Demon King Dad

: The third year story 019, do you voluntarily accept the baptism of blood?


The darkness that can't see the fingers.

This darkness is so familiar. In Senag, whenever a icy night falls, idiots can feel the coldness that can take the lives of others anytime and anywhere.

He stood in the darkness where nothing could be seen anymore. It was at this moment that he finally understood the meaning of the three items just now, and he also understood one thing--

In this intellectual contest, he lost.

"Hehehehe...hahahahaha! Interesting, it's so funny! Boy, you lose, you lose completely! You have been confused by the two points of'bomb' and'assassination' since just now Direction. Based on your guesswork, you think that the bomb was definitely used to kill people directly. But the real answer is that the bomb was used to destroy the management room of all the lighting equipment in this banquet hall! You guessed it wrong Now, listen! I can already feel that those people in the darkness have already begun to act. In this darkness where you can't see anything, they have already begun a real assassination!!!"

The wind in the air was messy. The guests whose eyes were covered by the sudden darkness were still raising their heads and asking each other. For them, the darkness did not make them feel much panic. Because they would never expect that when the lights came on again, it would become a **** storm!

"Huh? What's the matter?"

A dark shadow passed by the speaker.

"power cut?"

Thirteen dark figures interspersed through the crowd.

"Ouch! Hey, who hit me?"

They rushed, silently. It was like a beast in the dark, secretly fetching a blackened weapon from his arms, and barely showing his fangs.

"Wait a minute, maybe it will recover soon."

They dispersed and began to divide into different goals.

"Well, wait a while."

Between breathing, the shadows in the darkness have spread all over the banquet hall!




Listening to the wind in the ear, the idiot's eyes looked straight into the darkness. He heard those rapid footsteps, and in his rapid thinking, the passage of time began to slow down.

Yes, he noticed something wrong. But awareness does not mean it can be stopped!

In fact, he didn't know how to stop it. In this darkness, he didn't even know where the assassins were! I don't know where they plan to attack their goal!

But it is strange, the same pitch black, how did they know where their goal is?


why…………? ?

why………………? ? ?

Thinking... Don't stop thinking. Why are they not deceived by the darkness? Why can they have the ability to see things in this darkness? Are they monsters? No...don't give up thinking, think carefully...before the sword that pierced the bread is handed out...think it out!

………………………………………………! ! !

The aura of an instant made the idiot turn his head suddenly. He looked at the small bread he was holding with his left hand, and her forehead was emitting a faint cyan light. He suddenly raised his head and looked at the walnut in the middle of the field! The same pale blue light on her cheeks!

Luminous paint? !

By the way... so it is. The so-called setting of traps does not mean setting up bombs on walnuts and buns. It means to apply luminous paint on their bodies, and then after the explosion destroys the guiding facilities, they can be assassinated with the luminous paint.

So, the king had kissed Walnut on the cheek just now, which means...

The idiot turned his head, as expected, on the high throne, there was a light blue light flashing faintly! but……


Behind, there was the sound of the blade breaking through the air. The idiot immediately picked up the bread and rushed forward. It was at this moment that a scream pierced the entire banquet hall. In the darkness, a nobleman's neck was stained with blood, and the spilled liquid was soaked in pitch black. Color, landed on people's heads.

Chaos occurs in an instant. De Lao immediately let go of the walnut and drew the knight sword. But in the face of the darkness, he is powerless at all! After thinking a little, the idiot immediately stuffed the bun in his arms into the panicked walnut. Walnut felt that someone was approaching him at first, and his body stiffened. But when she felt the little girl in her arms, she immediately reached out and held the boy who was about to let go.

"you you!"

"To shut up."

The wind continued to spread in the darkness. The chaos and hustle and bustle of people have taken away the rationality of most people here. The darkness took everyone's sight, and the darkness brought them more terror. The silent sound of the wind took its last steps, as the walnuts and small breads that stood in front of the king, they became the first target of these assassins to get rid of!

"What are you........................what are you going to do?"

