughter can only be better. Your lord, your decisive decision to abandon the woman who is no longer qualified to be a princess is completely the right choice. You see, I have not cultivated such an excellent daughter. Easy. The bitterness of this...hehe, presumably, you should understand?"

The Duke of Norius giggled, the smile on his face was extremely courteous. If you change to an ordinary person, you may find this kind of smile feels disgusting. But for idiots...

This, however, is a classic smile that brings him extremely cordial, familiar, full of intrigue, and requires brainstorming and effort to deal with it ^H

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