Demon King Dad

: The third year story 026, blood rain

"Oh shit……!"

Hunter's anger was about to rise again, and the little beggar's expression immediately changed color when he saw him angry! He turned around very exaggeratedly to flee, but the chains on his hands and feet greatly restricted his speed. Hunter lifted a kick and directly put it on the little beggar's ass, kicking him away easily.

In the laughter of everyone, the little beggar clutched his **** and limped to his feet. He looked terrified, so he didn't even dare to turn his head back into a path next to him and disappeared.

This is just an episode. An episode that is worthless. Soon, these people forgot about this and continued to walk, smiling. As if nothing happened.


However, it didn't take long. That Hunter felt something strange. And this strangeness comes from between my legs...


My own pants, located right in the middle, got a lot of wet at some point. The ice-cold liquid soaked in the thin pants and imprinted it on his thigh, bringing him a great shame.

How is this going?

he does not know. But the only thing he knows now is that he has fallen into a very embarrassing situation. Just five minutes ago, he was still talking to his classmates about how to follow him. But if they see him like this now, wouldn't all the handsomeness just disappear?

The leader was silent. Instead of rhetoric, it was his mind that started to move fast. He is very clear about what kind of situation he is in now. As long as one can't handle it well, he may instantly fall from being a leader to being looked down upon by others and stepped on by others. The people behind me don't look at them all complimenting themselves so much. In fact, they all just saw others obedient to themselves, so they are also obedient followers. Once someone feels dissatisfied with himself because of this matter, it will definitely have a chain reaction and defeat himself!

"Huh? What's wrong with you? Boss."

A follower watched Hunter stop talking for a while, so he came up and patted him on the shoulder. But after this shot, the leader suddenly tore off his upper body clothes, and tied the very windy and eye-catching T-shirt around his waist, revealing his upper body.

The other four people saw him suddenly making such a move, and it seemed incomprehensible for a while. You know, they are all children of nobles. Although they would come out and indulge once in a while, the aristocratic education they received over a long period of time allowed them to cultivate some aristocratic dignity. They have never thought of showing the upper body in front of others what a crude and lowly people would do!

"Ah, it's really too hot today."

Hunter sorted out the T-shirt, trying to hide the water stain on his pants. He pretended to wipe the sweat from his forehead, and continued: "The weather is so hot, let's go eat some ice. By the way, the food court in the park is in front of you. You should take a seat first and I will go to the toilet. ."

The four accompanying people looked forward. Indeed, it was indeed a place where food and ice cream were sold. But now because of the hot weather, there are basically no people. They looked very puzzled, and some people even stared at the wallet in Hunter's hand, their eyes clearly full of deep meaning.

Hunter caught a glimpse of their suspicious eyes and snorted forcibly, "What? Are you still afraid that I will run away with such a small amount of money?!"

After being drunk by him, the other four shook their heads quickly. In fact, it's right to think about it, Hunter's family is a rich family, there is no need to carry such a small amount of money to let everyone pigeons. But when Hunter saw the crowd nodding and wanted to leave, another person said: "Ah, boss. It just so happens that I am also a little anxious, let's go to the bathroom together."


The sudden shout made everyone fall into silence again, and also caused a slightly chilly wave on the lake...

"I mean... I mean!" Hunter's eagerness swarmed at this moment, righteously saying, "Do you like others watching when you go to the bathroom at home?"

"Huh? But... now I go to the public toilet..."

"I have no patience! I can't do things if someone is watching."

"But boss, I didn't say I want to watch you do things... I just said I want to be with you..."

"Go to the bathroom with me?! Your kid... I warn you not to approach me. I'm not interested!"


Hunter's quick wit played a role, and in a few words, he put the classmate who asked to go with him into a situation where he was "scorned" by others. At this moment, the man couldn't ask to walk together, and Hunter took advantage of this opportunity to quickly walk into an unmanned path next to him.




The wind is chilly.

The trees on the hillside also block the sunlight from the sky.

Here, there is no summer warmth. Only a little bit of coldness and darkness was left completely isolated from the outside world.

Is it still summer here?

Is this still a desert city?


Maybe it's not...

The person carrying the pants rushed into this world that rejects sunlight and warmth. He looked a little flustered and walked hurriedly into the depths of the woods. Gradually, weeds began to grow on the road under his feet, and strange spider webs were woven in some tree trunks. As he passed by, the wind brought up, shaking...

"Huh...what a bad luck."

The man finally came to the depths of the woods. Here, no one can be seen. After arriving here, the man seemed to finally let go of his heart and unbuttoned the T-shirt around his waist.

"Tsk tusk tusk...what's the matter? It's wet, it feels really uncomfortable."

The man shook his head and scolded for his bad luck. After that, he stretched out his hand to unfasten the trouser belt, pulled the trousers down a bit, and raised one foot, ready to take off the trousers.

Lift his feet...

Just at the moment when this human balance is most vulnerable...


Accompanied by the man's exclamation! His only left foot that supported the ground was kicked by someone. He lost his balance and immediately knelt on the ground. But before he realized his knee was touching the dirt, one hand had grabbed his hair and pulled it back. Along with the pain from his scalp, his head naturally tilted upwards, exposing his neck. And a handful of cold iron had already pressed against the skin on his throat at the same time...


The fragile female voices did not have time to stop it. With a pull of the iron, the black blade was hidden in the darkness. Two seconds later, the red liquid, like a fountain, sprayed out from the cracked throat...

The blood stained the darkness.

Before the man had time to let out another wailing, the red and dim world gradually swallowed his eyes. His neck is still exposed, his head is still raised, and his hair is still tightly pulled in the palm of his hand, frozen.

very quiet……

It was quiet as if nothing happened.

The blood splashed on the leaves, and after staying for a while, they gathered together and dripped from the tips of the leaves. The drops of blood exploded on the ground, and red flowers bloomed for an instant. With the curtain call of that flower, the man's body finally stopped moving...



The cold wind blew, and the idiot stood there.

With the sound from his feet, the idiot lowered his head, and saw that Bun was pulling his pants, opening and closing his mouth constantly, showing a very happy expression. Those eyes that had been swallowed by cold and blood suddenly came to mind. His eyes turned to his hands...

The left hand is still pulling that Hunter's hair...

The Annihilation held in his right hand pressed firmly against his throat, and he could cut it at any time...



A sneer, sounded in my mind. The idiot lowered his head and saw the blood pupil on the dagger staring at him. The voice of a demon kept echoing in his mind, smiling, smiling wildly.

"I told you to stop, did you hear that!"

Walnut came over, pulled the hat off his head and smashed the idiot on the head.

"Ah woo~~~"

Looking at Xiao Bao's smile, the gloom in the idiot's eyes finally faded, and the dagger on the man's neck was moved away.

Puff through.

After the sudden assault just now, Hunter had already fainted. As soon as the idiot let go, he fell to the ground unceremoniously and rolled his eyes. The idiot glanced at the blood pupil before taking back the dark. After looking at each other this time, Dimie let out a cold snort, and after only saying "interesting", he closed his eyes and made no more noise.

Of course Walnut could not know what the idiot had just experienced. When she saw the idiot let go, she let out a sigh of relief and said, "Don't be scared, okay? I really thought you were going to do it just now."

The idiot touched the chain on his right arm, knelt down, and found the wallet from Hunter who was unconscious.

"Hey, I'm talking to you! If it wasn't for me to stop you just now, would you really kill you directly?"

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