Demon King Dad

Vol 5 Chapter 79: , The fireworks of life

The idiot stood at the gate of the park, looking at the honey pear under the sunset.

"What are you trying to say."

Mi Li smiled slightly and put the maltose into her mouth again. She turned her back with her hands behind her back, and walked toward the park while thinking. After a long time, he raised his head, looked at the setting sun that was gradually falling, and opened. .

"Your Majesty, you should know that the female slave is Dilu Hagang, the dragon of existence. For the female slave, consciousness is life and thinking is existence."

"But, besides these? Slave, what is it?"

Mi Li was striding forward, neither ill nor slow. The idiot followed behind her.

Don't say a word.

"1 I, is existence." I, just consciousness. Is it really the "I, the soul" that accommodates this body? Or, the one that exists in the self is just a tool for talking and communication. And "Where is my soul now?" "

Mi Li smiled, lowered her head, looked at her long figure pulled by the sunset, and the smile at the corner of her mouth gradually turned into a wry smile.

"If one day, no one thinks that the 1 me should exist. The 1 me will disappear. The seemingly infinite and unpredictable life actually looks so fragile.

It is too simple to disappear if I want to be one. It is really...too cruel. "

The girl pulled out the maltose from her mouth. Now, there is only one stick left in this sugar that still retains the aftertaste. She shook her head and threw it into the trash can aside.

"Sometimes" the female slave recalled all the past. The day you met your Majesty for the first time, the day you fought. After that, there was almost nothingness in a year's time, days when even the body could not condense. The days of being with your Majesty have experienced many, many daily days. and also,"…"

"In the battle where the ice and wind blown the sand, the female slave was fortunate enough to fight side by side with Your Majesty."

The sky is getting darker.

A little starlight has appeared above the cliff on the east side, and the sunlight in the sky on the west side is slowly declining. Gradually give this world to the beautiful and mysterious night.

On the open space of the royal family, the stage has already begun to be set up again. As the protagonist of this party tonight, Ke Luo took a deep breath. He took out the pendant from his neck and opened it.

Above, is a photo. Three people are illuminated on it. The young one stepped on a boy, seeming to scold him in an angry manner. Beside him was a handsome blond boy, who seemed to be comforting with a smile. And the boy who was stepped on by himself has a cheerful face and a smile on his face.


Photos are combined. She took a deep breath and looked up at the sky.

"A slave girl is different from a mother. The mother's existence is so powerful, she created something for the goddess.

As long as the goddess thinks it should exist, "then the mother will be immortal. But the female slave is much weaker and can't compare with the mother's strength. It seems that it will never be possible to replace the mother and become the new Dilu Hagang."

Mili was walking on the tree-lined road, and the trees on both sides began to light up, illuminating this quiet path with peace and harmony.

"Your Majesty, now, can you answer the female slave’s question just now? Because the female slave’s mother is there, as long as the female slave stays with her, then the female slave cannot guarantee that her mother will not come to attack her again. If one day, the female slave is really caught Mother caught it back. Then your Majesty, "what do you think?" "

"How could you disappear? Miss Teresa" you joked. "

The fat man looked at the surroundings and saw that the sky was already dark. He couldn't help but say, "Miss Teresa, why don't we go to the royal district? Tonight is the Holy Eve Festival. I think, if you suddenly appear at the Holy Eve In front of Maureen, that guy will be very happy. Well, he will definitely be very happy!"

Teresa's eyes were still a little confused" seemed hollow and nothing. For the fat man, Teresa didn't seem to listen to her for a while, staring blankly at the moonlight that gradually rose to the east.

It wasn't until the fat man stepped forward and shook him that she seemed to look back and smile.

"Yeah... If I go to see Maureen tonight, he will be very happy, right?"

"Yes, yeah, so, Miss Teresa"...Miss Teresa? "

Then, it is said. But Teresa had no intention of turning around at all. She suddenly laughed happily, opened her hands, and ran on the boulevard. But her footsteps seemed to be drunk" constantly dangling. Several times, she even seemed to fall down.

"However, I don't want to see! Hehe, at least for now" I still don't want to see him n~! "

After running for a while, Teresa suddenly opened her mouth "with a smile, and yelled at the fat man. The fat man appeared even more confused, and could only follow behind, fearing this little man with fear.

Sister will suddenly fall down. After all, she looked too weak.

"Miss Teresa, I don't understand. Also, please don't run like this, you will fall!"

Teresa ignored the fat man's worry, she rushed directly into a hibernation altar in the park. With every step of Teresa, these white hibernating huā flowers will fly up, flying to the sky with the seeds like cotton wool.

Finally, Teresa staggered, and she fell directly into the huā bush. This scene scared the fat man behind sturdily, and hurried to catch up.

"Hoo nn Hu nn Hu nnn"

After seeing it, the fat man put down his snack a little. Teresa lay in the huā bush, her limbs spread out, lying unfettered. She looked up at the dark blue sky above her head, watched the stars twinkling, and the smile at the corner of her mouth was constantly overflowing with heavy breathing.

"Sister Teresa, it's late. We............Let's go back."

"so beautiful……"

Teresa smiled, her eyes full of stars reflecting in the sky.

"Liliang? Ah, the starry sky. So many things happened this year." Many places in the city have become no-man's land without lights. That's why it looks so bright. "

The fat man raised his neck and said.

"Um... But, I've never seen the starry sky well before. My parents don't allow me to go out so late. Also, "..."

Teresa closed her eyes, the smile on the corner of her mouth gradually disappeared...,...