The sound of the wind was approaching, and Dai Lao next to him shouted loudly while waving his sword.

"In this darkness, how do you deal with invisible enemies?"

The sound of the magic sword echoed in his mind, while the idiot stood quietly in front of the bread and walnuts. But his right hand did not pull out Dim Mi.

"No matter how cold you are, it turns out that you are always just a human being. You can't see things in the dark. No matter how big your eyes are, this is a constant fact."

The idiot lowered his head, his eyes slowly closed during the quietly passing time.

"Why, do you want to rely on hearing? But you should know that the person who is rushing towards you now is definitely not an opponent you can deal with with hearing."

" know what to do. You need need power to travel unimpeded in the dark!"

The boy raised his head again...

"In this world, what is it that can really open your pupils in the dark?"

His eyes slowly opened...

"That's the devil."

The original black right eye suddenly turned into a **** red! The chain of the right arm began to move quickly, and the sound of rubbing bones urged the liberation of the first prison force! The tapered chain pierced into the arm, and the black dagger instantly turned into a long sword in that hand. Before the chains had even had time to be completely entangled, the scarlet right eye had already seen through the darkness, and the idiot took a step forward, and the sword of death had already pierced out without hesitation, facing the rushing shadow!

In the eyes of the person who rushed, two red eyes were added in an instant in a world that was originally only dark. One eye is staring at himself, while the other eye is attached to a weapon and is approaching him.

The owner of the shadow was surprised, he was too surprised at the speed and power attached to this sword. He was also surprised that such a frightening eye would be added to the path of assassination that had no obstacles before the lights went out!

However, the shadow is also very strong. He is a strong man of the acetabular level. He also possesses the martial arts of the "Prophet"! Facing the swift sword stabbed by the red pupil, the shadow not only did not dodge, but rushed forward faster!

In the darkness, there was a fleeting spark. Some weapon touched the magic sword, and the owner of the shadow and the magic sword stepped back at the same time. But the shadow retreated to relieve its strength. As the master of the blood pupil retreated, the sword of death that had just been swung out of it had already deformed rapidly, and it cut through the darkness with a crisp sound of insects...

One turned, the sword, had passed the throat of another tall shadow.

"Stop! Withdraw!"

The darkness continues...

The retreating shadow gave an order, and the other shadows quickly fled outward. However, this shadow did not immediately escape. He stood there, looking at the scarlet pupil in front of him.

Is he scared?

Do not. At least from this person's expression, he was absolutely not afraid.

Faced with the eyes of this ordinary person who would be immediately dominated by fear, this shadow did not feel the slightest fear. On the contrary, he was happy instead, after a slight tearing sound from a bandage on his forehead, he was even more happy.

(So ​​strong...)

(This feeling that makes people sweat cold on their backs...It's really comfortable.)

Pieces of the bandage fell off, gradually revealing the shadow's half face.

(Just by relying on the pressure of the sword, I can cut my bandage, and after a blow, I can quickly turn around. This ability to adapt is really terrifying...)

Shadow put away his weapon, breathed slowly, and began to spray some white gas.

(It’s really exciting... this feeling of meeting opponents! Baby, you must be very excited too? You who have been sealed for too long, must be very happy to meet such an opponent that makes me shiver. !)

The white gas was swallowed by the darkness, but it was unable to swallow the...cold gas contained in those gas? This is not an illusion, but a real chill. As soon as the blood falling from the sky came into contact with those cold air, it immediately turned into a solid body and smashed into a piece on the ground.

(I will wait for the time when I have a head-to-head confrontation with you... At that time, I will definitely show my true ability to confront you! The most outstanding genius of the younger generation, Dylaw Goodsay! Your appearance, still It excites me... excites me!)

The bandage on half of his face finally peeled off completely. From there, a pupil shining with ice blue light was revealed! This ice-blue pupil confronted the blood pupil as if provocatively, and an excited smile appeared at the corner of his eyes. But before the people around him noticed, this ice pupil closed. And the shadow in the dark also disappeared...

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