Demon King Dad

: The third year story 028, the romantic itch

Walnut twisted and squeezed with shame. As soon as she was about to speak, Li took her gaze back in time and saluted the two of them again.

"Sir, two young ladies. The Marvel Circus will officially open at 7pm on July 1st two weeks later! Since the young lady is free, I hope to see three figures by then! Then, Since I have to distribute the flyers, I'm leaving now!"

After saying hello, Li cheered up and said goodbye to the idiot and Walnut, and walked away quickly. In this sunny afternoon, there are only three people, Walnut, Idiot and Little Bread, standing quietly by the lake...

Walnut held her breath, she swallowed, looking at the idiot, and at the tickets in his hand. Compared to how much she cared about the admission ticket to the circus three minutes ago, she now cares more about another thing——

Idiot...what kind of way would you give yourself the admission ticket?


Waiting sometimes is really a tormenting thing. It has been more than ten minutes since Li left, but the idiot still held the ticket and stared at it. Had he forgotten Walnut's ecstatic expression of these votes just now? Or is he also thinking about how to give the ticket to Walnut to be considered romantic?


Walnut clutched her chest, her cheeks flushed with the beating of her heart. The afternoon sun passed through the branches and cast golden patches on the boulevard. She was expecting, waiting, listening to the sound of the lake by her ears, quietly waiting for the ending...

"Let's go."

However, the idiot did not speak! After taking a look at Walnut, he stuffed those tickets into his arms! Immediately afterwards, he moved his gaze away from Walnut's face very quickly, took the hand of Little Bread, and prepared to leave!

Walnut was dumbfounded, but then she immediately became angry. She rushed forward, even taking off the hat on her head and planning to give it to this guy again. But the moment she took off her hat, she was about to fight--

"The circus must be wonderful."

It is different from the coldness of the past, but mixed with the warm words of summer, coming from that back.

Walnut's face reddened again. She put down her hat, squeezing the brim with both hands.

"Hmm...well. It will be...exciting..."


There is no more communication, nor too much eye dialogue. The idiot took the bread and walked in front, while Walnut followed closely beside the big, one and the little two, stepping on the radiant path...


One week passed quickly, which also meant that the idiot's security work was over. But for Walnut, the end of this week does not mean anything at all, because just one week after the end, there is a more important event waiting for her to participate!

In this week, news of the Marvel Circus landing on the Bucks Empire also spread across the campus. People who knew the name of the circus began scrambling to ask if tickets were bought and where to sell them. No, not only on the campus, the whole windy sand city seems to feel this restless atmosphere, and being able to see the Surprise Circus and enjoy "surprise" has become the most commonly used word in people's daily life!

"Have you bought a ticket?"

"Damn it, it's selling too fast! I went in line three days in advance, but still didn't buy anything!"

"No way, who made this circus so popular? Now the scalper tickets in the black market are all fetched at a price of more than a thousand sura!"

"One thousand sura????!!! There are still people buying like that?! I remember that the best first class seat is only five hundred sura!"

"Buy, of course someone will buy it! Can you get a ticket to accompany your girlfriend to the circus nowadays has become an indicator of your boyfriend's comprehensive strength~~~!"

"What does it matter?"

"Don't understand? If you can get tickets when the ticket source is so tight, it means that men must have a very strong social network, or else the wallets are all bulging up. Although we ~ ~ ~ we It’s not for money to associate with boyfriends, but who doesn’t want to rely on more steadily in the future?"

"This is... Ah, your Royal Highness."

The noble girls on both sides stopped talking and laughing, bending over to salute their princess. After Walnut nodded slightly, with her head held up, she passed them proudly. Don't mention the pride in my heart.

Walnut was very excited. The closer the time was to the opening, the more excited and uncontrollable her mood. Because she has already got the admission ticket, and she is still with the person she wants to see the most!

The Marvel Circus was being talked about everywhere in the castle. Not only the noble girls, but even the maids are talking about it outside of work. In normal times, Walnut does not think of other people as a princess, but she holds her head very proudly nowadays, revealing a kind that no one else has, only me. Proud attitude!

Yes, others do not, but I do. Also, something that I got a long time ago! This feeling is like people are climbing the peak, and when they are tired to die, they use their super strength to climb to the top with ease, and then sit on the unreachable peak and look down at the many mortals below. This sense of pride, satisfaction, accomplishment! The princess's nose is almost up to the sky!

But now, there is still a problem.

The source of the problem was not himself, but the boy with the ticket. In what way would he give the ticket to himself? Would you wear a gorgeous evening dress, on a midsummer night full of fireworks, kneel down on one knee in front of everyone, kiss your hand, and beg yourself to accompany him to admire it What about a night of surprise that makes people "heartbeat"? Just thinking about it, Walnut would tremble nervously.

Romance is always the eternal theme of girls. In the rest of the week, the ticket supply was so tight that it had reached sky-high prices. But in the same way, the garrison maintaining order also began to hunt down those who reselled scalpers. Many of them have been searched and found many fake tickets, and those who bought fake tickets are even more desperate. According to incomplete statistics, the number of male and female couples who broke up because of a ticket to the circus is already the sum of the past three years. But Walnut still sits on the peak of the mountain, looking down at the people who are still climbing desperately!

One day... one day... another day...

at last……

She couldn't sit still.

"What a joke! It's about to open tonight! Why didn't that idiot send me the ticket yet?!"

In the palace, Walnut was sitting on her bed, her face stretched tighter than a steel plate.

It's noon now, and since getting up in the morning, the princess has asked the maids to help her dress up. She wore the best evening dress, a noble crystal crown that symbolized the status of a princess, specially customized crystal shoes on her feet, and a diamond necklace that set off her white skin on her neck.

For today, she also specially customized a pair of clean white long gloves, and sprinkled some aromatic syringa on the gloves, so that people who kiss this glove in the future can remember this night and remember this fragrance. But why...

Why is it now! Can't see the shadow of that idiot? !


Walnut stood up abruptly, and her sudden movement made the maids who stood by her surprise.

"Princess, what's your order."

"Prepare the carriage! Go to Divine Grace!!!"

After speaking, Walnut carried the skirt on her body, rushed out of the room in three steps and two steps, and walked down the castle. When she was sitting in the carriage and hurried to the college, she was still muttering--

" must be because I was shyly shrinking in the castle these days, so that idiot couldn't give me the ticket, right? Yes, it must be! I was too stupid to forget that idiot. I can’t get into the castle at all! Wait a minute...Wait a minute...Waiting to see him, he must be neatly dressed, and the buns are also neatly dressed! Then, he will definitely drop at me Kneel! And I can also take his arm, join him in the eyes of everyone's surprise, and enter the circus without queuing! That's right... That's right! Absolutely, right, and right! !"

after an hour……

Walnut opened her mouth wide, her luxurious and extraordinary dress now showed an expression like the end of the world. Because in front of her, a broom was reciprocating, gathering a pile of garbage...

(Just kidding... this must be a joke! Hey, who will tell me this is a joke, a joke!)

The idiot carried the bread that was taking a nap, and still wore chains on his hands and feet. He is still wearing the torn clothes that will not be changed for a year. When he dumped a bunch of leaves into the trash can next to him, the man turned his head and looked at the walnut.

"You... why are you... still here...?"

Walnut's voice trembled a little.

The idiot leaned on the broom, the chain on his right arm was dark. He stared at the "princess" in front of him, and after a moment of silence, he slowly said, "I...working."

(Work? What about work! What you really should do now is to change into a clean suit, then take off these chains and kneel in front of me and invite me to watch the circus, right?!)

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