"In the dungeon, for more than half a year, there was only a black sky on top of my head. Every day there was only fear and hopelessness. Several times, I felt that I couldn't hold on any longer. Let alone be like now. Running like this, you can 〖〗 lie freely in the huā bush,

Looking at the stars. "

The fat man was a little restrained, and the sky around him was already completely gloomy now. But it's too far to look towards the royal quarter. There, a beam of light rose up.

"Golden singer, are you going to start singing?"

Teresa slowly opened her eyes, her head also turned to the royal quarter.

"I just don't know, what kind of mood is in her heart now, singing on this stage now?"

The royal quarter, under that beam of light.

All the noise and enthusiasm has slowly stopped. The whole stage is immersed in a kind of tranquility, "...

The stage is not so luxurious.

Xiao Bao originally asked to help her friend render the most luxurious stage, but Ko Luo refused one by one.

Today, the sixteen-year-old singer is wearing a simple blue dress, without heavy makeup, and without many decorations. Just a golden pendant, set off her slightly pale skin.

"Humph, vampire. How could she be allowed to sing on stage?"

Under the stage, someone looked at the singer and couldn't help but utter hatred and curses. Lì Luo in the stands immediately squeezed her fist when she heard it, ready to rush forward. But he was stopped by the bread and shook his head gently.

The hustle and bustle under the stage did not end. Everyone knew who the person standing on the stage was, and how many people her family had killed and suffered.

But Ke Luo on the stage did not respond. She just pinched the pendant around her neck again, raised the amplifier microphone, and placed it in front of her mouth...

That song instantly suppressed all the discussion. "...The moving and slightly sad singing voice was spread throughout the city under the deliberate amplification of Little Bread. Of course, it also spread to this park. "...

"Your Majesty, what would you say?"

"If one day the slave girl really disappears. Your Majesty...will you come to me?"

Mi Li carried her hands on her back, smiling and holding the same. The stars in the sky are very bright, beautiful and gentle.

The idiot took a step forward and said, "I..."

"Hey, Your Majesty, I don't want to hear you lie."

Mi Li stretched out her hand to the idiot's lips and smiled~

"Your Majesty, you are too panicked. I have been with you for so many years and sometimes I cannot tell whether you are telling the truth or not. If you are planning to lie to me, don't say it, okay ?"

As she said, Mi Li retracted her hand... "...but the idiot suddenly grabbed the little female dragon's hand and dragged her whole body into her arms. It was obvious. Mi Li didn't expect the idiot to make such a move suddenly, she couldn't help but froze for a moment, staring at the idiot blankly, at a loss.

"Where are you going."

"Your Majesty..., please..., please let go of the slave girl..."

Mi Li was a little uncomfortable being held by an idiot like this, and couldn't help but want to struggle.

"Tell me where you plan to go."

"His Majesty……"! Female slave...Where is the female slave not going..., please let go of the female slave, please? "Tell you, Mili. I don’t care what you’re thinking about, and I don’t know what you’re thinking. But it’s not entirely because of you that your mother sees me as a thorn in her eyes. Your mother can fly. And I won’t. So, I will never allow you to escape from my hands. Because your mother is immortal, so you are also destined to be my thing in this life. I don’t know how many years you have to be with your mother every time. Fight, but I absolutely do not allow it. You are not by my side when I need to soar into the sky. If you dare to escape, I will catch you back. If you are taken away by your mother, I will definitely bring you back. Did you hear me clearly? You are my thing, my wings soaring in the sky."

The face of an idiot, the honey pear is very close, very close...

Being so close, Mi Li's face turned red. But after it became red, a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth as if she was relieved.

But tears fell from the corner of her eyes...

What is this little dragon thinking?

Idiots don't know.

I can only hear the song that is now spreading across the wind and sand... "That song is full of nostalgia and attachment.

Amidst the beautiful singing, Mi Li gently broke free from the arms of the idiot, spreading her wings behind her back.

"Thank you, Your Majesty. Compared to too many people, female slaves are so lucky. I thought that today would be a very sad day. But, but"

The wings flapped slowly, and Mi Li's body gradually rose up. She bowed at the idiot in mid-air.

"Today is the best Holy Eve memorial I have ever had. So...I will go back first. Your Majesty, please come back early in the morning."

"Mili, as your master, I order you to tell me what happened. You are too abnormal today."

"Haha, Your Majesty. Do you know? Mother Yan Ran is indeed an enemy of deep hatred to me, but there is a saying that my mother taught me, but I keep it in my heart."

"Secret, make women more beautiful."

With tears falling, Mi Li's mouth was filled with a happy smile. Before the idiot asked again, she turned around and flew into the sky. In an instant, it disappeared among the stars and moonlight............

Today's honey pear is really weird. What happened to her...?

The idiot shook his head, but no matter how he guessed it, it would be impossible to guess the secret...

The idiot turned his head and sighed helplessly, just as he was about to leave...

"Women with secrets are more beautiful. Fatty, don't you think so?"

Teresa smiled, she got up from the grass and looked in the direction of the royal quarter. At this time, the singer's singing voice has fallen into a lingering tone. The sad tune contained in it seems to make people cry, and they can’t help but want to hug the surrounding family and friends...

"Huh? Miss Teresa, I...the more I don't understand what you want to say."

"Yeah..."...I don't understand"...but it doesn't matter. Just like this song, maybe no one will ever understand what kind of mood the golden singer is singing now. Just because I don't Understand, that's why she is doomed to perform perfectly tonight."

Teresa smiled...a gust of wind blew by, seeming to blow the hem of her skirt. The girl closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Then, she spread out her palms and stretched out...,

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